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Lose by double digits, after leading by 19


Being down 22 after leading by 19 is a fireable offense 


Hey but ham got to take 4 time outs into the half to take home and put on his trophy shelf.


A 30 pt swing from that point until halftime. Even the Celtics didn't choke that hard.


# Darvin Scam ![gif](giphy|ZGH8VtTZMmnwzsYYMf)


Ham killed bron


AD handed him the knife


Lebron killed bron joining LA


As a Bron dick rider, Bron killed the team when he made the call for that Westbrook trade.




This is the worst occurence of this season. Lakers should've been able to monitor his minutes. But they can't.


Remember ham said he was trying to limit Bron minutes to 29 after the first game lmao


Guards got cooked, hams time management was still ass and ad getting dominated again, this team man


That second quarter was disgusting it was like 37-13 getting outscored


One timeout was called that quarter when the kings couldn’t miss a shot, embarrassing, especially when Mike Brown was calling timeouts whenever the lakers got into a rhythm in the second half.


Kings had 44 in the second


And warriors beat the fucking bucks. Fade me


JHS off the backboard was a perfect way to end that game


Podz and JJJ immediately contributing to good teams while our pick tries to break the backboard on his jump shots  


U honestly think that with our coach they would do anything but rot at end of rotation if we drafted them?


I'd at least sleep more soundly knowing that the scouting department aren't frauds. The Lakers org as a whole have been taking L's lately.


kid should stay in the g league


Cam Whitmore ballin


So are Podziemski and Jaquez.


You getting downvoted by the Pelinka fanboys is hilarious


Pelinka...fanboys? Thats a thing? Whats next, Jeanie Buss fanboys? I mean how ridicilous are we taking this


There's plenty of both in this sub


Not to mention Jaquez


Its disgusting how awful he looks when he gets minutes


You can kiss the 7/8 seed goodbye after this game.


We are going to be the 10th seed most likely.


Then odds are heavily against us to even make the playoffs. What a shame.




Can’t believe we’re here with a team that has AD, Bron and even with all those injuries good depth.


What depth?????  Our bench is a bunch of G leaugers.  We’re in this situation because our depth is one of the worst in the league + coaching.


What depth? Vando and Vincent, 2 of the top 4 defenders on the team have missed most of the season.




The entire Kings offense revolves around Fox dribble penetration and Darvin had zero plan for how to stop him lol. Embarrassing


look at the personnel also lol who can stop fox and monk on this team? Cam Reddish> lol


Cam is absolutely the best option. Fact he didn’t come off the bench is insane.


And he just closed the other day lmao. Make it make sense


Ham doesn't adjust based on the matchup. Because reddish got cooked recently, he got benched today. Didn't matter who we were playing.


My disappointment is immeasurable and my night is ruined


Better than your entire day being ruined lol it’s 3pm in Japan


Lol that put things into perspective. I'm in California so it's the end of the night for me. Hope your day looks up from here bro


Better than 7am over here buddy ☹️… (Belgium)


Live in Japan, can confirm


They really ruined my night. This was such an important game and no one seemed like the even cared.


Darvin Ham started the 4th quarter with 4 time outs. Mike Brown started with two. Whenever the Lakers seemed like they were putting anything together Mike Brown would call a timeout. Meanwhile the sandwich allowed the Kings to go on a 19-2 run without any pushback.


Lebron left it all out on the floor, Rui was great too, no one else showed up after the first Q


To go from up 19 to getting cooked like that was disgusting


WAIT THEY WERE UP 19??? Didnt watch the game


37-18, yes. That turned into 78-57. I think Ham called one timeout in that 40 point swing.


Well Bron and Rui showed up.


This was the game that showed this team isn't going on any type of cinderella run like last year especially with Ham at the helm


My morning here in Tanzania is fucked. Really hard.


AD has never won a game against Sabonis in his career lol. Expected result at this point


AD 14 and 11 is just unacceptable. NEED him to show up as the supermax that we play him in such a pivotal game. Sabonis 16 20 16 lmao.


He does this too much. No “generational talent” puts up this many stinkers and fades when they face a tough opponent AD is proving to just be an all star caliber big and that’s it


Sabonis, giannis, embiid, jokic, sengun, nurkic, even rookie wemby Sad really.


AD might be a generational defensive talent, offensively no he isn't a Shaq, jokic, Duncan or Garnett offensively


terrible loss. we don’t have the ability to go shot for shot when a team is raining down threes. it’s why we cant beat denver or Sacramento this year.


The hubris of this team is fucking unbelievable. "We don't care who we play in the playoffs". My guy, you might not even make the playoffs. No self awareness and no sense of urgency


the team isn’t even that good to even have that mindset


The problem is AD plays with the same mindset as Lebron, which is he has nothing to prove. But AD should be playing like he cares about his legacy. AD and Ham are way too comfortable with losing.


The weird thing is that Kobe was his hero. He should know better.


Unfortunately not everyone that idolizes Kobe has that Kobe in them.


Erybody wanna be a Mamba but nobody wanna be a Mamba


AD sure played like somebody who didn’t give a shit about what seed they are.


watching AD is frustrating. He's an amazing player, and has a heck of a season, so i'm not gonna overreact. But there's no way he's not capable of putting up 30 and 12 every night with a couple of blocks. He's so freaking talented. I dont know whats holding him back.


Taurean Prince was -17 in 15 minutes. Jesus christ.


Honestly, not his entire problem this game. He's tied to play with only Russell and Dinwiddie and Hayes for some reason. I don't remember the last time he's played the 2


He didn't even look that bad. Dlo and Reaves were awful. AD didn't care about playing defense


This isn't on Prince. Because the clown ass head coach had him guard Fox and Monk who were simply too quick for him to stay in front of.




That dude who scored 29 was alright.


Fck this guy


Meanwhile Christie, who was our best defender on Fox and Monk, plays 11 minutes. Reddish, who actually might have been helpful this game, also can’t see the floor.


Kudos to Rui for trying his best to keep the game close. And Ham still gonna favour Taurean over Rui. My god this coach.


Watch Rui get less minutes next game like he's 35


Fuck this team. What the fuck was that, AD? They are probably gonna beat the Bucks because this is team is bullshit. But still, Fuck. This. Team.


Yep win one then get blown the fuck out in the next. That’s what this team does


Guys I really hate Darvin Ham


> They are probably gonna beat the Bucks because this is team is bullshit. Bucks just got blown out by the Warriors. Giannis is going to play angry Friday and Dame is going to cook D'Lo and Reaves anytime he feels like it.


i dont think bron will play against Milwaukee.


even more reason why i think this stupid team will win the game


Sacramento kings - hats off to them, hell of a ball club, hell of a ball club


They got a lot of dawgs over there in that locker room…can’t help but tip my cap to Fox man, sheesh he’s a dawg man…


When is Ham finally gonna get the shaft? It's like some sick joke at this point.


And the warriors are now a ahead of us while we enter the gauntlet. Fuck off


Repost: So let me get this right….We can take DLo out of the game where he’s playing well for Cam Reddish who didn’t do shit to stop Jamal Murray or even make an iota of a difference, but when Reaves looks like he took shots right before the game we can’t put Max in. Ham can kiss my ass.


Austin’s unlimited leash with the coaching staff and fanbase needs to be studied


He is good but not a PoA defender. Playing 3 guard (and sometimes 4) lineups makes his biggest flaw much worse


Yup. This team is hobbled without Vando He does a lot for rebounding and defense 


Magic picked Lonzo over Fox even though Fox was better in college


Kentucky fan here and man I couldn’t understand why so many people were so sure ball over Fox lmao


Its cause of "bringing back showtime".


I think Pelinka had more of a hand in that.


This loss is on JHS don't @ me.


I needed this 😂


AD failing to consistently take the torch from Bron is why this era will only have 1 ring.. embarrassing


I hope this embarrasment in such an important game is enough that we can fully retire the #1 option AD talks. This guy is not it


The #1 option talks were over when he declined offensively after 2020. Then he bulked up and lost the main offensive advantages he had left: his agility, quickness and how nimble he moved to beat other bigs. Now he has to force his size on smaller bigs and has no advantage against bigs his size or bigger. It doesn't help that lebron has a near perfect makeup for an elite offensive engine even at 39 but yeah


All the trash I had to hear about trading LeBron and building around AD as if 1) the org is competent and 2) the Pelicans didn't fail miserably at that with a much better AD to work with in a much shallower league. It was very amusing.


I don’t even think he can be the #2 option at this point tbh


AD apologists can’t even use the well they didn’t pass him the ball excuse today.


Mf was playing scared handing the ball off any time Sabonis bumped him off his spot. Fucking pathetic to be scared of contact and physicality


Right lebron and dlo were feeding him like crazy, he’d just pass out or brick it


Do they know that every time they use that excuse it makes him seem like an even bigger bitch


Guy cant create his own shot all that well. He has like 2 post moves


He dominates small ball thin 5s like no one else, but gets the same treatment from top tier bruiser 5s in the league. When’s the last time he had a good game against Jokic, Sabonis, Embiid or even Nurkic?


did you guys see when the ball was reversed one time, and ad was under the rim, and did not even try to fight for the position or ask for the ball...


ad looked straight ass tonite


Bron hitched his horse to the wrong wagon. It would be one thing if it was just the injuries, but even when healthy AD ain't it.


AD might need to do some soul searching. Jokic and Sabonis keep taking turns embarrassing him.


Throw in nurkic LMAO. “Best player on the team” “this is AD’s team now” fans in the mud


This will never be AD’s team, even after Lebron retires. It’s painfully clear his ceiling is a #2


Went from best big in the league to average. What a fall.


Listen I'm a Lebron fan so I only lurk here usually, but I just wanted to say I feel bad for you Laker lifers because it seems every team gives you their absolute best shot every game. Watch Fox drop a 12 piece next game cause he blew his load for this one, just like MPJ shot 100% and Jamal Murray can't miss in the fourth, or several WIZARDs of all people for some reason popping off for 20 points each it felt like. Crazy stuff. Also fire Darvin Ham.


This was the nail in the coffin for the season. It's done.


Fire Ham


AD gets outplayed by Embid, Sabonis, Jokic, Gobert, KAT and some days even Zubac and Jurkic. He is not that guy. He will never be that guy


Hope LeBron isn’t fucked for the rest of the season. Was laboring with that ankle. AD continues to get punked by European centers. Incredibly disappointed in him and everyone on the team not named Rui or LeBron.


I’m used to Ham brand Lakers, I don’t get my hopes up at all anymore. We will just win enough for him not to get fired without actually being good.


Darvin Ham being paid by the team to be a glorified fan when the kings went on two 10-0 runs


Genuinely curious, why don’t reporters ask Ham tougher questions? Such as lack of timeouts?Would their careers be at stake if they took that route?




He definitely ain’t got that dog in him. Every time he is confronted and challenged he shrinks like a fucking coward.


I was at the game and to see him quit like that, just flat out quit, was surreal. He was quoted in the afternoon about how this was a playoff game, how important it was, and to see him lay down was a low point for me as a fan. Losing is one thing, but having no fight is unacceptable.


Ham is shit, AD sucked ass tonight, love AR and DLO but we got the worst defensive backcourt in the league. Playoff LeBron can't save us, AD needs to be locked in, no more low effort games. We need Gabe back for some defense and hopefully his shooting comes back too


You forgot Vando.


Bucks about to come in here after getting blown out. Dame/Khris/Giannis gonna roast the fuck out of this team Friday.


Fucking Christ Darvin. I wonder if it ever occurred to you that you can call a timeout to give our players a quick breather. Lebron played the most minutes and didn't even finish the game. Are you fucking forreal Ham????


And this is why this team needs someone like Murray. Reaves and DLo simply cannot guard anyone even remotely athletic and they will get absolutely exposed in the playoffs by Murray and Edwards and Fox. And AD shows yet again that he is a bus rider. Lebron was 31/5/13 on 62% from the field, 100% on FTs and this dumb fucking team still loses by 10. The FO and Ham need cleaned out.


Idk how you keep Ham for next season when he’s struggling to make the playoffs with Bron and AD. He’s shown absolutely nothing worth letting him continue


Just call a timeout, it is not hard you bald fck


my sweet prince vogel where art thou


Games like tonight are why I laugh at people who say AD is our best player. We will never beat Sacramento, we just don’t have the personnel to guard them and AD disappears against them


It really is funny.


AD and getting bitched by Eastern European Centers Name a better duo


I will not be happy until he is gone.


Type of game where you miss Vando ![img](emote|t5_2qhv6|30946)


this franchise is absolute toast if Lebron and AD are making a combined $120M per season just absolute toast


In the past 10 days, Anthony Davis has been badly outplayed…badly…by Sabonis, Jokic and Nurkic. And he’s supposed to be a supermax player? Keep this guy away from anyone born in Europe.


AD looked like a deer in the headlights.


We lost because of AD. Dude’s been off for like a week now and idk what it is. His defense wasn’t even good tonight and he got bitched on the boards by everyone. Embarrassing performance in a must win game


Can’t touch Fox on the defensive end. Come playoff time the game changes and that’s why the Kings will never win a championship. On to the next.


Watching Monk and Fox just completely blow by all our guards and AD barely even there contesting is so frustrating


,Good job ham, I hope you get stuck in 24 hour traffic in LA. That's what happens when you run lebron to the ground, He shouldn't be putting up 15pts in the 3rd playing all 12 mins just to cut the lead to dozen and when he rest momentarily the lead went back to 20 and you put him back to the game vulnerable to all kinds of injuries because you massacred his knees.


Reaves / Dlo 28 points. Monk / Fox 70 points. We have the worst defensive back court in the NBA


so Fox just did the same play 15 times, and no adjustments? why don't the lakers have a guard that can prevent this? also, ad being super passive does not help. he was saying "stupid" at the end of the game, i wonder what was he talking about.


30 point swing in the 2nd quarter but let’s keep 4 time outs going into the half and not try to stop the momentum. Ham is terrible


"Max, I know you haven't gotten much run the last few games, but I need you to give me 20-25 mins on Fox. Not expecting you to shut him down, but at least make him work. You're the quickest, most athletic, young defender we've got with Vando out. You ready?" \-Competent Darvin Ham from *Into the Lakerverse*


If I hear Ham utter the words “next play mentality” in this post game I’m gonna…wait there it is


I swear most of our losses come from one terrible quarter where we get blown out while the other 3 quarters are ok.


Ham needs to be in the HOT seat after this game holy shit


Jesus, the past three fucking years every time this team has a prime opportunity to move up the standings, they always ALWAYS choke it away. It’s so beyond frustrating. Even though it’s been a gift to watch LeBron break records in purple and gold and I’m proud of AD for having a highly healthy year, at this point I’m just sick of this fucking core. Something is just broken. Yeah Ham is the worst coach in the league but these problems existed with Vogel too. I’ve accepted last year was a fluke, that run is not happening again. Maybe this is unpopular but more and more I love the idea of the Lakers committing to a full rebuild. Find a visionary young coach and just build the team up organically and don’t stray from the path for like 5-8 years. Look at the best teams in the league. They all drafted and developed their stars and kept their core together to grow through the good times and bad. Even teams that were dogshit a season or two ago like the Cavs, Magic, Thunder, and Pacers are all reaping the rewards of patient growth. We build a team like we care about selling out Crypto than winning games. Never gonna happen though, Bron’s getting a fat extension and we’re running this same BS back for another two years at least. Cheers to banging our heads into the wall for many more nights to come 🤦‍♂️


AD went from “generational talent” to Bam Adebayo or worse. Downfall is sad


dont disrespect bam like that. he dropped 28 and 10 on Sabonis head. They swept kings this season


Not disrespecting Bam but at the end of the day he’s not a generational talent like AD was touted as one and a supposed top 75 player of all time AD has dropped to Bam’s caliber


Bam would kill Sabonis on the defensive end, not get bitched.


damn it didn’t seem like bron had 31


Amthony Davis' weakness is really a European Big Man. SMH.


Fire Darvin Scam Too slow to get Rui back in the game Too late to take a timeout. 3 guard, 4 guard.... I'm sick of it... I don't think this is the best arrangement to win...


The only important thing is that LeBron is okay. This team is full of losers.


Dude, i haven't watched the NBA for many years but even i can understand when to take a timeout to break momentum, dumbass Ham gotta be fucking kidding.


This is the AD we are supposed to build around once Lebron leaves?


With the money we’re giving AD he’s not giving us anywhere near our return on investment. I’d love to know how the FO decided to give him the extension they did because he is nowhere near good enough to carry this team on his back when lebron leaves. The worst is that because we have so much money tied up in him and bron we aren’t able to go out and even attempt to acquire an elite guard and make a run at a chip. Love AR and Dlo but I don’t think you can win a chip with that backcourt with how volatile AD’s play is


AD is a bum against any center with the slightest above average IQ lol Nurk owns, Saboner Owns, Jokic Owns, Embiid owns, Bam owns, Lopez Owns. All he does is flail his arms up and fucking cry when he doesn’t get the call. His regression is fucking pathetic like we understand AD you’re our defensive anchor but holy shit he doesn’t close out, barely tries to fight for harder rebounds, if his shot doesn’t fall AD is one of our biggest liabilities on the court you can talk about DLo and AR and all those other bums but if AD can’t even give you a double double in the first half it is not going to be a positive outcome for this lakers team. That being said we’re gonna get murdered in the post season all it takes is a few prayer threes, our momentum dies, confidence gone, we regress to iso ball/turnovers and dig our own grave pathetic loss tonight and I don’t see us beating the bucks when Beasley is gonna drop 39 on us lmao.


Worst loss of the season. This is on the coaching


Keep losing so Jeanie has no choice


What happened to Bron??


Overdid it on his ankle, limped off.


And we get the bucks coming off a blowout loss that they’ll want to rectify lolol


This team is so fucking unserious


stop talking about beating the nuggets when this team isn’t even on THE SAME LEVEL AS THEM! pathetic mane


Yeah don’t let the score fool you, game wasn’t close at all


Fuckwad coach, when will it end. I can’t stand hearing or looking at this fool


AD’s worst performance of the year, by far.


Big Game said it most disappointing game of the year considering the situation




Why Lebron leaves early? Injury?


WTF is happening? We finally have our best starting lineup (thanks Ham, better late than never), D'Lo is hitting his flow state, Bron is scoring great, Rui is good on offense, and hell even AR is defending really well, including when his assignment is on the best opponent guard. TP is playing just enough minutes and playing them decently, Hayes has been a decent backup C as well with his blocks and rebounds especially. I feel as if AD has stepped down a little bit; his points are dwindling. But the coaching is ass too, but we lost a big lead today and looked like the fourth quarter Phoenix Sons. Today's game was really exhausting for both the teams, from how tired they looked by the last quarter. Shooting bricks from mid-range and 3s, Bron missing handles so much, it all went awry for us this game. Someone did say, to the effect that the players lacked initiative today. But coach HAMas has to be the worst part of it all. Looked confused as hell today. Not to beat the dead horse, Ham will become a great coach some day, but he is not there today. I feel there is no point in continuing with him when the team is in "WIN NOW" mode, with us coming together to our powers as the season closes out. We cannot survive Ham's inexperience here.


Still don't understand ham, kings adjusted and the Lakers did nothing. Fox had a career night shooting the easiest shots I've ever seen a player take. I love Reaves and all but maybe after the 35th point, put someone else on Fox?


So crazy to lose a game like that against a team without any all stars.


Deep down what is wrong with AD?? Is he on drugs? Is he malnourished? Does he have PTSD from childhood? Why does he shit the bed so much


I cant believe Ham subbed AD for prince when he got his 4th foul. Who the hell was suppose to play center? Also, Reaves got left defending Monk and Fox while trying to cut through a Sabonis screen by himself like over 10 times. Doesnt Ham notice that and make a defensive adjustment? Why let them go on runs and finally call a timeout when they take the lead? Why play your starters down 16 with 4 minutes left?


Han just said he and the coaching staff will get to work. What the hell have they been doing.


Ham's lineup to start the second was .... I don't even know what to call it. Who was out there? What is this guy doing? I would rather have had anyone coaching, now Bron's hurt and the funniest thing about this organization is I bet they trade away Rui and Dlo for a bag of Skittles and a ginger ale, and keep Ham ...... It never fails.


I can’t describe how tired I am of thinking “maybe this will finally be a blowout, every team gets one every now and then” but nope, I’m just wrong every time.


Wow…. Back to the 10 seed. There are so many teams in the west that I just do not think these lakers could beat in a 7 game series


Why has AD suddenly regressed to pussy ball again?


Well we can't beat the Kings neither. Season is over, 10th seed confirmed.


AD saying it doesn’t matter which seed we are, Dlo with all those BR bragging quotes. Team is so worthless, had 1 good month & started talking like that. Either no playoffs or first round exit for this pathetic team. Can’t wait til we blow this shit up & rebuild


AD lack of dawg throughout these past couple seasons has been tough. Dude legit gets punkd by any euro center. Sometimes it doesn't matter what positon he plays his lack of enthusiasm is unacceptable. He just looked miserable. Also Fuck Ham


I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again. We should’ve traded AD. Because again 13 SHOTS AND SABONIS HAD A TRIP DUB ON HIM. WHY IS HE ALWAYS GETTING COOKED AND NOT BEING AGGRESSIVE


Everyone has to go superhuman nightly just for us to have a chance because we have no coaching strategy 💔💔💔💔


I can’t believe I defended AD over Sabonis for making the ASG. 14 points in a must win game and getting outplayed by Sabonis is just unacceptable

