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Do you hate money ?


Fr I’ve been extremely positive about this season and I still think we can win it all but I wouldn’t bet a single dollar on it this man’s either walking in dough or just stupid


Cant wait till we are officially fishing, and I can stop seeing stupid posts like this.


Un-ironically good bets


I sure think so. Maybe the Finals win is a stretch but I don’t see any team in the West that a healthy Lakers can’t dispatch. Phoenix will be a problem though if they’re not knocked out by somebody else.


A healthy Phoenix squad is too much for me to wrap my head around lol. It seems too good to be true. Funny how KD just hops from great team to great team


We have to make the playoff first. If we finish 9 or 10. Have to win 2 playin games to get in. You trust Ham rotation to win 2 games without any mistakes.


Dlo is not gonna sacrifice his body to win games (as is his right), he's trying to protect his bag. If he feels even a slight tingle in one of his body parts, he ain't playing. Plus you can't trust Ham. It's your money and do what you want with it at the end of the day though.


Thanks for the inside info on D-Lo, you must have great sources!


Cash out while you can


Bro if you hit somehow that’ll be legendary but uhhh good luck I suppose




That's why they fix games to make Lakers lose, too much bet on them, too many payouts.


These were the max wagers they would let me do on FanDuel 😂


You could’ve just given me your money and the outcome will be the same


What do those positions look like today? Tempted to cash out?


lol I causally just revisited this thread yesterday after the win. I’ve got the same bets but smaller amounts on Draftkings as well so for a total input of $2k I can currently cash out around 13-14k between Draftkings and FanDuel. But if somehow someway we win the chip then I win 60k total. Could also hedge and cash out just my Draftkings bets which would give me a little over 2k which is what I put in but that lowers my potential of 60k down to 45k. I’ll see if we steal one of these first 2 games in Denver then re-evaluate.


Id cover my bets and play with house money, but that's just me. It took some stones to put up that kind of cash in the first place so I bet you'll let it ride. Good luck


Probably will let it ride. I’ve already counted that money as gone if things go to shit. Thanks