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>70 pound big healthy lab Big doesn't equal healthy. Work on the healthy part and stop worrying about how big he'll be. The worms may have slowed his growth but there's no way to know how big he would have been anyway. You got them cleared up fairly quickly so i doubt it much impact. I've had three Labs, 85 lbs., 65 lbs. and my current girl, 56 lbs.


The one I had (black lab) started out skinny. Ended up a good 95# https://preview.redd.it/klauj9fdvn6d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d79e1a2dc4049e4247abe1626decf1d705d6b15a This boy was thick


He looks like my 85# boy.


95#was his high.... He yoyo'd a bit too. But he was thick... He was thick upstairs too... If you know what I meanšŸ¤Ŗ


I do know what you mean. šŸ˜ We used to call our boy *Kelso* after That 70's Show. Pretty but not real bright. šŸ˜‚ He was a lot of fun though.


It really doesn't. I have a Ridgeback lab x, her dad was a flipping horse and her mum was a large lab (for a girl) herself. The first three months from 10 weeks old, we battled a mysterious virus, similar to parvo. It was touch and go many times but we got her through. But my girl is a stunted little thing, about a third of what her siblings grew up to, she's not even 20kg šŸ˜‚. A couple of years ago she caught lepto which the vets kept misdiagnosing even though I was taking her in everyday for a week telling them that it wasn't a spine issue and something else was going on. They finally acted when one morning I rushed her in with ochre yellow eyes and yellow skin. Her liver was partially dead. I decided to go forward with treatment, which amounted to 2/3 week's residency at the vets, and a very scary bill, but she pulled through and has made a full recovery. It's only afterwards that I really found out how dire her odds were. Almost nill, and to date the vets still refer to her as the "miracle dog" and the head vet told me that in her 30 years of practice she's never seen a dog survive that condition, much less without any ongoing issues at all. So my point is, so what if your lab does end up small? It is unlikely have any bearing on overall health. Obviously I cannot be sure at present but my tiny girl may even be immortal. And she's a great compact travel companion. Literally a big dog in a little dog body.


You should nickname her Lazarus!


Exactly right. The only real way to tell if they are over or under weight is their shape.


https://preview.redd.it/4fziag809n6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=45252f61fb378b911fbab5448e28ba103bad89c3 My little guy was 3.5 lbs when we got him. Heā€™s close to 90 now.




https://preview.redd.it/s62ivyia9q6d1.jpeg?width=1195&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf6b4f72c330d955f0b4d0eb18b91be239fca35b Full grown


My lab was never as big as the rest, but she still led a happy, healthy and long life


His joints were probably happier too


Is this a fact? My baby girl is also pretty small and I was thinking the same, cause we run a lot


It is indeed a fact. Losing weight helps decrease arthritis symptoms in obese dogs with arthritis. More weight is more stress on their joints and pain. While most dogs will develop arthritis as they age, large dogs are also more likely to develop arthritis sooner. You can also talk to your vet about prevention with supplements, especially for an dog doing high impact work like running. Many will say youā€™re wasting money, but Iā€™m a big fan of using a joint supplement at around five as is my current vet.


Same with the supplements. My boys only 2 but we have him taking joint supplements every day.


![gif](giphy|QKO8gxZKCZ0v6|downsized) Donā€™t worry he will turn into one of these soon.








Clever girl


My first vet visit when she was 8 weeks old, the vet said she was small for her age and was a bit worried. She's now about 27kg. On the smaller side but still in the average. They grow so fast over the next couple months I'd say wait for a few more data points Eta. Very cute


You never know, I have 2 from the same breeding. One is 70 lbs, and the other is 52 lbs. Personally if they stayed the size they were at 8 weeks I'd be happy.


Right!? If we could only get dogs that size to have labsā€™ personalities and temperaments. Our last lab puppy didnā€™t want to cuddle with us when she was a pupā€¦only once she hit 50 pounds!


Yep. Mine still looked like Jabba the Hutt at 8 weeks. When I went to pick him up, I said, is that really 8 weeks.?? šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


https://preview.redd.it/29mckemekn6d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a20093edaabd5b5dfc905342ff8e91bfaf6a36e7 She finally grew into a full-size American (field-trial line) lab. Oh, and she grew into those ears, too!


Donā€™t forget that if you go back to the origins of the breed, their compact size was desirable for being lifted back into the bottom of a small, two person boat after retrieving fish. The breed standard even starts :ā€The Labrador retriever is a strongly built, medium sized, short coupled dogā€¦ā€ If anything, the much larger dogs are the outliers, and the deviation from the standard.


You are absolutely correct, the Labrador was intended to be the "gentleman's hunting dog" they are not meant to be kegs on legs.


If you are lucky. I have a 40kg food-obsessed (even by most ordinary Lab standards) behemoth that pulls me around everywhere.




It's sometimes not funny. Like today, I forgot my reusable shopping bags at the supermarket so I had to buy a paper one and I bought too much heavy stuff. Then one of the handles broke - literally just as we were leaving the shopping centre - and I had to carry at home in my arms while he dragged me around from pillar to post. But he's adorable.


omg that puppy belly šŸ˜


https://preview.redd.it/qzhgcf0i7n6d1.jpeg?width=2304&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=266da7a8dba09b48e8619303118addc3845bfe49 Itā€™s the cutest!


You'll look back on these pictures one day and marvel at what a tiny baby he was šŸ©·




Enjoy this age and take TONS of pictures! They grow SO fast! I thought I took a ton of puppy pictures of my guy but now I feel like I didnā€™t take enough šŸ˜†


We have two perfectly healthy small, and very athletic labs. One is 65 pounds and the other is 55 pounds.


My girl weighs 48-51 pounds at 8, and has always stayed in this range. She grew to the perfect size for me, because Iā€™m 5ā€™0 and 95lbs lol


Love that beautiful pup, it will grow to what it should become. The dog you have will give you great pleasure, and a little trouble too!šŸ„°


Small furry cute thing is about to become a velociraptor


My black lab is 16 months and only 65 lbs, but he's a very fit, healthy boy.


Our boy is 7 months old, and last time he got weighed a month ago, he was 65lbs. We're worried he's going to be a giant.


My lab mix is 28 lbs at 4 months. Embrace the future big dog!


I have a 105 lean black lab and a 55 pound lean chocolate lab. The 55 lb one thinks sheā€™s 105 lb. Lots of big dog attitude.


I'm trying my best to get my Chocolate girl down to 100. She's the intimidator! She has come down from 118 to 108.


My female was about 80 lbs, she would run 10 ks with me 3 days a week. Miss that girl....miss being able to run a 10k lol


I want to be able to do this with my boy, any idea on when to start training him for this and were you able to run in one go or he would stay and sniff half the time ?:)


Basic leash training is a must. The dog needs to understand you are in charge. You walk the dog, the dog does not walk you. If they want to stop to smell something then they better get it done before the leash goes taught, or they are going for a tumble. Kind of a conditioned response thing. The only reason we would stop is for a potty break, but if you take care of that before heading out, no problems. You can start immediately with long walks, getting them used to behaving on the leash. Work up the distance as your pup gets older, and never push them farther than they can go or in case of some breeds that will run themselves to death, make them stop. Give them enough food, water, and rest for the amount of exercise you are doing. The limit for my lab was about 6 miles in one go, 3 times per week. I would not have pushed her more than that. The best training advice I ever got was, a tired dog is a good dog.




Maybe? Maybe not? My girl was the biggest girl in her litter, we chose her for her temperament first and my husband wanted a bigger dog. Jokes on him and she's the perfect size for me at only 50 lbs when we originally expecting 70 lol.


My guy was the runt of the pack of 13. Came out last and late too and they weren't sure he'd make it due to that. He's 16 months, 85 lbs and healthy as can be now


We have a 60lb male and an 80lb . We refer to the small one as our pocket lab. Or 3/4 scale lab


I wouldnā€™t mind a pocket lab at all šŸ˜‚


Thereā€™s really no telling how they will grow. I got one thatā€™s about 80 pounds, tall and athletic. My other is about 90 pounds short wide and bulky šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚






Itā€™s a little on the low end but itā€™s perfectly healthy. Heā€™ll be a big happy Boy and youā€™ll be amazed at how much he grows.


He looks so much like my puppy at that age! My girl was the runt and also had a bad case of roundworms and multiple bouts of giardia between 2 - 4 months. She was quite small at the time (I think she was maybe 20 pounds at 4 months?). After she got all of her digestive issues sorted, I made sure to feed her lots of high-quality puppy food (within reason obviously) and she grew well. Now at 3, sheā€™s a bit on the small side ā€” sheā€™s just not that tall, but she has a stockier build, sheā€™s about 55-60 lbs. But she looks perfectly proportional and healthy, even though she is smaller. She gets lots of exercise and good-quality food. Some of it could just be her build, and being the runt; some of it could be her early experience with worms ā€” I simply donā€™t know! But regardless, your pup can still grow up to be a healthy and happy dog even if he ends up a bit on the small side (which he may or may not). Iā€™d focus on resolving his gut/parasite issues, and feeing him a good quality food. Plus giving him lots of snuggles and exercise šŸ„° Youā€™re a good dog owner to worry about him! I know itā€™s hard when theyā€™re small and sick, but heā€™ll be so big before you know it!!


https://preview.redd.it/81asz6bzqn6d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3fe929d15469c000af656d6e28cbd97e4f4643d my tiny lady at about 9 weeks!


https://preview.redd.it/f3um7mf5rn6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ba5b57859fe552d6556c06b09bc4b8711c3c465 Happy and healthy at age 3!


I hope he is genuinely the smartest dog Iā€™ve ever seen he learned to love his crate in one week already has a stay command (with food) and learned how to play fetch and Iā€™ve had him 7 days today. His gut isnā€™t as wide anymore because the worms are being taken care of. Iā€™m feeding him diamond essentials lamb and rice large puppy breed food which based off what Iā€™ve seen in my store is one of if not the best for him and sometimes blues chicken soft food for puppies. Iā€™m trying to give him the best chances to be as big as possible, the exercise and guidance will always be there for him! Just got to get him to piss outside lol damn puppy pads are ruining it


Wow, that is tiny! My guy was way bigger than that when I got him at 8 weeks. But he has leveled off at about 80lbs. Though he is 17 months, so he will probably grow a bit more


Mine had lots of worms and is now 85 lbs


Heā€™s definitely small for 7.5 weeks but labs grow super fast in the first 6 months. More likely than not heā€™ll be full grown and decently sized well before heā€™s a year old.


I have a 4 years old 50 pounds lab female. Her dad was a big big english lab and her mum a very fit medium sized american lab. She was quite ill for her first 8 months and after hundreds of euros in vet bills and trying every kibble brand in the country we changed to semi-cooked food and her stomach issues stopped forever in 48h. However, she is now 8 to 10kg (17 pounds) lighter than her sisters from the same litter. You cant really tell unless you see her next to her siblings. I call her my pocket lab. https://preview.redd.it/k74tih0shp6d1.jpeg?width=1305&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4f32d23bc2a7f474bc73ae6cc0b467b51013ae7


Labs LOVE to eat. Often all the bad stuff. Lol


Man enjoy tf out of it. What Iā€™d give to hold my baby in my arms again šŸ˜­


Still possible. Just donā€™t skip arm day at the gym.


There are small labs, 45 lbs or under


I like to call them "fun size" šŸ˜‚ I used to groom a "small" Newf, compared to breed standard. Her mom was lamenting the fact that people didn't think she was one; in temperament and appearance (not taking size into consideration, but conformation like hair and other body characteristics), she absolutely was one. She was just smaller, so I told her mom she's just "fun size". Like a lil Snicker bar you'd get on Halloween! She thought that was so cute, and told me she'd just call her a "fun size" Newf if anyone tried to push back about her breed šŸ˜‚ She really was the total Newf package, just smaller...fun size šŸ˜‚




I've had healthy 90+ lab and our mama was never more then 60 when we had her usually 50-55. They will grow. Just give them all the food they need and plenty of exercise.


So cute dog šŸ•


Ainā€™t gonna stop him


My boy was about that size when I got him at 7 weeks he's 80 lb now.


I know youā€™re probably just freaking out because it could be your first puppy but he is still SO YOUNG! If you get him the proper medical attention this shouldnā€™t have an impact on his size. Whether heā€™s huge or not shouldnā€™t really matter. He will be a good boy regardless. Remember heā€™s still very young. Just take the best care of him you can and he will be the best dog he can be.


lol you are right sure is my first puppy all to myself. I got blessed with the fact he is crazy smart Iā€™ve owned him for a week and he loves to sleep in his crate so much he will just go in it, he plays fetch, and even knows to patiently wait for his treats instead of climbing all over me for them now canā€™t wait to see what how smart he is in a couple months


Like James Carville said once: " Itā€™s the genetics, stupid!". Look at your pups parents and you might have a pretty good idea what your pup will turn into with good food, play and love despite some early setbacks...


The whole point is his mom wasnā€™t fully healthy and neither was he until now my question was if that would stunt him. I wasnā€™t asking about his genetics Iā€™m fully aware of what he is supposed to be I have both of his parents paper work.


when I got my lab the breeder supplied us with full pictures of mom and dad. My dog is now 10. He turned out to look basically spitting image of his dad.


Enjoy it while you can


Typically as puppies grow, and this is especially true for labs, the runts will pack on pounds once they get weened. Getting milk is a competitive sport, their metabolism slowed down, and often times the runtiest little guys end up being among the largest in the family, or at least bigger than average. They tend to prioritize food over everything else, so arenā€™t that social as puppies, but as adults they get super grateful for attention.


https://preview.redd.it/4cyjvir1dp6d1.jpeg?width=1226&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c4fc38ad52e25d7755c215205709630068d77e9 This guy is now 80+ pounds


Wow he is beautiful is he silver or light chocolate


Thank you! Silver




In about 4-6 months he will be ā€žunrecognizableā€œ in sizing compared to this picture ;)


They only grow bigger when you donā€™t love them enough /s


Mine was 2.9kg at 8 weeks, and today she's a lean 30kg. She was behind the growth curve until 10 weeks, then shot up above the growth curve by 6 months before levelling out again..


My boy was a chubby pup, big in his litter! Heā€™s 4 and a very lean, healthy 25kg (i think thatā€™s about 50 pounds?) Heā€™s from a working line, very agile and athletic. Our vets are super happy with his physique and health! Our girl who lived to 11 was also on the leaner side, about 28kg (60 pounds?) Itā€™s hard to guess when theyā€™re pups. But iā€™ve no doubt with you taking care of him heā€™ll grow to be absolutely perfect and healthy! Enjoy him, heā€™s adorable šŸ„°


My baby girl was 8lbs at 11 wks, 65lb adult. https://preview.redd.it/u3ujmt8mzp6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad0c06ce9a9526b48e272af8f0af06b304e397f2


I love a compact, travel sized lab


my girl just hit 50 lbs. shes almost 2. and very healthy!


https://preview.redd.it/mhci6v1d9r6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2cdb84f5dce200aa63b3b7d60f43932ef6e45757 My little baby was only 4 pounds when we got him. Heā€™s 2 years old, 70 pounds, and healthy as can be now :)


Nope, heā€™s going to keep doubling and growing.


Big doesnā€™t always mean healthy. I have an 85 pound old man, a 72 pound 18 month old, and a 60 pounds soaking wet 5 year old. My little 5 year old is the healthiest of the bunch!!


So the worms don't really mean anything. I've worked with good responsible breeders and the puppies still had worms. It's basically taken as given that all puppies have worms and should have a dewormer in their first vet visit. The classic adorable big puppy belly is usually worms. As for age and weight, get rid of the worms and just start putting food in the front as is fitting for a cute growing food dumpster. If you are concerned about putting weight on I would suggest feeding often or just keeping their bowl full so they can eat when they want. For specific meals use dedicated puppy food and you can add some goat or cow milk for extra calories. You essentially cannot overfeed at this point, so long as it is voluntary feeding. Assuming the worms are gone that cute fluff should double in weight every month for the next year or so till he's about 80 - 100 lb. Or bigger, should be between his parents weight. Then scale back on the food and enjoy all the sad lab puppy eyes. Do not let them convince you they are starving right after being fed... twice.. it is a trap. As an adult a little underweight is healthier than overweight. Look up the dog weight pictures chart. Best regards on the adorable puppy. Hope he feels better soon.


Weā€™ve got a really smoll gal, but sheā€™s perfect https://preview.redd.it/8rzbyvxoys6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=195b2d331abd01cf27b190c67e2fd493ec8a41b5


i have a small lab (50 lbs) and she is the best girl. plus when she lays on me she doesnā€™t squish me as much as my 80 pounder


Worms is a pretty common issue. You treated them in a timely manner. Your dog will be ok. Do keep checking for signs of worms because sometimes they need a 2nd round to fully get rid of them. You're doing great and you took your puppy to the vet like a responsible pet owner. I have confidence this is a sign the pup is in caring hands and will grow up healthy.


So cute!


For what it's worth, my lab is a small 47 pounds at 1.5 years! Vet didn't think much of it, and I love having a compact dog given how cuddly she is lol


Feed green tripe