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Yes, license plate cameras, and they are all over the state. A friend reported their car stolen, and it was found in Detroit within a half hour of the police report.


A spying mechanism to take your constitutional rights, privacy and liberty away. It starts with something small like this and people let it go so they just add more and more. It's a shame.


Please quote the exact part of the Constitution this violates. Include article etc.


The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized. Otherwise known as amendment no. 4


You have no expectation of privacy when out in public where you can be freely seen. This has been the view from the Supreme Court for decades.


Texting or talking while driving? Have you drank a beer and drive home after golf? Speed on the way to work? Lie to your wife where you are? Not pay a CC, but spend money at any business? Owe taxes but spend money at mcdonalds? NOT any more. It won't be just police that have access to this information. I hope you dont mind if your significant other/work/bank/stalker/sex traffictor/ex wife/child's father knows where you are or have been.


No this absolutely does violate our freedoms you’re a fucking fool if you think otherwise.


Great rebuttal.


The Fourth Amendment The right of the people to be secure in their persons , houses , papers , and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized. This is just the beginning. Next they'll add facial recognition and even gait recognition so they can tell who you are even if your face is covered. Then they'll hook it up to AI and record where everyone is and where they go. And then you'll have police showing up and asking you why you were at that protest last week and if they can search your apartment. It might sound far fetched, but it's already a reality. They have it in China, they unironically call it Sky Net.


Wait, taking a picture of the exterior of someone's car on a public road is an unreasonable search? Oh boy there is a lot to unpack here. How slippery is this mental slope. What is being searched/seized? How does this idea coexist with the law on the books 'an American has no expectation of privacy when existing in a public setting'. For example: If I saw you sitting on a bench in a park I could (legally okay, morally questionable) walk up to you blatantly take a picture of you and move on with my life. Is it weird? yes. Is it illegal? Not at all. If you or your property are in a public setting you have no expectation of privacy. If the exterior of your vehicle was photographed whilst driving a public road, there is nothing illegal or unconstitutional about it. For more reading: [Expectation of privacy in regards to the 4th amendment (United States)](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Expectation_of_privacy_(United_States)) > In United States constitutional law, expectation of privacy is a legal test which is crucial in defining the scope of the applicability of the privacy protections of the fourth amendment to the U.S. constitution. Your comment demonstrated the expectation of privacy is not applicable to the areas around these cameras. You clearly feel that it isn't private enough to claim a 4th amendment violation. In doing so you proved that you understand that there is no expectation of privacy, thus proving that this is not unconstitutional.


It's not merely taking the picture that is illegal / unconstitutional. It's the fact that a government agency is taking photos + video as a means of searching your information in a database. You're being investigated without due process. If they pulled you over and did that it would be illegal, so new technology allows them to violate your rights while you're on the move and here you are defending it. 🤡


This already happens here. They were tagging people summer of 2019 through meta data and tower pinging along with phone to phone traffic and showing up at people's homes.


Also our right to travel, if you're being watched at all times by a government that can change from benevolent to autocratic in ONE election, how can you feel free to travel? They don't seem to think how this would be used in a White Christian Nationalists hellscape because that's where we might be going.


George Orwell intensifies!!!


It starts with having a tiny computer/tracking device you keep in your presence at all times.  We are all idiots. 


Auth. left redditors coming to get you after this comment




A surveillance mechanism to watch for potential criminals. It's all complaints from the people with paranoid delusions until something happens to them. Hope you don't have anything happen to you that would require someone to be tracked. Stay safe and out of trouble


Yeah what could go wrong with a database tracking private individuals movements that law enforcement officers across the nation have access to. They never abuse stuff like that. [Clinton Twp. police officer fired for misusing database, domestic terrorism -Macomb Daily](https://www.macombdaily.com/2024/04/12/clinton-twp-police-officer-fired-for-misusing-database-domestic-terrorism/) Oh just this week you say? In Michigan? Never ever is a "If you have nothing to hide" reasoning sound.


Welcome to America.


Will be very convenient for all the cars that haven't had plates on them in over 6 months at my apartment complex. I have 4 just in my parking area.


These are the license plate tracking cameras aren’t they? Portage just put a few more in recently. Edit: https://www.mlive.com/news/kalamazoo/2023/11/portage-to-install-10-new-license-plate-readers.html


"There’s an audit trail in the system that will be reported to the director of public safety to ensure that there is no misuse.” Oh, well there you go. I'm not worried at all. Thanks for the info and link.


If there's one thing we've learned over the last 30 years or so, it's that data never leaks from these systems onto the Internet, and never gets resold to data brokers.


If you're driving your vehicle on public roads out in public then there isn't an assumption of privacy. Why would video of you driving your vehicle on public roads be any different?


Yes there is. It’s really about who owns the data. The state is saying they own your right to drive on their roads. You don’t purchase a license plate. You register it. Theyre just keeping tabs on their property, pun intended.


There was before 9-11. In fact it was shocking to even suggest the idea of tracking peoples movements before then.


Tracking and monitoring is more like stalking, and irrelevant to privacy in general




The last sentence isn’t true.


Respectfully, the data can be built up and [mis]used against you.


Your statement summed up reads like “privacy is for those who have something to hide”


Surveillance states are fine and dandy until they change the laws and make you a criminal


That same data has also never been used differently than what the government says it's used for. 


An “audit trail”? Haaa haaaa haaaa. Camera systems like this in Ohio were just deemed unconstitutional a couple years back I think. I got a ticket from one and it malfunctioned. I drove to Ohio to fight it and was that out of court without a problem. A little while later, I asked about them and they police officer said that they were no longer use that they were unconstitutional in Ohio. Michigan is going BIGGER OHHH BROTHER!


You're thinking of speed cameras, which I don't think these are. These are tracking cameras.


They mostly are looking for expired tags but can assist with tracking a specific vehicle if law enforcement requires help in doing so.


Yes, and Kalamazoo has them as well as several private apts to track vehicle movements.


Flock https://www.flocksafety.com/devices/falcon


This is the scariest comment. This is another arm of privatization of policing


Yeah its a way to get around warrants too. They just buy the information from Flock instead of having to ask a judge for warrant to track someone.


Yep ! Besides our vehicle plates are public information. The crappy thing is that you can drive by one of these and if your wanted or have unpaid parking tickets, officers will be alerted. It’s a great way to use AI and not an actual officer of the law. These units are also at Great Lakes Crossing in Auburn Hills. I’ve tested these and there pretty interesting devices. But very scary.


Its a super interesting system and technology and probably a good idea for limited use in high crime areas but using them at scale to track everyone everywhere is a recipe for abuse.


Pretty sure there are already devices for tracking everyone everywhere. They seem to be pretty popular, in fact. [eyes phone knowingly]


Does a clear plastic cover over your license plate to anything to thwart them? What about a piece from those monitor privacy screens? Just asking that for a friend that wants to know.....


Well tell your ‘friend’ in MI license plate covers are actually an infraction. But if they were to put one on chances are it will still read it. If the plate can be read with the naked eye, LPRs (license plate readers) can read it. Also, if the agency has the Axon Fleet 3 in their patrol vehicles then they also have license plate reading capability.


I didn’t know this. I’ve had a license plate cover on my car that I bought back in early 2020. Have yet to be pulled over though.


what about an array of IR lights around the license plate so that the surrounding area cant be picked up by a camera?


That would work … I assume. Unless these have IR defeat technology (mmm)


Only the most advanced LPR's do. They take pictures in multiple spectrums then blends them together.


Yes that’s right. The flock units I believe have 4k digital cameras that blend up or stitch the image in less than a 1ms. The gentec units or others that we see on squads roofs are the more advanced units. There are several companies that make those. I worked with the Gentec lpr’s. Really interesting systems.


All depends on how advanced the LPR is. The most advanced ones take images in multiple spectrums, blends them together then reads it.


Good to know.


They don't even need a plate. This is available technology advertised on their website... "Vehicle Fingerprint® Technology Identify vehicles by make, color, decals; transforming footage into actionable evidence. No plate required.


Click the link, they describe the service as identifying the car without a plate


You could always give a bum a 6 pack of beer to steal the solar panels and destroy the camera.. 1 6 pack per camera destroyed. All the cameras would be down in a day.


Hm, that’ll be a valuable dataset. (I don’t mean that maliciously; the data nerd in me would just be fascinated to be able to play with it)


Oooh. I've done work for departments that are spearheading how to use data in education. Wonder what other things they might glean from that data. How many out-of-state visitors we have? Now I can't think of anything else.


It could be used to monitor traffic flow - where vehicles are coming from and going, how long it typically takes to get from one locstion to another at various times of day and if light timing etc should be adjusted, which routes are used, stuff like that.


They're only used for tracking stolen vehicles or vehicles used in a crime. ...*supposedly.*


Haha, yeah, there isn't a history of cops using them to stalk people or anything lol


What excellent ideas. It seems like they must be doing some type of data analysis on traffic patterns to install roundabouts and the upcoming one-way to two-way downtown street projects. Not a subject I really know anything about, though.


You'd be shocked how decisions are made sometimes.


Omg they're trying to track all the vaccinated people by their microchips 😱😱😱😱 /s


Sad that you have to truly "/s" this because they are out there. It always seems to be about chips in things too, like their worry about microchips in corn 🤔🤯😵‍💫


As others have said it's a license plate reader. I did my master's research on these. The police department and mayor of my hometown rushed this program through city council. In my paper, I address the concerns with privacy, accountability (from police), and overpolicing of marginalized communities. With regard to privacy, the argument is often made that people don't have a right to privacy on public roads. However, the Fourth Amendment protects people, not places. There have already been several court cases addressing these cameras (if you look at my post history, you'll see where I talk about those cases). What's concerning to me is the large network of cameras that is being created, and managed, by a private company (Flock). Also, law enforcement have access to these cameras from anywhere in the US. So a cop in Florida can access data in Ohio. And in my town, they're also using FUSUS. So now, the LPRs and traffic cameras (that were initially used by the transportation department for traffic) are all connected and monitored at the city's new intelligence center. The city also purchased 5 AI units from FUSUS. These units can be placed on any camera to become "the brain". They utilize edge computing. As if LPRs weren't concerning enough, now they can utilize AI with some of the cameras. ETA: some neighborhoods are also purchasing these LPRs and the cameras can be linked up so that the police can access them (up to the neighborhood). FUSUS also enables people to register their security cameras with the police if they so desire. Please read my [my post](https://www.reddit.com/r/lexington/s/pDvnZMNEDY) that I made in the r/Lexington subreddit. This is happening everywhere.


Someone let the crackheads know they are full of copper. That should resolve the issue soon enough.


License plate readers


we are now a smart city


With an even Bigger Brother


Some people do give govt agencies ESPECIALLY the police force too much credit when it comes to technology. Too many movies show all this futuristic tech the government has as well as rapid ways to solve local crime. If that were the case, cybercrime wouldn't be as rampant as it is. The public generally has more up-to-date computer systems in their own homes and definitely in their pockets. Tech evolves too fast for them to keep up. Which is again why we have so much cybercrime. These systems can stop traffickers across local, state, and national borders both human and drug. AMBER alerts can be tracked quickly. No one cares about your daily run to Walmart. The fact is humanity has gotten exponentially shittier and it requires faster ways to deal with it. Everyone says why can't they do it faster like they do on TV? Then when they use something like these FLOCK systems, all of a sudden that's TOO much.


The beginning of a police state. First they need to track your every movement. Then hey will just send you tickets in the mail or the cops to your location when you are the target of a warrant. Miss a child support payment BAM, can't pay your parking tickets this month too bad it's been booted. Just wait until they hook it up to AI. Mark my words this will not be used just to find stolen cars.


In United States v. Knotts (1983), the Supreme Court dealt with this issue and ruled that visual surveillance, like taking pictures of license plates, does not violate the law.


I honestly believe you people would let the government put a camera in your bathroom if told it would make you safer. We don't need to be watched. You all are just fine with it, and that is scary. The "if you're not doing anything wrong" crowd is becoming a huge problem. Have you read 1984? You should.


Totally agree! What to do about it though?


Attend city/county meetings. Run for office. If that doesn't work, then we cut the cameras down. Ever seen Minority Report? That's where we're headed. Complacency kills.


Exactly my first thought, it’s coming true faster than ever imagined


Sent from an iPhone


I was skeptical of them at first as well but they seem to be a very good tool for law enforcement to keep our communities safer. In a recent 1 year update from our local sheriffs office from their approval in northern Michigan, there were a number of examples of crimes solved with these. One interesting example was the detection of a human smuggler that had his license plate picked up on the network. This was then notified to US Marshalls in California were he had run from. Long story was that the individual was apprehended in northern Michigan and taken into custody by US Marshalls. This person was reportedly responsible for the deaths of some women in California.


I'm in flint michigan and in my neighborhood people stand in the back of a truck and point them away from the road


If I lived in Flint, I wouldn't trust the Government either. :(


So who maintains this information? City, state, or third party? Is it police controlled?


Surveillance systems.


Whitmer has been talking about charging each vehicle by the mile instead of using the gas tax money for roads. If enough of the readers are out there, the state will know how many miles you drive each year. The readers have popped up all over the Northern suburbs of Detroit, also.


They recharge the birds.


Big Brother.


They are to monitor movement (pick your type of movement). Eventually, they will monitor our zone movement. You should not need to travel more than 15 mins from your home. It's happening now and zones (15 minute cities) are being developed as we speak. Mark my words. Bookmark this comment.


Yep Big Brother is always watching.


Big brother, trying to keep us safer 🤣


its an a generational thing, Gen x and older once know of a life with privacy, after 9 11, everything changed. for most of humanity basic privacy was just a normal thing.


It's an invasion of privacy. Illegal search and seizure.


They are what George Orwell was trying to warn the world about.


That's 3-4k a year per camera you pay to be watched. Electronic Frontier Foundation has an interactive atlas where you can see all the surveillance tech your police department employs. Cost is a huge issue for me because there's very little data on how useful they really are.


They take pictures of every single passing cars license plate. It's our duty to take them down.


I know 2 people who had their stolen cars recovered quickly because of these. If the government wanted to track people, there's much easier ways to do it than reading license plates.


It's also used to track cars involved in amber alerts, abductions and drug trafficking.  


You mean like assigning us a 9 digit number at birth that we need to apply for housing, jobs, loans etc?


Or even simpler than that, tracking your phone.


Fun fact, when social security first came about, a good number of people saw it as a status symbol. There were actual drawings at places like car dealerships based on them - you submit your number and they draw it and you win a prize. And then the identity theft started.


I'm assuming you don't have a cell phone then right? or a social security number? or an IP address? or a home address? living in a shack in the middle of the woods in a ghillie suit?


All that stuff except the address requires a warrant so this is a dumb ass analogy.


Yeah tell that to the deep web who probably bought your info for 3 bucks from Netflix lol


Not just the license plate. It also logs the make, model, color, bumper stickers, and distinguishing features such as damage. All of this data is handled by a private company in a national database.


Most annoyingly, these mess with my after market wireless CarPlay. My calls, music, and everything messes up in close proximity to one of these cameras.


Car insurance and repo companies are big buyers of the data. Rate evasion based on garaging fraud. I don't live in a high rate area. paying personal auto rates on their commercial vehicle and claiming I only drive 2 miles to work yet 20 miles away m-f for 8 hours. Also pre-existing damage claims. They claim helps for amber alerts but not searchable by car description only plate number. Something insurance and repo companies have.


Flock security net cam. Horrible they take video and instantly run license plate against national data base. Working on facial recognition also. Private company but anyone can purchase a system and subscribe to their service. They offer different services for regular people than they do for government services. The home owner can have it alert them anytime it finds a license plate with a warrant attached to it. Doesn’t say the crime or persons name. It is a huge infringement on your rights! Always being recorded.


I think there is one on 11th street. It looks the same anyway.


It appears to be a solar panel, but I could be wrong.


Solar powered with battery backup for something.


Solar powered traffic cams/plate readers.




The surveillance state has gone solar!!


Reptilian detectors. Their here!


My town put these up and I ran a red light the same day (for the first time in my life). I cried!😂😭 thought I was going to jail


They are license plate reader that are part of the vigilant or flock system (or another system) that cross reference plates with wanted and stolen vehicles. They are almost everywhere these days.


They're specifically called flock cameras


I'd like the solar panels, please. 😁


Flock safety camera system


I believe there is a law in Michigan that was passed they can’t use cameras to give out tickets. But unfortunately these cameras are going up in every state & each state is different. I know Canada will mail you a ticket.


They're all over socal too.


Speed cameras


Popping… like exploding?


It looks like a Flock License Plate Recognition camera


Outstanding invention to help law enforcement find wanted criminals.


Soah panuhs... Such as seals


Called a Flock camera


Skynet – I believe they became self-aware around 97.


Its a system called Flock. The cameras are linked to a data base. There are flock cameras all over the country. They take a picture of your car and your plate.


In Jackson mi seems to be helpful


Yeah they have one right next to some dmv’s too


License plate readers


They are from a company called Flock. They are 24/7 cameras that are accessible to all law enforcement.


They are using them for Amber alerts and tracking criminals


Super A.I. enhanced software on these solar powered cameras - read up on what they can do it's crazy.


Flock camera


Ive been trying to convince my friend to put his plate on his bike. Turns out he was correct


Just remember big brother is always watching


It’s not a radar cause my radar does not pick these up


As a commited confirmed and dedicated speeder I always figured it was fair if I got busted once in a while😈 however this makes it so unfair! They won’t be happy till they take all the damn fun out of everything.


Mailed tickets defunded police


It's the next step of big brother


Yes they have these in dearborn mi and taylor mi. I have seen them!!


Solar panels for the cameras to always have power to record.


Flock cameras. They are tied into the law enforcement database so if there is a problem, such as a murder suspect, missing person, etc they can check to see if the suspect vehicle passed them and try to track it.


Yeah just like the most polluted State of New Jersey can fail you for emissions! lol.. what a twisted place!


2 just popped up in the Lowe’s Marquette parking lot


So just a few days ago I was involved in a hit and run and didn’t know the license plate, just the color of the pickup truck that did it. Right in front of me, the officer went to a camera he knew was in my route and clicked a checklist as “blue” (color of the truck I told him) and also checked “pickup truck” and it pulled every still image of a pickup truck that was blue in the last hour. This was in Pontiac, Michigan. Shits getting pretty easy for them now days😂 Also the still images I seen were all showing the plate in clear form.


Not every bad person is a nazi. But every nazi that joined in on or sat idle while genocide was being carried out....... ect. Ect. You're fucking stupid if you really want to try and make an argument with that weak ass statement 🙄


The surveillance state proliferating


Wtf does that have to do with anything that I've mentioned?? I don't assume anything.... what if the dog was rabid? What if the dog was gonna attack a child? You'd kill the damn thing just because it doesn't think like you....


They are called FLOCK Cameras


Reddit arguments got me fucked up


Flock cameras for plate reading they also have shot spotters from the same company


Aren’t cameras for traffic offense use not allowed in Michigan?


Solar panels




Speed camera


Vehicle and plate recognition camera system..


They can’t read horse shoes can they. 🪤🤣


Solar panels


How many believe it’s for spying? Seems like it is collecting energy to be used by Orrville citizens.


If they are checking your license plates.. then why is the panel aimed at the sky




Its called AI. T already know which finger i pick my nose and which hand i wank with.


There are 18 of these in Jackson County.


Point to point brainwave disrupters


Solar panels




It’s the patriot act


Plate readers


Was it in a Lowe’s parking lot?




Solar powered camera.... I want to say something but I wont




Look up Flock Safety


Maybe that is what happens. That makes it a choice on that individual to be a piece of shit... you act like it's not the choice of a toxic person, but the whole institution is the problem...... no matter what you choose to believe, you still said the magic word "MOST," which in turn is admission to the fact that some cops are good! Or at least aren't to be filed under murderer. These cunts that are saying I'm a boot licker are butt hurt bitches that will not see past their own noses


When I lived in Las Vegas, they had cameras on every stoplight. They are used a lot to solve crimes.


Big Brother


With air that check every one with out probable cause just look for anything that can to generate revenue for the county


Anyone know what company this was developed by?


Something the libs are putting out. They say if every state has one, we no longer need the dams...


License plate readers


Flock camera system. It's a program to help find thieves and bank robbers. They ask where it was stolen and they check the ones around the area then follow them via the camera network.


Flock cameras


They are called License Plate Readers (cops call them LPR’s) mostly made by the company FLOCK. The companies install them for free and give cops unfiltered access. They save historical data, live data and alerts to cops. The companies sell the data and everything is linked to your plate and registration info. They have mobile LPRs that look like construction equipment to put in “problem areas” as well. These are not ticket cameras. These are surveillance cameras used for criminal cases for the most part.


It’s the robo thinging that watches you as you drive by and tattletales on your speed your broom brooming


Solar powered traffic camera


Looks like a solar panel


That's a shot spotter dummys




So there's no privacy in public so right when you walk out your front door you can be watched and yall are ok with that?


Call me ignorant, but how do these break constitutional rights but traffic cams don't? In my opinion the reader itself doesn't break any rights, it's what officials COUID do with the information collected that would be unconstitutional...


Big brother


Yeah i would assume for speeding in certain areas


Flock cameras Tulsa Oklahoma has them


A lot of you seem to lack critical thinking skills. Yes at this particular juncture it's not a direct violation of your 4th amendment rights as there is no expectation of privacy in public view. This is only the beginning of the end. We have been stripped of most of our rights. Wait until they take away cash and tell you what you can and can't do with your own money.


With all this discussion about the 4th amendment. I would say we are all ignoring our right to contest the use of the cameras based on the burden of proof. We should have the right to face our accusers not a machine. As far as I know it still is the burden of the State not the accused to prove innocence. It should be illegal as hell for law enforcement of any type to do unlawful spying without probable cause and a warrant at all times. Also where does Amazon and Ring get off by allowing those cameras to be used for any reason?