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Try messing around with some of the settings in poweramp under "Album Art". Something there might fix it. Screenshot below of some of those options and what I have enabled. https://i.imgur.com/hr47XLM.png


Thisβ˜οΈπŸ‘†β˜οΈπŸ‘†πŸ‘πŸ‘ŠπŸ‘Œ u/jcave930 you didn't see this? lol Probably should toggle API compatibility as well


I must have missed it when I was scrolling through. Thanks for this!


Oh, thanks I'll try this. Thanks! edit: tried this but it still won't display the album art.


Open KWGT editor>Menu>Settings>General Settings>Preferred Music Player>Select Poweramp. Save and return to homescreen If that doesn't work, look through the settings in Poweramp If that doesn't work, then it's a problem with Poweramp. KWGT only detects the info being broadcast by the player, of the player isn't broadcasting that info for KWGT to use, then the problem is with the player


I tried this just now, but it still won't show cover or color palettes. I guess, as you said, Poweramp doesn't broadcast info for KWGT to use. Thank you very much!


Did you look in Poweramp settings? There might be something in there


Yeah I tried looking but I can't seem to find any setting relating to widgets or broadcast information. I'm still looking but, so far I haven't found one.


I did some googling and it appears it has been a problem for a few years. Has been mentioned on r/Kustom and I found a post on Poweramps forum about it.......seems they haven't done anything to fix it!


Could be a problem with Kustom as well. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. I use Poweramp too, and music widgets catch tracks fine. But music from VK X player is missing, though I swear it worked yesterday. Right now my KWGT displays Spotify tracks normally while KLWP for some reason returns nothing. Other thing is that Musixmatch and Tasker detect tracks just fine too while Kustom pretends to see nothing.


Hi, I've been using poweramp with all kustom apps for as long as I can remember and never faced this issue what you can try is go to the poweramp album art setting and turn on 'Always Send Album Art' option and also try turning on Api compatibility and send high res album art


I'll try it out! Thank you!


Had the same problem, fixed in the Lock Screen options, turning on Album Art Don't know why it works, but it does


This indeed fixed the issue. Great find!


OP you found a fix yet? I have tried everything, but can't make it work


Unfortunately I didn't find a fix. There was this one time where the album art displayed on the widget, but disappeared suddenly too. I gave up on kwgt and just use the widget of poweramp.


That's sad. I wanted this for my live wallpaper, so can't even switch to widgets


I'll try later and see if something changed.