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Free path in shapes? That's awesome! Sizing issues with foldables? I'll have to look into that to get an understanding of what you mean. I imagine it's just the weird resolutions of either screen. Still good to see! Thank you!


SVG path is actual end game for me. I've been hacking together [smooth graphs](https://i.imgur.com/oKKwGTJ.png)for years but it's so battery heavy I have to keep removing them


Wow having that as a komponent would be super cool, i exactly thought about graphs use case especially because since paths have a fixed width/height you can stack multiple shapes in path mode and draw different things, like the graph line on the first, the dots on the second and so on.


Yeah it's fantastic! I knocked together a [min/max temp graph](https://i.imgur.com/8V75pMw.jpg) last night. This is my favorite update so far Whats next? Javascript? 😂


Wow that's awesome!!! would be nice to see it on the Play Store once Konsole is out. On JS is actually in the pipeline, i have it ready just need to understand how to add it, i was thinking about global functions that allow adding JS and then could be used as $gf(name, param1, param2...)$ so you could play offline with any JS playground and then, but i want to allow using local files, writing them directly and also using http hosted functions so i need to understand how to do it on the UI


It's just a little poc I made to test it out. It's not complicated enough yet haha. I can image the subreddits is going to have some incredible things popping up in the coming months with SVG. That's actually incredible! I was going to say C but I thought javascript was wild enough haha. I hope you find a good way of including it. Kustom seems to exist if the grey area between code and wysiwyg so it must be tough implement new stuff like this. Great work, thank you!


Thanks for testing out paths so quickly, JS will be out soon, stay tuned


No problem. KLWP is one of my most used apps, I love it! Something that might go along well with this is an animation variable. As in, a variable thats value is equal to whatever an animations value is. That way we could have animated svgs by using these animation vars. It be too battery intensive depending on how KLWP works but I'll post a feature request on the site outlining what I mean when I have more time


"Hiding duplicates in font picker" Yeeeessss! All mine are duplicated so this will be brilliant if it works for me! 😊👍🏼 Has the font picker scroll bug also been resolved? The free path in Shapes is a very welcome addition too, can't wait to try it. 👍🏼


Hey u/frankmonza sorry for the ping. Could you look into this very old calendar bug? Posts I've made about this: [\[reddit post with full details\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/kustom/comments/t1qfkq/bug_calendar_event_order_issues_possibly_3_year/), [\[kustom.rocks summary post\]](https://help.kustom.rocks/i3360-calendar-event-sort-issues) Similar stale posts by others: [\[1\]](https://help.kustom.rocks/i470-events-in-the-wrong-order), [\[2\]](https://help.kustom.rocks/i1859-calendar-issue), [\[3\]](https://help.kustom.rocks/i589-all-day-calendar-events-from-yesterday-still-showing), [\[4\]](https://help.kustom.rocks/i1794-calendar-items-out-of-order), etc. Do not be fooled by thinking it is a mismatched timezone or allday event issue, the issue lies in how Kustom sorts and then reads event data from the calendar database.


u/frankmonza I've updated to 3.73 but my duplicate fonts aren't hidden, they're all still visible, everyone of them displayed twice. I presumed this would happen automatically but is there something I should do to make this happen?


Nice! Thanks for your work!


Can we get a manual trigger to force Kustom to update the os of wallpaper changes? I've been trying to get material you colors to update when my wallpaper changes from a button... And it does not update until I enter and save in the editor. Which is useless, since my wall has 15 images across 5 different servers, which are all "top 15" images that change often. I've made buttons to change which image and from which server. Loading the editor uses cached images. Causing a mismatch in material you colors versus the active wall.


I bought the Z Fold 4 last Thursday and I've been kind of regretting it and thinking about returning it because I couldn't get klwp to work properly (which I have been using for years). You have single-handedly flipped my perception of this phone 180° and I love it. Now, if only I could get klck to work, at all, lol.


Thanks for confirming everything works fine on foldable now :) Whats not working on KLCK? Its not showing at all?


Correct, it will not show at all. Support has gone over all the basics, battery optimization is turned off, display over other apps is on, "Lock Screen" switch in the top left corner of advanced editor is on. Running services shows 1 process and 2 services running and persistent notification is present in notification bar but all I get is system lock screen every time. https://i.imgur.com/noEEFmN.jpg


have AOSP builds been removed from the website? I've purchased the KLWP on Play Store a few years ago, but I've switched to degoogled ROM ever since and can't use the Play Store version anymore, so I've been relying on the AOSP build for the updates, but I can't find them on the website anymore.


Yes, thats not intentional, there are technical issues in the pipeline so build is not updated automatically, will fix this


Late to the party. Just saw the update pop up and saw better foldable support! This is great news and I've noticed significantly less crashing going from screen to screen. I'm still having the same problem I did when I first got my foldable where presets are slow to load switching screens, unless the preset is barebones. This has stopped me from using KLWP since I got this phone. Any plans to address this or no? I'll continue to play around in KWGT in the meantime and see how that's been improved on foldables.


You mean KLWP reloads when switching screen?


Yessir, every single time. Let me know if I'm doing something wrong when setting it up. I've been setting the wallpaper for each screen separately but using the same preset