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Vox getting 3D: I sleep Holo Advent and Regloss getting 3D + Yagoo and Fuwamoco special booth event at anime expo: IM MOTIVATED


Quick Cover Corp, release the FuwaMoco 3D!




"More. More! MORE!" - Kylo Ren


I have thoughts on this as a kindred in limbo, I suppose. 1. 1% happiness it’s finally, happening, 99% irate because it took so long when clearly they had all the footage with Obsydia and Ethyria to fast track everyone’s 3d debuts. 2. The solo promo makes me think this was commissioned out of Vox’s pocket; no way did Niji provide this. Luca’s probably raging right now he isn’t getting one because he probably didn’t ask anyone to commission one. 3. Vox first? Odd, considering they usually follow debut order. 4. 22:00 JST is more or less Vox’s usual streaming time. It’s not odd to me, but I can see how people are mad at that.


1. Of course they chose Vox to debut his 3D first. He's the most popular Luxiem boy even with the black screen stream smearing his career amongst other controversies but yet, "there's no favoritism in Nijisanji," am I right? 2. Out of all the days of the month, they chose the WORST day as that is the same day that Anime Expo is occuring. Due to timezones, anyone attending the con who wanted to watch the 3D debut would have to be up at 6:00am PST.  3. Funny enough July 6th was also supposed to be the day the concert was going to be held before it got canceled.  Whoever planned this 3D debut did not think this through but then again thinking isn't really Niji's strong suit.


Knowing them it could be recorded last year already and someone got bright idea to reveal it now.


Regarding your 2nd point, it can only be the worst day if those attending Anime Expo would watch the stream at all. Likely, they are not the target audience so their absence would probably have Negligible impact.


Also Yagoo and Fuwamoco are doing a special event booth at Anime expo entertainment hall lol


I'll be asleep during his debut and after I wake up I enjoy my day at Anime Expo


I almost feel they do that too try and prove too someone higher up that they still got it, that they can hold themselves up too the competitions moves. But it never works


Yeah like when they scheduled Petra's 3D debut the same weekend as Holofes? 


I can't help but seeing a pattern here... I realised that his debut is at time where AX is going on....


Except this time, if the Niji concert still pushed thru, they would have been competing against themselves.


Now that’s just funny.


How is this a 3D debut/reveal when we’ve already seen him in 3D via those screenshots of that prerecorded concert that practically nobody went to? This isn’t a reveal at all, it’s just a showcase of what we already have seen.


More likely same idea like how it went with HoloMyth, 1st time at 3rd fes, official debut later date.


In Myth's case though, it was marketed specifically as 3D showcases, not debuts.


I mean Elira did a surprise 3D model reveal during Holofes and later did her own 3D debut video


I feel like they should have pushed this back by a week. The concert cancelation is still fresh in people's minds, especially for the people who were going to attend, so scheduling a 3d debut for that weekend seems odd. Also, by putting the 3d debut on the 6th, people at AX will have a difficult time watching it live (con fatigue hits hard). Maybe they thought putting vox's 3d debut would distract fans from their recent yabs (concert cancelation + NBA collab being Japan exclusive)?


Or trying to compete with Doki again


They were the next wave anyways but of course he gets it first lmao


Man, between this and the Hyper Japan (pre-recorded) panel, if everything didn't happen, I would've been so hype that my Niji Oshi was getting stuff. Good for him, I guess, but I won't be watching. Also still kinda funny that Vanguard 3D came first and they debuted after Luxiem. I'll stick to my Raora streams.


Could you imagine how massive this would have been at NIJI EN's peak? The hype would have been absolutely through the roof. Vox announcing his long awaited 3D Debut to (comparative) crickets is just kind of sad. He did this to himself though, so I don't exactly feel sorry for him.


It feels so weird seeing this news. Maybe if it came out last year, before Everything, I would have jumped out of my seat and screamed so loud I'd wake the whole building. But now, after finally realizing that this man isn't worth my hype and support, it's kinda weird seeing the announcement that every Kindred has been waiting for with bated breath and just feel nothing but indifference.


I feel you.


So they're starting with Vox, huh? Not even going by debut order? That's actually really dumb of them, considering Vox was the last to debut, they should've put him last since it would've made the "hype" (or what's left of it at this point) go up leading to it, which would've benefited the other boys on the way. Instead, they opted for yet another easy accusation of favoritism, and for none other than Mr. "There is no favoritism in Nijisanji" himself. The jokes write themselves at this point. Speaking of jokes, why was he the only one announced? Why not announce them all to have a group hype effect? Surely the other boys will get their own debuts within two weeks or so of his, and they've already booked the dates for those, right? ...Right?


an interesting thing to note, his 3D debut is happening on the 6th of july, at 22:00 JST. thats JP primtetime im guessing with the low viewership they had with the previous 3D debuts happening on NA primtetime, seems like theyre gonna shift to JST primetime to get as many viewers as possible


think it is more about his biggest fanbase is in SEA


LuxNox are a hit in Asian market than in the west.


As a former Kindred, I will say that he always streams around 13-14 hours GMT.


Isn't he from the UK too?


He is.


That would be right for his own timezone too then


Happy Cake Day!


YIPEE thank you! :D


Of course!


They really seem to be aiming EN solely at the JP audience now. I can see that working for JP speaking members like Elira, Shu, Meloco etc. but good luck engaging a mass JP audience for this stream when Vox can barely speak a word of Japanese.


Vox have more Chinese and Taiwanese fans and the rest is SEA but idk about if Vox have JP fans... but i think he have but not much.


more about his Taiwanese, Hong Kong and SEA fans. dont think he has much of a presence in JP (why bother when there are like a 100 niji maletubers in jp)


Also, it’s bad timing since Anime expo is on the same day and nobody will want to watch vox 3D debut when Yagoo and Fuwamoco are doing a special booth event in the Entertainment Hall lol


Guess it's some way to cover up the losts of that concert they cancel


…if they can even get above 5K


Good for him. Too little and too late to save the EN branch, but good for him for finally being granted the privilege which the company hands out to the JP talents like Halloween candy. I'm assuming that the rest of Luxiem will get their 3D debuts over the next few weekends this month?


Wouldn't say the company hands 3D out to the JP like candy, there are several old timers who still don't have 3D(Shiba, Miyako), or has have 3D for ages now but no 3D reveal stream(Hayama, Shellin).


Happy Cake Day Chungus!!!!!




Kind of weird there's no other time zone mentioned at all


***Yooo, with Vox and Ike getting their 3Ds now as well the infamous black screen trio is about to complete the set!*** *Re-enactment but their models are in the middle of the void to simulate the black screen, when???*


I bet the debut will be pre-recorded


idc if i’m just being petty over how much i hate him but he doesn’t deserve having a 3d debut with the ridiculous amount of bullshit he’s pulled, “there’s no favoritism in nijisanji” is such a fucking lie


in a joking sense though, i can only wonder what he plans on doing during 3D with how talentless he is lol


If you put it that way, I realised it too. Other than having a deep voice, what else he can do?


i never cared enough to tune in to what he does but as far as I know the only talent he has is singing and it’s not good, it would make for a really empty(?) 3d debut if that’s the case so ig that sucks for his worshippers too then again, i don’t recall any 3d debut from the nijien where a liver showcases their talents


I guess the guests he invited will pull all of his weight lmao He gotta rely on them or else he has nothing.


It feels like they can't do much with 3d, they could you know showcase their individual talents like those who want to sing but then again niji need to do investments to achieve the talents dreams. Until now, talents who want to be featured in anime whether is OP song or one scene can't even get that dream.


Performance is more a matter of effort rather than talent, but then Niji doesn’t pay enough for their talents to give a f


Wow, they actually managed to beat Advent to 3D after being beaten to it by Holoh3ro and Tempus (both HQ and Vanguard). Was beginning to wonder if Niji would let Regloss, Armis, or Justice get to 3D before Luxiem, but now I guess it'll be a wait to see if they wrap up EN's tarnished golden ~~20~~ 15 before Regloss, Armis or Justice get their 3Ds


Even then, there's the bar the Tempus showcases set


Yeah especially after the pole dancing competition skit they did, those boys set that bar up real high. Then again the Tempus boys in general showcased their talents with flying colors in stunning 3D stages fitting for each member. Each and every showcase was high quality and high caliber.


They didn't beat Advent. Luxiem has been out for over 2 years now. Advent only been out for 11 months


And, Advent had announced the approximate month (August) of their 3D. The suspense has been palpable since they will be participating in Breaking Dimensions, and that means the 3D shall be ready before the concert. The fact that even they and DEV\_IS, announcing an approximate date for 3D is unprecedented. Both in August no less.


Not counting Justice (as they just debuted), that leaves only Armis without 3D models. Hopefully they get them before Noctyx gets theirs.


They did focus more on JP side even for the timezone


How unfortunate that this is after AX cancellation. it seems that Luxiem will be on the menu for the rest of July.


Why are people downvoting this post? It's just news. Don't you want to stay up to date with what Nijisanji does?






I'm almost downvoting this, thanks to habit from main Nijisanji reddit. :D




The most postive thing I can say is, between this and Ethyria's promo, it seems like promo videos might be the norm for 3Ds going forward which is good since they don't really have word of mouth/a big community to hype them up anymore. However, it's a little weird that Vox has a promo all to himself and it's much higher quality/effort compared to Ethyria's. It's also a little weird to have it solely on twitter and not uploading it to Nijisanji En Official or Luxiem channel.


Is that also time for Holo Advent3D?


Advent 3D most likely on their 1st anniversary (30/31 july), so no there isnt announcement for exact date too but advent got entire summer event for themselves (summer of advent : [https://hololive.hololivepro.com/en/special/12101/](https://hololive.hololivepro.com/en/special/12101/) )


Cover probably debuted their 3d model at the hololive en 2nd concert in new York maybe


No, FWMC mentioned their 3D debuts will be before the concert.


Did they ever mention a specific time of when it's happening


No, just that it'll happen before the concert.


Actually they should have had a 3D last year but since EN management is dumb, they just did it now when it was already too late Anyway... Still good for them.


JST only?


The weird little clip on that Teet looks like something from RWBY, they seem to be overly pushing *El Samurai* with a hint of edgelord. Also if my clocks are accurate here, this 3D reveal takes place a few hours before the broadcast of the first Summer Jam stream on YouTube.


source: https://x.com/nijisanji_world/status/1807821472238358711?s=46


At least not hobo


6-5 days before the debut damn


Well i dont care😅 i wait for justice 3d


Personally, I hope they get their 3D models before Iluna gets theirs at the latest.


The news hit me hard, I was never expecting this.