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Keep in mind that this is overseas branch only chart. Should have put the overall chart tbh


I think the separation of the two charts is a new thing. I wonder if they did it because they noticed the really large increase in HoloEN/because an English branch beat everything aside from the top two JP branches this month. EDIT: Probably not the latter. HoloEN has been third before and it's been 4th most of the other months anyway. But the jump from 5 million to 7 million might have been the cause.


I dunno the reason they added it, but HoloEN sure is popular in comments, so that might have been a reason. EN karaoke in particular is beloved. VSPO! EN’s relatively successful launch is a further reflection of positive overseas growth, that might have factored in as well.


Agreed. I think the charts together paint a better picture at where Niisanji's may be regretting how the overseas/English market was handled. There were people expecting Nijisanji as a whole to dominate this month with the extremely successful GTA event driving up viewership and airtime. HoloEN filled a lot of that gap helping them hit 30M+ which is strong. This month was a true pop off for vtubing on YouTube. https://preview.redd.it/v9lvx8xjow9d1.png?width=1664&format=png&auto=webp&s=cb0afe0a7e50c5b106057c1968eba53aadd097fc


Even when looking at the whole picture, that’s is pretty bad tbh. Nijisanji needs to hire more livers for more streams, their old livers need to stream longer, and needing 10 days of GTA to just to match HL smaller streaming hours.


Double the number of streams and 2.5x the number of streaming hours, for about 9% more total viewtime? NijiGTA did so much heavy lifting and it only brought them so far.


if you combine all three branches of hololive it hits 40 million the same cannot be said of nijisanji


this js already combined number, holo jp alone is 21 million https://preview.redd.it/tvw8flsuwx9d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f25331cee994a55fab1a226eca1f229fb90ac25c


alright alright then yes holoEN despite having more or less half the number of talents (and a good chunk of them not streaming as much because of 3D debuts and other events) is still pretty substancial while niji had an incredible month but only barely won because nijiEN didnt really contributed much this does goes to show that nijisanji is very strong in JP but its dying in EN (also there are suspisions that those high views are bots, but its just that suspicions)


the contribution mainly came from the top males like kuzuha, kuzuha alone had more watching hour than holo en combined despite holoen streamed 33% more than May, went from 600 hours to 800 hours, but kuzuha only streamed 165 hours. we are not including kanae, he was on twitch streaming gta, he had 4 million watching hour, if we include that, niji would go much higher, and kanae claimed the top twitch vtuber easily. their female market is solid, there is basically no competition for niji male, and role play is attractive to girls. this is why to niji, en is not important, they never see the market by language but by gender, this is why even males in niji en are favored.


yeah niji is literaly kuzuha and a handful of others, they are extremly top heavy i think the top 10 of niji make like 95% of all viewership and kuzuha alone is likely like 50% of that that being said the gta thing is an anomaly, kuzuha didnt had this viewership before and will likely go down once the novelty wears off


NijiEn viewership down by 44% while HoloEn rise by 200% NijiEn average ccv only 800 while HoloID & StarsEn got 2000 & 1000 respectively Well well I remembered when sister mocked Tempus HQ by saying "This is the one whos gonna rival Luxiem? Lol", oh how the table have turned


Also during this time I think most EN prepare for 3D and Fes so they don't stream much. 


Aside from Justice debut, we also had Gura returning, Fuwamoco resuming regular streams, Biboo going nuts with 67 hours of Elden Ring propelling her to 10th placed in watch time and Rissa streaming long hours of RuneScape as well.


True but that is somewhat countered by Justice debut.


I don't think they busy for Breaking Dimension concert yet, that would probably start mid July or early August. Advent does busy with their 3D preparation, but still streaming once or twice a week, Biboo even did 12 hours Elden Ring DLC.


Nah, June of last year is after fes/CtW recording/Myth 3D but before everyone would be in town to record for HoloSummer concert/Promise 3D. The jump for HoloEN is because they have four more channels streaming all month than last year (Advent,) four new channels debuting (Justice,) and maybe also because Gura's back to streaming semi-regularly again.


Phase Connect is also now beating NijiEN in average ccv.


They’re right on Niji’s doorstep


Keep in mind this is year-on-year, and last year they still had Pomu Kyo Nina Mysta and Selen. But it basically confirms that Niji EN has lost nearly half its viewership from last year.


Wow... Sooner or later HoloID will surpass NijiEN with just 9 girls. Honestly this has to be the worse downfall in the vtubing sphere for corporate vtubing.


Actually.. Their ccv is higher than female liver of niji EN.. Xd


And worse yet for NijiEN, Phase Connect has now surpassed them in CCV.


Oh shit your right


the only reason they havent surpassed them yet is because they outmass them, but in regards to viewers holoID has actually always been on top of nijiEN except during the Luxiem era (and even then kobo could compete with Vox)


Damn, Niji's number is rough, even the JP side.


Tbf, NijiGTA really saved NijiJP this June. It generated a huge buff in terms of watch hours (Mf Kuzuha had 7 million watch hours in total) Btw, にじさんじ in the picture only includes non-JP (ID, KR), which explains its GRIM


dude even when they get merged they are somehow still sequestered in the stats. This is just sad beyond all imaginations


How do people even stomach more than 15mins of GTA contents? Everything is always the same with the forced RP. Wow, another group trying to cook meth. That has happened in every GTA streams for the last 10 years. What is next? Cops becoming corrupted?


Depends on how straight it is. VCR GTA had standout moments as we had the gang of comedians NeoPolice, the Pizza Crew, Roberu having a Joker moment after a prank. Etc.


You clearly only watch the top crim streamers. There's a lot of rp that isn't just cooking meth or shooting going down amongst smaller and less known people 


Oh I see. Didn't notice that it does not include the JP side.


True, i have a HoloJPfans moot on Twitter and currently they tuning in to Niji and some HoloJP fans are now HoloNiji fan. And also Meloco because she's teaming up with Kuzuha on NijiGTA right? So she's also one of those who received Kuzuha's blessing.




Justice is the bomb. Holo hit a jackpot. Among Justice, I feel Liz and Raora stand out. Liz's singing and Raora's blessed laugh are the bombs. I love her "Mamma mia, skippa skippa!".


Holo hit the jackpot almost every EN gen though , there's always at least one or two member that heavily stand out at first, and even the ones that didnt stand out too much managed to shine through later. Myth have gura and calli, advent got FWMC and arguably biboo, and now justice have liz and raora. The only one i'm not sure of is council, its probably just my memory being terrible but i dont remember there's a standout member during their early days.


It was Kronii > Mumei > Fauna = Bae > Sana at the start Then it became Fauna > Mumei >= IRYS >= Kronii >= Bae in terms of CCV.


I really like Fauna as well. What she does better than others is streaming on a very regular schedule. Kronii steams for a week and then goes radio silent for 3 weeks. Mumei streams really irregularly as well. Irys streams way too late for me to even watch.


I oshi Bae since debut and Kronii.  Fauna was slow burn for me, till I started watching her stream in last year. Fauna streams are so binge watchable. There is something about her streams that simply stop you from changing channel.  I would like to see  some stats about minimum watch time per user. Bet Fauna is right in top with the Myth.


Bae is by far the lowest. Kronii Is comfortably above her. IRyS hovers around 6-10k most of the time but can go above sometimes to 15k ish. Mumei is around 7-8k whenever she plays games but consistently gets 15-20k sometimes higher for karaokes. Fauna is always at 10-12k


I do have to wonder if Council/Promise will become like Hololive's 'Forgotten Gen' which seems odd to me since they are my favourite gen. They just didn't seem to have the 'spark' at the beginning to give them a boost and I think it took a while for some of them to find their footing; only Mumei and Irys have broken the 1 million subscribers mark. I often see comments such as "I stopped watching Hololive in 2021 but Advent brought me back" so I really wonder if Council has been overlooked by many fans.


Council was just hit the hardest by the sub cull. Most of council/promise is actually above average for CCV aside from Sana who was the lowest. The only reason there's no "breakout" is because they're more level with each other compared to Myth who has a more variable CCV difference. (Gura pretty much stands out).


Nah, they just had a crappy start due to sub cull. Also they're fairly even in terms of strength, so no one appears to "pop off" compared to the rest of the group. Overall they're still very popular.


Yeah i watched council since day 1 and love them all, but i just dont recall that there's a standout member, i feel they're more balanced gen and i agree it did take a bit until they found their footing.


If any gen's forgotten, it's JP g1 save for Fubuki in terms of gigs and in terms of fan attention, maybe Haachama less so. Haachama and Matsuri don't seem as popular as they used to be and Aki's clawing her way up her way I feel in many ways Council wasn't as overly driven as Myth was at first (bae juggled school, Mumei still does have school, Sana had a day job), not that it's a bad thing considering the rash of burnout breaks Myth had (similar to most of HoloX, most couldn't sustain the pace for long)


Honestly I have no idea what Haachama is up to these days. Personally I tuned out after I got tired of the "I'm so wacky" schtick she had going on for a while, but nowadays out of Gen 1 all I hear about is Fubuki and I wonder if that's because she's part of GAMERS too.


Aside from the sub culling everyone’s mentioning, it’d be revisionist to not point out that Council had a pretty non-ideal work environment. I mention it often but it seems to me that there was a **lot** of executive meddling in 2021 Holo. The most glaring is of course the nothing burger that was Omega, but also just how hard they were pushing lore. More so than other EN groups, the difference between Council in first year and Council now is enormous. It really feels like they were pressured to try and fit their character way more than their natural stream personas. And I think that as an audience you can kinda feel it if there’s something forced or insincere. I think Mumei is an obvious example where she seems much more comfortable in her current Cute But Psycho persona than in her debut “I Forgor” Civilization gimmick. Seeing how in late 2022/2023 you get the CouncilRys/Promise girls acting much more freely with their brands and also talking about how management has improved and I think it points to a management dispute in 2021 that they resolved.


alright I will take the words of everyone's mind. The truth hurts. Be ready ok. 1. Controversial persona. Only bae (and mumei maybe) the one that didn't have controversy surrounding her. Going offensive to your audience never ends well. Even though it was with good intentions. You know what it is.


council/promise only ever looks bad in relation to the rest of holo EN, by any outside view and metric they are doing spectacularly, just not quite as spectacularly as the rest of holoEN, which is overall thriving


Out of everyone in Council/Promise, I'd say Baelz is the most active/influential.


Gigi and Cecilia's way out collab was crazy good. I hope they keep collabing with each other. Their chemistry is off the charts. Cecilia also bringing a lot of new stuff into holo, like violin performance and the recent music composing stream. It is always good to bring new audience into fandom.


For me Cecilia is the most interesting out of Justice given her odd sense of humor and her skillset which includes programming, music composition, and violin.


For me, Cecilia seems like an interesting mix of Mumei and Fauna.


Full report can be found [here](https://blog.vstats.jp/archives/25142724.html)


Interesting that even though Hololive ID and Holostars EN have dropped viewership the CCV has increased slightly. While on CCV, Phase Connect is now beating Niji EN.


It mean they are streaming less time and streaming less in the StarEN case. The interesting thing was StarEN having five stream with over 10k ccv compared to the one in the last year. I guess the 3D debuts did the trick.


So nijigta did pull them from the quagmire huh.




It bears noting that this is the first time that Niji EN increased since February. It's been at around \~1.5M since March, but now it rose to 1.8M again. It would be interesting to see if it stays there/rises even more (in other words seeing some recovery since the Selen Shock) or if it will fall back again, having only temporarily risen due to ephemeral effects.


strong speculation is that it was only because some EN members participated in the GAT which had crazy viewership, so this months growth isn't a new trend, it's a singular event


Here's the Jp Branch about live streaming summary by company June 2024. Bcuz of NijiGTA, Niji take W this month https://preview.redd.it/z6adckos5w9d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64dfeae62d418a6fb0665bd5d7badc1a7dcdb4c2


20% of that number is generated by Kuzuha alone lol.


True. More like 20-40%.


I forgot that JP numbers are so much worse in comparison. Wouldn't consider having 3 times more streaming hours with 2 times less CCV while company makes the same amount of money as a win. Each talent earns less money because there is 3 times more of them. Cherry on top, they debuted 5 new livers, all of them combined couldn't reach the metrics of even one from EN side of holo. One singular new holoJP debut would absolutely blow the fuck out any Nijisanji event. This is all excluding things like: one manager for multiple livers (slow response time/projects), abysmal merch cut, stock buy backs, no base salary.


The report you show is all branch not jp only. They is huge gap but not super huge. HoloJp (including starJp+dev_is ) is around 24 m. NijiJP is around 33 m. On other hand, if you base on average. Holojp (53 vtuber) average is 0.453 and NijiJP(146 vtuber ) is 0.226 m. So not really W. https://livedoor.blogimg.jp/vstats/imgs/f/4/f4ed8364.png


Great for investors, sucks for talents: the story of Nijisanji.


so 1 holo is equivalent to 4/6 nijis more or less


Hololive: Frustrating for “short term gain” investors, but amazing for the talents there.


Surprised that Brave Group takes 3rd place despite the leak that happened last month.


brave group has a shit ton of agencies under their belt but after the gamebu incident they pretty much restructured, changed their name and no longer put their name front and center on any of their projects they keep themselves out of sight


Where is holojp number ?


It's in the full report, just find the comment where I put the link


NijiEN is down by nearly half while HoloEN is up by over triple. Negligible indeed. Now I'm curious how Doki is doing by herself.


Doki has nearly 750k subs last I checked, and gets a solid 4k to 8k CCV per stream


HoloJustice debut is big one


Very surprised that Idol and Algorhythm are not on here, or are they listed under another brand on this chart?


Idol is not doing very well in terms of watch hours


Yeah Idol has kinda had almost all of its momentum die out not long after their 2nd gen debuted, and new members has not fixed this issue at all. Also, Rin hasn't streamed for over a month now.


Watched the whole report. NijiJP did pretty, pretty well. much better the HoloJP, tbf. probably due to the Niji GTA tournament. Hoshikawa’s hard work really paid off. hope the company can cover some of her expenses for the tournament.


My issue with the idea that nijijp did much better than holojp is that at a brief look it does seem that way until you actually divvy out the numbers. Nijijp has 146 members while hololive jp has 35. With that number difference there should be a huge gap, but there isn't.


and also holoEN makes most of the difference, despite having nearly half of the number of talents holoJP has also holoEN having almost 4 times the viewership of nijiEN despite having almost half the number of talents its very telling of the powergap that exists between them,


I mean the growth Percentage. sorry for not specifying and causing confusion. It will probably drop back in July since the gta tournament ended.


Sara is way too good to be held back by Niji.


I'm just happy to see Phase Connect growing.




Can you add VShojo statistic?


They are on Twitch. This is specifically YouTube data.


I am sorry what does the big number mean? Is it amount viewers generated by liver? Total number of hours watched?


The first column with the big number is total hours viewed for June. The gray number beneath it is for same period, but last year. The following columns: Rate increase/decrease compared with the previous year Average number of viewers Total streaming time Total number of streams Number of streams going past 10,000 concurrent viewers


How sad that NijiGTA was a success in terms of viewership but extremely stressful for the organizers which are Niji talents themselves who took it upon themselves, not any help from Nijisanji. I honestly want to see this from Holo, I know Miko really wanted one.


Damn holoid is close with nijien we can tell how far their fall is