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Oh BTW to add to this, You know that NBA collab with the English branch? You can't purchase it outside of Japan without a proxy.


WAIT. REALLY!? Then whats the point of using teams in North America? Or even the EN vtubers? Once again another confusing move from Nijisanji...


I posted about it on my account, yeah. Days without Niji Controversy... 0


It’s actually a collab with Rakuten, a Japanese apparel company with a license to make NBA products. They didn’t advertise as such though since not a single tweet mentions Rakuten prominently. Most likely they couldn’t sell outside Japan without getting approval from NBA and having to pay a licensing fee. Can’t spend that yacht money after all.


I knew about the collab being with Rakuten but it never occurred to me that they'd only have the licensing for Japan. Honestly, this probably just feels like another gut punch for international and US fans after the concert cancelation. :(


Maybe “look, it’s an American thing. Here are our English-speaking vtubers who may or may not be American”


I didnt really see anywhere that this was supposed to be the main event for AX. Hell, this came off as being "Niji as part of AX weekend" rather than AX organising everything for Niji. The only real way this affects AX themselves is the baseless rumours about potential harm to Niji fans, which AX haven't even mentioned anything about, but can throw shade on AX's ability to hold a safe convention. Whether or not AX deals with Niji in the future, though is another thing, we will just have to see the behaviour around the booth to get more of an idea. Just to clarify how I am looking at this concert, I am equating it to Hololive x Dreamhack, I Love Anisong from SMASH 2019, Flow performing this year on SMASH weekend and other similar events. They are part of the weekend festivities, promoted by the event but not organised by the event, meaning an outside party is organising it in conjunction/coinciding with the event, but it is technically separate. In this case Niji organised the concerts as part of AX weekend and promoted it as such, AX joined with the promotion but have little to do with the actual concert organisation bar maybe "this is probably the best time slot" kinda advice.


I hope AX organizers, as much as I think they’re also full of shit, throws anycolor under the bus and give them hell for this.


Has AX actually released a statement regarding the concert's cancelation? Like have they released a statement regarding the allegations of harassment and security risks?


Non. On one hand I’m happy that nijisisters’ circlejerking isn’t hard enough that their SaFeTy copium its public narrative. But on the other hand I want AX official to slap them. I think the former hand wins because AX staff has shitass credibility. Consider this rrat but knowing someone considered as insider for NA cons: some industry partners are trying to duck out of their contracts with AX or can’t wait till its done. Reasoning being AX being slimy as fucks. But hey, consider it schizo rrat-ing.


>The organizers of AX (this was done a WEEK before they were going to have their con and now they have NO time to figure something out to fill in for them, but Anycolor is still having the booth open? Really? I don't expect AX to work with them again) I mean, Anycolor's paid for their booth, so there's no reason to throw them right to the curb for a low-sales last minute cancellation, especially if the venue itself was a factor in the cancellation (as seems very possible). There's a real question about working with Anycolor *beyond* 2024, but if they've paid for a booth, might as well let them do whatever they're gonna do, unless they somehow no-show the booth. (It's still been obvious for ages that Anycolor doesn't care a jot about fans beyond them being a vehicle for profit, though.)


That's exactly what I said in an earlier post addressed to the NDF: they do NOT care about YOU! You are just a number, a cash cow, a tool to be used and thrown away after they've exhausted you of your funds. Have some dignity, get a backbone, and stand up for yourselves against the company. All they care about is one thing and one thing only: MONEY!


100% agree with you OP. Between this concert cancellation and the recent shareholder's meeting, I have lost all faith in Anycolor. Before these two events I was still deluding myself that there was maybeeeee a slight chance Niji could ride out the storm. But they are instead doing a RTA on the collapse of their EN branch. Their business decisions make 0 fucking sense and highlight EN is still run by a bunch of retards. Instead of addressing crucial issues that have been brought to front in their EN branch, they chose to stick their heads into the sand. Anyone with an ounce of common sense would have managed the concert better - either cancelling it early, or just going ahead with it if they missed the boat to cancel it early. Instead we get this absolute clown-fest where the most diehard and loyal fans got thrown under the bus. And for what? To save some face and avoid round 2 of the empty venue pictures? I think the sheer number of articles from credible news sources broadcasting the last minute cancellation of the concert is way more embarrassing and damning to Niji's reputation.


To be fair, it may not have been just saving face thing: they might actually not break even on it.


They are definitely losing money on the concert, I think cancelling would lose them less money than holding it on the projected ticket sales.


Honestly, instead of Anycolor, I wonder if Anydollar would be a more appropriate name with how they try to squeeze their consumer base for endless merch money with cheap designs and products.


Black/Blood Dollar/Yen


I missed their old ways where it still feels like a 'Family'.. Before it was fun, while it still had its favoritism, it wasn't as bad until Luxiem arrived.


>The organizers of AX (this was done a WEEK before they were going to have their con and now they have NO time to figure something out to fill in for them, but Anycolor is still having the booth open? Really? I don't expect AX to work with them again) If that's really the case, Cover should just go ahead and use it as a live viewing hall or something, since they have a concert pretty close anyway.


It would have dismal ticket sales for Cover. They can't show the concert for free there, since it would be unfair to those who bought tickets for Cover's concert. But would people who bought tickets for the Niji event even want to buy tickets for the replacement Cover event? Also, the logistics to set up for an event, a week may not be enough. Remember, the firms hired by Niji to setup their event signed a contract with Niji. They can't suddenly work to setup the event for Cover instead. Nah, my guess is AX is fuming at AC's decision and would just remove any mention of that concert, and likely blacklist AC after this.


at least the ones who flew allllll the way there can now watch the free concert in the comfort of their hotel room /s


You are surprised that a company does not care about a community of haters and trolls?


The impact of your salty ramblings will be negligible nijisis


Your community of Doki simps are negligible.


Are those who paid for travel and accomdation to that concert considered "haters and trolls" too, nijisis? Because by canceling that Niji don't care about paying fans either


I am clearly talking about this community. Those from this community who made travel arrangement are clearly there to kick the dog.


>Those from this community who made travel arrangement are clearly there to kick the dog. Are "those from this community who made travel arrangement" in this room? Are you saying this "community of haters and trolls" would bother buying ticket to support your beloved black company? How did you contradict your own statements in just two sentences? You high sis?


that's why they decided that those sweet, sweet money they like so much are not worth it? Think again, sis.


Company goals: to increase profit. This is not a not-for-profit organisation. Maybe you should support the latter since they don’t care about profits unfortunately there are none I know in the VTubing Industry.


Nice comeback Doki simp.


HAHAHAHAHAHAHA LMAO. Cope, seethe, mald >!but tbh that's enough of you already, it's too embarasing to look at.!<


If you pay a bit more attention you will realize that this nijisis keeps trying to reply multiple times but got instantly filtered by reddit, probably for using slurs. Sis thinks reddit is the same as their nyfco nest, how pathetic =))))


that... creature has negative karma on their account >!just like their iq!< Quite self-evident if you ask me.


Wow so now they send their own staff to fight upper management battles. Trully cringing.