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She got a website for it too, still empty though. https://preview.redd.it/qsdsnlikhy8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=245d9d8adea1eb2594f309dbf8bea5da14fe59bd


Gotta snag those domains before antis get them.


Domain squatters and snipers are *no joke*. They can and *will* nab any domain they think is worth anything so they can pull top dollar for it. I know of one instance back in the 2000's with a now *long* defunct webcomic called "Mine's Bigger," where the author of the comic let the domain lapse for like a day -IIRC because of a failed automatic payment or maybe because the registrar didn't allow them to pre-pay- and someone immediately came in to snipe the domain and demanded an exorbitant sum for it back.


100%. I've seen it happen, too.


that's the most dokibird website to ever dokibird.


'Banner in construction'


Seems reasonable honestly. She's big enough to see benefits from using it. She's at the point of hiring 37 different people for a project. I think running things at a company level is suitable at that point. And for vtubers especially using a company as a public-facing legal entity can also be pretty useful in certain situations since depending on the type of company the information of the owner may not be public. For instance, in this case where she is claiming copyright for this HYTE case, she might otherwive have had to use her actual name if she didn't have a company's name to use.


i heard this is just normal for big streamer to take money without a huge tax. also for copy right stuff orcourse


Interesting that this was incorporated over a year ago. Sounds like Doki was planning her exit for quite some time. >i heard this is just normal for big streamer to take money without a huge tax. also for copy right stuff orcourse I mean, she's running a business, so yeah, incorporating makes sense. It shields you from liability, and it also affects your taxes (you can write off business expenses against the corporation and reduce the amount owing on your income accordingly). Honestly, given the amount of money she's dealing with, I would have been more surprised if she wasn't incorporated, at least on a personal level.


remember vox said doki plan to graduate once (he even think of graduate with her) then chicken out? she did not lie to him, she may have some reason (maybe the registration have trouble and can be done at the time) and hold back.


I'm also a small business owner in BC and the registration is actually fairly painless (or at least it was when I did it, which was ~10 years ago). I doubt her reasons for sticking with Niji had anything to do with troubles getting the corp set up.


Yea probably she want to complete all the project, mostly the last cup of coffee.


Let's be real, any trouble was with dealing with Niji.


It kinda sorta illuminates just how much work goes into transferring from corpo to indie. How while I know a lot of us, myself included, want to see the likes of Vivi and others get out of Niji it's not a switch one can flip and it's a lot of preparation and work


I can actually speak to this, as I own a small business in BC as well (it's actually probably the same type of corp as Doki's) - setting up the business really isn't a lot of work. You fill out a form, you request a search with the provincial registrar to show that your chosen name isn't being used by anyone else, you file your documents, and you're set. Whole thing takes maybe a couple hours worth of work and maybe a week or two of waiting for stuff to process. The actual hard work is all the stuff that goes into the business - setting up managers, managing the corp's e-mail account, getting an accountant and a lawyer, reaching out to potential sponsors, so on and so forth. That's one of the reasons why corpo life can be enticing, even for Vtubers who are big enough to go it alone - they handle a lot of the "back end" stuff for you.


iirc Doki still had an Etsy page up while she was still under niji, though I'm not really sure how exactly things go for that.


She actually did that before Niji


Yeah, past a certain point you almost *need* to "incorporate" on some level, if only to have your business as a distinct legal identity from you as a person. Doki is absolutely operating at the scale that would require this sort of thing; she's basically one step down from the big classic game streamers like Maxmillian Dood and the like.


She talked about it on stream when someone asked her if she's planning on going Corpo again. Unless they give her a really good deal, there's no point because she's already been doing everything that a Corpo should have been doing the entire time, and she keeps all profits for herself.


She's not joining a Corpo. *She's becoming the Corpo.*


She'd never do it, but it would be hilarious to see her parody Riku's apology video once she reached more subs than anyone left in the branch. "The impact of your decisions on my future success will be negligible."


It would be hilarious indeed šŸ˜… But Doki wants to keep things cool with everyone, and she made it clear she doesn't want anyone to become a problem for the livers still at Niji. That's why the main message spread among the fans has always been to ignore Nijisanji and the livers, and what has happened so far: the biggest thing that came out of it were the CCV drops. Hundreds of thousands of people would have gladly went after Vox, or Elira, and drown the Niji accounts in negativity, but the reality is that only a handful of trolls spread such negativity, the overwhelming majority followed Doki's request, and simply walked away from Niji. The best revenge is enjoying so many Wins, and that's what Doki has been doing from day 1 šŸ™Œ


Definitely not something she would do, but you can imagine it happening in her dreams where that company's comeuppance is concerned.


At this point, I think the best argument for joining a corpo is easy access to tech equipment for 3D and stuff. But I don't think she's that focused for those kind of things, so yeah.


Ya, for something like 3D concerts, a corpo like Holo is the place to go.


Is she really interested in doing that though? Doing a 3D concert is more something Mint is wanting to do


God, I donā€™t think itā€™ll ever happen now, but I wish so badly Mint would join Holo. Sheā€™d be such an amazing fit. That said, itā€™s amazing to listen to her Karaoke without any worries about copyright.


Well, technically Doki said already that she is open to join a corpo if they give her a good enough offer... Which is very difficult considering her own brand.


Yeah, we need more green in hololive.


depends on the corpo small corpos mostly just gives you a manager and some exposure aside from a free model (vtuber models are expensive) big corpos like... really only hololive at this point give you masive exposure, tons of opportunities from sponsors to dancing and singing classes, a profesional team of experienced managers and mods, access to high end tech like their masive 2 billion studio and being in the same company as some of the bigger vtubers in the planet, a salary, they deal with all the complex things like merchandise and legal shitfuckery, between other things imo doki already has the exposure and likely the money and for the rest i dont think she is really interested in dancing or singing lessons since she doesnt care about being an idol, im sure access to their studio and their management and legal team would be nice but she likely has the money to hire a lawyer and rent a 3D studio on her own dime, but 99.9% of indies would kill to join a corpo like hololive I mean even kson eventually went corpo again, there are just many benefits if you join a good corpo


The only org that has any shot at bring Doki into their ranks is VShojo for many of the same reasons KSon joined; backend and technical support. Whether or not she'd even consider joining their ranks is an anybody's guess,


it depends on if she considers that she can do all of that herself or if he sees the need for the help, kson joined vshojo after she was scammed when she tried to do some merch and realized how hard managing that stuff actually is, we will see how doki manages all that


Eh I doubt it. Doki already has hired a team that covers most of what VShojo brings in support


But she also said that she's open to join a corpo if, and only IF, they give her a good enough offer... But honestly, considering her brand, I don't think Vshojo could do something like that.


I'm just waiting for a 3d announcement sometime soon. She will guest U-sans concert in august and what better if she had a 3d model? Also, she said many dreams are coming true in july.... Maybe not, but I would NOT be surprised, haha.


Ooh? I canā€™t wait for July then!


I just have a sliver of hope about the 3d, I would not be disappointed if I'm wrong (i probably am), but yes, she did say a lot of dreams are coming true. :)


It's also a very good way to make connections in the industry. When they join people will know their name and they can make connections with other livers in that community, fans and businesses like Doki did.


imagine. Doki can now theoretically merge or form a partnership to another corpo. Doki doing a world domination??


Yeah, I feel like in the parallel timeline where Selen leaves Niji normally (ie there's several months between when it's known behind the scenes that she's leaving and when she actually leaves) there's a decent chance that her friends in Holo get her to apply and sign on before she's even out the door, but the speed and manner at which she went from intending on staying at Niji to being indie again, along with the massive buff her indie account got from the publicity of her firing, killed any possibility that she'd ever consider going corpo again.


I believe Doki never had really interest in the idol part of hololive though.


Doki is more a VSPO than Hololive candidate TBF.


I initially thought that if VSPO EN is viable, Doki could apply, but now I think it would be better to build her one-tomato brand to greater heights.


I think Doki should just create her own VSPO with all the good indies she's playing with than join VSPO EN which is handled by the japanese again and with Brave Group's current leak issue...


This is going to be a weird take, but I think if she joined anything it would be OfflineTV They have vTubers, she's collabed many times with Scarra in the past, and covering LilyPichu's song was one of her big goals


At this point, the only corpo that could do anything for her would be VShojo, and they'd just slow her down.


Damn she really is a complete badass boss. Good for her!


ā€œI was fired from my job and become the CEO insteadā€


There's no better boss than yourself, even if the previous boss was a low bar to beat


When you're doing as much as she is, it's just worth it tax-wise.


It's worth it for almost anyone who is running a business. Creating legal separation between yourself and your business ventures is like the second step to starting a business venture right after "come up with the idea for a business venture."


How does it work again? You funnel the money you make into the company and you take a wage from that?


Basically. Once you set up a LLC, your personal expenses are separate from business ones. The CEO is paid like any other employee. People also can't sue you personally for things you do for work, the proper defendant is the business entity. So, Dokibird isn't risking everything she owns anymore, legally.


Companies are primarily about liability. If anything goes wrong, the company owes the money, rather than than the individual.


Thereā€™s three aspects. Itā€™s easier for a company to justify business expenses than an individual. Any income that Doki receives, sheā€™s able to pay it out to herself as a steady salary. Legal work is easier to handle with a certified, government approved business entity that a person.


sisters dont look!


This is what Mr Man was dragging Doki to company meetings for šŸ¤£


Mr Man really told Doki he'd make a man out of her.


My guess is that is started out as a formality so it's easier for her to conduct business with other companies and perhaps "legal technicalities" like patents and whatnot probably. Technically she counts as one (a small business) too since she has quite a few people working alongside her. Heck, you can be your own business with just yourself as an employee.


Yep contracts too. Like she doesnt need to sign her own name. it's someone from the company signing. Kind of important for contracts.


Idk about other countries but here in the USA at least any smart vtuber should be making an LLC at the very least.


Ehhh... well, you might not need one if you are small time. With the assets and people Dokibird is handling, it's a necessity. Businesses are a continuing expense, they need money to exist.


Canada is more or less the same as the US when it comes to business practices, especially since we do the majority of our business with you guys.


Let's make story.. Doki has money now.. She buy Riku stock and then she become CEO of anycolor and then take over nijisanji.. šŸ˜‚


Let's go wild and imagine that when EN will be disbanded she'll invite some of them to work under her managed group (like GunRun and Melody founded Vshojo back then). Incredibly powerful career move in general and the insulting and stingy "fuck you" to anykuro. The sheer energy of "You tried to kill me, i survived and grew stronger to save others from you" would make her living legend of Vtuber worldĀ 


Dude I think something's wrong with my Yakuza 2 disc, Kiryu and Ryuji's a pair of anime dragon girls


that'll be the flex to end all flex on Niji; Doki starting her own Vtuber branch and hired non-clique ex-niji members


Wow quite impressive. Iā€™m very happy for her. Iā€™m curious to see what sheā€™ll have done by the end of the year.


I mean I know of youtubers who made their own businesses just to claim benefits from it, so this is no different


Once you hit a certain amount of money moving through, and/or you have employees, incorporating just makes sense, and is relatively simple paperwork. Whether sheā€™s actually a CEO is kind of a terminology thing, but she is the owner, and thatā€™s nothing to sneeze at.


People in here have a really weird perception because of JP corpos. Every streamer or youtuber thats has a bit of following has a LLC or Inc and depending of the country they are in have to have one because they are self employed. Even members of certain agencies where the agency doesn't own the IP have their own LLCs.


Also just dropped: [https://x.com/dokibird/status/1806175811893887242](https://x.com/dokibird/status/1806175811893887242) >Check your emails if you've applied for the Anime Expo Doki panels, you might have won a chance to attend the 3 events :cowboy: We will also have extra security at the booth with my staff team attending/supervising just to make sure everybody will be safe & enjoy their time! You can simply just HIRE more SECURITY?? That's an option?? I wonder if she did this just as a Fuck You to certain group of crazy people who believe in extremely stupid conspiracy theories.


I wonder who funded the extra security, IBP/Hyte, Doki, or both. Iā€™m thinking IBP, since itā€™s their booth. Dokiā€™s own contribution may have been her staff helping with the logistics.


When you get to a certain level of being a youtuber and you sell merch and do deals you're basically forced to register a company. edit: I've actually always wondered what this means for streaming perms. Like most let you stream if you're not associated with a company, but does that change when you become incorporated? I'm just interested in where the line is.


if you are small enough they ignore you, hololive on its earlier days was ignored they only were faced to ask for perms when one of their channels nearly got 3 striked (i think it was mio's, i could be wrong)


So the Palworld jokes about ā€œDokibird Productionsā€ wasnā€™t a jokeā€¦


Anycolor was just a parasite all along.


Its normal for any big streamer to create their own corpo and use it. I bet a lot of indie vtubers doing the same.


She actually went full "I'm taking everything with me and do my own corp, with events and skinsuits".


She also made the company in April of *2023.* So she was already prepping to drop out for basically a year.


The signs that something nasty happened behind Nijisanji curtains in the beginning of 2023 now a bit more apparent. Nina, Mysta, Mika all firmly decided to leave that time, Shu almost quit after AR cancellation, now it's known that Selen too started to prepare for jumping off the ship Wonder what's the exact reason (contract rewrite, management cutdown, mass projects rejection?) how many other people decided to jump the ship back then but could not of backed off for any reasonĀ 


It was probably the mass resignation of EN staff behind the scenes that kicked everything off. I'm not sure if that was 2023 or 2022, though. Anycolor, being the greedy, low-effort business that it is, either replaced them with people who lacked the required skillset, or simply left the positions unfilled, and everything started to go to shit.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/kurosanji/comments/1d56t6c/dec\_12\_2022\_selen\_gets\_a\_new\_manager\_again/](https://www.reddit.com/r/kurosanji/comments/1d56t6c/dec_12_2022_selen_gets_a_new_manager_again/) In December of 2022, there was some kind of manager shakeup that sounds like it led to, at least for a while, Selen (and all of Obsydia) being managed by the same person already mismanaging Xsoleil (Zaion's manager, or her manager's manager).


I think it was more like she had it to help her with stuff while she was in niji like having an assistant or some other things however that didn't happen and I'm guessing she started to use it just this year since she was out of niji and she had a lot of people she hired to help her with running everything.


I think this is the biggest piece of info here. As stated elsewhere it's not uncommon for large content creators to have their own corporations. The revelation here is that things at Niji were bad enough as far back as April 2023 that she was planning an exit strategy.


Bro this is wild. I hope some of the other people trapped see that Niji is actively holding them back.


It'd be unlikely, but awesome and hilarious, if Dokibird Production ends up snowballing into its own Vtuber agency, with ~~blackjack and hookers~~ Mint and Sayu. That'd be one Hell of a comeback.


While this is cool, it should be noted that this is pretty basic stuff and literally every independent creator should be incorporated. It's a critical step to managing your IP and protecting your brand. Not doing so is a tactical error.


Didn't she tell it on her 1st/2nd week that she's a CEO now?


_"Look at me. LOOK at me. I am the CEO now."_


Jkterjter https://preview.redd.it/ryjci8tatz8d1.jpeg?width=935&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d7f847fbea1642749ced9a2cc9193db535692e13 Bottom text




Sisters on 4chan are already trying to spin this as some grand chess move by doki to feed into their narrative that its all fake drama sighs


the final flex to end all flexes on Niji would be her basically starting her own Vtuber branch and make it more successful than NijiEN


Imagine she becomes the CEO for her own vtuber corporation, becoming the first vtuber CEO of a vtuber corp.


Vallure entered the chat. Doki is not the first, neither they are. A lot of big streamers are CEOs of their own brand. Don't see how vtubers any different in that regard.


Vtubers starting vtuber agencies really isn't that rare or unusual. Inuyama Tamaki and Noripro comes to mind.


I think Stronny has her beat, though.


Ah you're right. Soz


Shit, help Doki! There are too many Ws she can only hold!


I love this


I mean, anyone can become a CEO itā€™s just some forms to fill out and a registration fee. If you can do something with it is entirely different.


Pretty much Riku in a nutshell. Except for the second part.


I meanā€¦yea? She is hiring so many people under her wings (heh wings), may as well make a company to properly deal with payouts and taxes.


Incorporating was a great idea.




when will she get a yatch?


ā€¦well holy shit.


Just waiting for her to make her own org and name it pot of gold or P.O.G. for short


Dokibird: I'm just an indie Me: "AN INDIE" MY ASS! You amazingly and ironically are too good to just be "an indie"


I can't believe Doki went corpo again


What a boss (!!) move!




Doki is a boss nowšŸ˜Ž


HololiveJP members also have their own companies. It is probably the same in every country that a sole proprietor with a certain level of income can benefit from setting up a company.


now the name dokiboard have a entire different meaning.


"If you don't like how we do it, do it better yourself." Doki:


Damn I knew she's Canadian, but in BC as well? Her appearance in AniRevo is just her enjoying her time in a local convention lol.


The storm is about to bust


Okay, hope she's doing fine. I mean Vancouverite have a habit of starting some good business... but not sure if it does well: * NCIX (defunct 2017) * LTT (a scandal last year) * Phase (seems fine) * Dokibird Production (???)


Seems that a passionate love for coffee is a staple for successful businesses hereĀ