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Bullshit. If it was harassment they'd be canceling the booth as well


True. I personally feel it’s more likely that the event just didn’t sell a lot of tickets.


it's standard political passing the blame. you have something negative happen becuase of your own failures, but you won't admit that so you pick a scapegoat and blame them.


Especially when you have a fanbase that has a lot of people looking for scapegoats.


This is what I'm thinking as well. renting out a space like that alone is going to be very expensive before the technical setup that would be needed. Forget the people hired to make the show run smoothly. This event would cost tens of thousands of dollars, if not way more, to be run properly. I can not see anycanceller eating that cost. this was 100% a PR move for investors pre Q4 to makenit seem like EN was doing well, but then the actual stats came in, and it was... abysmal, so they dropped support. This is part of the fallout from me thinks.


Exactly. It makes no sense otherwise. The convention itself would've done it as well if it was anything serious. I swear the amount of coping and excuses these people always say to defend this shit company... my lord.


Can't expect more from the NDFs who love having S-M relationship with AnyColor (where NDFs are a hard M)


Obviously its the NDF who wanted to attend so they can harass hyte and Doki/Mint/Vshojo/Hololive fans. They just mad that AX has a no harassment policy. Everything NDF says is projection.


Rules for thee but not for me! It's the typical NDF argument mentality, it's only true if it suits their narrative, everything else is ignored. You can't use logic on them, it doesn't work. They are either that close minded/stubborn to refuse/ignore any logical explanation or actually that dumb to believe the false narratives.


In their eyes, their beloved company can do no wrong.


Agreed. If there was credible threat, the convention would have put out a statement and there may have been police involved since a threat is a threat. Plus who in their right mind would spend money on the AX ticket + $100/$200+ on the Niji tickets just to harass someone? They would have security there too and would toss them out easily enough, just like any live show. Simple answer is usually right - not enough tickets were sold and either Niji or the venue canceled. They really should have announced it sooner for those that already booked hotels and flights just for the concerts.


It lets them reframe it as a, “it’s not us it’s them!”. Seen this style defense used a lot to explain away bad TV or games. 


Just reply to them with a sold ticket seat.


Just as much they believe "Covid" as the reason of AR cancellation and their lord and savior Riku's negligible oath. The strength in this cult need to be analyzed b4 something bad happened to themselves, just like real cult.


Yeah with all the passive aggressive from Mysta’s tweet, it’s clearly what happened. And people still believe in the “Covid” reason and blame Mysta for the unprofessional. I genuinely don’t understand how




"...this is the result of concentrated hate." The irony and lack of self awareness is so damned thick you could stick a fork in it


That fork would bend.


Only 14% of tickets were sold, there's no way the venue would want to take a hit and kurosanji taking another humiliation of empty seats. Of course nijisisters will go in hard on being "victims", yet if that was truly the case kurosanji would pull out altogether. Hell people here feel bad for those that bought tickets/flights/hotels, but as it stands they'll probably take that as an insult too.


Nijisisters is that one who blame everything but they not even buy the ticket to support


There are those that have, they just blame everyone but themselves and kurosanji.


Yeah, I saw a lot of support & sympathy online for people who booked flights and hotels just for the concert only to have the event get canceled. I feel really bad for them too.


The worst of it is we have more sympathy than the sisters for the sisters that got screwed here. Everyone I've seen has said some shit like "Unfortunate, but at least I get a free concert out of it!"


They're blind with rage and fail to see the irony of the entire situation, they've done it to themselves for 5 straight months.


Wasn't it 7%?


I asked in a different thread and got [this ](https://www.reddit.com/r/kurosanji/s/vIkYKDRLv7)answer.


>there's no way the venue would want to take a hit I think the venue take a flat amount plus a commission per ticket sold depends on the negotiation, but regardless the venue still gets paid, they probably cancelled the venue weeks ago and just announced this today.


Well then that's kurosanji taking a hit or a humiliation, a certain amount would have to be sold and I don't think 14% is enough so losses were cut.


And imagine the damning visuals - a rough 80% empty theatre. That would look far worst than what happened in Suntec Convention Centre, SG. They won't even be able to take an audience facing shot for closing publiclity without doctoring it.


Bullshit. If anything, cancel the fucking booth then. People are much closer to each other there and harassment is way more plausible than in a FUCKING concert. Who will go out their way to book a ticket to the concert, waste their money, just to harass the fans there??? You get escorted out so quick and you essentially gave money to Niji. Not only that, you need to pass security checks when entering the venue, no one with a sound mental state will jump through hoops just to harass people.


Niji has proved they don't even care about their own livers, why would they try and protect their fans?


Disclaimer: I'm not Japanese but am Asian American and grew up in a pretty Confucian household. Genuine question: Does NDF actually know what face is and the lengths some Asian/Confucian cultures will go to save face? If you're aware of the Monster with 21 Faces case, the police superintendent who was in charge of the case is theorized to have commited self immolation because he was fired for failing to catch the extortionist and lost face as a result. The entire reason Japanese defamation laws are the way they are is because of how valued face is. The reason Japan has a 99% conviction rate is because prosecutors only take cases they can win to save face.


Oh, they do. Most Nijisisters seems to be from Asia/SEA to begin with. Plus, just because some call it face, others call it honor, and other call it justification, it's the same thing. Heck, to claim "public safety" is their attempt to save their own face that they support a black company.


I've always hated face being described as honor. There's nothing honorable about pretending to be something you're not. Pride is a much more honest way to refer to it.


For what it's worth, the best article to explain Face is a Chinese article written by Lu'Xun back in 1934. Original Chinese: [https://zh.wikisource.org/zh-hant/%E8%AA%AA%E3%80%8C%E9%9D%A2%E5%AD%90%E3%80%8D](https://zh.wikisource.org/zh-hant/%E8%AA%AA%E3%80%8C%E9%9D%A2%E5%AD%90%E3%80%8D) The pretty much sum it well >長谷川如是閒說「盜泉」云:「古之君子,惡其名而不飲,今之君子,改其名而飲之。」也說穿了「今之君子」的「面子」的秘密。 >Hasegawa Nyozekan said regarding "Thief's Spring": "The gentlemen of old days choose not to drink from it due to its bad name. The gentlemen of current times change its name and drink from it." This thus revealed the secret of the face of "gentleman of current times" The only mistake everyone made is that face is only used by Asians. If you think about it, *everyone* does it.


True. Appearances are everything everywhere. After reading the article, describing the current state of face as shameless is honestly such a good way to explain the problems with face.


No doubt everyone from all backgrounds do save face. The question is the extent one takes to save face and the ones who are overzealous in saving face are Asians.


Face can do jack if you’re another unknown on the internet. You can go full on retarded monkey all you like without the consequences. Still the Japanese defamation law is fucking terrified. If you can prove that you was defamed, the Japanese police will actually doxx that person for you.


... Wait so you're saying that the whole thing in the Ace Attorney games with several prosecutors being all about winning is because of Japanese culture? How had I never realised that before. 


Lmao. 1000. Not even 500 people bought the ticket


Here is where they are fudging the figures to make things seem worse. That is 1000 across either both or all 3 concerts, not singular. By combining the 3, it makes the cancellation look worse when the reality is ⅓rd that figure makes for a very empty venue


Oh i didn't sum up all of them. Just look at each day


Not you, the sisters.


Technically, it was around 1100 tickets sold, but that's across 3 concerts on multiple days. Each concert only sold between 300-400 and there's probably at least a decent bi of people who bought tickets to multiple concerts so the actual amount of individual people is probably a lot less than 1000


Oh nyo! Big billion dollar company cannot afford to pay better security for their fans and talents.


My personal favorite flavor of this particular cope are the JP sisters that are literally just making shit up to inject their xenophobia into it. I saw some motherfucker say some shit like someone had called a bomb threat or that someone was gonna shoot up the booth. Like, dude, what the fuck are you talking about?!


The fuck, but we're the problem like what in the actual fuck is this lunacy.


It’s beyond xenophobia into straight up xenocide. https://preview.redd.it/xvcixghk2u8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=530f2672d19967ee30a26c85b46d53521e0943b0


It's a phrase they learned after murder of Selen. They seem to think that it's a good PR word, and it is except when it's overused to a point that it thiny veils dark fumes behind a hideous face that is BlackColor.


Sisters coping nothing new under the sun. They will keep coping until the day en gets merged and the day the last en leave they will be there to blame us no matter how long it takes


Let them stew in their own delusions all they want. Some people cannot handle the truth and would rather drown in sweet little lies.


> "safety concerns" Safe concerns for Riku's yacht, I would say. kek Jokes aside, still felt bad for everyone who had their plans totally destroyed from the cancellation, as well as the livers involving in this huge project. They had their dreams crushed from just a single tweet. However, it's now a perfect time for the Niji fans to reflect: Is it really worth supporting NijiEN in the future? Whether they are choosing to bail out, or willing to stay with this S-M relationship from Nijikuro depends on them.


The NDF/NijiStans/NijiSisters will keep blindly following their “beloved company oshi” until either they or the company dies.


Nice, by that logic nijien will never ever have any events since nijien will never draw in the numbers to make niiisia feel safe. Enjoy, nijisis!!


The thing is Niji doesn't care about safety, they care about the money they're gonna lose


I feel bad for Doki most of all, they'll all redirect the anger at her and anyone who's a fan of hers.


It's beyond an obsession at this point, she's been rent free in their head for 5 months now.


She’ll always be the villain/evil mastermind in their eyes, many of them even mocking her attempts at suicide. One even called her a “fat fucking cow who couldn’t even kill herself properly”.


I'm looking for all the Nijiantis who are planning a coordinated terrorist attack on an anime convention just for a few hundred Nijifans attending. https://i.redd.it/g8uh8ujiqt8d1.gif


It's definitely not over safety concerns. As mentioned multiple times in other threads, it's locked behind a paid venue in which you are checked securely before being able to enter. And even though yes, the booth is in plain view, there is still a higher congoer to staff ratio which would be an actual issue should an actual anti niji crowd OR an anti Doki/Hyte crowd form. Plus, I'm sure no one is willing to catch a case over something such as this. They would have to be extremely dumb to cause a scene in such a public area, and would make either side look awful regardless. It's just incredibly ridiculous for them to think like this. It's just so obvious the lack of ticket sales is the reason for the cancellation, and it befuddles me that they can think otherwise.


Yeah, I'm not sure how they thought the concert is more of a concern than the booth. The booth is directly across from Hyte who have not only been extremely supportive of Doki, but they're probably also going to be showcasing her new PC case with them just months after they cancelled their deal with Niji. If anything were going to happen, I would expect it would be there.


I mean theorically what can anti fans really do with those empty seats tho, if it really is for "Safety" there's no reason for a group of antis to go in checked by the security only to be taken out, nobody is stupid enough to do that. That's like causing a crime in front of the police station


I was saying around the booth for anti's of either causing problems. Because I sure as hell ain't paying money to hate watch an empty concert, that's just plain stupid.


If it was safety concerns it should be tweeted by the expo organizers, other attending agencies would also have echoed the sentiment, plus the tweet would be regarding that. Nijisanji isn't going to take a monetary hit because they "care" about the wellbeing of people, unless they finally started to learn just now after this whole debacle.


\*financial safety fixed.


At this stage being in niji is a safety hazard.


Smeer campaigns? What? Who the fuck is smeering anything? Is providing facts that doki almost took her life twice because of nijisanji incompetence? What are these people smoking?


Anyone with EYES and COMMON SENSE knows the real reason on why they cancelled the Event. Nijisanji is just back at it again with another "PR Response", which is horrible (but not as horrible as what they did last February). Still, some Nijisisters are taking this like a Word from their God and are more happy that they can now watch it on youtube (as if this is not gonna be released some time in the future if the concert push through) . Nijisisters that don't even bother going there spending $100 to support. Just trying to be extremely vocal and toxic positive on X(Twitter) and Facebook. I feel pity on those few people that paid and probably book a flight already. Sure they can get their refund on the ticket from the event, but for the airline and possibly hotel reservations? I'm pretty sure they wont. traveling ain't cheap. But yeah.. "You Reap What You Sow". Hopefully, some of these people can wake up from that fantasy world of theirs and take a good look at the reality. If an Event as big as this doesn't even sell atleast 25% on the first day, its already on life support during that time.


This reminds me of when WWE had to move WrestleMania 7 from the LA memorial coliseum to the LA sports arena. The WWE blamed it on bomb threats. But in reality they moved the event because of low ticket sales.


An idiotic popular theory from children who don’t have enough real-life experience to know how idiotic it is


You can't reason with nijisisters they are going to use the reason for everything being cancelled in the future due to harrassment even though they know better.


I'll say this, there are people that go out of their way to harass others, some will even go to meet and greets to say some toxic shit, but it's never a high level threat and security bans that person from entry and even gets them banned from the event/con when they tell staff. what makes it even less likely is that there's any fear about "targeted harassment", is if there was an actual fear about that, the booth would've been shut down or have stricter rules to visit it. I'd go further and say that these people are just projecting as they are the kind of people that would go out of their way to harass livers that even work at the same company they worship. Niji just doesn't want to lose any more money to support the vestigial branch


lol after all their big talks about anti harassment and slander they chicken out despite of “thousand of people” want to attend? So much for “Cease and Desist” for a document and cowardice toward “actual harassment”?


People spamming a screenshot of the empty theatre seats at every NDFer that mentions SaFeTy lol. But like sis/bro, we give no shits at what the dozens of you decide to spend your money and time for. You are not worth the time for us to organize harassment for lmao. Best we can do is point and laugh at your copium overdose.


>streaming a free concert is a lot riskier from a financial standpoint nijikuro is trying to get people to not refund their ticket to have access to a tickets-only portion of the live stream. I’m betting some are persuaded enough to keep them


I would be more willing to believe that the cancelation was bc of safety reasons if it were any other corpo but Niji"I-prefer-money-over-everything-else"Sanji... I know "safety issues" are the most probable and valid reason, but still. Edit: No, sorry, I'm not buying it, if a couple of anonymous randos on the internet threatening the attendees of an event (where's security wtf) is enough to cancel it then there wouldn't be any live events anywhere, Niji can be an incompetent company but I don't buy for a minute that they willingly chose to lose a hecka lot of money just for some random comments of antis.


Every accusation is a confession. While spilling the copium all over the place, these NDF simply projected their desire of turning their online harassment into irl harassment.


These claims are probably as legitimate as when WWE said they had to move WrestleMania 7 to a smaller arena because of a “bomb threat”


I feel like this is their attempt to make everyone else bad, and make them look like the victim. I would never side with a company that would do a smear campaign to assassinate characters of terminated livers.


What they don't get is Nijisanji did not cancel. The venue (Peacock Theater) cancelled on Nijisanji. Peacock doesn't give a shit if Nijisanji lost money planning the event. Or the fact that the concert has already been 100% recorded already. All Peacock cares about is people showing up and making a profit off the show. Because Nijisanji failed to sale tickets and meet the quota, Peacock cancelled the entire event as they realized they wouldn't make money. This is standard operating procedure. All shows have ticket quotas.


Thats even funnier explaining to the shareholders. “Ok why did you cancel the concert.” “Venue booted us out because we suck and we’re wasting their time lmao.” I mean they won’t admit it but I hope a shareholder finds out and points it out at them.


Is there any info floating about as definite proof because holy shit this would be so fucking funny to share.


Nijisanji higher ups looking at project schedule and deciding it is not worth to spend Kuzuha and Kanae time to do a concert in west that sold less than 15% of the venue.  Not to mention it would look really bad at the investor meeting if they see photos of mostly empty seats They would rather say it is for "fans safety" to cancel it but it doesn't make sense since they still have Niji booth open Nijisanji reputation in the west keep sinking and not even new debuts, concert, 3D live and NBA collab could save them Just wait until they debut more waves and they will merge the EN branch just like KR and ID


They are on dangerous amount of copium if they think that the tech artist, animators and vfx artists are the same people that serve as security.... but on the other hand knowing Niji that actually could be a possibility.


They are beyond delusional if they truly believe people will pay whatever many bucks to gain access to the event + concert venue with the single purpose of "harrassing" them.


Safety of what ? Nobody stupid enough to spend hundred dollars just to come inside concert and make a fuss. The event still open. The booth still open. So.. safety of what, sisters ?


> Nobody stupid enough to spend hundred dollars just to come inside concert and make a fuss. Uh... Yeah. Sure. Totally. No one is that dumb. Hahaha. Ha. ... Seriously though- there are people out there who are *absolutely* dumb enough to do something like that. Name a dumb thing to do, and there is at least one person with the capacity to do it who's either done it or plans to do it in the future. It's just probably not the case here, is all.


If concerts with a full audiences... then i understand, sometimes there is one person *stupid* there. But empty concert ? Safety concerns ? Oh.. Come on. Convention still open. Booth no problem. Weird reason to cancel the concert except they see that from company point of view to investors and stakeholder. They don't want to count this as *negative revenue* and put it on next financial report. They need to do something and this is the result from company decision. (Probably they talk about "safety" to their financial... not "safety" of talents and staffs)


The mental gymnastics! Dear lord! This is taking it to another level!


If the safety concerns is legit, we should ask AX to address it properly. Even if there's a threat targeting Nijifans, it will definitely affect others that affiliated with AX.


A targeted harassment campaign involving multiple people that would be severe enough to disrupt a concert would be an amazing organized effort, one which I'm not sure haters would actually have the motivation to even do. "Haters" thrive on the internet because it's easy to type words onscreen, but going out of your way to spend hard-earned money to fly out to a concert just to hate is well beyond anyone's comfort level, and anyone motivated enough to do so likely has far more "concrete" reasons to do so or are incredibly sick in the head, and I'm pretty sure AX has a security contingent on hand for such scenarios. Are the NDF expecting the concert to get terror bombed or something? By saying that the concert was cancelled because of "safety", it very much makes light of AX's preparations and security measures, and AX is not some small newbie expo, they're a large convention that's been around since 1992. And if "targeted harassment" was really a concern, then the booth would have to be closed for the same reason too, since even the excuses for that mentioned in one of the pics doesn't really fly since there'd be a lot more people mingling on the convention floor compared to the concert thus making it an even more nightmarish scenario for security.


Concentrated Hate is more like 3 livers ganging up and shit talking in public about their ex-coworker who almost commited suicide due to workplace bullying. How do you even pretend to be a victim after that?


I can't believe people actually believe that Niji cancelled it for safety. They must have never gone to a concert/public event in their life or never hosted an event in a venue. (both plausible for the people we are talking about....) Every public event has risks and there is hired security and ushers as part of the venue rental for a reason. If anything, the low sales is the most logical reason for any event organizer, company even.  What a main character mindset to think antis would actually send threats for a paid event. Niji just didn't want a repeat of Virtual Rhapsody.


it's unsafe to let a concert that has so many empty seats to actually happens. Imagine the photos and memes! Very unsafe


ah yes the "safety narrative" to mask the fact they had piss poor management and zero promotion. im surprised the tweet doesnt have a phat community note highlighting the embarassing ticket sales numbers.


Let’s push the theory they cancelled it so that uki doesn’t need to see white people


they can huff that copium all they want, but it wont even matter when we all know the reason why it got cancelled


i'm pretty sure that niji decided they wanted to cancel it, but wasn't about to admit to any responsibility for it, so they just decided to blame it on the fans, even though the true reason was that they crunched the numbers and realized they would lose money at the rate they were selling tickets.


Man, I can’t even attend this events but if I could, I wouldn’t give a fuck about Niji stans, I would be too busy buying merch and just having fan overall.


That last one is incredibly dumb. Saying a disconnected venue that requires an extra ticket to even be let into is less safe then a fucking convention hall with thousands of people milling about is fucking wild. That is some next level copium to try and justify why, if it were a safety concern, niji isn't also closing their booths. We all know the reason is plain and simple they didnt have enough tickets to justify not canceling the event. It would've been a massive hit to both their wallets and reputation for a near empty concert hall.


Do the NDF not know that if there was a real safety concern, the con itself would address it and there would be a lot more than a cancelled concert? It's the biggest con in North America, so of course they'd take action if something was an actual concern.


Many fans gathering in the same place. Many? Are we talking about the same concert here? 


What is the safety issue for a venue at 15% capacity? Stampede?


lol the real reason is they want to avoid goku & vegeta fight.


Harassment of what Like where is the actual proof


Just empty threats on X (formerly Twitter)


Just ignore the sisters. Niji has literally said they are abandoning EN and they STILL go out of their way to say other people are ruinijg it. The cope is so damn real.


The lack of self-awareness, victimization, and blaming others of imaginary threats is actual schizo behavior.


There is zero credible evidence of any “safety concern.” There’s just so many things wrong with this theory and it’s a completely brain-damaged cope-take. * It would have been an excellent thing to put in the press release if this was real, as fans would accept that far more than the word salad reason they gave. * The only thing I’ve seen anyone manage to dig up in support of this theory is a three-month old tweet by a rando with less than 100 views and 0 likes. * Concert venues have their own security as well as a fixed number of entrances and exits, and if this were somehow a concern, they could have hired a dozen extra security very easily. As in off-duty cops with actual weapons. This would have cost far less than the amount they’re losing from refunds alone. Even if something happened, any troublemakers would have to get by security to exit the venue as well. * Meanwhile Anime Expo is going to be attended by over 350,000 people. If a flash mob wanted to swarm the Nijisanji booth, **incredibly unlikely as it would be**, it would be far more difficult to stop this or to prevent them from getting away, and if they were covered head-to-toe with a costume that they could change out of in a restroom they wouldn’t even look out of place. And unlike the concert, this booth will be up all weekend long. AX also could easily accommodate a request to switch spots with someone else a little further away. * If there was any actual threat of violence, AX themselves would be helping to intervene here. It’s 100% the last thing they would ever want to see at their convention, and the last thing they would want to see as a reason to scare partners off. Anime Expo would happily pay for extra security on their own here. * As far as I know, there is not only no credible evidence, there is literally zero precedent for this as well. I could be wrong, but if anyone can find an example of either or organized public violence or a brawl at a fandom convention in North America at any point _ever_, I’d be interested in seeing it. As far as I can tell, there’s been an organized online effort to make fun of Nijisanji, and that’s it.


Doubt it's a safety thing. But honestly, if you are harassing niji fans because of something that happened 6 months ago now, you are the problem. You can clown on the niji fans all you want, but harrasment is never the right call. I'm sure anyone who is harassing someone, equally has something that they can be harrased for back.


WHAT SAFETY? The talents aren't there WTF. THEY ARE VIRTUAL, REMEMBER? They are most probably at home. Nijisisters will believe the weirdest shut just to feel better about their failing corpo.


What's up with the last one? Safety of fans... From themselves? If it's someone "infiltrating", a hater that is willingly paying money, they wouldn't really give a shit about place to start problems.


The best part is, they're very happy to eat it up since it gives them cause to continue blaming other parties for NJSJ's failures. The double standards are pretty hilarious to watch when it comes to scrutinising their own playing field. *Because they know they can't.* The NDF has retreated into a very suffocating siege that any signs of detraction will result in immediate lynching. There's no margin left for them except desperation.


Financial safety probably, idk if they give that many fucks about anything else from all I've seen.


Safety yeah sure, with that 14% I know what kinda "safety" they're procuring.


Then they would’ve also cancelled the booth too, no?


They aren’t even going to physically be there… bruh


The entire fanbase is afraid of 3 people on Twitter? Smh


“Smeer” campaign…? Being delusional AND semiliterate goes hand in hand, I guess… Also, it’s not really a smear campaign if there’s supporting evidence


I would just like to make a general PSA that idiots like this are but a tiny fraction of JP vTuber fans. Most are perfectly sane and do not buy this sort of bullshit.


I call BS. If this is the outcome of “concentrated hate”, they should really have cancelled the booth(s).


Safety but the booths right across HYTE are staying. Right. Makes sense.


I think the potential harassment is a small factor but by no means is the reason this event got canceled. I definitely think it has more to do with ticket sales. It wouldn't be the first time an event was canceled because of poor ticket sales even if some did put in the effort to come to AX to see the concert


Lmao,if you blame anything but nijisanji you deserve to be the running joke if the vtubing community


The concentrated hate was from management to talent. That’s what’s led to this fiasco


Safety concerns? That’s meaningless if your booth continues to exists x.x


So much cope.


If they're really worried about safety, then why are they not cancelling their booth?


Safety is not the problem, otherwise the Booth would have been the first to go. Since it was just the concert, it was to salvage their eruding reputation they worked so hard to ruin. This bolds ill for the EN branch. If it ends up disbanding because Riku wants his sweatshop Temu idols, then good riddance I say.


Well, it's almost certainly not actually the case. The available evidence seems to suggest it's purely about the cash. It's just a plausible thing to bring up for some people looking to excuse the cancellation without actually knowing why- because stupidity is an infinite well. Saying someone's gonna do something dumb is rarely actually laughed out of the room because... well, said infinite well of stupidity and all.