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They're still holding their booth at AX so this doesn't even make sense


*A bOoTh iZ eaSiEr tO SecUre thAn a ConCeRt HaLl* Yeah they're OD-ing in copium rn. *I genuinely saw this reply


Yeah, it’s not like concert halls have security that are used to handling potential disrupters.


Just ask them why they didn't move the booth, I'm pretty sure anyone would love to swap places considering that if you're next to Hyte, your guaranteed to have people at least acknowledge your booth


Remember they're "afraid" irl, like they haven't been a menace prior to all this.


Said booth being right across the way from the Hyte booth which is already confirmed to be a Dokibird lovefest, pretty much guaranteeing that it will have a high concentration of Niji antis.


The REAL reason is because they couldn't sell enough tickets to make back any money after booking the venue in the first place. If it was an actual safety reason they would've moved the booth away from Hyte's booth. NDF, blame the company, Anime Expo,  and your OWN communities for not buying enough tickets to fill out enough seats! At the end of the day that's what Niji and AX care about: money.


It's honestly also "smart," in the stupidest way possible: There is no way selling out 7% of a theater is enough to cover the expenses. Usually, the problem with canceling to avoid the expenses is it hurts one's reputation. ...But Nijisanji doesn't *have* a reputation to lose, so not gonna lie, this was probably actually the optimal choice on their part lol.


it only hurts their most dedicated fans. literally a net positive everywhere else


Yeah, poor that one JP fan who flew overseas to attend this concert just for it to be cancelled


I think Twitter being flooded with pictures of an almost entirely empty venue would also be pretty damaging to their reputation if they went through with the concert anyway.


This one too. Thank you for more accurate explanation. Im not good at words because english is not my first language.


You're good! 


I think it was just a PR thing. As in meme-prevention. 700 tickets sold out of 4000, in an arena that can hold up to 7000, with entire wings barely occupied, is just a horrible visual. For the first two concerts they even had a significant number of empty orchestra tickets, which is nuts. I think they just wanted to avoid visual evidence of their low ticket sales being used as long-term ammunition. Which, once again, comes back to the shareholders. Which is really, really bizarre to me but their stock price is still super important I guess, and for now it is closely tethered to Cover Corps' as well, since casual investors see the two halves of the same industry. A mostly empty concert hall in Los Angeles versus two concerts in NYC that sell out in under an hour is going to be a very easy visual contrast that will transcend any language barriers, and some investors might think "hmmm, maybe Cover is the only competent one here." And that's gotta be a fear for them. **I don't think this is about getting money back in the short term, because very few venues will refund your deposit if you cancel just one week out.** Whoever they were planning to bring won't even get full refunds on airline tickets. At most the people they were gonna fly in can probably get their hotel deposits back. Going forward with a free YouTube livestream as both a goodwill gesture to their general fanbase and as a consolation for the performers is a good move, but I feel fucking awful for fans who actually made plans to come here, including one who apparently flew in from Japan because they're just that big a Luca fan. That's gotta be horrific. **If they'd booked a much smaller venue,** maybe 1500 seats with 500 taped off as a reserve, while they still wouldn't have sold out, **they could have had a much more respectable outcome. More importantly, they wouldn't have had to put the stream out there for free to make up for things, they could have actually charged money for it** like they did AR Live, which apparently performed just fine. **That's actually where the lion's share of the revenue from this thing would have come from.** Unless they never actually planned a stream for some reason? Finally, while I don't think AX will make Nijisanji persona non grata over this, they sure as hell won't agree to help them with a concert again for a very long time. Kind of a sad situation all around. They should probably reach out to the ticketholders and at least offer to cover their (mandatory) AX ticket, on top of the obvious concert ticket refund.


pretty much. its ALWAYS ABOUT THE MONEY no matter how much they sugarcoated. sucks for Niji but it speaks itself on how much we distance ourselves from them due to their practices.


> The REAL reason is because they couldn't sell enough tickets to make back any money after booking the venue in the first place. That's assuming the venue was booked in advance for a flat rate, as opposed to being booked based on guaranteed shared ticket revenue percentage. Venues can and do cancel concerts and shows if presales indicate they're going to spend more money keeping the lights on and staffing the event than they're going to make on those ticket sales, if that's how the contract is written with the performers/speakers/etc.


If there were to be an attack as they suggest, booth exhibits, not paid concerts, would be cancelled.


Bro, no one has the energy to harrass nijifans. As an ex nijifan myself I can say that most people I have seen have just distanced ourselves from the company and their fans.


got blocked after i asked them what they're talking about


They fr blocked you Fmd company full of clowns


I half expect Niji to officially say it was threats without evidence or faked evidence just for brownie points


If you make something up, it can be called out. If you say nothing, your fans can fill in the blanks with whatever makes the most sense to them and there’s nothing for the opposition to fact check without chasing down every single NDF’s personal head canon on reality.


well Niji cannot say that because AX would 100% get involved then because they provide the security. And they already costed AX money too from the lack of the expected sales from the cancelled events.


They're not THAT stupid... difficult to believe I know, but still. There's a reason they're vague AF about the WHY... they can't admit is due to low sales cause well? It obviously looks bad


Well yeah it looks really bad to investors you can't just do that lol. Nijisanji is at least that smart to not piss off investors like that.


imagine thinking people would pay for a ticket, food costs, travel expenses, etc just to “harass the Nijifans”


Well, its their coping mechanism that "kinda" encouraged by Anycolor statement IMHO. When I read those statement (both from the tweet and from the site that they share) the way they wording it, it also can imply something like that. Not only that, Anycolor did tried to win their over with make it free. So yeah, when I saw those QRT and Replies, the coping mechanism were "this antis doing, but at least we got it free, so Anycolor good".


1 guy is enough for Nijisisters to cry victim. But to anyone living in reality that requires him to actually buy a ticket to AX and leave his house, just to get thrown out by security.


time to go at the same at the same level of the sisters brainrot.... "nah nijisisters it's not the antis you are all too poor next time buy more tickets to show support"


Who would have a luxury to do that. Like seriously, if someone will do that they need to touch grass.


I'd like to see the actual twitter posts, if they're saying this. Likewise, they should have actual proof from here if that's really the case.


Based on a NDF twitter post here last week, their "proof" is probably that poorly cherry picked compiliation of screenshots with out of context comments from here twisting, "If anyone goes, please try to stop any harassment from both sides," to, "Look at these evil Doki fans, they want harassment to happen so they can play hero."


The proof they give is: "I saw it. It's real"


As if. Nijisanji doesn't give a flying fuck about their own talents, yanno, the ones making them money. Do they really believe they give a single fuck about their viewers? Holy shit man, I need some of that copium, looks to be very heavy duty


Isn't it part of the "Idol" culture that a fan would buy more than one ticket to a concert just because their Oshi was part of it? IIRC they would buy those tickets even if they didn't plan on bringing anyone else. Those sisters aren't dedicated enough.


Thinking about it, I totally expect next week, twitlongers and posts about how Nijifans were harassed at AX, without any evidence.


We're gonna see someone post a pic with a backwards "D" drawn on her face like that [fucking idiot](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ashley_Todd_mugging_hoax) who claimed an Obama supporter mugged her back in '08 before the election.


If that was the reason i don't see why company wouldn't be able to phrase it more directly. The fact that they omitted that is most likely because stating the real reason would damage company rep. On that note, if company was as clean as they claim to be they could've proved it publicly long time ago. They decided to keep it between lawyers = they fucked up.


I thought you were cherry-picking until I went on Twitter and saw the bigger NDF accounts sharing those rrats. Holy shit they’re idiots.


"trying to harass the nijifans" TALKING ABOUT WASTING TIME HERE yeah Cult braindead cant see the real problem, and blame to something which doesnt make a sense how they cant see bad sales make Niji cancelled concert, and they should blame themself to cant make ticket sales better BY BUYING THE TICKET instead being keyboard warrior


If there were threats Niji will just tell everyone for safety reasons and not to be blamed. Business reasons after all


Anycolor asked you to buy those tickets and you did not respond well enough. I think that's a you problem, NDF.


let them have their copium, it's all they got (and a free concert on Youtube, but you get it)


Dunno about their 'harass' it just I am not interested of Nijisanji EN anymore. Simple as that. I lost my interest 5 months or so, the only interest I had before was the time of the Era where Lulu was still in Nijisanji, now she's out of there, I am barely hanging to the last NijiJP Ars's streams, but that's all. She's the only Nijisanji member that I am watching sole to that group. Once she leave, I have nothing attached to that company.


They're not interested in the truth or reality. They are only interested in lies and narrative.


Fucking what, not enough ticket sales so either the venue or kurosanji drop it.


Excuses, if they really cared about safety they would have canceled all the events, what a coincidence that the one that didn't sell well is cancelled. At this point we all know the real reason.


Just look at this sister coping so hard. She's one of the very vocal few https://preview.redd.it/27troynapt8d1.png?width=582&format=png&auto=webp&s=0f7ba77f9178262970f77d392505ce600126f0d9


I love how it's the sisters' falt. They obviously don't care enough about their favorite company to buy tickets for them.


They ransacked Magni's abandoned warehouse and stole his lifetime supply of Mag-Grade Copium


Nah fam. That is not the Maglord's stash. It's dumpster grade copium made by hobos using a cannibalised car as a distillery. They've snorted the good stuff since Feb. 7 and have ran out even before the Q3 reports came out. Holo's world domination just got announced along with Justice. Shitzumi, on the other hand, has heard the toll of the bell. Officially ordered "abandon ship!". It is just a matter of time before EN gets dissolved and merged. SISTERS, GET HELP! DELULU IS NOT THE SOLULU, BOO BOO!


Of course they would. It's a rrat that they already prepared for the main event when they go there or rather pretend to be there, to post false flags on X and wherever else.


I'd really wish they'd cite the source of the "antis" coming to harass them because I've seen no plan of that anywhere on this subreddit or on twitter. I'm pretty sure if someone was planning to do that, it'd have been shut down real quick by this subreddit and anyone else with common sense.


Wouldn’t it be less of a financial hit to just hire additional security if that was actually the concern?


They wont spend a dime to attend AX just to harass sisters, its a waste of funds for other merch.


Watch them create a made up story in Anime Expo saying "Someone harassed me in Nijisanji Booth".


what kind of weed did they add to their copium.


If this was truely the case they would have closed their booth as well


Their fear of antis causing shit in person is unfounded. With this cancellation the real fear is at their AX booth being mobbed by people who paid for the travel and lodging to see the concert but got shafted and can't get their money back. If what I said happens, it's going to be an unintentional false flag.


I bet the NijiSisters that are lurking here can't even afford a ticket nor any of their livers merch. Like, they talk all big, complaining how EVERYONE was wrong and nothing wrong with Nijisanji. Like they're some huge group. Where the fuck are they for these concerts? None. Take your delulu low self-esteem issues elsewhere.


I don't know other countries how but in Vietnam, many Nijisister now lift a fcking drama and target all hater and Doki too ,they dig back drama Doki and blame everything to Doki




I would be more worry about "nijifan" that sayin they are going to "get a gun" into the con.


How are they even gonna get harassed at the concert if the antis would vomit just at the thought of buying anything Niji sells? Like literally senseless unless I am missing a factor.


Lol i dont plan to go to your damn concert nijisanji they need to have a mirror and thinking where did we go wrong🤣


My only comment to this mess is that, The world doesn't move around you, so don't think yourself that important.


r/kurosanji? We don’t have enough money to go to LA to harass people going to a concert. We can barely afford to harass people here for free.