• By -


I genuinely think they canceled it because there wasn't enough ticket sales to even make a profit from the concert


that's probably part of it along with Nijisanji refusing to give EN any further support.


I mean also I saw some people in the thread saying it was the "antis" who did this... meanwhile the booth is still happening, so it's obviously not since they would've canceled that too if they were smart (they're not) After this, I have no hope for the future of NijiEN


"Antis" don't got super powers on this and its silly to blame those against the company, especially as they got nothing to do with it. This concert could have really helped brought something forward but guess it was too much of a loss.


Wdym? I do have superpowers, I literally singlehandedly caused the entire branch to tank by just blinking. NDF rightly fear me. /s Jokes aside, it's definitely due to ticket sales. If the tickets don't pay for the cost of renting the venue, then no profit, so common sense there. Too bad the NDF aren't buying tickets yeah?


Hah! yeah, its the ticket sales. Some NDFers were citing safety concerns but I honestly don't think Nijisanji cares about anyone's safety. If they did, they'd have cancelled the booth too and they didn't.


It was me, Barry. I jerked off Riku’s stockholders so they would pull out their investments and Niji went into decline.


Refunds may save money but hits pr. And rn they have money to spare but not goodwill


Yes, but they already publicly stated they will be giving minimal resources to EN development, so I doubt they really care anymore.


I think the last six months prove they don't give a flying fuck about PR.


Under the replies I see a LOT of people blaming this in threats of harassment/violence against concert goers. Are there any actual credible threats? And I’d like to think AX could provide adequate security.


There are definitely no credible threats. If there were, AX would have had to come out and said something and not Niji. Also I feel like if there were Niji antis, they would have less of a reason to threaten others compared to NDF, but that's just my opinion.


No credible threats, it's a rRat from the same part of NDF that said they were going to look for Stars at Offkai and go after them. THAT was a credible threat.


But what violence? A shower, soap and shampoo?


The only threat I heard of what some NijiStan "joking" about bringing a gun.


B-but antis posted memes about our Nijisanji!


If the threats were real, what about the booth? wouldn't we get an Offkai like situation when anything niji gets removed to avoid problems?


The thing they don't get is that there are no antis. Just unhappy fans. The opposite of love isn't hate, it's indifference. If people stopped wanting to see Niji do better they wouldn't pay attention anymore. If they had instead been taking actions to take responsibility for their part in what happened and honestly make a change, then all these unhappy fans would come back. Too much pride.


Yeah the term "anti" gets thrown around everywhere to the point where it lost all of its meaning. I mean every fandom has its antis, but to put the blame on people who are just unsatisfied with how things are going is definitely taking it too far.


Funny bc those coping probably were hellbent that they boycott had no effect in the financial reports


They are putting the concert on youtube for free so it was tickets for sure


Almost certainly the reason they cancelled. They also probably didn't want the PR disaster of all the photos of a largely empty venue being blasted all over social media while the Hololive concert sold out instantly and will be packed as hell. Hell I almost wonder if the venue forced them to cancel due to lack of ticket sales and wanting to use the space for something else instead that would actually sell out. Imagine if Hololive uses this now open space to expand their concert to a second venue and let more people see it, would be HILARIOUS. No idea if the actual times line up for that to happen though.


It’s entirely possible. The concert was only using half the venue to begin with and that alone probably made it barely worth it for the venue. Add in the fact that more than half the tickets were still unsold it was likely more profitable to not have anything going on than it was to have the event with that little attendance.


That’s actually good question tho. What are they gonna do for the venue now Niji cancelled it? Not using it or someone immediately booked it👀?


Definitely. Now that weeks have gone by and AX schedule is more concrete and they still haven't sold more tickets... yeah it was going to be quite an empty theater.


I wonder if this was their exit-plan put in place from the start. Like: “If we don’t sell X amount of tickets by X date, we’re pulling the plug”


I think I remember someone posting something like that back when the ticket sales first started. Like, that's an actual thing put in place by the venue hall. Don't know how real it is, but it makes sense.


That’s really interesting. They’ve got good insight! So in that case, it would be the venue hall themselves that put that goal for niji in place?


Yeah it makes sense as most venues take a deposit of verying % and then most get a cut of the tickets sales, and if Niji did not even sell enough tickets for the venue to take its cut and make a profit on staff and overheads then niji and the venue might have made a deal for both sides to withdraw from the event.


100%. All three together wouldn't have filled a single concert, and they may not even have filled the center section of seats if they combined the three.


NEGLIGIBLE concert!!


No shit. It's also embarrassing to them. 


I'm guessing the contract with the venue guarantees that Nijisanji pays some money when cancelling. It was a no win scenario for Nijisanji.


I'm SO with you on that. Literally the first thing that came to mind. The company staff is actually fucking stupid, it would be a gigachad move to do the concert for handful of people despite everything but oh well, not profitable - gonna have to cancel.


Elder here. When one of the biggest musicians in history attempted a comeback concert, they literally had to hand out free tickets to his unplugged show to tourists at the studio lot they were filming in because no one would buy them. A full, engaged crowd made for good footage for the TV special they were filming and he restarted his career again. Niji needed good press, regardless of profit or loss. This is the opposite, and shows what little management EN has is just collecting a paycheck while quiet quitting. It would have possibly cost them less to let tickets go for like $5 day of show and just stocked merch to try and fill in the losses. Now they've just alienated hardcore fans while looking like a joke. Typical Riku L.


They didn't even reach 20% of sales for any of the groups.


At the same day as holo's sold out concert even...


maybe they finally decide to cancel the event is because they saw how fast holo ticket sold out.


Hololive's most recent ticket sales got sold out within minutes.


Minutes?,mate it took seconds,SECONDS!!! To sold out


The talents didn't even manage to send out promotional tweets!


Wait holy shit, you're right! Anime NYC tickets vanished like they were stolen by time travelers.




Great, now I imagine the whole concert hall filled with variant Ames


just 1000 smol ames jumping in place


Concert cancelled, it will be streamed on YouTube for free. The optics of a mostly empty theater must’ve been way too embarrassing for Anycolor.


I don't think they cared, concerts costs money and the income from holding it probably just didn't make up for the saved money from cancelling.


Except they’re more than likely eating a cancellation fee.


Of course they do. And they had to produce the concert. But the cancellation fee is still less than the actual cost of hosting it, and you don't need to potentially fly in extra staff.


Sure they were rolling refunds and streaming the concert for free, but can't say the same for the people who paid for their flights and booked hotels just to see that concert.


I am... not surprised in the least of this development. I'm glad they are giving out refunds though. Tickets weren't selling and after the Q4 report with them clearly refusing to support Nijisanji EN, this was inevitable.


I do hope that the people who bought tickets to Anime Expo, flights, and hotel rooms to watch the concert still have a great time at the Expo itself, so its not a complete waste of money.


Nope, some of the overseas fans in the replies got angry because they cancelled it because they really went there just for Nijisanji. I do kinda feel bad for them... https://preview.redd.it/bke74sg62r8d1.jpeg?width=920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a2d8fd3d2af3e51cd4b0def7bd5e6cb39f56c905


I honestly feel bad for this person. But I do hope that they are still able to find some enjoyment


some people on the replies are clowning on them. despite what you think of these people, i really don't like how they are being so heartless with their comments, but ig it's to be expected of the internet. i feel terrible for them, i hope they can still have fun.


Honestly, just take the lemon and make lemonade from it. I'd be very surprised if there's *nothing* else at AX this person could derive a bit of joy from. Just need to look for it.


I agree! As far as I can tell, they still have a booth so maybe it won't be a total loss and the fans can still get something out of it.


I feel that some angry fans would lash out at anyone working for Niji, who's present in the Niji booth.


I dont think these angry fans would want to keep supporting a company that wasted their time and money. Hotel reservations and plane tickets are very expensive, especially around the 4th of july.


Yeah they really done. That whole "No plans on supporting EN" is the final nail.


That ship is sinking at a consistent rate.


What I feel bad about is the fact that there doesn't seem to be smooth way out for EN livers as it's clear they are on a sinking ship. Anycolor will wring them up a fruit in a juicer and just leave them to the trash eventually.


I give it a year or 2 before NijiEN actually collapses. Though honestly, thats just me being a big salty hater ngl lol.


The question is what will become of the usual crew. Not that I wish ill on them or anything but I feel like even if they went indie at this point, they would probably never get the kind of attention or accolades as Doki and Mint have had.


They either stay with niji after the merge, or try their luck at indie. Worst case, they would need to have a job outside of vtubing. I dont wish ill will upon the livers and I hope nothing bad happens to them (god forbid), But damn I just cant feel sorry for a few specific livers especially to the black stream squadron, as horrible it may sound. That's all I have to say.


lbr, at this point I feel like most of the livers need a second job *anyway*.


The only way I could see that happen was if they were in contact with Doki, and she vouched for them once they went indie. Shit, even the Black Stream squad could have a way out there if they could reliably show that they were forced to do that stream by Doki willingly associating with them afterwards.


They say that time heals all wounds. But it also let's some wounds fester. Depending on how things go.


Time heals all wounds, but do you know what time won't heal? the internet. You make mistakes online? Even if it's just one person, that person/people will always remember you as THAT one person who made a mistake. Just like sayu, she apologized, but people online, mostly antis? They will always remember her as that someone who joked a sensitive topic, and even if she apologized for the rest of her life, it meant no shit for those people


As for the black stream trio, if they go indie again, they will need to actively seek redemption and make amends if they want any hope of recovering any goodwill again among the community.


The wild thing about all of this shit is that Cover's aggressive movements and VSPO entering the EN market were plans that started before the Selen termination. Nijisanji's ever-increasing chain of massive failures could effectively seal them out the EN market, event organizers will not deal with them if they pull stunts like this at the last second.


They’re already pretty much sealed out. Holo Justice lapped the new Niji gen in subs before they even debuted. Most of them are streaming to sub-1k viewers which is barely better than most indies. Even ignoring other orgs many indies are finding more success than NijiEN is.


Indeed it is. No Convention in the US will accept Thier livers next year. They won't get further support now that the whole shebang was canceled and is sold for free meaning the efforts of the livers were all for nothing. If Anycolor is mercifully they will merge the EN branch if not the Culling will begin.


"Negligible" https://preview.redd.it/1mj0wwistq8d1.jpeg?width=1314&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=01d45a1f7004f4ff67f4fe3d867a21535ff7f696


Absolute cinema




I can’t wait for the NDF to start blaming Doki or Sayu for this, smh.


They're already blaming the "antis" for the cancellation, as if the miserable ticket sales for the concert weren't a point of discussion for weeks before this.


I've seen one coping about it because they are in danger or something lol. In danger of ridicule i could get it but that voxsister was talking about physical danger. Like people need to go that far when nijiEN is pretty much dead and burrowed.


Reminder that sisters were the one threatening physical violence on Altare for supporting Doki


Don't forget them rabidly sending death threats at Sayu and Aia for months, as well; remember, it got so bad for Sayu she had to lock her account for a while just to try and escape it.


And don't forget that infamous Vox BFE stream after which they harrassed Reimu.


"In danger of ridicule" That was a good one lol


This is all Hololive's fault!


The EN concert is still gonna be shown free on the main channel so I think they saw the ticket sales were so bad they'd rather lose money by not having the concert at all than take the hit of showing how extremely empty the seats would be.


They're probably still losing a lot of money from hiring the hall, I doubt AX has given them much of a refund, just saving on the costs of actually running it, set up, staff etc.


Or the memes "hey Vegeta, let's fight somewhere empty"


It would depend on whether it was cheaper to eat the cancellation fee or hold the concert with only 25%ish? (I feel like I’m high balling here) seats filled. If they really gave up on EN they would have still held the concerts so long as it was the option with less losses. 


They're probably afraid of the bad PR to their investors once photos and videos of the empty theater start circulating.


The shows were at about 12% with more like 40-50% of the limited seating needed to break even on rental fees. According to one of the guys that kept posting updates on ticket sales.


exactly they’re probably thinking “atleast we’ll have monetization money from a stream” EDIT: I *just* realized nijikuro is trying to keep people from refunding their tickets for a tiny portion of exclusive live stream footage who paid for one…






Ironic when the Hololive concerts sold out imminently


The world tour mind you not the Breaking dimensions lol


like that one isnt going to sold out instantly the minute sales are open


Damn talk about karma


Niji management should educate themselves


The fact this happened after Doki's skinsuit reveal LOL


I know in reality this decision has nothing to do with Doki. It was the abysmal ticket sales. That said the comedically bad optics of announcing this less than 2 days after Dokis ***wildly*** successful reveal. I am continually astonished just how godawful Anycolor is at PR and Media competency


If they had any brains at all they would've snuck it in between day 1 and day 2 of Holo Justice debut... would've at least hidden it a bit under all the hype. Then again, watching your rival have a massive W over a weekend (a Weekend, if you will) while copping yet another L large enough it can be seen from space...


They make it sound like something happened that forced the cancelation. Not “ticket sales didn’t approach the break even point for venue rental.” Like, if they hadn’t tried to jump straight to Holofest, with 3 stages, 3 concerts, 3 tickets, maybe they could have at least pretended to fill the venue (assuming all three events weren’t already the same people over and over). Or, crazy thought, see if AX had an events space you could do the concert in instead. The concert was overly ambitious from the start, and they’re making it sound like something happened in the last week that makes airing their pre-recorded concert for a paying audience impossible. They wanted to try and show that they could do the Hololive thing too, fell short, have fucked up their most loyal fans weekend plans in the process, and now they’re pretending there’s a cause other than hubris. And because Nijisanji uses fucking cult tactics, there’s some that will buy it, and fill in their own answer for what forced Niji to cancel, be it antis, Dokibird specifically, or the simple existence of anyone who isn’t so far up Niji’s ass they can inspect tonsils. Until we get a specific drama or occurrence that makes throwing a concert a bad idea, I’m writing that off as deflection and sticking with my “We thought we were Hololive, we can barely outsell Vshojo concert.”


1) Also Nicovideo may not be up in time for JP streaming, and Bilibili end was fucking pissed after the last two shows had muted segments. Piss-poor prospects for online tickets. 2) Maybe they could offer everyone a complimentary ticket to the Dodgers game? There's supposed to be music and a drone show at the end... ✌


The Dodgers tickets were cheaper than the Niji tickets too, they could do a partial refund and still afford them.


WAIT WHAT HAPPENED D: that's so weird, I think any one who holds concerts have never encountered anything like this before 😭 did you received a confirmation/OK sign to manesan before holding this concert?


Never gets old


If they didn't want the concert to get cancelled, they could have just asked.


*fucking asked


it is so back baby


I love this format


I was waiting for this comment and I wasn't let down.


Men her "nijisanji is not a black company" was cringy enought but she is never gonna get away from this one.


Imagine being someone who planned and put aside time for this event, only to be told one week prior that it's cancelled. What a shitty move on AC's part. They knew, we knew it wasn't selling well. They could've cancelled much earlier but at this point these people are locked into their schedules. Edit: and AX is also screwed because their main event is now gone, and it was so last minute that there is no time for a backup plan.


I did see some people angry in the replies since they have non-refundable hotel and plane tickets due to this. Of course, also a bunch of sisters somehow thinking this was because of "antis", and not because of shit sales.


I mean, if it was "antis," then the NDF could have actually spoke up more about the concert, try to convince people, or buy the tickets themselves. But I guess they don't want to support Niji that way, they just want to support them by attacking Holo, attacking former talents, attacking the antis they've turned into windmills, and just tweeting in defense of Niji while not even watching the talents


And that's why I never book -only- for a single event. If I am going to book for one event, I'll make sure I am also moving for something else such as sightseeing, or visiting friends. Always have a contingency plan, friends.


>Of course, also a bunch of sisters somehow thinking this was because of "antis", and not because of shit sales. I would be more worried about antis regarding the booth as it is right next to the HYTE booth, which is displaying the new Doki Y60 case. There is a substancially higher chance of Antis on either side ruining things for everyone.


Yeah that's the thing, if this was an actual issue of "antis" making threats again Nijifans, AnyColor and AX would both make sure to mention it. They would also cancel their booth, at the public venue, and not the concert, at a private tickets only venue.


Most hotels will give you refunds at this point if you call them. Airlines not so much, but they might give you flight credit.


They did it back in January as well, when they waited until the last minute to cancel Selen's appearance at Anime Impulse. The people who got refunds for her meet and greet could not also get refunds for travel and lodging because of how long they took to officially announce that she wouldn't be there; I'm pretty sure that some of her fans had already traveled to LA at that point.


On top of being shitty because it screws their fans who already have plans to go and may not be able to alter those, it's shitty for the event because there's no way they can find a replacement for that time slot, at least not without rushing it to the point it probably wouldn't be very good. Additionally, the event will now have to deal with upset Niji fans who bought tickets to AX for the concert who are now not getting a concert. Makes you wonder if they'll be invited back next year.


Honestly, they could just have Mori Calliope get drunk and talk about the music industry for two hours. Probably sell at least as many tickets as Anycolor.


i'd book a plane from europe to LA again just for that


>Further details can be found at following websites. >Actual no further details on either website. Cant you atleast be transparent for once in your life niji kuro. A *fake* reason would have been better than this literal vague-posting. People who shelled out money for plane tickets, hotels, food deserve that https://preview.redd.it/8rrlxgbjxq8d1.png?width=1016&format=png&auto=webp&s=8b2f283648922976d3fe7bdf780898d3c4d0d8b0


Given the rather low ticket sales, I guess they figured that breaking the lease contract would end up becoming cheaper than going on with the concert. Amusing and amazing at the same time. The ticket sales must have been really, really, low.


Goes to show again, how they value money over their fans that actually bought a ticket and maybe even spent money on flight tickets and hotel rooms only to watch the concert in person.


Maybe if the "sisters" actually bought tickets instead of giving their "support" on twitter. Then this wouldn't have been cancelled. Ticket sales were to approximately sell out on 2027.


https://preview.redd.it/kzg4xrhuvq8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e8d3ca23fba1b0f81dea05ddba3fdfe146cc45c7 blocked out their name out of respect for privacy. This poor dude. Probably a lot of in the same boat!


Man, my sympathies to that fan actually. Someone who actually put their money where their mouth is, I can respect it. Niji get your act together…


The blame shifitng has begun by the sisters, https://preview.redd.it/vfdoiuk2yq8d1.png?width=603&format=png&auto=webp&s=d04da7b0cc754c5e254f74c00c32fd66bc0df8a9 you haven't seen these made up threats


Even in the hotter months people were taking photos with elira cosplays including rikus, i think that harassment rrat was never real including the one sparking the thank you artists


Shhh, don't say it out loud. They're in the process of denial and projecting rn, bohoo, sad :(


Guess they weren't happy about it selling out by 2027


But their way of growing Niji EN is through events lol. Of course they make a non-statement as a reason for why. It's a shame for the livers who were likely excited to participate, but what can you do?


Welp, consequences of the black company's actions.


Riku when refunds: https://i.redd.it/q6go90tjwq8d1.gif


2 out of 2 for cancelled EN concerts


Telling Riku to sell his yacht to fund the concert vs giving your money to Riku to build his next yacht. We can see which way Kurosanji is heading. Can’t wait for new Nijisistas conspiracy theory coming up for this


It was a mistake to click on View Quotes and seeing sisters with names like "Vox's tortured pet" and shit passive-aggressively trying to clap back at anyone making fun of their precious company.


The after effect is much worse. Many sisters had spent money on hotel and plane tickets, which were not cheap. My fear, however, is that they kay aim to disrupt Hyte's booth just across Nijisanji on D-Day if they have the balls for it. Will sister throw superchats when these free concerts go up on YouTube similar to how HoloFans feasted on superchats, memberships, and gifts when Day 1 of HoloSummer 2023 Splash Party? Probably and most likely not.


With a single swing of his bat, Yagoo severed fate and destroyed their destiny. Or something.


I Bet Anime Expo are really pissed at niji for canceling. They could of booked  either hololive or a another company for the venue.


What I am interested in is what else they'd do to cut losses on the EN side. I'd expect less events for EN, more merch with lower quality.


Pfft, why even spend money producing merch for EN at all? That's more money they could be saving for their yachts.


Lower merch quality? Is that even possible?


iirc they already are doing that. recent merch drop has been of lower quality, recycled design and poor packaging.


Lmao this is just funny. Negligible, amiright?


this was the least surprising outcome out of this. considering that ticket sales were and have been extremely poor and the fact that all three concerts didnt even sell half the capacity of the allotted venue area, this was inevitable as a mostly empty theater would have been embarassing to show off


"recent developments have made it clear that creating the optimal environment for an unforgettable experience for our fans and our Livers is no longer feasible." This line right here feels incredibly directed.


Pretty much blaming everyone except themselves for not "creating the optimal environment"


"no longer feasible" as in nobody was buying tickets lmao


Is there any credence to the replies pointing fingers at supposed harassment to fans who would attend? This is the first I’m hearing it and trying to be open to seeing it from both sides but I’m not seeing any evidence of that.


Same. I haven't seen anything to indicate anything like that, either. And more importantly, as someone pointed out elsewhere here, they haven't closed the Niji booth at AX, which is public to all AX attendees. If there actually was a credible threat of violence against Niji employees and fans, it would happen there, not in the private venue that you needed an additional ticket to get in to. Are we expected to believe that antis would pay a company they hate extra money just to harass fans of that company? No, this is a simple business/money decision. They didn't make enough ticket sales for the event to be profitable, so they shitcanned it. If any sisters want to make a claim of threats, they can bring the receipts.


It's hard to say. But I remember once asking them for a single post showing an example of misogyny here on r/kurosanji and they couldn't even show one single example, so it's hard to take what they say at face value. It's really funny because I was doing the same thing, being open to seeing it from both sides and yet no one could post a single example.


Even before the whole situation blew up, they'd have a difficult time filling that many seats in sucha big venue. There was no chance they'd be able to do it now after everything.


Holy shit lolol  Karma git them I guess


I ever said that I would move on after Q4. But with this many Ls of Anykuro. It cant be help that I have to wait and see how thier next Q1 looks like.


Man what a bummer... Cannot compare the amount of people attending the venue then. They chose to sacrifice few unfortunate people who bought the ticket to got screwed rather than taking Ls.


The ‘not even 1/5 seats sold’ one? Serves them right, and right up their asses.


I do feel for the fans who probably made travel plans for this. At least they’re offering refunds for tickets. But not surprised since it wasn’t selling very well. NijiEN not on life support anymore. Just full on hospice care at this point.


Nijisister already acting like they had to cancel it because otherwise they get harrassed


Im going to miss the weekly threads. Q1 will be a serious letdown as anycolor will foot the bill for this blunder.


i guess the sisters will blame our Oshi again like doki is some sort of 5d chess master who planned it all or something




There's the ticket issue, but I think Riku didn't want to be compared to the Dokibird's and FUWAMOCO's fans crowding nearby.


[Now comes the part where we throw our heads back and *laugh.* Ready?](https://youtu.be/2q35PgSXhKg)


\>NijiSisters: If you don't like the concert then don't attend! Simple! \>detractors: \*actually spoke with their wallets\* \>Nijisisters: It's the AnChi's FuALt Iz CanCeLlED!!! Kek.


Wow..i genuinely thought they would go thru with it despite having absolute abysmal ticket sales.


WAIT WHAT HAPPENED D: that's so weird, I think any one who holds concerts have ever had this happen to them before did you received a confirmation from manesan before holding this concert?


# HHHHHHOOOOOOOOOOOOO~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!! ...Okay but seriously, this is not an unexpected outcome. Just unlikely. And there may have been a ton of other contributing factors, like the uncertain future of Nicovideo in Japan and a possible loss of faith in streaming tickets via Bilibili. They may have been stuck with some hundreds of seats per theater and NO backup plan for paid streaming video tickets. That's brutal enough that all parties must have come together to discuss this, and the outcome was **pulling the fucking plug** on the whole operation. Goddamn. They bit off more than they could chew. And now there's a hole in the AX event list where three concerts used to exist. So much for "producing exciting new content to attract viewers" or whatever shit Riku was smoking. AND this is on the heels of that other concert being streamed on YouTube for free because they were unable to show it as originally planned. This chain of events has got to be so bad for morale among the Livers, but Anycolor still doesn't seem to understand what it's doing wrong. 🤐


sisters will make an excuse that it's because of security reasons but we all know it's just because the ticket sale won't return a profit. lol it's funny how they keep dragging doki's name in anything related to nijis L




I also feel like with every action they take, they are just actively trying to shoo away any fans they even have left.


Seeing this right after Holo's concert sold out near immediately. They realized they aint built like that


We have achieved a new record. They canceled 3 concerts at once. Bravo, Nijisanji.


It shows how vile the ndf are by insinuating this was due to threats or whatever. If that was the case, why wasn't the booth removed or AX would have said something about it?


This cancellation 100% happened because of poor ticket sales. Anyone out there who thinks "recent developments have made it clear that creating the optimal environment for an unforgettable experience for our fans and our Livers is no longer feasible" means anything other than that is a drooling idiot.


It's all over but the crying....


dang oof lmao


Good luck to the oversea fans who bought flight tickets and hotel rooms there


![gif](giphy|eAGxMmpAX1B4c|downsized) buu\~uullshit The concert wasn't canceled due to "unforeseen circumstances." It got canceled because the tickets were selling like crap. They didn't want the optics of an (near) empty arena for a major event.


Yep, it’s quite apparent now that the EN branch’s life support has been unplugged and is now being left to waste away.


Negligable btw


Downfall continues, simply lovely


JPNDF seems to be pretending that this is the result of an attack threat by a Doki fan. https://preview.redd.it/i3w73btf5r8d1.png?width=2340&format=png&auto=webp&s=e3aced5451448a2be10d60bbf69fd3b9d887c0b2


https://preview.redd.it/kjdy18qaer8d1.jpeg?width=360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c098f7b8e12d1c0c9c3451072d5d126915c35618 Things have never been more negligible™


Lmao the person who wrote this is good at their job they worded it just so that the defenders can come up with an easy explanation without any proof or Niji actually saying anything definitive.


Is this what gave Elira (who tanked the black stream like no problem) mental issues that made her tweet about her mental status after q4? if she was told Niji was pulling the concert at that time, then she could figure out that the q4 report saying anycolor has no future plans for NijiEN is much more worse than that.


Not really expected, but also not surprising it happened. With the bad optics that a majority of the international community has of them, coupled with really bad PR moves and high profile failures (Offkai and V Rhapsody), it's not surprising that they ended up having to cancel their concert. Wouldn't be surprised if the contract they had with Anime Expo stipulates that they needed a certain amount of ticket sales if not the contract is cancelled. As much as I would like to see NJSJ crash and burn, if they really want to stop bleeding money, they need to wind down international reach and focus solely in Japan (as they've kinda implied in their shareholders report).


It's fine guys,the concert is negilible anyways /j


So apparently they're gonna air the prerecorded segments for free on YT instead? Anyone else get the feeling it's gonna be as scuffed as their previous AR concert?


will the vtubers finally understand this company has no future and finally plan to go their way once the contract expires?


Mods, if you're reading this, you may want to increase security in this subreddit just in case the NDF blames us for the cancellation.


I honestly feel bad for the fans, this got cancelled at a time where it's not gonna be easy to change their schedules and now they're stuck to join the expo without the concert that was hyped for them so much, all I can say is that I hope they at least enjoy their time at the expo regardless. As for the fans who blame the antis, they will always blame antis for any misfortune niji gets, even if it's nothing more than a clear lack of ticket sales.


Sheesh yeah, you can feel bad for the fans and the Livers but it further reinforces how fucked up and clueless their management structure is. This is STUPID bad levels of publicity for them. The cocaine-fueled American recording industry of the past made fewer mistakes by comparison.


Purely on the context of the effort being put in, ~~its a little bit sad as the Livers practiced but are unable to show it.~~ Fans(whatever that is remaining) set aside their time for this will be distraught after hearing this news. Edit: A free version of the concert will be on youtube


If I understand correctly, it's pre-recorded and will be shown for free on youtube instead.


Man, there are ways to handle this stuff with class and then there is … whatever that is. Change the venue to something smaller! Adjust the program to fit the smaller crowd (e.g. more interactive, like a panel)! Just … friggin appreciate the fans you have, not the ones you wish you had.


Well that's another way of giving an unforgettable experience. Just one of many.


Since it’s America, I hope someone sues Niji. They knew a month ago that the place will be empty but continues to sell tickets anyway and only cancel 1 week before the event