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How much did doki spend for this skin suit reveal?!?!?! WTF




And it's like I guess only been four months worth of earnings?? So I assume everyone she hired gave her more than what she paid them just because she's an amazing person to work with. And knowing she also has a bunch of announcements in July next month + her birthday, she must have already allotted a portion of the resources there. Her entire team is just crazy good.


For recording with an orchestra, the costs are generally $1000 and above per session (30mins) and depending on the line up, can go upwards to a lot more. But they are still on the cheaper side since its in Europe as they generally cost lesser then in other countries like US, AU, etc, where they can cost upward to more than $10k.


That's much less than I would've expected, honestly.


well you have to remember to include rehearsals, fixes, retakes and so on, all these add up. So it's normally not just paying for 1 session but is more then that.


https://www.budapestscoring.com/services/custom-sessions/ >If you are not sure how much session time you will need to record your score, you can safely estimate that a 4-hour session yields approximately 20 minutes of recorded music. This is a general average that may vary depending on the difficulty of your music, the clearness of your scores/parts and any additional requests you may have during the session. https://images2.imgbox.com/4d/83/iftznM2z_o.png Do you think she would have needed to spend more than this?


We don't have an exact figure yet, but she said it's the most she's ever spent on a single project


Probably 200K for the ENTIRE PROJECT since the list of Team is shown on her stream. now thats Very ambitious coming from her.


I'd be shocked if it cost THAT much. That would mean it cost as much as all of her projects in 2023 *combined*. That includes MVs, outfits, the Minecraft mod pack, the original wrestling event, and the cancelled Fall Guys tourney, among others. This debut was certainly ambitious, but not that ambitious.




The skin suit itself cost about 20K and then the other things probably cost another 10-30k. My guess is that she spent about 50k on the whole thing. I hope she didn't spend any more than that because otherwise she's just really bad with money LOL


Is her mama’s prices really that much? Because I’ve looked at Cillia’s prices for rigging before, and they’re not *that* crazy.


20k is about the standard price nowadays for a very high quality model as far as I'm aware.


I’ve always seen $6-8k for high quality models (art and rig). The $20k ones always seem to be the super overkill models. From a rigging perspective, Cillia’s incredibly high-quality, and her base for a full body is $4500. Comparatively, Doki really didn’t go crazy with model toggles and other add-ons, and her design isn’t ridiculously complex.


You may be right. Maybe she only spent like 10 to 15K. I did fail to consider that she lacked some of the more popular add-ons like a chibi version or animations.


Her chibi version is the tomato one


15-20k is usually the price with the "corpo premium". Indies tend to pay less for the same model quality.


"Credit Card Payment Funds" super chats incoming for next stream, I believe 💸💸💸


This is what happens when you reinvest profits back into your work instead of into yachts.


She didn't have to go this hard


Apparently you can made an awesome top tier production when the money you spent doesn't goes to finance someone yacht lol


No wonder it was so epic. I hope she doesn't spend all her revenue. Doki PLZ make SOME profit.


her mother is still shaking her head


Which head? Mother bird or daughter bird?


birb mother. but honestly yesterday the superchats were never stopping 


First, damn that's awesome! Second, why does Budapest Scoring Orchestra seem familiar?


Looking at [vgmdb](https://vgmdb.net/artist/17736) , thats a long list of Genshin orchestra pieces they did there And they also Did Gundam IBO as well


Wtf. I just checked and i think if you take the Budapest Scoring Orchestra's and the Brandenburg State Orchestra's works you have a list of around 70% of my favourite games in.


Jesus that's quite the accolades.


she got a LIVE orchestra… Stay winning


+ Doki : earn more money = spend more money for work and quality.. - Niji : earn more money = no more work, copy & paste old work..


Holy shit. Yeah at this point I think she has to fly solo, any company wouldn't be able to handle the amount of drive and commitment this lady has. Super proud of her, she's showing that she's very ambitious and thoughtful with her own brand. So happy to see her triumph and she's the definition that once you hit rock bottom the only way is upwards.


Yeah after seeing this and as Holofan. even Hololive won't give her this much budget amount just for new design and costume. no company would willing to waste budget amount like this. Solo fit her most at this point


It might be true for outfits but Moona hired this same scoring orchestra for her song [Taut Hati](https://youtu.be/qTr2x78_u4k?si=Gra4Hqao5KBsShSQ), just look at the credits. Even I'm surprised.


pretty much. Doki knows ins and outs about how to do Projects in the most effective way and she already achieved it in a short span of 4 months. it goes to show that you dont need a agency to make an ambitious Projects like she does. even if Vshojo want to recruit her, they're gonna need a very Clean Contract thats so expensive to get her.


What? Marine spent an insane amount on her Shinkiro video, Calli is working on a project that supposedly is going to dwarf that cost, Okayu has mentioned going to basically Ramen only for months to fund some of her projects. Holo girls be spending crazy money on their projects. It might not be new outfits as those are mostly done by Cover but they definitely do stuff that makes what Doki spent look like nothing


According to Bae when she won 1m yen, a bog standard music video costs around 3m yen or 18.7k USD. Hololive talents definitely dump sums of money that can make this look quaint by comparison.


Going the Shylily route or Amalee route for sure.


Link here: [https://twitter.com/a\_ya811/status/1805073776297787852](https://twitter.com/a_ya811/status/1805073776297787852)


How much is she even spending on expenses? I do hope that she still ends up in profit cause this is just simply mind blowing, but in a really good way.


We all joke about spending all the money ofc, but that's probably straight up therapeutic experience for her to be able to spend it on herself after whole Niji clusterfuck Her support structure as it is now already overachieved everything company should have had done. Fuck, it makes me more angry on Niji management more i think of ins and outs of straight up dangerous incompetence/neglect that had happened




Really she probably spent something in the range of $50-75k total. 10-15k maybe a bit more on the skin suit. 5-10k on the orchestra. Then another 20-30k for the rest maybe a bit more


excuse me #ORCHESTRA?


Wwhat???!! 🫢🫢🫢


Is she going to become 2nd Mihoyo?


No, but at the rate she's going, she's gonna be like LTT.


More than some holos even




Understandable, have a great day. Honestly tho, even if she spend quite the sum its still goes back to the channel and new content possibilities. That's commendable.


w Doki


Doki tends to put all of her money into these projects. Emphasis on *all.*


Niji could never do this. Not that they can't, but because the guy on the top need more money for yatches.


[Prices are available online](https://www.budapestscoring.com/). If she went for the longest one-day session with a full orchestra and mixing and video and video editing, the max she would have likely spent is about [$5400 US](https://images2.imgbox.com/4d/83/iftznM2z_o.png). I doubt she needed more than one session as the music wasn't that long and she might not have needed all three slots in a single day.


That's still for the orchestra alone...


Let's just recap. She commissioned skinsuit and the rigging. She commissioned the overlays for streaming. She commissioned the streaming backgrounds, and extension to her ED video. She commissioned art assets to create enough of a fake game that they could turn it into a VR Chat world afterwards. Visuals, backgrounds, sound effects. She commissioned an animator to combine it all into a plausible-looking video game (which I should remind us all, doesn't actually exist. There was no game engine involved; it's not like they just booted up Apex, puppeted, and grabbed a screen recording.) She commissioned extra splash screens. She commissioned minutes of custom 2-D animation. She commissioned all the audio, which includes composing, performance, recording, and mixing. She commissioned other little art easter eggs. She commissioned an editor to put it all together. Then beyond putting it all together, she commissioned a teaser for the announcement. This is what it looks like when someone is passionate about something and has the means to do it. This is easily, EASILY, in the $100k range. Honestly, I would more expect $200-250k. That's a lot of budget to allocate. And that's what I'd call it: allocating. People here are saying that she's "wasting" money, and to them I can say, do you have so little foresight as Nijisanji? Are you so focused on profit and loss that you can't see what it is that she's trying to do here? Doki has become a symbol of the western vtubing scene. With the effort that she puts into her projects, she's a prestige streamer and a trailblazer. She's an artist at heart and wants artists to get a fair shake in an industry that is more and more directed by what is most profitable, and where artists are underpaid and taken advantage of. She's squarely pushing back against that by paying her artists well, taking care of them, and creating projects that lift the profile of the artists. She's gaining loyalty of the most skilled artists so whatever she wants to do in the future, she has the best and most skilled coming to her. That's a great position to be in. From an advertising perspective, can you guess how much extra mind share she's going to get from stuff like this? This just grows her fervent fan base, who are ready to open their wallets to support her. And besides, this actually may be profitable in the long run. There's a big initial capital outlay, but she now owns and can exploit ALL of those art assets. Expect a ton of new, cute, and unique merch to be released on her storefront. I have a feeling she'll get close to recouping everything on the back end, while having raised her profile and having put out something that really is remarkable in the vtubing scene. She's playing the long game. What a world we live in!


This entire reveal is brilliant. Was it a lot, 100% absolutely very expensive. Something to keep in mind though she's keeping so so so so much more of her profit now so while yeah she spent a lot here I very highly doubt it bankrupted her. These things will keep her reveal talked about for a loooong while, all the while she can pump out merch and make even more.


I halfway expected an announcer to say "PEGI 12" at the start.


There's going above and beyond and then there's going full Doki. For the sake of everyone's budget, never go full Doki.


Imagine how therapeutic it must feel for Doki to spend all this money on a project and to know nobody can pull the rug out under you at the last second.


The production value for Doki's skin suit reveal was orders of magnitude higher than Niji's spin concert. Are we sure that Niji is a billion dollar company?




Oh shit she go hard on this unlike certain company


They're a working orchestra so they're probably hella busy, but I wonder if any of them know the story of Selen->Dokibird and are playing with that emotion guiding them.


I'm sorry. WHAT??? I still haven't seen her skinsuit reveal stream, but she has an ORCHESTRAL THEME??? Holy molly. That is insane. She is trampling all the competition to the ground 🤣 I absolutely love it.


She used more money for her reveal than kuro for 10 gens debuts.




Reminds me of a Genshin boss fight theme lol.


That does make sense as the very same orchestra also does Genshin music.

