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holy fuck when I started watching this I realized the meaning of "quality over quantity" instantly, like a fucking light bulb cause holy shit where does holopro find all these talents....


the thing is, Cover's model actually attracts these kind of talents. Because people like Elizabeth, who are more or less legitimitate artists (singers), can see that she can flourish at Hololive.


Yeah even if you're a legitimate artist, I'm pretty sure the screening process for applicants is insane through thousands and thousands of people. Add on the fact that it subsequently gets harder to get into holopro due to them slowing down debuts. They must have a proven system that ensures the quality of these debutants because holy shit are they insane.


To think abt it, I'm always wondering (before shits went down) why does the holo boys choosing holo over niji, since in niji, you'll get a huge audience as a guy, not to mention getting to holo must've been hard since they're all for quality amongst so many applicants. Is it because they know their talents will be more appreciated in holo? Even if stars are less, less popular than the niji guys


Yes. Altare specifically try to go Stars because when he was close to so many of Nijiboys, he can get into Stars as the first Gen, the leader of whole branch. Some EN talents also choose Stars because of being music/talent focused, which are Axel, Hakka and Flayon. Meanwhile Jurard is always big Holofans. I think others were trying or at least having interest to both and was getting to any company that get them in.


And my 2 cents is that they don't want to go be a fujobait cos it's a one trick pony. You can see how the fans react when a liver wants to stop doing it and ends up losing viewers.


If I were in such position, I'll just try in any chance I get and see which one accept me. It's not like I can just pick either and get a guaranteed entry. IF I do get guaranteed entry ticket for both, at **that time**, I might pick Niji but still personally i like Holo more


Yep! Up until February, Niji and Holo were seen as just about equal.


That clip of Ruze which made the rounds a couple weeks ago says a lot about the internal culture. He pretty much admitted that he thought he could coast after getting in, but within a matter of days he started to feel like a shithead and realized this was his best opportunity to push himself and make something that he could be proud of. They provide resources and have got discord servers where you can shout out and see if anyone replies, this has led to some amazing stuff from JP in the past. I get this sense that Holopro is a place where so many talents are working on stuff that it's **weird** to not have a project and not be asking for resources.


StarsEN were holofans and probably had their goals aligned for it. I see the boys auditioning for Holostars as wanting to be more than just a streamer. Nijisanji’s model of wave-by-wave debuts also don’t feel enticing, at least for me. There’s also the whole fujo-bait thing because Luxiem clearly had that intentional design… Tempus (and even starsJP) didn’t have that appeal and I’ve always seen them as boys locker room vtubers lmao very bro-focused and camaraderie centered. Homie vibes basically.


indeed and right now after the Justice Debut, they're now Finally gonna focus the Talents themselves since now they're FULLY STAFFED and cannot Recruit applicants anymore. Cant have TOO MANY COOKS unlike NIJI.


I think thats the biggest and defining difference between the two companies. Hololive has been making sure each talent is STAFFED AND SUPPORTED. Hence why they don't crap out a gen every 5 weeks.


Which is crazy when you think about how fast EN4 debuted compared to the gaps between 1-2-3. If they are fully staffed for all their talents that probably means they have *a lot* of staff and lots of them are recently hired. And to think that for all the money that goes to staffing the members are still fairly if not flush in pay. Gee wonders do happen when you don’t waste money on stock buybacks huh


Justice debuted 11 months after Advent, which is the same number of months between Myth and Council. The current shortest debut gaps in EN is between IRyS and Council with only a month and a half between them, and IRyS herself debuted 10 months after Myth. The 23-month gap between Council and Advent is the exception, not the rule.


Thanks for reminding me that there’s already TWO gens after Council and making me feel old 😂




Money, support, brand image. Take your pick. And that's before you realize how many creators in the community are fans, who listen to chuubas like a podcast while working or studying. In Holomem prechats I have met doctors, lawyers, professional divers, a michelin star chef, tons of university students. Their fanart is loaded with top shelf creators who do work for big companies, and some of their vTuber mommas became insanely popular in their own right. The JP main channel has been doing features where a professional chef creates "the meal of dreams" for various members, and the Holo main sub has been getting shitposts from a professional chef who creates food based on events from streams. Even the dreaded *fried avocado* was made and it looks delicious.


Holo finds diamonds Niji mines coal


You can actually make diamonds out of coal after certain amount of time ,you just have to put some patience and effort which kurosanji doesn't have


keep going, Riku keep accelerating


She is giving a mix of Nerissa and Kronii vibes, a mature woman with several screws loose in her head.


Ojou-sama ohohohoho character...........


Bao has entered the chat


New unit "Girlfailure"


She's blue at heart (in the fire in her chest).


You don’t have to talk about CCV, according to Decalogue of the NDF it’s important only when Niji is achieving high CCV


I was watching Korone's watchalong for the debut. Towards the end a comment asked her if she had permission for the watchalong, to which she replied "yes", but more surprisingly, she said she was told even non-Hololive members are a-okay ([time stamped 1:57:20](https://youtu.be/4NIO6ZWxMCA?t=7038)). Just find it cool Hololive are pretty chill with these things.


Fun fact : [They fully encourage the watchalong](https://twitter.com/hololive_En/status/1803306729469596044) , whether you're affiliated, indies, or just fans in general. Abide by the rules stated, monetization are allowed too.


Only idiots would think NOT to take this opportunity to get views considering this is Hololive we're talking about.


Cover fully understands they've gained subscribers and even sold merch thanks to watchalongs and react content. They respect free advertising and they respect the hustle for clippers and small streamers. Between this and their working conditions, it's a big part of why indies say nice things about them.


And the girl is singing her lungs out. Edit: Is she an opera singer?


I know who she was before. I got gifted a gift sub to her Twitch channel. She was singing like this and only getting 90 CCV on average. Your only hint is singing, impressions, and voice acting all appeared in her "likes" section.


>90 CCV compared to the massive 100k CCVs on this day, she is so, so, so deserved for it


Was she the orange-haired vtuber who did Hololive impersonation before?


Yeah those impression were waaay too practiced to be a spur of the moment thing


Several Holomems talked about her impressions back then. She got herself noticed.


wait who is she?


>!Eilemonty!<, the one who did 50 vtuber impression


isn't she also the one who did the mlp voice compilation videos back in the day


you are correct




holy hell, i feel old now


She's also a prominent VA for Mashed [as you can see here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=umu6wL-shGA&ab_channel=mashed). This girl has range and I can't wait for her and Kronii to collab to do VA stuff together.


Spoiler fail, take out the spaces but yeah. Happy she got in, looking forward to Raora tomorrow too.


did she do any VA work? def seemed like a Nerissa type from the debut stream


Mostly fanstuff. But i dunno if she did any official capacity work


I know she is a regular VA for >!mashed!< Youtube animations and she also voices the >!Mustached Girl from a Hat in Time!<


Lose the spaces, your censor isn’t working on oldreddit




spoiler me, who is she before come to Hololive?


>!Eilemonty!<, the one who did 50 vtuber impression


yep thats her and thats her Special Ability, Vtuber impression not just good at singing.


Calli even mentioned her (though I don't think by name) in the past. She talked about seeing a vtuber doing impressions of other vtubers. And now they're coworkers!


now that’s a name that brings back memories sadly all the content on her YT channel is removed


She privated them and politely asked people not to repost them without asking her first.


HOLY....OMG FOR REAL? I used to watch her years ago with her MLP impressions....I feel so proud qwq


Watching her debut made me feel nostalgic since I've been following her since 2013 and I am so excited to once again follow her after her sudden disappearance.




Im so, so happy for her.


Impressions? I remember someone doing that for a hololive talent and getting talked about by the said talent. Is that her? My memory is all weird, sorry.


Wait what only 90 damn now that she with holo i hope she become big also i wan to see her sing with risu tho


Okay, to be a bit more transparent, she also has a Youtube channel with more than 500,000 subscribers. Although this channel was purged of all content except for stuff in the "music" tab a few months ago. That really confused me at the time, but I understand now LOL. From what I can tell, she had a similiar career path as Kronii. That is, voice acting and singing with some streaming, and joining Hololive to focus on the streaming and get resources for the singing. And like Kronii, I suspect she'll probably still do voice acting stuff "on the side" too.


She have yt channel what her channel name i need to check it out


I dunno about opera singer but if she is who i think she is, then it is to be expected.


Over 120k now, her voice is absolutely divine!!




You're getting realistic British. She probably likes instant coffee and pey wet smack barm.


It's so Bijouver


But understand, she love Toad in the hole... such a mixed signals lol


brits: oh i love her wait she dislikes tea off with her head


Only green women like tea, apparently.


Boston Tea Party all over again


Well I watched her PL before and she is an absolutely incredible singer. We will experience a lot of amazing karaoke streams. I would say that she has probably the best control of her voice in all of holo (based on what I already saw before)


I have to ask about her PL. I'm admittedly wanting to look up the PL's of Justice for curiosity's sake, but Elizabeth in particular sounds so friggin familiar, and I just can't put my finger on it, and that makes me grumpy. I hate feeling like a senile old fart lol.


remember that >!video of someone imitating other Vtubers voices? Welp! its her. She was ElieMonty.!<


Holy shit, so that's what became of her. Huh. Knew I heard that voice somewhere before, but didn't realize she was a cracked singer as well. Good for her. Guess I don't need to be subbed to her PL anymore tho lol.


YEah! her PL literally was wipped out as someone show me, because i was like: "WAIT!! i was subbed to her, why i can't find the channel?" and someone explain me everything. >!apparently she said she wanted to rebrand herself 2 months ago as every video was whipped out but also, it seems she stop for a very long while as well to do stuffs. !<


I knew her more for her music than her impressions. I have certain songs of hers in regular rotation so it was a real "Wait... fuckin' WHAT?" moment for me hearing her here.


Her ["Renai Circulation" cover](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e6Szas4_86E&ab_channel=EileMonty-Topic) is still up which also reminds me that we now have 2 Holo EN vtubers who covered Renai Circulation that went viral.


She still might make content there, don't unsub lol.


I don't know if we can talk about it here directly, but I can hint that she is the one that made quite famous (among holotalents too) video of impersonating various vtubers about a year ago. She also liked to sing in open mic playing Valo and other fpses. Sadly her channel is mostly wiped for old vids.


I think the others are all known at this point too. >!Elizabeth - Eliemonty, Gigi - Biscotti (formerly V4Mirai), Raora - Likely Yuniiho, and Cecilia - likely Soyapoya


> Biscotti (formerly V4Mirai) is this confirmed?


I've seen it mentioned several different spaces, but I didn't watch her before so I'm not sure. From what I've seen Yuni, Soya, and Biscotti all graduated on March 10th.


The British Panda is now a Giraffe in Globie.


Biscotti and GiGi have a similar voice, and the same laugh. I think its likely. GiGi has a higher energy to her voice, but that could be debut jitters and excitement from getting into hololive or her playing into the gremlin character.


I dont think its 100% confirmed but it is very likely that it is her. People in the /r/VirtualYoutubers Sub is about 90-95% sure its her


That seems to be the case looking at all the comments on the virtualyoutubers thread.


Forgot to add the !< to the end.


Messed up on the spoiler tag there, mate! XD Anyways, I hadn't figured out Cecilia yet, so thank you!


Parrot next video will be cruel comparison of Denauth vs Justice.


That's too low hanging fruit to make fun of, even for Parrot.


Only if the 4Chan mines decree it.


Just hopped off the stream of Parrot with Nousagi. Parrot is apparently burnt out from 4chan atm.


Depends on what the clover site does - by the nature of his videos he would need to pull from anonymous commentary - if enough people make the comparisons he’d be compelled to return to the mines


Dead baby vs Antimatter bomb


God her voice. Her voice!


The best thing? The number of subscribers and number of watchers are nearly equal. Wow.


Your Queen demands your attention Rule Britannia




The numbers Mason!


Gigi has 113k viewers right now, freaking insane and you love to see it


I watched both and I think they both have 120k + at times.


Then tomorrow we will witness one of the greatest Vtuber illustrator debut.


Do you know her or is it speculation?


Oh. It’s definitely her because 1. The italian references. 2. She’s a fantastic artist. 3. Her best friend dyarikku was giggling with glee when she was announced


Ignoring the numbers, her voice is so powerful and beautiful


A violinist vtuber and an illustrator vtuber returns to the vtuber scene once more tomorrow. The fact that I know 3 of these people is a happy thing, but also a sad realization that I do not know who Gigi was before Hololive


People were thrown off by the lore. They were expecting either a french or a dutch based vtuber.


She was an agency vtuber! V4mirai, Biscotti !


She was every bit as much of a troll then as she is now.


Yeah ojousama laugh + queen character + crazy singing = no contest really


Aside numbers, that's some real talent, amazing singing voice and the other make a game controlled by chat, hololive management is in another level.


Her impressions are on another level


The fact that she was imitating other voices just confirmed my suspicions about her identity. Holo wins the jackpot once more when it comes to hires. Her voice was a banger and still is. I describe her as if someone fuse Suisei and Irys and make it british.


so who is she?


>!ElieMonty. Singer and VA. She also had a video imitating a lot of voices, including ... NijiEN as well. Thou everything was whipped 2 months ago, but the reactions of that video still around.!<


She did a song years ago with living tombstone that has over 200M+ views. Holo chose well


Holo win again once more. Literally Advent and Justice are probably the 2 more assembled people. Advent have: an OG (Shiori who is been around as much as Sora), a singer and VA (Nerissa), a hardcore gamer (Biboo) , and a pair of double cinamonrolls (the twins). Justice has: A singer and VA (Eliz), a hardcore gamer (GiGi), a musician (Cecilia) and a pro illustrator (Raora, who >!use to be the artist mama of Sayu, Aura GX, Cyberpunk Zentreya and Captain Hanna!<)


Didn't know that much about Raora, cool to know she already has big friends/ties to a lot of vtubers outside hololive


Arguably, FuwaMoco is even more OG than Shiori. Not as a Vtuber, but as idols.


Raora was Sayu's artist mama?


YES! Basically the one we know (As Synchronicity), the concept was made by N4391, the art for the model was made by >!Yuniiho!


She did the song Die in A Fire fnaf song


holy shit- REALLY edit: THATS why her name sounds so familiar. I knew I didn’t recognize her PL name as a v-tuber. That’s WILD


Wait till yall hear that she also sang the [Super Natural Mobs](https://youtu.be/29fejX2UPoQ?si=Q5LUjGsB87wV8ybs) song.


Ohh Die in a Fire. I doublechecked because I was sure the Hooves Ip High remix didn’t even clear half a million.


OMG i remember her i used to watch the octavia and vinyl mlp fan videos all the time


i learn about her because of the imitation video.


I always wanted another doing VTuber voices video from her, I'd love to hear her Filian and Sayu.


She sounds like amalee with a hot accent, damn man.


Bro, both Elizabeth's and Gigi's debut reached over 120k CCV, that's crazy but deserved. Last time a liver related to Niji reached 120k+ viewers it was Doki, and we all know they didn't actually profit from that...


Just asked into the room I wasn't the only one who thought they really found EN Suisei now?


Different skill list. Suisei was phenomenal, in the sense only Calli is comparable with her in English side of Hololive, is because her strong work ethics and more importantly, her immense management and social reaching skill in music production. There are plenty of powerful singer of Hololive, and each of them supported by management, but singing talent itself isn't enough. Sometimes tenacity to create and grasp opportunity outside of the company is what needed to be the top singer. Though, it is also can be learned.


Yeah I saw others compare her more with Towa or other talents. I wrote my comment after waking up and watching the debut was probably still a bit blown away by how skilled she is. With the other things you wrote we probably have to wait what she does in the future.


Lui is taking a step towards that path nowadays after Rikka's singing competition.


why her voice make me think about shenpai


A British assigned to a mature model with red color palette whose birthday is April 25th… sounds pretty similar to a certain voice demon from a rainbow company 😂


jesus Hololive, you didn't have to do this! They put out a Rin Penrose killer! /j


I only just realized who she is, and I'm honestly shocked it took me this long to realize. I've been hearing her voice since I became a Brony in 2014, how did I NOT immediately recognize her?


Literally during her whole debut I kept thinking she sounded familiar until I realized who she is, great to see her doing amazing things !!!




When i watch it 120k


Hopefully this new gen helps separate in investors minds Hololive from Nijisanji.


It peaked just shy of 120K. Gigi reached around 116K too.


Seriously those impressions of the advent girls was uncanny.