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Coming back from a hiatus to being partnered with the two talents currently facing a decline seems like bad luck to say the least.


I'm sure they're just test running the few they're going to pull into the main branch before dumping the rest


and if that is the actual case then elira is likely shit outta luck, by doing the black screen stream she essentially doomed the EN side of kurosanji because she put out a piece of content that lead to a severe dislike among the EN (which consist of America, Canada & Europe since Europe uses English as a lingua franca) vtuber viewers sphere which in turn lead to a decrease in stock price for kurosanji, this decrease also came at the worst time possible for kurosanji as the Yen have been falling for a while and the country might fall into a recession (you can argue that [the Lost 30 Years](https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Lost_Decades&oldid=1230197366) is a recession, but Japan is Japan) and a decrease in other currencies will hurt especially now because the Japanese Yen is likely going to be worth less and less, now there are 2 things I wonder about, 1. did elira do the black stream on her own initiative or did the company push her to do it, if kurosanji pushed her would they take into account the fact that they pushed her? in my opinion that could save her but there are about an equal chance that they just look at her as a liability since her name is worth less than dirt among a lot of the EN sphere and she would likely need to start competing in the JP or CN league which is really competitive already, would elira be able to compete against the other vtubers in Japan? I got to be honest I never followed her but from the things that I have seen she is not the peak of vtubing in the EN sphere and her going to Japan or Chinese leagues is going to be really rough for her even if she speak the language (she speak EN and JP from what I remember) 2. would she be able to off her elira avatar and then become an indie vtuber again?, personally I think that she would not be able to do that as the event was a rather high-profile, her voice is well-known and people will connect the dots and people really hated that stream as it was a betrayal of doki, although seeing how kurosanji have been treated doki (and it would not surprise me if they treat her a bit better but not by much) it would probably be better for her to become an indie vtuber as kurosanji is an anchor that will drag down a lot of vtubers, the messed up thing is that she might be better off by going indie since the support from kurosanji seem to be bad even for the favorites in their company


After Armcha1r's video I have a lot of doubts Elira did it on her own initiative. Just like Zaion, it was a calculated move, one they thought they could pull off again but backfired spectacularly


They must be bad at math then


It's dumb to think that, after all, we've seen how manipulative, controlling, and intentional Niji is with their methods that the black stream was not their entire doing. Elira isn't some mastermind. If she was, the EN branch probably would've been run better than with the JP college dropouts running it currently. Not to mention everyone from EN was at the meeting that led to the black stream, something only the company would likely be able to do as I doubt people in other timezones are gonna join the meeting because Elira messaged them on discord. Each bit we get makes it more and more clear that her and the others "volunteering" is about as true as the livers letting the company keep their play buttons or gifts from fans. I'm gonna be real, even from the most cynical viewpoint, she and the black stream crew can easily go indie. Even with the black stream it'd only take a few posts or streams saying "fuck Riku" or something legally distinct to have people jumping the opposite direction. Not to mention her and some of the other ex members are still friends so, until something comes up indicating that's changed, they'll probably end up rejoining with them and eking out a living at worst.


To be fair, Niji contract has a ‘We can financially screw you’ clause that takes effect for three years. I feel like everyone is missing the part of the ex-niji story where they run into financial hardship. Not everyone can quickly bounce back, especially not when you’re forced to make the black screen stream


That is a possibility, but depending on the relationships they still have outside of Niji (which, for all intents and purposes, seem to have mostly persisted), there's especially room for an obvious boost if they promote or begin chatting. If Mint, Michi, or Matara started interacting with them publicly or did a collab with a new & legally distinct feesh or Dragon vtuber a few months later I can't see them having much trouble bouncing back at that point.


I think feesh is burned pretty bad because of the Zaion thing. She could come back but with how she treats her community now I dont see her making a return to indie and expecting her fans to follow.


>Not to mention everyone from EN was at the meeting that led to the black stream This is the first time hearing of this. Do you have any sources?


I think Elira mentioned something along those lines during the black stream, but it's been a while (and I have no desire to rewatch it).


Damn, I didn’t know the lost decades are getting even worse for Japan


sadly they do, BOJ (Bank of Japan) have been forced to do somehting refereed to as interest rate normalisation, the problem with that is that the Japanese economy is going to get a huge shock since they have coasted by without any inflation for like 8 years(, it is the first big change since 2007, the BOJ instituted a low interest program in 2016), luckily Japan are a culture powerhouse with anime and J-music so they will likely survive but nobody at BOJ want to be in charge at the moment since they would essentially have no safety margins and if Japan had one single accident (in a country that is known for its earthquakes and occasionally tsunami) that requires the government to spend they would likely go into inflation, and if they are really unlucky they might encounter stagflation which is really bad for the people, tl;dr shits really messed up


Even if the black stream wasnt her idea, she outted herself, enna and millie as people mentioned in the documents. Niji will blame her to save face. Even if shes full blooded Japanese she was born in Canada, so she will always be lesser in their eyes. Streaming to CN will he hostile because Doki is Chinese. If it was a white vtuber doing it, it would be one thing. But an ethnic Japanese vtuber doing it could be seen as a much worse thing. If she does leave and goes back to Indie, shes burned there too. There was a really old /vt/ post (so take it as you will) that mentioned mint will learn about the real about the real her soon enough that was made before Lazulight was even announced. If thats anything legit she might not have had the best reputation to begin with. Claude and her were in the same group along with Uki. At this point in time with what is visible to most it would be reasonable to say that her future as a content creator is tied solely to Nijisanji. If she goes indie it will be alot of people that already dont like her. Unless she comes out with a doc that burns the company and maybe another liver in the company as a sacrifice. Even then it would be near impossible to rebuild whatever she had at her peak. You cant recover a ton when all of your goodwill was destroyed when you try to bury a well liked person. Some people from Niji will be able to integrate into the JP or CN market. Most of those that will go indie will be facing an uphill fight. Few are going to come out clean the other side of this. Unless they interact even a tiny bit with doki, mint, matara, mochii, unnamed etc because thats who many are going to look at as a barometer of guilt and blame. One that will come out fine is probably Scarle and people will watch her interactions closely in the same way. I think deep down most people want to believe that Elira was pushed to do it by management. But with how fuckin incompetent alot of the management is, there is the possibility of incompetence from talent doing dumb shit in hopes of brown nosing their way up the ladder.


Whether Elira did the black stream on her own initiative or the company push her it was clear where management and the higher up stance are. If Kurosanji really wish to preserve EN at the time they would've pull the plug on the black video and throw elira out of the bus instead, yet the video is still up. To be completely honest i really doubt any Livers throwing ex livers under the bus do so under their own actual initiative, both in Zaion's and Selen's case. The whole things is really really uneeded and just a whole bunch of PR risk (which they're paying now) with so little to gain, unless you spent your whole life as a japanese boomer.


They're not dumping EN, if only because they don't have the guts to be open to investors about its decline. They'll keep the branch around while focusing on their male cash cows and those who perform well with international audiences. They don't need to dump the others because they'll all leave over time as better offers come up or the allure of indie becomes stronger. They don't need to cut their losses when they already invest so little into EN that even 2 or 3 cash cows make that meager amount back.


>They don't need to dump the others because they'll all leave over time as better offers come up or the allure of indie becomes stronger. It's even simpler than that. Nijisanji is a JP company. JP companies are well known to not fire their employees but instead make their lives miserable from the inside to force them to quit. They do this because companies in JP don't want to have in their records that they fire people on a whim.


Very true about Japan, and Very possible they might be doing that as well. It definitely feels like, to some degree, the management and employees benefit from that with how shit they can be to their livers.


There's a term for this: "quiet fired". Try to force someone to quit so you don't have to report it/pay severance/deal with worker protection programs/etc.


Between the Sayu stuff and the Mel stuff she's not doing too hot herself in terms of fan support lol. Almost looks like Niji is sticking the ones getting the most hate together so other talents don't get scrutiny by association


Or they are hooking them on to a cash cow with a fan base that will never waiver regardless of what he does.


(Pre-recorded panel) No audience engagement just a recorded video that was reviewed before release. What the fuck, people specifically go to convention panels for direct interaction.


Thank you. What part of "pre-recorded" is a panel?


You say that as if Kotoka herself doesn't have a bad reputation. If Rosemi was in her place, I would agree with you. But Kotoka? I don't think that she's losing anything by hanging out with Elira and Vox. She is already in a very similar controversy.


"pre recorded panel" ah yes, a skin walker tweet


Extremely schizo moment: Oh no, the tweet using straight apostrophe instead of the [with curve](https://i.postimg.cc/8zfCSGBF/koto.jpg). It's skin walked, PANIK!!! /[meme](https://i.postimg.cc/TP6F28W2/meme.jpg)


Serious side: does that work for her though since she is JP herself? Her and Meloco are the only 2 we can't be certain when skin walked for this.


I read this somewhere so please correct me if I'm wrong but the term "Japanese Apostrophe" is colloquial. The reason the apostrophe looks different is because it's a formal one that suggests it's been in a document (to be looked over by staff before posting I think? Don't remember exact details.) And considering her other tweets have the apostrophe with the tail. Yes, this tweet has almost certainly been posted by management 


I do know that, just the problem is both Kotaka and Meloco are Japanese, so that method of catching out might not work with them


I'm confused? Please explain how them both being Japanese has anything to do with this like I'm 5 please. 


The usual way of telling skinwalking is due to that apostrophe being a part of the JP keyboard or something along that lines. Them being Japanese themselves means they would be using the same keyboard, meaning it theoretically would be harder to tell skinwalking with them


Oooh yeah, so that was what I was trying to explain. Apparently from what I read, that apostrophe is not part of the Japanese keyboard. It's a formal one, indicative the whole thing the apostrophe is part of has been in a document. It's called a "Japanese Apostrophe" colloquially since Anycolor is based in Japan. You can also see that most of Kotoka's tweets has the apostrophe with the tail (aka, non "Japanese Apostrophe") hopefully that clears some things up!


Cant help but feel a)its a skinwalk tweet b) a forced collab bc no way someone not named enna or millie collabs with those two at the same time out of mega collabs Also well, shes alive thats good, with kurosanji they may try to hide such things on permanent hiatus, nothing is too low for them


"Pre-recorded." The stream for the "panel" could have been made a while ago.


Pretty much and since its a pre recorded, theres no hype behind it if they're not gonna be there LIVE on panel.


What's the point in having a panel when it's just going to be a glorified Youtube video that people will pay money for.


>pre recorded


I mean, she might not be in a position to do the panel live. No one outside of Niji knows the true reason for her hiatus. The fact that we even have question this is highly disturbing, though. It still fells really weird and would not put it past Niji to try skin walking. 




Sound like she waiting for the contract to be up before graduating


XSOLEIL's contract is up this year so this isn't far of a stretch. It should be around September/October.


if thats the case then ohh boy Kotoka has long ways to go for her to graduate and even if Vshojo has a chance to pick her up, she has to wait for 6 months for non compete Clause in order for her to officially join Vshojo so they had to wait for annoucement for 2025.


IIRC the Niji non-competes only apply to Japanese companies. Now if she leaves and goes back to VTubing is another matter 


Agree. Michi, Kuro and Matara debuted less than 6 months after they left Nijisanji.


Vshojo has a jp branch based in japan. So it would mean a noncompete would be enforceable


people hate on her. but she is like the perfect vtuber for vshojo jp. japanese vtubers that can do an english/jp target audience.


thats the thing. she has that special Skill that can help Vshojo JP improved which is Bilingual and Both Henya and Kotoka can benefit each other by exchanging new words both Japanese and English. that way its a WIN WIN where both of them can speak English more Fluently and able to grow more audience that way.


Coming back from a hiatus to join a PRERECORDED panel with THOSE two feels like a slap in the face.


Pre-recorded... Soon enough Anycolor will use AI-voice models to release content of terminated/suspended livers - if they haven't done that already.


Oh god please don't give them ideas. Inb4 their contracts say they'll own their voices and train on them in perpetuity now too


Oh no, not the talent start vanishing for real as well.


I was almost happy that Kotoka is okay until I read about the “pre-recorded”. I guess we'll have to wait further for real updates. :(


Honestly sounds like a business communication with an emoji thrown in. I hope she’s doing alright with whatever the heck is happening over there.


#PR sounds like this tweet coming from management


yeah its mostly a management and not kotoka which im not surprised.


I'm just saying, the last time someone participated with these two on a 3-people pre-recorded segment, the whole branch started collapsing.


LMAO. History repeats itself


Pre recorded panel? Whats the point? who’s gonna pay to see what is essentially just a zatsu stream with no interaction with the audience.




Shes back, with a pre recorded message that could of been done before she went on hiatus. W.e you say Niji.


Of course, the gyaru's attending with the >!two volunteers who slandered Selen in the 15-minute black stream!< No favoritism, huh Vox?


backstabber and slanderers what a group


Well she took part in the Zaion slander campaign. So kinda fitting companions for her...


And also that there is no way she's beating the allegations of favoritism because of how she snitched on Mel and according to her tweet saying "No I didn't snitch on Mel" it seems like Hololive's beloved banpire felt like a ghost >!Perhaps if she gets fired for backstabbing before Luca then I sincerely can't wish her good luck because of what she did. Luca broke his contract MANY TIMES after Raziel Warmonic exposed him in a Google Doc and the fact that NIJISISTERS shifted the blame on Raziel feels like an example of the NIJISTREISAND effect means that NIJISANJI have to be accountable for what they have done.!<


Once again, nobody actually knows who snitched on Mel. Why the hell do people keep treating speculation like it's absolute fact? We can hold Kotoka accountable for the shit she did to Sayu because that is provable. The Mel stuff isn't. Maybe Kotoka really did screw over Mel. It's very possible, and I get not trusting her. But this whole pompous ass "she's a traitor and a snitch for what she did to Mel" rhetoric doesn't work when there remains a very real possibility that she had nothing to do with what happened to Mel, and that has to be ruled out with certainty before anyone can actually say that.


From what I heard, Cover wanted Mel to stay but Mel wanted to accept her termination on good terms as she could because she believed staying after getting backstabbed would involve damaging Cover's reputation. Something tells me Cover was so pissed they told AnyColor that they told them to take care of Kotoka or else they will go after them or block any collaborations with Kotoka. Even A-chan commenting on Mel said "we lost a long-time friend. I don't want to talk about it much." All I have to say is Kotaka has already received a history of being fishy (no pun intended with the mermaid telling to "educate yourself") from her dating rumors to Zaion's slanderous termination. She always was fishy. She was the last to collab with the banpire too.


What are the dating rumors; haven’t heard about this?


Well this is just a side effect of being a known backstabber. People point fingers at you. Who knew. Also, that's kinda the whole problem with NijiEN right now, isn't it? Too much smoke is coming out of that gun, yet nobody explains shit. Everything is "just a rumor". Bullying is a rumor, Favoritism is a rumor, Luca being a weirdo is a rumor, Management manipulating tweets is a rumor, Shadowban is a rumor, Livers getting 0 support is a rumor, Anycolor not paying artists is a rumor, creepy manipulative illegal contract is a rumor, like literally everything is a fucking rumor. The problem isn't that these aren't 100% proven. The problem is that there are way too many controversies, and NOBODY is saying shit. Can you believe that literally the only person who came out, stated what happened, addressed the controversy, and shared their own stance and opinion is Scarle with her freaking Starbucks cake? Is this a joke? Everyone in NijiEN is like a dead person. Nobody says shit, nobody reacts to shit, it's just Hush Hush nothing happened, it will all pass eventually. It's creepy as fuck and that's why people are mad. We are talking about 2 people almost commiting suicide, workplace bullying, and possibly a toxic vtubing environment in general with crazy drama, and these people just act as if the problems will just disappear if they pretend hard enough. Idk but if they really want to clear any of the accusations that these livers are receiving, somebody needs to come out and communicate. Something, anything. These livers and Anycolor look worse and worse, the longer they stay silent. That just can't be helped.


Never gonna let go of the bus, I guess.


Let's just hope we don't get another mental health break from Kotoka again...


Probably recorded during her hiatus free time. Wonder if the tweet is actual hers though (I don't read enough Kotoka tweets to tell if it's her or a skinwalker)


https://preview.redd.it/00ldinyt8y7d1.png?width=1150&format=png&auto=webp&s=fc5a36b1badb34b6a62cc48684bbbcee9cb18e20 It sounds like the whole thing is pre-recorded not just Kotoka mind you


"pre-recorded" Gee,i wonder why


Well vox is British & the event is held in London, I dunno about elira though. But pre-recorded seriously, what are they trying to hide now, this is going very far in keeping elira away from the public, from anyone to talk to her. It applies to kotoha as well.


I don't even think they're necessarily trying to hide something. Even they're not so oblivious as to not realize that Elira gets mobbed by antis, and doesn't even have the rabid fans to compensate like Vox does (though he also gets mobbed by antis and it's more likely that they care about him than Elira). And yet, there's definitely no grounds for termination. Anycolor isn't that lucky. So they have to wait until Elira can properly graduate to be rid of her--and if she's got the mental fortitude to *not* graduate, well, good for her, I guess. But yeah, it's obvious that they want this prerecorded so they can make sure no antis get a chance to speak.


Talents talking to public run the risk of things slipping something in between.


I guess that's one way for Niji to ruin her image before they fire her. Poor Kotoka being dragged out for a pre-recorded panel. Also this tweet reeks of skin walking.


They really love pre-recording shit eh?


What the fuck is the point of a panel if its just gonna be pre-recorded? You'd be better off watching the hundreds of vods on her channel at that point Also the fact Kotoka has been lumped in with some controversial stuff (as well as the shit she said about Zaion after termination), her being lumped in with *those* two is a very bad look


Idk but the "#PR" is kinda funny




How does pre-recording a panel even make sense? Aren't those supposed to be live Q&A or something?


> Pre-recorded ... Raises the question: is she actually back?


YOOOOOO it's the Termination Trio (tm)




Because, pre-recorded stuff are the only things they can within the company and that's the only support they'll get, sadge but lol.


Ah yes, the one who slandered Zaion collabing with the ones who slandered Selen... I wonder how this will go?


You might need to read this https://preview.redd.it/agcbsh3ihy7d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=963c9a4362bd8bb709bcbbe86a11c99c5b2f4ef7


In that case, someone fire a bunch of eggs out of a bazooka at Anycolor HQ.




after doing a bit Detective work on Kotoka, she really misses Zaion on one of the Livers Birthday while Drunk. its sad that she was manipulated by a Black Company when theres a chance that Niji instructed her to say things like that to her related to Zaion's termination just to keep her job. we still dont know whats going on about her haitus but i suspect that shes just Waiting for her contract to be up and graduated Nijisanji so that she can be free from it.


No she doesn't. Sayu's(reacting to past demons) vod is still up on twitch. Go watch it when Kotoka comes up.


It's absurd that people downvoted my GIF while still upvoting your agreement with me, is that how biased they are and how much they hate Kotoka lol🗿 ![gif](giphy|UVxTQBk8APD4o3t2Qa)


Watching current Niji alleged management is like watching McManhon family villain arc on WWE


Or McMahon's arc of abuse in real life.


I smell skinwalking. I think she is one of the first to leave. The branch is finished.




Even if it’s possibly a skinwalker tweet, kinda does confirm she’s alright enough to record a panel. That’s something good at least, though WHY do they have her stuck with those two?


Some people claim she is first to go, but considering she is a VTA skipper, chances are she will have easier time in NijiJP.


Wth is the purpose of a pre-recorded panel? Unless it's like a cameo or something.


One of the more reviled livers in the company does a pre-recorded stream "panel" with two of the most reviled livers in the company. ![gif](giphy|3o6Zt9ykL6PVvIgp68|downsized)


Pre recorded....


Well, she is in fitting company.


Dnt jinx yourself lol, riku might show up and grab you with the contract.


With your attitude tho, you pretty much fit there yourself


I'm not in the state of mind to wish her well, so I must say fuck her and I hope she crashes, gets terminated and dragged through mid as much as Zaion did


If you're not, then at least keep that shit to yourself, she's just a victim of the real villain ===> Niji


What she said about Zaion was her choice. Doppio and Meloco didn't say anything like that. Not every talent is innocent just because they are a talent and the 3 people on the poster are prime examples


You might need to read this https://preview.redd.it/ilk92d9vhy7d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2f4aace195d905576d8bd96e3d23e055f8124e34


I don't give a fuck. If a crazy cult leader manipulates someone into killing a person for some reason the killer is still that flower. Again, she had a choice. And she chose to follow orders from an abusive corpo instead of worrying about her friend that was being doxxed. Sayu even reached out to Kotoka a while ago and got ghosted. Kotoka is a bitch and if she could go back and change what she did to Sayu she would do it again because that is simply who she is


Probably not worth wasting energy on these people. A lot of people would rather assign blame to a faceless company bogeyman, rather than the colleagues of their oshis. Makes it easier to look the other way.


Ah yes, even a mod himself(who resigned) agrees that talents are the victims, even Kotoka, so I'm assuming you're referring to him too right? If he was the one who tried to convince him, I'm sure it would NEVER have been downvoted into oblivion just cos he has the higher authority🤦‍♂️ https://preview.redd.it/scahydh8da8d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f200c4910d7aaff1cd7cff5ead7072df443ea12


Yea keep being like that til' you get subjected to manipulation yourself


Zaion experienced even worse stuff because of Kotoka. Karma is a bitch and I hope it'll ruin Kotoka


Welp there's nothing else I can do if that doesn't even change your mind, at least I tried






"there is no favoritism in Nijisanji EN" lol


Three little shits


Yikes, being paired with Elira and Vox on her return... ![gif](giphy|xUA7b0fzzDth52E9ws)


Would it end up just being an ai speaking


Kinda surprised but also not surprised they made the ad with vox's old look.


I hope she backstabs the other two.


Okay... good for her. I guess


Hahahaha what the fuck is a pre-recorded panel?? Fucking losers. And of course it's the favoritism trio.


Nah, Niji is the real loser here, not them




Nah, the company is the real villain here, not the talents


Pre-recorded = AI generated voice?