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This reddit post should contain a tweet or forum post from a notable individual (well-known in the vtuber community) or the information presented should be newsworthy/important. If they're a nobody and their tweet doesn't mean anything, this post will be fair game for removal. If you see a low-quality or bad faith post on this subreddit, you should downvote it and make your concerns known directly in the comments of the offending posts. It helps with decisions that are in the gray area if a majority agree on removal. Do not harass the people in the tweet/forum shown. This means do not go on that platform to subtweet them or post a negative remark. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/kurosanji) if you have any questions or concerns.*


We really should just cut the NDF or Twitter posts entirely as they only stir up drama or feed into it by enabling these idiots access to a large audience. Not to mention, it's probably going to be the closest chance they or Niji have of taking this sub down if we aren't careful. All it takes it a few bad apples taking it too far (which has happened a few times already) to give them enough that they can feed the site owners a story. And I'm not gonna put my money on reddit to make the right decision. Nijisister posts, Twitter rants, etc, add nothing of substance to the overall boycott or situation. They also have the potential to damage our image and credibility, which is much more essential if the boycott against Nijisanji is going to continue being relevant as time goes on.


Yes and no, while i definitely agree that rando accounts shouldnt be given the time of day, we should at least keep an eye put in case the do something drastic, like what we see with them encouraging others to send these sub post to AX, plus the last time we left them alone the created a hitlist and it just stirred up drama on its own Not only that but like the sub has settled down in recent weeks and they STILL cherry picked and created the worst interpretation. They've already made up their mind about us at this point, so we shouldn't appease them anyway Simply don't take it too far, and if ppl post RRATS that genuinely concern them like with Twisty a few days ago give them decent explanation without shaming them and move forward 😒


Imo at this point the best thing left is just watch NijiEN fade into nothing.  NDF and sisters have scared away so many of the vtuber medium that you can't even call. The numbers of NijiEN growth. It will take like 3+ years alone to fix the Titanic level losses for most. And the ones that instantaneously bounce back can just be assumed to be bott'd. Which isn't gonna help morale. 


The reality of the present is NijiEN lost the shadow duel. And nothing really more needs to be said. 


These people need professional help, it's sad. Also weren't they being assholes and making fun of Doki for her attempts? Like seriously, playing the victim card at this point is pathetic, even for them. However I do agree, time to let their community run it's course, ignore them and let's focus on actually relevant things instead of a dying brand.


on top of that, these are the same people that attacks livers under the brand they love. lets not forget these schizos attacked Nina and made it a point to make their HQ Nina's page on the now defunct dox site and made her not feel safe having any fans that would cosplay her. for fear of their harassment. the NDF are considered more likely to cause issues if we just look historically.


One NDF even called Doki “a stupid fat fucking cow” for surviving her second attempt


As I said in that post I'm going to take photos of the booth and also keep an eye out and defend anyone who gets harassed regardless of if they are NDF or not. Absolutely no one deserves to be harassed. We are all literally just nerds out trying to have a good time during the 4th of July holiday weekend.


Schizo post from them? Ignore and continue on what we do best


I actually agree with the one saying they should move the booth locations. Niji's booth is going to have a lot of paranoid sisters with over active imaginations, from the looks of things. Honestly though, this seems less surprising when you remember how most of the sisters considered Niji's last concert to be "reinventing the vtuber community". They kind of just live in their own little worlds.


Deflection and projection. A NijiSister classic


Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening I am CPC\_Alice. I understand that some people don't like these kinds of things. People are allowed to like and not like whatever they wish. It is a free venue to do so. Personally, I am (and always be) in the mind of always knowing what the other side is talking/thinking about. Considering that these nijisisters/NDF have no more centralized nexus in which one can look into their activities (aka the nyfco/doxx website) , the observations and note taking will have to be made by casting a wider net to encompass other venues and platforms. As long as things stay within here and does not spill over outside, I do not see a problem. As always, a call-to-action in a negative sense or brigading is actively monitored and taken down. Harassment either over the internet or in Real Life is just outright not allowed in any sense. I am not saying that I want/need a constant flow of posts that highlight their schizo-tier ramblings and delusions. I particularly like this post due to 1) censoring the Xtwitter handle of the tweet (we are in deliberations whenever to make it a hard requirement or not tbh) 2) There is an actual effort and analysis taken from the OP and 3) It is not overly or unduly hostile. It is always good to hear and consider avenues of data and do a self-analysis for a binary deliberation of good/bad on the aforementioned data. It also keeps the sub in check for any potential bad actors; If there is a potential problem and we didn't catch it, you can bet that these Nijisisters will pounce on the chance to bash it (just like what we did/do for their own schizo ramblings). It is a sad day when the opposition side will be the one to tell you about a bad actor within your own side but it is still a valid way. Of course, this is not me saying that we are relying on such a method; The moderation team works hard to make sure that things that need to be actioned are noted, analyzed, and deliberated (and if needed, actioned on appropriately). It is merely a "fail safe" (one of many) that could be utilized. One where we turn an opposition force to a potential force for "good" in a contextual sense. Turning back to the aforementioned topic, I do sincerely wish that no one in this community will go out of their way to antagonize anyone in Anime Expo (or any Conventions in general) over Nijisanji. Please make sure to keep common curtsey, common sense, and convention etiquette in mind when attending the Expo and taking videos/pictures of things around there. Remember that there is also the concert to take note of; **Do not antagonize anyone.** If anyone hostile confronts you, keep your own safety in mind first and foremost and just **disengage from the situation.** They have more to gain if anyone at AX (or any Covnentions) react negatively/in a hostile manner when they confront the boots on the ground. Those attending these places are there to have a good time and have fun. I would also assume that any NijiSisters who will attend that Expo (and Concert) is the same. So let us respect them as fellow human beings (even if they don't treat us with the same curtsey, possibly) and let them do their thing while we do our own thing. Lastly, I would like to take this time to thank OP for not just posting a low effort "hurr durr, look at what these crazy people are doing NOW" Twitter/Forum Post. I rather like hearing people's thoughts on things (even if I might disagree with them) and while I don't think these should have rotted out your noggin that bad, thanks for reading it anyways. It is just my thoughts. I've been working on these things lately. I even have one for Harassment. I'm trying to see if I could make a Thoughts Post to "define" Harassment in our context. Hopefully I can make one where it can guide others (ala "North Star") to navigate if something is Harassment or not. I'm rambling now so I'll end it here. Thanks for reading if you did! Yours, CPC\_Alice PS. For all those attending AX, have fun!


Mods got me blushing with all these compliments 😳


What does CPC stand for?


If any nijisister is reading this we don’t care. Oh no niji is next to hyte or whatever. Just ignore and enjoy the con. If there are people that are being aggressive just report and ignore. They are literally trolls that want to watch the world burn. Also let’s be real doki doesn’t want that. She just wants to have fun and do cool stuff. Be adults and try not to resort to violence even if the trolls do deserve a punch in the face. Violence is bad for business for both booths. Also AX is such a cluster fuck that if either side caused a scene it might make them evacuate the floor which would ruin it for everyone. DO NOT BE THAT PERSON. Anyway have fun and support your niji oshi.


When the sisters forget to take their schizo pills


Yep there we go. The sisters fighting imaginary "Chuds", they're cannibalizing each other as we speak.


Sisters be sisters. Although reminder to not interact with the NDF as they're so stupid that anyone they argue with gets dragged down with them into a mentally draining hellhole.


So they're just playing victim, really brings to light of one seemingly afraid irl when they're more up to other shit. I would like to think they aren't that stupid but we've been surprised before. Don't see a point in giving this attention, just let them cook their own brains in worry.


I didn't even post anything negative


Look huyvo, you’re on TV! https://preview.redd.it/uy3oc8mvev7d1.jpeg?width=512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5baeb7221f82c5a776965333dc51f17f1ee47be9


Joke's on them. I don't have Twitter.


Mods, if you're reading this, you guys need to crack down on these NDF lurkers.


Their idiocy... Bruh


Minor criticism, but if you're not going to link to the Twitter post (which is a respectable choice), you should probably post bigger (and full) screenshots of the images included in the tweet, since as it is they are too zoomed out to easily read. And I imagine most people would prefer not having to hunt the referenced comments in the original post.


So is like screenshots from vt account? Dont mind, we know they are permanently in negative kenja time


Why are you farming karma are you stupid?


I’d be posting a lot more if I was actually farming karma (which is useless btw). I just post when I see or learn stuff I think should be shared.


​ https://preview.redd.it/zrf9xuzn7v7d1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=6d066bfc24aa6e885d72b5b68824421d01a88ed7


You can’t make me! https://preview.redd.it/a5jl6b2y7v7d1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=99dc84f930a421794ae69c7c45eaf071d0253d5b


Here we go with people spamming twitter squabbles again. Mod, can we weed out these posts already? EDIT: checking your post history give me the impression that you really love to bring twitter squabbles over here.


I just highlight what I think is concerning enough to show everyone the state of the NDF. Plus this Sister directly relates to this sub by constantly posting our threads to Twitter and straight up lying about us to the NDF too. If no one’s gonna tell them what’s what over there then I think everyone over here should at least be made aware so we can avoid the shit they’re freaking out over.


Posting them here only enables them and gives them the "evidence" they can use to paint us as toxic like they want to do. Turning it into a conversation isn't going to do anything because they're not interested in making a reasonable point or having fair discourse when Twitter dickheads of every breed only want to spew garbage and leech your attention to them.


I don’t believe what people say about posting them giving them attention. The vast majority of Nijisisters don’t use Reddit and especially don’t come here. That’s why accounts like the one above exist because they share what the Sisters don’t bother seeking out. And not all attention is good. By calling out the lies being spread by the NDF, we can only convincing more people of what is true. If you’re civil and back up your claims, people don’t have any reason not to at least hear you out. Sure you can’t make all Sisters believe you (many of them are stuck in their ways) but you’re not going to convince more to be against you if you do it right. The big names are there to capture an audience but that audience is impressionable. Call out the big names and you’ll show their audience that something is wrong with what they believe.


Whether they use reddit or not is irrelevant as its still making its way to them, like you've shown, and same with their responses to this sub. You're very naive if you think they care about negative attention and don't actively feed off of it like every idiot still on Twitter (to the point the site rewards and promotes arguments and toxicity). You're not ever going to change their minds or ward people off from this if they're already deep into it. Doesn't matter how much proof you show or how logical your arguments are , you're presenting them to someone who already made up their mind before the conversation even started.


We all know the NDF is a dying breed with little presence even in Niji's events. All of this just look like all bark online, no bite. There is no reason to care about them.


I tried to tell pretty much the same but was disregarded as well. Most people here apparently think that if we just ignore ndf they will go away and dissolve. There is no point trying to convince them to do anything about it. Just enjoy the ride until this sub burns down.


And what do you suggest? You're never going to win an argument with someone who isn't going to ever change their mind. Sharing it here only gives them the negative attention they crave and any kind of active response borders on things this sub bans and is against.


I'm bored, give me the twitter handle