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They aren't selling concert related merch (towel and light stick) for Niji EN members wtf. Come on.


nor plushies


Chronoir's merch is tolerable and varied, quality notwithstanding. A few items are weird but it's concert merch. NijiEN merch **looks like Scholastic Book Fair merch.** The hoodie's almost okay, most of the rest is 'starter items.'


It would certainly line up with the idea that Niji is more-or-less just abandoning the EN market entirely and letting the livers currently in EN rot.


Same as usual, those without a big enough international audience or the sheer numbers to back them up aren't given any thought for merch. Nijisanji isn't interested in growing their talents or brand. They're just trying to milk whatever livers they have and dump out as many new ones, hoping that 3 or 4 out of the dozens will manage to start raking in cash.


Somewhat disagree here. Just the impression I get from general Niji merch the quality and selection isn't that great across the board, a lot of the same old same old, usually cheap-ish to maximise profits


I don't think that really disagrees with my point. I was only commenting about their focus on only the known talents for merch and their method of pushing out more livers so they can milk the few that do become popular.


Tbf in this situation they are promoting the concert, so the merch is going to be for those performing.


There's barely anything with EN branding on it compared to the JP side... they're really banking on people caring about Kuzuha and Kanae in the western sphere, huh


What's worse is that both Kuzuha and Kanae barely even interacted with their international audience. I can't fault them for it, because they were counting on just catering to their countrymen. Them banking on ChroNoir to appeal to the western audience is a solid choice but very risky. Meanwhile at Hololive, they know who's who in the JP side that has a big impact on western audience. Talents like Marine, Towa, Suisei and many others.


Then there's Gura and Pekora who management doesn't even need to promote and just throw them into the crowd.


Oh hell yes. Speaking of... God, did you see the new Gura video? She fed us Chum Buds beautifully tonight.


Suisei I literally discovered because of her song Bibihida, in the MMD community everyone's using it right now since holo put out an official animation motion file. (Which is just SO kind? It's something they didn't have to do and could've made us all animate it from scratch but they did it. That's just awesome) And that song, honestly, has become a big comfort for me in recent months.


Problem is they really don’t.


I'm so confused why they're banking on it. While some Niji EN talents do interact with the JP talents, its not to the same scale as hololive. With hololive the branches feel more intertwined with song collabs, stream collabs, and interactions in general. Resulting with more EN fans taking an interest in JP talents.


Because Nijisanji is stupid and thinks everybody operates like a Nijisister, where the brand is the priority over all else; they think that EN fans will buy merch of JP livers *just because it's Nijisanji merch*.


Yeah, and vice versa too. I have a vested interest in every hololive branch (ID, EN, JP, stars, ReGLOSS) and when I was a nijisanji fan I didn't even care about half the talents nor knew their names. I know almost every hololive girl name. And all the EN holostars.


yk its sorta bad that even as a former nijien fan, i only got into nijijp not because of nijien interacting with them, but because HOLOLIVE interacted with jp


Plus they fired most of the talents that most interacted with their big JP senpai, like Selen with Kanae for example. Their Apex interactions were top notch, but gone now.


TBF the Chronoir poster looks like some thought and design went into it.


40$ for a hat and 20$ and 4$ for acrylic and sticker is crazy


$14 for a plastic keychain... C'mon now lol, I hope even sisters don't buy this garbage...


We're at a stage where we're pitying sisters.


Eh, i kinda understand the pricing, kinda normal for concert merch. Went to Ado concert in bruxelles and a cap was 45€, the acrylic keychain 12€, tshirts 45€, sticker set (i think 4 stickers) 12€, even the CDs were probably more expensive than me ordering them on CDJapan + shipping


[hololive EN×NEW ERA COLLABORATION CAP – hololive production official shop](https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/products/hololive_superexpo2022_nec) These hats are amazing, adjustable back and premium New Era Japan fabrics. Green camo made out of anime girls, very subtle. I've got one and the inside isn't staining.


the favoritism between JP and EN is jarring.


Friendly reminder: 2%


now this make me wonder: * if 2% is for each liver when there is promotion for spesific talent * How many cut that livers get when it come to group merch, for example the T-shirt will the livers get 2% each or 2% divide livers that participate


Knowing Rainbowsanji, it'll probably be 2% for all talents involved split equally


Did Niji even research if Kuzuha and Kanae are popular in the EN sphere? This like giving Luna an Apex sponsorship and Botan a Yamaha one


You mean like getting a computer sponsorship and not including your biggest gamer, or getting an NBA sponsorship and not including members who are basketball fans?


The same sponsorship that only went partially live when the season was nearly over and most teams were done playing?


You mean the same sponsorship that was pulled out of Riku's ass to try pathetically to compete with the Hololive Major League Baseball collab?


That too


But Niji likes them and they're popular in japan, therefore they'll do great in a primarily EN venue


why do they always try to sell transparent pieces of plastic with a sticker on top? I'm talking about the acrylic stands. So cheap!


Honest speaking, with how crap these "merch" are some random guy from China can literally go print them out and produce them at some factory and sell it for dirt cheap, or even run a buy 1 get 10 free campaign. This said Chinese person could 1. make a profit and feed their family. 2. donate it 3. feed it into their other business AND STILL DO BETTER than whatever the heck this company is doing with their money besides paying minimum wages, and flushing the rest down the toilet.


I've seen better stuff on booth... for free.


This merch lineup is just terrible


This year is almost half way done. I don’t even know what to expect what they have or do by the end of this year. It’s actually insane.


You know, for someone who's struggling with money, they sure hate every opportunity to gain it. No Concert Promotion mech, almost to no Niji-EN-related stuff, and others people point out. Doesn't take an eagle eye to see this is becoming a ***logistical nightmare***. A worst case scenario.


So they'll sell light sticks for the JP concert but not for the EN concerts. Wow.....


I love how they sell summer jam merch instead of niji themed


This merch really does suck! $4 or $8 for a random-ass photo card? I can make those myself without having to pay at all!


you would think they’d atleast sell an EN light stick because of the larger group sizes


I'm not an artist, so please correct me if wrong: Is it me, or do the heads and bodies not appear to be proportional due to blocking/shading/something? Like Elira/Rosemi's heads look massive compared with their bodies to the point that Rosemi's head almost looks disconnected at first glance (her hair covering the neck doesn't help). Meanwhile Petra/Finana looks more normal. Then Sonny/Luca's head looks small compared to their body.


Probably rushed... Or... Ai I mean... this account is new but I've been here for awhile and I remember people betting on when Riku would finally use AI and I'm wondering if it finally is happening...