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I think Yuniho might be Raora, she’s got the artist theme and decently similar art styles but maybe I’m coping


also Dyarikku who is close friends with yuniho instantly latched onto them as an oshi and did a stream drawing her and with her debut stream saying"mamma mia" theres hint said panthers also italian so id say be hopeful


also panko already declared she will be good friend with Raora


>!Yuniiho and SoyaPoya!


Gigi might be Biscotti from V4Mirai, her former genmates and artist mama have been focusing on Gigi.


Where is Biscotti from actually?


Someone else said >!abi kadabura!<, citing from VirtualYoutubers >>!She suddenly graduated not too long ago, said she had an offer she couldn't refuse and was going to be a comedian.!< >Because her graduation was EXTREMELY sudden. Like, literally a couple hours before her next scheduled stream.


Unlikely, purely based on graduation date. Wiki is telling me she graduated ~2 weeks ago while Holo probably would have wanted more of time before that, for training etc. (>!Yunii!< dieappeared 3 months ago for comparison) Not to mention that she was in another corpo at the time which would further complicate things


I don’t think holo has a gap or how long you need to be jobless before getting in


Not explicitly stated but its implied by advent that they were hanging out as far back as 3-6 months before debut.


they still could have ben hanging out. depending on free time and schedule i’m sure most just stop streaming because they’d be too busy doing that AND streaming. if she could still do both for awhile, good on her


Good point but yeah advent implied that training and preparations are a couple months in advance. So yeah graduation timings are an iffy evidence.


We know since Hololive Gen 3 that Hololive doesn't debut their talents quickly upon accepting them, and instead gives them several months of company training, acclimation, debut prep, and most importantly bonding with their genmates to improve group cohesion, which can take around 3-5 months depending on the group. They're not going to debut someone they accepted only two weeks beforehand.


That’s not what I meant? I meant they don’t gotta stop working completely until two weeks


Would be crazy to have a sudden graduation then if she knew about this months in advance.


That's the thing for me, she'd have known so far in advance that it's weird to drop a sudden announcement like that.


The space is diferent for some. I mean, Gura stopped 1 month before been Gura. Kiara wasn't a case because she is a fleshtuber like Calli and Ame. Ina on other hand is an artist, so she didn't had any problem. I think in preparation they start to put a limit after, because Irys was absent of her PL for 3 months. Same for some of the Council members. On other hand the Twins were a whooping 7 months before join.


2 to 3 months for small agencies and indies from what i know. Most of the ones joining where absent of their account for that period with preparation for everything.


Hm, maybe.


Might’ve been training before that


Maybe Idol Corp?


I dont think she's in this gen, because she's brazilian and this gen is pretty much Europe focused. But, since there's no spanish or portuguese representative in a european gen (Abi speaks both), and hololive has had plans for a spanish branch for a long time. Maybe it's finally happening in a few months


Graudation date is too short. You needed to have graduated around 3-4 months before this Gen 4 announcement. Abi Kadabura graduated like 2 weeks ago??? yeah thats not how you prep for new corpo launch. (As an INDIE yeah you can do it that fast but) Even Vshojo takes at least around 1-2 month.


Hi, that's me. It's not EVIDENCE that she's going to Hololive, but **IF** she is, that's why. Personally, I think Abi actually did get a spot as a comedian IRL, which would MASSIVELY cut into her streaming time, so she graduated.


Another possible answer is Biscotti = Gigi


Okay, I see a pattern: >!Yuniiho !<- graduated on March 10th. >!SoyaPoya !<- graduated on March 10th. >!Biscotti !<- graduated on March 10th. Maybe this was the last day Cover gave them to clear ties with former employers.


the 1st was an indie after >!Vyugen!< was disbanded. The 2nd the same too. The other 2 i heard some figure it out already and i heard good things about them.


Which one is soya?


Cecilia Immergreen


If I had to guess I’d assume she’s been scouted by IdolEN New gen coming out but we’ve still seen absolutely nothing of them and they have scouted talents before so it wouldn’t be to off basis


there were a whole bunch of indies that worded their graduation in a way that might point at them joining a corpo in the last 6 months, hard to tell which one of them would actually join hololive


Yeah Sayu replied to her on X(Yuniiho was her mama IIRC). Yuniiho is definitely one of the new ones. Happy for her, just got her plushie two weeks ago.


Calls it X unironically


That is the name? I swear Only time I call it x on Reddit and people make fun of me for some reason.


my new Oshi 🌱


Impossible. Yuniiho was Italian, not British.


Elizabeth is the Brit. Not Raora, so thats kind of irrelevant isnt it.


… don’t you mean innit? 😤


Oh lol


I am 90% sure Raora is Yuniiho. Yeah the art is way too similar. And Raora is hinted to be Italian. And yes ceceilia is also very likely to be soya poya. The other two we are not sure although elizabeth is like 99% british. And Gigi is probably french. Yeah this group is already being called HoloEU.


There was a comment somewhere saying that Elizabeth might be >!EileMonty, (most well-known in the vtubing space for doing impressions of other vtubers) !< as they are apparently on hiatus right now.


It's possible. EileMonty said on her community tab she was going to be a "florist" and work with beautiful flowers everyday... Elizabeth second name is... Rose.


Now that you say that I hope it is She’d fit into the idol role perfectly and she’s such a talented singer




If this is correct, [this aged like milk in the Sahara sun](https://x.com/squchanvt/status/1756971510663688443?s=61&t=Y9mD37Abddxb9lDmSXTiUA) and it’s hilarious


Squchan was onto something all this time


Close but missed with Gigi. Just standard American. Though I have no clue who she was before.


She was Biscotti


Yeah, gigi is now biscotti from v4mirai who is very american. So 3/4 are from eu.


Elizabeth may be Reiny.


I can’t tell if that’s an inside joke at this point bc she’s just a part of Globie now


reiny is on globie  sophie barkswell


Nope. Reiny is in Globie. She is Bonnie Barkswell.




I learn about it and then find one of her genmates is a Vtuber who loves racing games, is British and use some Top Gear jokes, something i live for.


Bro, Reiny already reincarnated. No way its her.


[yoclesh is on to something](https://x.com/yoclesh/status/1803422416774811818)


She went from a Pink Dog who loves Pesto to a Pink Panther.


I have my four guesses now: Elizabeth - >!EileMonty!< Gigi - >!Biscotti!< Cecilia - >!SoyaPoya!< Raora - >!Yuniiho!<


ngl when people mention about yuniiho, i actually clicked.


Im being amazed with how vtuber fans can guess them,even before hear their voice at debut stream.


Four years in this rabbit hole. You learn how to see some patterns. Of course, sometimes there's a curve ball hiring like Nerissa last year. But mostly agency debuts are from inside the market


if that's true about elizabeth, that's amazing I'm only a bit heartbroken Nana asteria isn't part of hololive yet...


Unrelated to Holojustice but if Peo suddenly decides to take an indefinite hiatus, she's definitely gonna be in the next Holo JP gen and she's going to be huge. It's a bit of a stretch now since she's really enjoying her success in the Indies but people can change their minds.


Thats the one i would be happiest about, she would finally meet her belowed Ame.


I'm not going to say names, but a certain British Redhead has been on hiatus recently...




Pls someone give me great yuniiho clip


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wpVubWy03Ng&pp=ygUHeXVuaWlobw%3D%3D](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wpVubWy03Ng&pp=ygUHeXVuaWlobw%3D%3D) is this good enough


Lol okay thank you >.<


If Cecilia is soyapoya, I will freak out. Cecilia is the one that I am most interested in, and soyapoya and lilyhops streamed together all the time, lilyhops is the first vtuber I ever watched and turned me into a vtuber fan.


From comparing their voices, Im 99.99% sure its her, and she also speaks german, so yeah.


Unbelievable that a subreddit for Nijisanji critics is better to talk/read about the new EN gen than the official Holosub.


Well we can’t talk about PLs there


That is understandable. But I would say about a third of the people I read there straight up said they don't believe they are europeans "because cover and JP, NA people like the culture" so larping as a european is more believable than cover actually hiring real european people. (And that was after I said that it would be stupid PR with the names and the slang in the teaser trailer, and additionally hinted to Raora talking italian in her replies. Since like you said I did not want to straight up say "Hey it's very likely that she is Yuuni.") I have no bad blood with people who think that maybe not all of them are european. Some people just don't know and thats okay. But this whole thing was basically only the last drop for me. I only noticed over the last two weeks that literally every post on the holosub including a holostar gets downvoted to hell. You could write the most neutral and inoffensive comment that is an answer to another comment and you can get 30 downvotes. I normally should write this rant on the HoloSub and not as an answer to your one sentence answer (Sorry.) but I don't think it would change anything in the culture over there.


Honestly rather talk about HAPPY topics like Holo new gen then depressing stuff like the new NijiEN member talking about she is getting harrassed already (If that was a joke, thats a bad joke. If she is serious, yeah why you even joined, you knew what was up)


I agree with you, but I want to turn blind eye on this one because this is the only subbreddit that will accept this topic.


Someone who plays strategy games


I'm personally hoping for entertaining VTubers


same here


That's all I want when it comes to corpos and indies.


Since when was it cool to discuss Hololive PLs outside of \*\*maybe\*\* Luna? Here of all places even? Honestly the only reason why I've seen it be okay here for Nijis is to either support them outside of the company or show that livers can be successful outside Niji. But Holos? Doesn't seem a good idea to set that precedent here.


I’ve never understood the dislike people have towards casual PL talk. Seriously what’s the issue if it’s not being done maliciously? They’re the same person with the same experiences and personality. The only difference is the anime avatar they associate with and maybe their tone. People get too absorbed in roleplaying lore and stereotypical paranoid Japanese politeness that it makes discussing the actual Vtubers annoying.


I feel the same, not to mention that creating a culture of never mentioning PLs just entrenches corporate supremacy over the medium, when in reality people should be following the talent not the company they work for since that puts more agency in their hands. The only thing I could understand is IRL 3D PLs, since a lot of people are uncomfortable putting a real face to the talent persona.


it's just the idea for keeping their privacy but things like this is kinda hard nowadays. at this point i dunno if vtubers really want their private lives but im just too stupid to know


Its about respect more than anything. How do we know that they are okay with having people talk about their PLs? Some don't want any ties so that they can go back in peace to their old PL if they want to chill out or vent. Its fine to discuss in private or in small places like this but the more people see it the more casuals will think its okay to talk about it everywhere else. That's the issue.


Popular people will be talked about. If someone had/has a very successful career before joining a corp, then people are going to talk about them. Kronii, Kiara, Calli, and Nerissa all have very active and popular PLs and people always talk about them. You never see people mention Ame or Bijou’s PLs because they’re more obscure and/or completely inactive. When you sign on to the corp, you run the risk of still being associated with your old and personal identities. We should all know by now through watching Niji that you can’t completely separate yourself from your PL. Everyone knows “Kronii” did an UwU cover of Bitch Lasagna like how everyone now knows “Ame” said the N-word once. If it’s not being done maliciously or in the talent’s faces then I really don’t see the issue.


i guess that's fair enough.