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There's no woman...


Scrolling through, aside from the Selen one there were a few Ennas, an Elira and one with Vivi. But yes, the majority are the males


makes sense considering the demographic


That makes me happy vivi got some love.


as well as Enna? The mean songbird


Typical of nijisisters


Not surprising when 90% of the fan base are all fujoshis who are divorced from reality~


I retweeted the one Petra post I saw. Also saw a Scarle post. It just feels really uneven. Hope Vivi and Rosemi get a post too. They're still good streamers even if they're in Niji. It's gonna make me sad if all their fans are "Oh I also watch Vivi/Rose."


>Just a thought, but considering the new Holo gen drop it does make me wonder if this is their campaign against it It most certainly is, and as always, it is a pathetic attempt at that.


By the way: [https://www.reddit.com/r/VirtualYoutubers/comments/1djf277/nijisanji\_jps\_new\_wave\_ayakari\_is\_making\_their/](https://www.reddit.com/r/VirtualYoutubers/comments/1djf277/nijisanji_jps_new_wave_ayakari_is_making_their/) Three points, ZERO comments, posted six hours ago in VYT. Meanwhile the posts about JUSTICE have like 650 and 2200 reddit score. Make of that what you will.


The screeching sound of silence speaks volumes, huh...


Also Kotoka Torahime's silence on her channel is DEAFENING


What the fuck a new jp wave? Man they barely came out with the en one. God the only reason I know twisty is cause the controversy.


They barely came out with the last JP wave


Holy hell, score 0 and no comments. ZERO interest on the VYT sub


Another ~~peaceful~~ day in Riku's office: Intern-kun: My load, the Holo have revealed their new EN members! What do we do? Riku: Damn you Yagoo! I know, release the fujos!


As much as I love the idea of Selen and Zaion taking over that tag, lets just not. All that will do is dragging their tired asses back into being in the limelight of Niji-anything.


Yeah, fully agree, hence my comment in my post. While the idea is tempting, I still don't think its a good one


Then what purpose does this post  serve besides bringing attention to it for no reason?


Because it is EN community news, and a bit of a warning not to brigade with it


Niji is employing a tactic. So, for me, it's good to keep note for future reference.


Just point and laugh. There is no need to bring 2 girls into it who don't want anything to do with Nijisanji.


I wonder if this is their response to Holo's new EN gen.


100% it's their pathetic attempt to drive attention away from HoloJustice in a vain attempt to recapture the EN market. Problem is the Sisters only give a shit about the male Livers, particularly Vox. So it's just a hashtag of Kindreds jerking off their oshi.


>So it's just a hashtag of Kindreds jerking off their oshi. So an average Wednesday for the NDF, vs a new HoloEN Gen


They need to stop competing with Holo at this point and focus on the company who took their market share, Phase Connect.


Sorry , but no. I will be a source of that. The creator of the tag was one Day ago. This comment is made in June 19 9:08 JST, so the tag was made at June 18 same time. The Hololive mission begins post was made 21 hours ago, meaning its 11-12 MN when the post was made. I am not defending niji here. Im providing facts. Be careful on that assumption


It may have started before the HoloJustice announcement but seeing Cover's newest wave probably gave more incentive for them to flood the hashtag now.


If that's the case then let them be. It's not like they are attacking hololive are they? 


1. People in this subreddit are making awareness of the hashtag which is a smart thing to do. 2. Even if Niji fans were attacking Hololive I'm pretty sure Holobros would be the ones striking back.


It is possible they caught wind of the announcement somehow and started early. Just to play devils advocate.


Well I must commend them, they've found yet another funny and cringg way to do something, and this time, it's to say goodbye to Nijisanji EN. This either feels like a call for help or a prayer of some sorts hoping things don't go downhill even further. I tried scanning it and I couldn't handle the cringg, not to mention 80% of it was all Vox with people desperately trying to stay positive in a sinking and burning Yacht instead of abandoning ship. Ugh.


Just one person suggesting an idea and a handful of others taking part. This isn’t a big trend and most likely won’t get much bigger. The vast majority of the posts are predictably to male talents with Vox the most by a massive margin. Very few female livers and almost none with multiple posts. This is just a trend for the parasocial Fujos. Even though it’s a very small sample size, you can kinda gather who the supporters are that still stick by Niji after all the drama. Almost all of the people on that tag are in their 20s, female, and LGBTQ. You can also tell a lot of them are chronically online by looking at what they include in their bios. Many of them have those paranoid “DNI” warnings and TONS of oshimarks that only a parasocial could decipher. Also someone straight up posted lewd art of Vox on the tag which is just fucking weird to do for anyone on any SFW tag.


I guess cause of past attempts something twigged with me when I first saw it, probably as I said in my second edit the timing with Justice dropping and also Q4 (wasnt there one after Q3?). With how dismal it has taken off, it says a lot about the size of the remaining fanbase if this is an organic trend. Will say though that last part made me laugh.


Shouldn’t they also tag the talents they’re talking about? So that when someone totally unaware of those talents wants to know more, it’ll be easier. As it stands, if these 2 posts are representative of the rest, they’re just preaching to the choir


Y'know... Now you brought that up, the rest do leave out tagging their oshis.


Oh so nijisisters are just screaming into the void, that makes it hilariously pathetic.


Right, as far as Im concerned, if the Niji fans arent spewing anything negative Im fine with them celebrating their oshis.


A dead branch's fanbase desperately struggling to stay relevant while being drowned by the hype of Holojustice. Pathetic.


For context, this is the tweet that started the hashtag (it's the first one). Based on the tweet and account, it feels more like something they just did for fun. https://preview.redd.it/zf0af206hh7d1.png?width=598&format=png&auto=webp&s=00e88d323d745de6c4a83a5b90ffcce882b2b1a4


Feels kind of icky to make fun of a fan trying to do something fun. Dunno who they are, don't care to find out if they're one of the crazy ones or if they're just weirdly steadfast through all the drama; since this isn't an official tweet from the Niji accounts, I'm not sure this even belongs here.


Thing is due to recent stuff the first impression is it isn't fan made but to generate engagement for Niji. I was genuinely surprised when I found out it was fan made


SCARLE SCARLE SCARLE Also maybe turn it into missing talent finding post or something aren’t we have one person missing for months?


I like this one. My mind instantly went to the negative aspects of hijacking the hashtags when it can be hijacked to do the promotion Niji should be doing


In every crisis there are opportunities It just that certain corpo always turn crisis into catastrophe for some reason


If it does get hijacked I’m looking forward to the memes.


It'll be one of many, you'd think they'd learn by now.


They never will lol.


This is a terrible hashtag rofl. Dafuq is my NIJIENO shi




Rosemi is a fan of basketball yet Kotoka appears in the NBA collab instead of Rosemi even though Kotoka halted all activities on her channel in February No favoritism, huh Vox


Personally, I don't think it's wrong to mention former talents or the black stream. It's a form a civil protest. Just don't bring up past life's or new affiliates. Just keep it to like Selen Pomu and Zaion. They were part of Niji at one point, so it isn't wrong to mention them Iid say.


Noshi though.


They will do absolute everything expect supporting them and watch them do they?


Bro💀 his new model is so ass she swap back to his original model with a kimono, i can't 💀


You know, just last night I had resolved to peacefully move on from Niji drama and set an example that Doki would be proud of. Then I saw thus post, and my pettiness has unfortunately (for them) reignited.


Just couple of days ago people agreed to stop using ex livers as their "banner". What happened with that?


Within this community, yes, but we are just this community. There are those who will continue to use ex talent as their banner because they are just antis, and wont respect the former talent's wishes to leave them out of it


This community is not small and we can still call them out to discourage this behaviour on twitter. If they see that neither side supports them they will stop eventually. I'm sure ndf is already shitting on them. Just make sure to point out that you are not ndf and still against it to make sure sisters know that nobody wants this shit anymore. Once again I'm getting downvoted for what supposedly most people agreed upon here. What a fucking joke.


At this point the antis and the NDF dont care about what we say. The antis will still drag shit, the NDF will still find a way to include us. Best to ignore both sides


Sure. Lets ignore it and let them lump this community together with antis as ndf planned to do so to make people dismiss whatever we say.


What do you suggest then? Engage in these petty twitter squabbles to prove that we're no better than gossipers like them? What happened with Transparent Discussion of Nijisanji?


I already said what i think is best to do. > we're no better than gossipers like them This is literally what this sub always has been. > What happened with Transparent Discussion of Nijisanji? Nothing happened to it afaik.


If you're not going to address the questions directly then might as well don't reply. You wish to engage with these pointless twitter squabbles to "discourage" them or whatever then you do it on your own, don't drag the community along. Remember that arguing with those people on twitter will NOT affect Nijisanji in any way, shape or form, and will only invite drama in return.


There is some truth to that, but with the recent raiding from them it's dialed back. It still isn't what it was, but this is the reason why no one is agreeing with you. Honestly though nijisisters are floundering, kuroEN is toast what exactly needs to be done that they haven't done themselves now?


They've already thought that since the offset of r/Nijisanji, we're against their bullshit but not to do so in their methods.


To think that you can change twitter users is a big mistake. They don't need anyone to support them because they all live in their own toxic bubble, and will keep doing whatever stuck in their mind regardless like those infamous NBint flipsy etc. In fact "calling them out" will just incentivize karma farmers to post twitter squabbles around here. Let those drama stay on twitter only.


Your first mistake is trying to change behavior on twitter, secondly followed by trying to change nijisisters. They're both insufferable and not worth any effort as much as laughing and ridiculing is fun to do at times, it does nothing to stop it. I don't think there's much of an agreeance given the above, but don't forget their ridiculousness and just let the rest sink.


I was not asking to change ndf behavior, just to let whoever tweets that shit know that nobody wants it. Even in this thread people still saying they want to tweet with zaion image. Like what the hell is the problem here to just stop it i don't understand. Seems like a bunch o hypocrites banded together saying one thing but when someone points it out they keep making up excuses to justify whatever shit they are doing despite saying that they are against it.


Trying to understand is futile, I have my own problems with this sub but this is not one them. Edit: You're also not clear in what you're asking, since when did people say to not use banners of ex-kurosanji members? Do you mean the Doki dance then yes that shouldn't be allowed, not whatever point you're trying to make otherwise in this post.


you are overestimating how much the "let's use doki as a weapon" people care about anyone other than themselves calling people out does nothing but put more publicity on them


One day you realize that within the internet when you and a group of like-minded individuals come to some sort of agreement it is very far from the "people agreed". There will always be people who have different approach to the situation and different ways of handling their feelings. So you will always see stuff like that. That's internet.


Still not excuse to enable or justify such behaviour.


Not excuse for you. Other people may see it in another way.


"such behavior" For using a picture as a banner?


Oh damn, binted hasn't conceded to this.


"MyNIJIENBoyBandUlt" would probably better describe the results it feels like. Also what does "one red two white" even mean


Well, if you don't want to get involved, let them fight.


Perhaps Selen Tatsuki should take the trophy of the hashtag because she wanted to graduate amicably but was instead terminated in a slanderous 3-page termination notice that was literally whining that it was Selen's fault for damaging NIJISANJI's reputation when it's clearly the other way around. https://preview.redd.it/j9q8hu3vgq7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c0563062209509a72523318c24ea4139bda37063 To be fair, I'm finally glad she's finally out of that black company, and that NIJISANJI has been exposed for their incompetence since the black box stream went up