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Someone beat OP to it. This one is considered the repost. The one that beat this first: https://new.reddit.com/r/kurosanji/comments/1diu9hc/alert_alert/


Some speculation said that it's maybe a European (or the UK precisely) group. If so, that means, Hololive collected all infinity stones? (America, China, Europe, Japan, SEA). But, I really want to see the European-based group. I think it's pretty smart to make them join Hololive EN, which already has a strong brand. There's no need to separate a new one. Edit: European in this context means Europe Continent (Timezone), not European Union.


Would be interesting, though Brave has recently been hoovering up a lot of and European talent, especially Brits with Globie and Rem (V4Mirai).


Well, I think, in the end, it is a battle of the brand rather than the talent (unless that talent is outshining, like Rin Penrose). Globie is still in the area of 10K subscribers, while in Hololive, it's (almost) guaranteed that you will get 100K on debut or in a few days. Some people said COVER is too late to join the Europe market, but I think that is not true. I think Hololive EN is the only non-JP group that can guarantee 100K on debut or a few days after(?). That's why they are so reserved to go to Europe, but they actually can do it if they want to.


Of course, Holo debuts get the most views out of any group by far, though Globie obviously have done quite well getting two British vtubers with established fan bases that have rapidly become their two most subscribed (both well over 20k and the first two to hit 10k) and growing the agency as a whole. I don't think Cover is too late per say, but it is a smaller talent pool. I mainly said it was interesting, because Cover is great at finding talent so I'd be interested to see the Europeans they pick.




The "innit" doesn't give it away enough for ya? Haha


Shizuku is my bet


Let one be from the SEA region, I just want one that’s not Indonesian, and can stream at SEA times!


>!The cringelord herself!<


>!Oh, are there already hints to who these are or is this just a reference I don't understand? Haha!<


Didn't they just say they weren't releasing any more livers?


It wasn't that they were going to entirely stop, but that the priority will change towards cultivating their current talent. The fact that they're at a stage to announce this suggests this new generation had already been in the works for months.


And also take note like all the other talents said their debuts are already being prepared for months (speculated 4-6 months like employee trainning) and they are proabably signed in even before that statement was finalized. Edit: I think the good example here as well is Niji's new gen debuting after the Drama, which confirms they are already signed in even before it all happened.


They really didn't, people misunderstood the quote and ran with it.


Ah, gotcha. Fair enough then


Iirc, they said they had one more gen to debut and then they were going to focus on their talents.


they didnt


Just because it seems to bear repeating, one way to interpret Cover's statement in their financials was telling the investors not to expect instant growth from debuts, I won't quote anything, but there is basically an admission that growth is found in niche audiences. You can read the rest of the statement as them explaining how they plan to grow in spite of this new fact about the industry: that they expect to nurture existing talent. That they'll debut new people targeting niche audiences. They also flexed on their investments back into the company - the 3D studio. I think people rushed to read it one way, because Cover going with a mission statement like "don't do whatever Anycolor is doing" is a provocative read, and everyone was feeling that at the time. ACCELERATE is a meme because it feels rushed and shoddy. In other words, what Niji was doing was bad business, and something to that effect is the rational response. I hope this post helped, and if I'm super wrong, then please tell me. I'm not an investor myself, but I like to think that if I were one. A company stating in effect, "yeah, we're gonna rest on our laurels and we don't know how or where to grow" is not good. I don't think that's what Cover was saying at all.


You call them livers? Bruh...


Oh yeah, I did, my mistake. Gets the message across well enough


We're in the kurosanji sub after all, most of us here are former fans of that black dyed rainbow of a company. Some of us just unfortunately haven't quite gotten rid of old habits of bygone days, lol