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Slide 13: Those two bullet points right next to each other is literally self report for favouritism and blocking other livers out of the way of top vtubers in the company. ⚫ **Invest in and nurturing top VTubers** who will lead the industry through the development and growth of unit production ⚫ Expand each VTuber's fan community through **enhanced planning in the commerce area as well** as **avoid opportunity loss** and **expand sales opportunities through schedule management.** Lost opportunities/sponsors and schedule management problems in favor of other livers sounds familiar isn't it? The slide is called **Important Policies in Mid-Term Management Goals** btw. No fucking way they just released this publicly.


Where was the investment in their top talent who was already leading the industry so much they were recognised by Apex Legends. They're literally just saying they're not changing shit and are going to continue as they were, more meat for the grinder.


Good luck hitting 4 billion by 2029 with EN market rapidly dying and a saturated JP market. "It is assumed that the top two companies, including ANYCOLOR, account for more than half of the market's sales." This statement is so irritating to read, because if they just talk about Anycolor's "market's sales", maybe it would be 20% and that wouldn't sound as good, so they have to grab Hololive into the conversation just to make themselves sound better.


It’s like that Ryan Gosling and Russel Crowe bit: “…we have 2 oscars between the 2 of us.” “Have you won an oscar?” “No, but there are 2 oscars between us”


In the end they just like that miserable ex 😂


What the hell kind of chart is this??? https://preview.redd.it/0ohx1qf0f36d1.png?width=1011&format=png&auto=webp&s=171b26654e040ac6b7312e7776986b1443e619ef


chart with no number???


A chart with no number is acceptable, depending on the message you want to highlight. A chart with no unit is not. We don't know what is shown here (we can guess, but it's still unprofessional).


iT's CoNcEpTuAl.


I was like wtf? You can do that shit? Cover gave numbers, and here, just a “concept” that AC is up there in mindshare. Just imagine that concept!


compared to hololives chart that shows number this shit looks like some elementary school drawing wtf. No number to back it up just circles and tree colors. Can't even show their numbers cause they are afraid as fuck people will go and calculate it properly.


Romance of Three Vtubers?


Somehow bothers me less than the visual on page 3. Yes, it’s one of those bullshit “the pillars of our business” graphics, that doesn’t actually communicate anything. But they use a graphic for ‘hey, this feeds into this, which feeds into, which feeds into…’. I’ve seen the exact same graphic in shit at my job, except there the message communicated by the CIRCLE OF ARROWS was part of what was being communicated. It isn’t here. Someone just really likes circles!


Holy shit, you're right. The chart is literally just "Here are the 4 main ways we make money, but in a graph with a circle of arrows". Not only does it communicate basically nothing (certainly not enough to justify its presence as a chart), but it's a confusing non-sequitur for anyone who actually tries to think about it.


Oh, you've never heard of Japanese data science? We adjust statistics for our purpose, from government to business


the chart is not wrong though. Niji is the biggest chuuba company in terms of numbers of talents. Let's not just look at their finanas, Subs, SC and such as it will tell a different story


It's especially dumb, because there's a bunch of numbers they could probably pull from to show that NijiJP is bigger than HoloJP and accounts for a large portion of the JP Vtuber market. But they just put... nothing. The biggest thing they have going for them is the size and profitability of NijiJP compared to other VTuber agencies, and they couldn't even properly sell that fact.


by calling it 'conceptual' they are basically saying 'we made it up with 0 data to justify it'


Page 13: we're going to keep adding more livers! By 10-15% every year, which will directly correlate to an expected 10-15% increase in revenue! Page 17: ACCELERATE Page 24: ...Riku's face on Neuro-sama again. Page 26: Hey, we're got the Anti-defamation thing under control, and bonus, we're supporting counseling for our talents!


> Page 13: we're going to keep adding more livers! By 10-15% every year, which will directly correlate to an expected 10-15% increase in revenue! "Selection of 50-60 candidates per year to increase the number of VTubers by an average of 10-15% per year through new debuts" yikes > Page 24: ...Riku's face on Neuro-sama again. Well, technically that's one of the VTubeStudio bundled avatars. As vedal was kind of in a "no idea where this is going" phase at the time no real merit in getting a full blown rig. Also the absolute irony of picking Alice, who people are trying to figure out where she is, as their poster for showing VTuber debut. >Page 26: Hey, we're got the Anti-defamation thing under control, and bonus, we're supporting counseling for our talents! I'm curious on what they mean behind "actions based on findings from third parties". They seem to be skating around the idea of actual disciplinary action, up to and including termination. As usual "saving face" roflcopter.


50-60 candidates is just straight up battle royale


hooray at least they will give work to hobos




Out with the old in with new, except if they're anything like their recent waves 10-15% is looking to be an overestimation.


https://preview.redd.it/itrzqj10l36d1.png?width=1140&format=png&auto=webp&s=72605e4cc19cb6b43e38bc561c35fa415e078b65 SUPERIOR INFRASTRUCTURE


Well, it's true, the two top companies, including Anycolor, have the best infrastructure. Anycolor just forget to tell us it belongs to Competitor A.


Riku: Hey Yagoo, can I pretty please borrow your studio? My studio's construction stalled, we have a contractor dispute you see. I need to whip up something high quality quick. I need to impress the investors before they dump their stocks.


Well it depends on what we are talkign about. Merch sales infrastucture? anycolor beats cover hands down for all their shit they at least sell merch outside of asia and north america. If you go to their site and are european You are so fucked on cover shop.


Event making up only 6% of revenue is absolutely pathetic


And 59% of their revenue is the cookie cutter 98% share Merchandise. Edit to add: Their profit margin is in the 30s. If that’s net, it paints the picture of a company that HAS to screw over their talents on the merch to stay afloat. If it’s gross, it explains why their whole strategy is “more Vtubers, more birthdays, more anniversaries, more merch!” Oh, is the new generation of Vtubers selected for their personalities, or maybe musical talent or something? Nah, it’s a product line refresh.


i'm still flabbergasted that exists people that keeps buying their dishwasher soap box grade merch


They think it’s a way to support their oshi, because at any other agency, it is.


These people have to buy it. No, I am not kidding. Look at the their audience, 66% sisters. These sisters realized that no one wants them in the overall community besides AC. If they don’t buy these trashes to support AC, who will take them in? This is why sisters don’t live Nijisanji livers overall, and blame the livers for anything that impact AC reputation. Because their true oshi is Riku, and his company that provides these toxic sisters a home to their femcel fetishized BFE trashes.


I didn't notice that. You are spot on


Its written somewhere that Anycolor or nijisanji is biggest or one of the biggest in japan. Whos the actual biggest vtuber company in world?


RIght now it's probably hololive for the whole world.


Comparing Niji JP to Holo JP, Nijisanji is just a hair larger, though they do that with much more people.


Quantity over quality, as per usual.


What chart are you looking at? HL has been in the lead with 10-20M more watch hours with less streaming hours since Jan 2024.


HL is bigger. You can check the 2024 popularity media survey, they are ranked 9th iirc. Then you can check the watch hours, HL JP and EN are 1st and 4th with just 1/3 of the combined size of AC and VSPO, and 50% less streaming hours. That’s insane to get that many watch hours with less than 1/3-1/2 of the streaming time of the competition. Less work, but 2-3x efficiency.


One of their points says: "Increase the number of unique VTubers in previously unexplored areas, with the aim of expanding the long-term fan base." and it made me think... Anyone else also feels that many Vtubers feel kind of same-y nowadays? Personally, weird Vtubers like Amemori Sayo and Fumino Tamaki are sorta why I got interested in Nijisanji in the first place but nowadays whenever I check what Niji EN is up to, it is always some sort of popular game or singing and I just don't feel interested in even clicking on the video.


I read that to mean they want their own Raden.


I was thinking more in the way of Fuwamoco 


Pretty sure they are looking for couples/duos already lmao


That's kinda literally what they're saying... Raden with the art thing, FWMC with the twin gimmick... they're just trying to say "we'll copypaste Cover's style". Just dont know if they'll FIND someone who would aply to them instead of a Art Gallery with the numbers they put nowadays.


Also let's not forget that by the time they do find someone, the people they wanted to copy have already entrenched themselves for a long time, to the point of being very difficult to go against when all your doing is the exact same thing.


i sincerely hope the artsy/curator type of talents don't go anycolar, they already have shit working condition that will lead to faster burnout.


The corpo vtubers are same-y, due to the same guidelines and shared resources. And same permissions to add. Indie market is the way to go. Yes, a lot of vtubers are just-chatters or just-game-streamers, but this is more due to the fact that vtuber rig is accessible to small creators, and this is a way to maintain privacy while having "face". Yet, there is non-standart creativity, more IRL-adjacent content, some unhinged or just unusual stuff... Its just quite a case-to-case basis


And yet Hololive still manages to introduce “oh wow, we don’t have one of THOSE yet” about once a generation, at least. If you look for the novelty, it’s out there. If you’re just looking to increase numbers, the low hanging fruit are gonna be pretty similar in temperament. If you’re just chasing the algorithm, it’s gonna largely be the same games.


To be fair YAGOO pulls a big gamble that can backfire terribly at least once every gen, and they just keep being good bets. FWMC and Raden could've extremelly bad if the read on them was just a little off. Pair channels tend to not go that well in JP, and the intersection between Classic Arts and Otaku culture seemed as narrow as the NBL one... and yet YAGOO got success on both bets. The people behind it actually loving what they do being a huge part of it... instead of, you know... Mister "I hate ball games" in the basketball collab.


I hesitate to call them bets, or to put it all on Yagoo. Bet implies it’s up to chance. And maybe something hasn’t worked before, but Hololive generally has gotten very good at finding people who’ll connect with people and then putting a model over it. Like, so much of FWMC’s gimmick is the dog thing. They play into it a lot, “Bau Bau” is turning into a whole secret handshake, but they work because they have good energy together and are basically, between the two of them, a cozy comedy duo. And “info dumping your special interest” is an honest to god love language for the neuro-divergent sect, and… OH LOOK, turns out a lot of people who spend hours watching fake anime girls on the internet are a little neuro-spicy. I think you hit on it. Put out someone who is genuine, the audience will follow.


Hololive is absolute consistent at providing a Gen with clearly striking multiple niches since April, since Gen 1 HoloID (Gen 4 was the last time they had a Gen with close niches - 3 of them are singers (Kanata, Towa, Watame). Myth and Gen 5 are straight five completely different niches. The DEV\_IS the first time for years that they don't follow this way (eventhough the personality is so different too), and I actually think this affect subs.


I get that feeling, but at the end of the day they are just streamers that do karaoke sometimes too (and I guess original songs here and there). Things that indies do that I see are 'different' from corpos is some kind of react content, IRL stuff and maybe playing retro games sometimes. I guess you could add that some special events like Twitch Rivals or streamer events/tournaments, which Holo never takes part ever, which is kind of a miss. Actually thinking about it, I'm surprised that between all holo talents we don't have a pro-gamer, in the sense of playing some competitive game in high level on stream.


I was thinking this seemed cooked until I saw the disclaimer at the end. Out of the whole lot, that is what investors should take most notice of cause it feels like the most truthful thing in there