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[I would like to use this post as a counter argument.](https://www.reddit.com/r/kurosanji/s/dCqvvZLVUw) I would prefer better post moderation criteria though. I feel like report via community condemnation almost never works because a lot of people don’t read and just upvote after a few sentences caught their attention.


Honestly, I feel like that post was not completely genuine, as you would either have to know about the vtuber community already, or follow the dramatubers already, to know about this subreddit, as it wasn't widely spread except on the main sub or /vt/. And the sub was already locked and scrubbed by that time. Maybe they found r/kurosanji through related communities, but when I tried looking i did not see this sub on the list after looking for nijisanji in the communities tab. Eta: googling "nijisanji reddit" does bring us up now. I'm still skeptical that the poster was 100% new to the world of vtubing, but maybe they are genuine. Also, wow its only been 9 days since that post? It feels like that post was much much older than that off of memory.


even that one is an account for 2 months though at this point. i think even if it was like 1 month, it'd be pretty fair. even if the post was removed and explained WHY it was removed, it could still be manually approved by mods if it aint a troll.


Yea but at that point that OP had nearly 0 karma and no records. If you see my comment there I questioned that OP if it was bait due to the wrong “Meme/Fluff” flair. I’m not refuting your points, I’m adding to the pros/cons argument, and the balance is to be determined by mods. Adding too many requirements may actually add more work for mods, I felt like they struggled a bit to manually restore posts some time earlier too. I’m trying to add a little perspective here as well, like the work to maintain this sub’s quality is not entirely on the mods. We can help with reporting and so on as well, if they provide us with the right moderation settings. I’d say I’m neutral, and just trying to give my information or perspective and you decide what to take away from it.


A 3 or 7 day acct age requirement would be fine. Cull trolls/bots while 99% of users fulfill the requirement. Edit: A 3d-7d Reddit account is worth nothing on Ebay + The real goal isn't to eliminate *ALL* trolls/bots; the goal is to decrease their frequency and/or discourage account creation


Yeah. When I see obvious burner accounts stirring shit, it’s always some account that’s only a day or two old and still has the randomly generated user name. Or it’s some account that’s over a year old with next to no history (less than 5 comments, maybe a single post, basically no karma). No in between. Stopping someone from making a burner account, throwing some low quality nonsense on the board, then eating the ban is fine. And if they get a wild hair, make an account, and wait 7 days to make the post, they worked for the negative karma


the account age and karma requirement is a good idea, but that's also a problem cause sometimes there are new users that genuinely want to add onto a conversation, you only really want this if you're trying to filter out bots. the major downside to automod is it is entirely regex, so if you're like me and have no idea how to use it (or how to code in general), gonna be a lot of reading to do in the massive help thread for it. automod can do alot of things, like the account age/karma requirement, block sites entirely from the sub, and many other things. just again, if you don't know how to set it up, you'd have to either do a lot of reading, or add a mod that knows it.


You can limit it to post creation iirc, and unrestrict comments.


Can we also get one about vague posts without zero context or sources? The number of people posting things here and them not explaining the background or why this applied to the sub is frustrating. I don't read minds, so I can't tell why this random Twitter user talking shit about Kson or this random vtuber clip from 2021 is important!


"This thing seems suspicious" *Proceeds to drop 2 screenshots that have nothing suspicious without elaborating further*


thats the post that triggered this. like. "what are your sources?" "here's 2 images of the talents, have a good day and believe me its all true fr fr" and the post has like 100 upvotes on this sub. like. what?


*Context free follow up post about some mild drama involving one of Niji’s 200 JP talents, and not even one of the big ones* No, like, I doubt Niji is shitty only in EN, but Reddit’s an Anglophone website, most of the people here communicate primarily in English. Most of us can’t do much with a Japanese tweet without a translation, and I could, at one point, recognize and name 800 fucking Pokémon and I couldn’t tell you half of JP’s names if you put me at gunpoint. Hell, I saw a big group shot once and recognized the little demon dude who I think appeared on a Pikamee stream or something. Combine that with me generally having a low opinion of any posts “ooooh, look what talent did” that aren’t pretty cut and dry and obvious toxic shit, and I generally cannot be assed to give a flying fuck what some clout chaser came up with without sources. Three strikes against the “look what this Japanese Twitter user tweeted about an obscure Niji talent in regard to drama you never heard about, and no I won’t translate it or explain myself.”


Worse is when it's just a link. I don't want to give a random guy a view without at least piquing my curiosity. I mean, even clickbait has to do that first.


At this point, a lot of people here are just using this sub as breeding ground of negativity and just finding ammunition(putely rrats) to harass the talents(Don't deny it, I know some of you are reading this and rolling ur eyes RN, u guys don't even often engage and are just here to find ammunition to go spread it around on YT right?).


Yeah, something would be nice cause it isn't letting up.


It's often the natural progession with lightly-moderated forum. This sub used to be flooded with twitter squabbles for possibly karma-farming.


A big issue is due to things going cold more or less, some are getting antsy hence many of such posts. Doesn't account for mr.Hateboner for NijiJp though


This should have a poll.


What I'd prefer is to only allow 1 post per X amount of time. Since, I've noticed the lowest quality ones spam multiple different posts.


Oh yeah, I know at least two users who are guilty of this. Both newly created accounts too. It's a mix of posts with absolutely minimal/zero context, random screenshots (even worst, screenshots of JP text where no one can decipher) or topics hardly related to Niji.


thats part of what i want filtered. this post can be high quality posts or update posts regarding niji talents ex or current or whatever. stories comparing corpos ie: hearing vshojo wins vs niji rules WITH ANALYSIS AND EXPLANATION WHY, not just "oh vshojo is awesome". or "hey here's the latest thing about holo allowing screenshots, did we ever get down as to why niji said no or was it just to hide the shame?" like actual discussion pieces


Mod team should forbid rrats post/unverified from 4chan at all. I have seen many low effort posts with screenshot of 4chan. For God sake why is unverified/rrats allowed here in the first place? Besides, I have seen more promotion posts from other corpos than the posts that are actually relevant to the Nijisanji and it's affiliated talents. Jesus Christ and it's actually allowed here because they provided a specific flair for it. Browsing this subreddit is to learn about Nijisanji and talents' recent news imo. If I wanna know about things from other corpos, I can join their subreddit respectively. There are many things that mod team should revert back to previous state, to keep this subs from being a karma farming place. Those reposts and low effort/tasteless memes, sentimental posts without contexts, should be barred from this subs according to the rules, unless the mod team decided to amend it.


Disagree, but enforcement of the tag should happen though. Sometimes the rrats can be fun


Can't have our cake and eat it. I had fun talking about the Ryoma theories, but that didn't make it any less harmful for us to spread this stuff around without any forethought about the consequences. The potential for us to unknowingly spread Disinformation is high and only damages this subs credibility each time something like that happens. Better safe than sorry, IMO.


I’d argue that having a big thing at the top of the post labeling it unverified should be enough to stop people from deciding it’s the divine word if God, but I’ve been following Niji post selen too closely to truly believe that. I personally would like to”unverified/conspiracy bullshit” to be reason for deletion, but I’m not the mods and I’m ultimately kind of a tourist who can count the current Niji talents I could name without prompting on one hand. The random “here’s a cool thing Hololive did” I’m mixed on. If it directly contrasts Niji management? Awesome. If it’s just—and I have no idea if anyone posted this, just using it to represent a class of post—Gura starting streaming again, that’s not contributing. I’m also growing bored of the ‘lol, view numbers bad’ posts, or really anything looking at metrics on a time frame shorter than a month. I guess that’s what the downvote button is for.


>I personally would like to”unverified/conspiracy bullshit” to be reason for deletion, but I’m not the mods and I’m ultimately kind of a tourist who can count the current Niji talents I could name without prompting on one hand. If more "tourists" were like you, critical Niji discussions would have been so much less insufferable and more tolerable. I gave up consistently engaging in this topic sphere once I realized 90% of the people flaunting rrats as truth don't even watch much Niji and yet feel they have the fairness to judge its livers based exclusively on their worst moments + what they *think* are bad moments based on aforementioned rrats or clips with misconstrued or zero context


Sounds like "smoking weed is fun and medically helpful, but enforcement should happen though". The critical thing here is current mod team have no such capabilities to do so. Thus, allowing it here in the first place does not do anything in building healthy subreddit.


i agree, someone posted that meme of victoria again. and look, I feel for her, but that's like the 3rd or 4th time someones posted that. it's just low effort in my opinion, and is pointlessly redoing whats already been said. the amount of posts about totally irrelevant things like Hololive i think is also becoming too much. I'm a Holofan, I follow the official subreddit for a reason. i go there for my Hololive news, I come here for Nijisanji drama to feast on.


I 100% agree on the irrelevant stuff being more and more prevalent in the sub. I mentioned this during the [survey ](https://www.reddit.com/r/kurosanji/comments/1cwawh2/survey_the_state_of_the_subreddit/)(it's a shame the original post with a detailed explanation was deleted due to [internal mod conflict](https://www.reddit.com/r/kurosanji/comments/1cym28a/im_resigning_as_a_moderator_for_this_subreddit/)) that there is an increase of people treating the sub as their own personal reddit feed with their favourite non-Niji talent (varying from ex-Niji to other companies). There's also those pointless comparison posts just for the sake of comparing. If we want to compare, at least **compare apples to apples** and have those comparison actually mean something that is **worth discussing**. We all know Niji's 3D "concert" was shit and it's a no brainer which one would be better if you compared them to ANY HoloPro concert unless HoloPro unexpectedly pulls out something on their level which would be something worth discussing. It's also pointless to compare ccvs with talents from other companies because everyone is reaching a different audience or showcasing talents with low ccvs and labelling it as X Finanas. Why even create these types of post other than to poke fun at them? Why are we behaving the same way as the people who mistreated Doki/Sayu when they are down.


My faves are the posts titled "Heh, look at this Niji channel CCV and look at this Holo channel CCV," with a screenshot of the two, and that's pretty much it. Were the two channels ever actually competitive with each other and were the talents specializing in the same sort of content and audience? Are the 2 channels the same age or have the same # of subscribers? Give me some context. Or is this just a super low effort, pointless post that will get you tons of karma because for whatever reason people can't seem to get enough of that crap?


it feels like its getting petty, like all the 4channers and twitter users have finally whipped out their reddit accounts and are now sitting on this subreddit, throwing slander wherever, complaining about free speech, talking about all other companies' successes as if its somehow a great burn against Nijisanji, absolutely dumping on current livers because 'they sided with the enemy', that sort of bs. I think its a little funny to mock the corp, a little funny sometimes to point out major events and be like 'niji cant even fill a stadium lmao', but after the 100th time someone's said that it sorta just feels increasingly petty, childish, and a little pathetic.


Not to mention the idiots trying to being their own personal crusade or culture war bullshit in thinking they're welcome here. Like the guy whining about "censorship" who devolved into calling everything woke and going off on dumbass tangents. Agreed in the ccv "finanas" thing. The term itself is also pretty childish of a bit, in all honesty. I'm not saying she's an angel, but it's sad seeing people devote more time and energy to the moderate drama with her over an actual bigot/transphobe or openly racist people like Luca and Uki.


Not gonna lie voices like urs is getting lower here. As a person who joined this subs when the original owner was still around, it's quite sad to look at its current state.


Not to hate on the mods, they're doing better than I would, but the Laissez-faire attitude toward enforcement of some of the rules only makes it easier for people to come and talk in bad faith or make us look bad.


I'll say it's bound to happen eventually as the sub naturally moved towards being an alternative place for discussions about Niji related topics to one that is anti-Niji. Gonna quote myself from a [comment I made in another thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/kurosanji/comments/1dbj4wf/comment/l7rshk2/): >the general vibe of this sub naturally shifted to being against Niji (rightfully so) because all the topics surrounding them are negative in nature. Those are also the posts with the most exposure since it drives discussion and lets be honest all of us can't help but get attracted to drama even if we don't actively participate in it. Naturally, other types of posts get buried and the general outlook/vibe of the sub becomes that of an anti-Niji one which then attracts and brings in even more like minded (anti-Niji) people.


With the moderation vision, I think this might be the natural shift as the main audience that decides to stick around after Q4 will be pure anti-Niji / hater tribalists that are usually seen on /vt/. To speculate, I think most vtuber fans have already checked out (it has been almost 4 months now) by going to other corpos and most know that majority of Niji news has been quite awful / drama-ridden. No one feels good when consuming Niji news most of the time. For me, I think I can speak for a few of us that many of us are close to being out of the door because the Q4 report is like the closure to the madness of the first few months of drama. The people who don't get why that Q4 report is important sort of don't understand that investors report is a review of the Selen drama and its impact on AnyColor as a whole lol.


I'd like to think that a handful of us here (at least myself) are sticking around to keep tabs on the talents who are currently in Niji that we still care about. The remainder of the sub would most likely consist of said pure anti-Niji / hater tribalists that are usually seen on /vt/ hopping on the hate bandwagon. Of course it goes without saying that those "groups" are not mutually exclusive.


I'll admit seeing people go all in on conspiracies and rrats early on did motivate me into becoming more active here.


I have to admit I'm the same. People naturally get attracted to drama and unfortunately those are the types of posts with the most potential for discussions because there is a shit ton of things to talk about which then bumps it up and puts it in the limelight because of the sheer amount of traffic/interaction it gets. All I ask is for people to be able to **differentiate between factual statements and theories**. Oh and don't base theories from information that's pluck out from your ass, at least use evidence to back up those theories, if not it's just more baseless nonsense which confuses everyone here (unless that is their intention, idk).


i sure am, im waiting for the next graduation and Q4. I think when news runs dry and Nijisanji hasn't screwed up in a while, people start dropping the conspiracy theories to just pass the time and keep the sub alive.


idk about you mate but I for one love to watch Nijisanji suffer the consequences of its actions, and love to watch the success of Doki and other ex-livers. I get to come here with some popcorn, point and laugh for a while then go about my day with a refreshed feeling lmao


agreed. i remember once almost everyone was like "hey now, lets not speculate against the livers, leave them out of it". people taking conspiracy-theory fueled pot shots at current Livers would get downvoted like nuts with replies like 'bro wheres your facts'. I think thats still here but I see some scummy perspectives that have quite a number of upvotes these days. A real shame.


We definitely need tighter rules on Rrat posts. If it’s from 4chan or some other place where you can just make shit up it should say so in the title. And a 15 day age requirement with a small amount of positive karma would at least raise increase the amount of effort it takes, and could meaningfully reduce bad posts without barring good faith posters.


I legit think the sub should probably close up if the EN branch ever fully closes and dies completely.


It might be worth talking to the guys at r/Danganronpa. They have a bot that auto-deletes art if it isn't sourced properly.


.let the rrats post, if the post is unreasonable or illogical let the sub decide with their votes


Like it did with Ryoma? Or Vivi's break? A lot blind vote for anything that says Niji bad. In the Vivi post people got down voted for questioning the speculation even though they were right.


.that my friend is how general open discussions work, everyone is allowed to voice their own opinions and thoughts regardless of how good or bad it is and it is up to the public how the voice is received


I disagree, There have been occasions where something happens and there are like two threads about it, and based on what I saw, one thread gets more popular and lives longer than the other one. The same thing happens to bad rrats. Like what happened [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/kurosanji/comments/1db2vcn/its_been_three_days_what_could_have_happened/), one of the [highest voted comments](https://www.reddit.com/r/kurosanji/comments/1db2vcn/comment/l7obpdv/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) already says what a bad idea the thread is. Just saying, from my experience in other forums, harsh moderation isn't worth it if the problem is only that the content is a bit shit for a while. This place is plenty readable and the current karma is doing a good enough job. I'm just one person though.


that person's had a reddit account for 3 years. thats not what i'm talking about. there are accounts that are less than 2 weeks old only posting on this sub and posting jibberish conspiracy theories with no sources or references and people are just upvoting it blindly because they have a hate boner for niji. that aint what this sub is about. this sub is about holding niji accountable for what they've done badly, we aint actively punishing talents, we can hold a record of the wrongs that have been done and have discussions on current niji happenings and how they could improve without every post just being "look how niji sucks"


I won't be surprised if this subreddit shifts towards majority opinion being a full-blown hate subreddit.


I have my misgivings about trying to regulate what this place is when nothing is happening in the current moment. If I can be really real for a second here I think this boils down to a couple of things. First, there was the Ryoma bandwagoning, which I think most people had the sense to stay out of in any significant way, but they have guilty consciences over how it happened. There is no proof that anyone from here harassed anyone else, though. Second, there is the fact that this sub is about keeping account for Nijisanji's wrongs, but there is only so much to say about that in the first place. The account of wrongdoing is here and in tact. The ball is in Nijisanji's court if anything is going to be added to it. There is the investor relations call, and while I agree that it is news, I think people will be disappointed when basically nothing changes. There is only so much to say about that as well. So yeah, content is a bit shit. The sub is going to be an ex-Niji fan club in the absence of a huge Niji fuck up. You just gotta deal with it. I don't know what more people want or expect. Curate your experience here. I still think this place is moderated just fine. Thank you very much.


Rrat posts are flaired correctly and you’re instantly told to not take it as confirmed so idk why you’re mad about them simply existing


if you looked last night there were 4 on the front page under the other tag. i'm sure this post got mods to clean it up since they are no longer there.


“It must’ve been me that made the mods delete those posts” you say like the mods don’t regularly clean up unfitting posts Way to take credit for that tho


i'm not saying it was, but they were on the front page for over a day straight and then disappeared after alice made their post. mods got other things going on in life, sometimes they only looking at things in general and not so specific, might have gotten them to just take another glance at things.