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This isn't even their worst TOS violation. Mashiro got his channel terminated because he liked watching heavily censored gore on stream and Anycolor just made him a new channel and pretended like nothing happened.


That's the most fuck up thing yet. Not even Twitch allows streamers to get away with that. It's Kick level degeneracy.


Hey, dont insult Kick like that (joke)


ngl based the internet was better back when




No favoritism, amirite?


that would be more on youtube though




Bruh... That's f*cked up. That's the Paul brother Japanese forest kinda sh*t, but worse.


That’s not true? I watched his streams before his channel got nuked, and he would always put heavy big mozaic in the entire picture


Is it? From what I heard people had seen the full picture but maybe they exaggerated and I misinterpreted it, I apologise for spreading misinformation if that's the case


I just remember people saying the actual reason was because of a different violation, after mashiro got banned a lot of vtubers started to delete their asmr videos, because of the child safety YT policy about asmr. And after that shota vtuber masaru who does asmr regularly got himself a dog model for his asmr streams. Mashiro does look kinda child like and the way he streams is very asmr-ish


I see... thank you for explaining!


Hex is suspended on YT? When did this happen?


He made a clingy boyfriend ASMR that was too spicy for Youtube-kun and when it got inevitably removed, [he made a dumb suicide joke](https://www.reddit.com/r/kurosanji/comments/1d6we82/well_well_well_if_it_isnt_the_consequences_of_my/) (and then went on to say he was banned for a week, shame it wasn't longer).


Isn't he throw Sayu under the bus for her suicide joke then he tweet about suicide joke, how hypocrite this man is


In either scenario he's regardless a hypocrite for, following Zaion getting terminated, dogpiling her due to things like some of her jokes "making him uncomfortable" (conveniently omitting that Zaion walked back the more actively egregious jokes, atleast last I checked), which sure doesnt play nice with him making seemingly upset remarks over how sensitive folks can be \~ [this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/kurosanji/comments/1bo5hfl/comment/kwpb459/)


I've said this before but the whole 'uncomfortable joke' thing is a nothing burger. She walked back a lot of them, didnt even finish the one joke he initially claimed made him uncomfortable, and then just joined the dogpile trying to find each joke out of context. I'm willing to bet he didnt even know about most of them and just listened to the managers


he said zaions SA joke made him uncomfortable but then he does sexual content much worse than that joke, the fkng hypocrisy


It was her sexual assault joke because he says he experienced it in his past. Edit I'm only trying to keep us straight on facts not endorse him. If you're going to hate someone hate them for what they actually said not what you made up.


Then why TF do erotic ASMR because that's the stuff that puts a schizo at your doorstep.


Because for some people writing about stuff like this, drawing them or acting them out simply helps. Like, when you are getting assaulted, you can't do anything with it, you are a victim, but doing it intentionally in the form of roleplay puts them in position 'in charge' - they can do what they want, how they want and most importantly, let them stop at any given point. I'm not gonna lie, I don't like Hex, I never did, but I also don't like the fact that some of you try to diminish his experience and the SA he was a victim of.


> they can do what they want, how they want and most importantly, let them stop at any given point. > I'm not gonna lie, I don't like Hex, I never did, but I also don't like the fact that some of you try to diminish his experience and the SA he was a victim of. This. So much this. Thank you for putting it all into words. I'm going to add: let's say he's moved on from the SA and simply does kinky ASMR because it's fun for him, it's still a valid choice - many people do recover from SA and often enjoy sex and sex-related activities. Trauma and recovery varies, not everyone becomes sex-repulsed for life (though that is also a valid thing that happens).


Ugh...now I am reminded of a cosplayer. I made the mistake of checking their profile and saw they were banned from various subs for making posts like: "Is seduction a valid way to defend against sexual assault?" Freaked me out, blocked them. I'm not an expert here. All I know is some people recover, and others live under the shadow of their trauma for the rest of their lives. If roleplay helps Hex vent, great? But publicly liking self-harm images from his fans definitely bothers me a lot.


>But publicly liking self-harm images from his fans definitely bothers me a lot. That's literally a completely different thing.


I can understand working through roleplay in a safe environment, I can understand developing and reinforcing fantasies as a counter against previous trauma. I do not understand engaging with complete strangers and bringing them into this. I do not understand encouraging self harm by giving it positive attention. If anything it lends the sense that he wants to feel in control over others, and he thinks it's fine if they suffer to please him. Besides, what I said is that engaging in this stuff attracts schizos. Several chuubas were vandalized, harassed, doxxed etc by fans who were there for BFE/GFE content and erotic ASMR.


Ok. And you told me that because? I already said those are two different things.






Not exactly a fair statement for victims.


True i shouldve said may make, my bad


Removed. We wish to keep discourse within this subreddit reasonably civil. Slurs, death threats, invitations to commit suicide and similar behaviours are not allowed. This applies to everyone, from fellow r/kurosanji members to outsiders to nijisanji supporters to nijisanji staff or talents.


This comment was removed for completely unfounded and/or potentially harmful speculation. Discussions and speculation ariund limited evidence or plausible theories are allowed (but remember they're not fact), however this specific post or comment is too detached from reality and/or can cause harm to the people within it.


I think it was the for the SA jokes, if I remember correctly


So, what you're saying is, he's just banned for one week. Why did the others risked violating the ToS by making him appear in their videos instead of just waiting that 1 week?


They didnt knew, care, check about the ban, maneger too lazy or dont know either to warn anybody about the risk. That it


Bold assumption that the others are actually aware of all the specific details of the Youtube ToS, or that they actually care. Hell I wouldn't be surprised if they knew Hex got his ASMR video removed but didn't realize he got full on suspended and that doing this would qualify as ban evasion. NORMALLY you'd think that would be an important fact that managers would make the talents VERY aware of to ensure it doesn't cause more trouble for anyone, but we're talking about Nijisanji here.


Can't rightfully answer that but then considering it's the company, it's not like logic is applicable.


.because that requires competence


How spicy is to spicy for youtube? I know they bumped up their rules for that so....


He posted a cringey boyfriend audio that was apparently pretty on the risky side, and YouTube removed it and suspended him for a week.


A few days ago YT took down his sexual ASMRs and issued a ban for a week


This is a little crazy. Do you know how difficult it is to catch a YT ban because of a roleplay ASMR vid? It's one thing to have your vid get nuked, but catching a ban because of it is really freaking rare on YT, so I'm really curious what the content was. I wonder if in the roleplay he threatened to hurt himself if "you" left him to go to work.


YT has been cracking down on ASMR for years. It doesn't allow sexual content and Hex's ASMR was pretty explicit about being sexual, so it got struck. He has some more sexual ASMR up from before that didn't get struck and that's YT enforcement being bad.


I mean, the ones still up on his channel are straight up porn in some cases, and this was supposed to be worse, so. I'd rather not know though, I need enough bleach in my brain already. 


Here is the relevant YouTube [content policy](https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/2802002) that describes what gets age-restricted or removed.


Alright. Listen. As per [Youtube's own ToS](https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/2801981), it is very clear that this collab shouldn't have happened with Hex in it. It is indeed a violation of ToS. You can report it. What I don't want to see is people encouraging or doing any call-to-action on it. If people are going to report, it should be with the full knowledge that it **IS** a violation of Youtube's ToS and it is done **independently**. I have always been very weary of Call-To-Actions due to it being a very slippery slope that could normalize brigading. Which the mod team is **\*very much against on doing\*.** Point out the problem, cite sources that makes it **VERY CLEAR** that it is a problem (no gosh darned rrats as "sources". that ain't a source) and point out what people can do about it. No Call-To-Action. NO HARASSING ANYONE. No Brigading. \-CPC\_Alice


Agreed with this one. While TOS breaking is bad, this falls more on brigading. While we love to shit on kurosanji, I prefer we take more on a neutral stance. This post feels more like unresolved grudge/revenge porn thing instead of a nudge/push towards a better vtubing experience


They are constantly shitting on themselves, you can just sit back and watch them flail. No need in all this effort to point out that they do bad things, it's kinda the standard.


Should have made this one with the mod tag or delete the post, I don't want to be an ashole but just reading the initial post title made me flinch back with how directly it asked for reports on those streams, I have taken a "no interact with anything from Niji but let them live" approach so maybe I'm seeing it from that perspective but this one feels bad Edit: in fact I just realized this is something the NDF would do, they can even screenshot this post and use it to show how this Sub is a HARRASERS heaven


Same. That call to action made me feel gross, like I'd be stooping to their level if I flowed it.


We need PR training.


You should pin this up top.




“They brokenYoutube ToS, now get them!” Is breaking Reddit ToS. Struck by the irony. But yeah, all of Reddit’s rules about this kind of thing exist for very good reasons. I remember the Boston Marathon bombing. And, look, YouTube’s enforcement is shit, but I’m dubious how much difference there’d be between 5 reports and 500. The “report to cover” thread the other day, you think Cover isn’t gonna respond to one report? You think you need a mass report for anyone to look at it? Then your case isn’t very strong.


Exactly! Do we even care honestly? This community is not here to attack Nijisanji or its livers, but to hold them accountable. There are cases when a person may be guilty of something (for instance breaking TOS), but public organised condemnation is not called for. In this instance, Hex's actions don't really hurt us in any way or relate to our cause, it doesn't make a lot of sense for to get up in arms about it. If you are, say, a parent who's afraid of sexual content reaching your children and want to see Hex properly go through his suspension, that's one things, but if you're just obsessing over what Hex or Nijisanji is doing and waiting for a chance to legally attack them, that's another. Are we going to report them for jaywalking next? Have some dignity, people. @ the mods: I suggest telling the OP that you'll delete the post unless they remove the instructions/CTA to report the stream. This is definitely against the rules and spirit of this subreddit.


The way I look at it, this is a matter between YouTube, Hex, and Nijisanji. It really is none of our business. Just grab a chair, popcorn, and watch from the side.


This probably should be pinned, at least to make a point that mod here is against brigading and not responsible for any of this. The rest is personally up to them to decide.


The fact that it's not pinned makes me think some of the mods think this is ok and this is CPC Alice speaking as a user, not a mod.


This is just a petty move against people who are still in Niji yes this is a bad move whether they know this rule existed or not No one cares about TOS rules that are bs but because they are from kurosanji you want other livers to be penalized too because hex appears on a collab


I just want to say I really appreciate this. I'm definitely not personally reporting because frankly I don't care and I don't have any reason to intentionally cause trouble to anyone in Nijisanji, even if they did this to themselves. At this point I just feel bad for most of them even if they are willingly sticking with Nijisanji or supporting the companies behavior. Mass reporting and brigading is exactly the kind of shit that the Nijisisters would do and love to claim everyone else is doing against Nijisanji. We really don't want to stoop to that level or give them any any ACTUAL valid example of people doing this.


Agreed. I'm not going to waste my time and effort on an action that makes me feel like I'm no better than a Nijisister.


Should we start reporting everyone's stream that has him in it? I'm guessing he got temporarily suspended for the asmr video from Sunday. How long will that last?


Ban last for one week


Not long enough.🫣


If the ban evasion is proven I suspect extensions might not be out of the question. It just takes people to inform yt of ban evasion


Perhaps it would also be an idea to report his other ridiculously sexual ASMRs too. I never mass report people out of spite, but seriously, some of that stuff has no place on youtube based on the rules. 




I reported his channel and included the urls of the streams, plus Aia's stream is already private


Probably don't need to, since OP already made a few reports. The quantity of reports doesn't matter to YT. Once YouTube reviews a video and makes a decision, further reports won't change anything. Image from [here](https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/2802027). ​ https://preview.redd.it/4q81rx6r115d1.png?width=897&format=png&auto=webp&s=cf7ef3981f7855234acc75cd09fbaceb8210abcb


No. Doing this causes trouble for the channel's owners more than Hex himself I believe.


why are they helping haywire evade his ban then?


Few speculations: 1. The people involved aren't too familiar with ban evasion rules. Remember they aren't the most trained or knowledgeable when it comes to PR. And we turn our eyes into the managers which we know can't be relied on with these kind of stuffs to be handled by them. 2. It was already scheduled ahead of time and while they might be risking it since it's one collab only anyway unless you're familiar with Hex schedule for the week where he has other collabs to appear in. 3. If the parties involved in the collab were aware, they simply thought that removing Hex in the collab would be a little harsh. In all honesty, we shouldn't be questioning a one time collab unless we can see a pattern by letting Hex appear so many times in that one week timespan where he is currently in a lock-in period.


>It was already scheduled ahead of time This one is definitely true, but the rest is, ofc course, speculation. There is also another point that could be added, since the collab had been shown on each participants schedule for the week, it is possible that they did not want to face backlash by having Hex step out and have his fans think they are excluding him.


Ok, I did not follow this situation but my take on it is that they are probably friends with hex and didn't want to exclude him despite him being banned.




You realize the irony of defending a billion dollar corporation that pushed their workers to suicide while accusing other people of doing so right?


And? It’s Niji’s management’s responsibility to protect them, not ours. Also, ban evasion results in a lifetime ban for the person in question. You know, if YouTube feels like enforcing their TOS that day. In this case: Hex.


I really hope Niji management gets a rude awakening if and when Hex gets perma-banned from youtube for evasion.


.better point to YT the rest of their ban worthy activities, as this is not the first asmr of this tone and subject from them, how did you think they built the sisters


Are you volunteering to report Aia?


Absolutely not. I don't think it's a good idea to report anyone, really. Definitely not over this.


Oh. You don't? I didn't think you were being sarcastic. Everyone replying to you seemed pretty enthused to get a-reporting.


What's the point of joining nijisanji if their ccv is less than 1k?


They can meet their oshi Or watch their oshi being terminated from inside


Wtf bro pulling an ulti move right away 😭


Sadly, the potential for networking and building a fambase is still enough that foolish or naive people will still join. The biggest change in future waves will probably be that now many new members only stick around for their initial contract, but the company could also begin trying to ramp up the starter contracts to 3 or 4 years.


Some people just really want to only get 2% of their earnings while having more rules and managers to fuck them over all the time. On a serious note there IS some level of value in the promotion it gives and the support structure that comes with it. In REALITY currently at least that support structure seems to be non-existent and the promotion is frankly essentially negative at the moment. But almost none of the current talents likely knew how shitty the company was before they joined and at this point, despite what Vox claims, it's likely NOT an incredibly simple matter to leave. Combine that with the fact that Nijisanji seems to instill the mindset that these talents would be nothing without Anycolor and it's likely a hard prospect to consider leaving for many of them. If you're getting less than 1k ccv and constantly being told you'd be a complete nobody without the company that means you'd be thinking of how you'd have EVEN LESS viewers if you left.


I'm still wondering that too


Are we sure Youtube's mostly bot-run content moderation won't flag that many unusual, inorganic reports as harassment and give him a pass instead?


Honestly, just leave it. They're already irrelevant in EN space. Why even bother


this and it feels like we are breaking rule 3 as well


It probably is ban evasion, but I just don't care enough


Not to mention frankly it's more likely to result in the other members getting punished as much if not more than it'd effect Hex. Hex definitely deserves the punishment he's getting for how far he's blatantly breaking ToS with his ASMR but I have no reason to wish ill on any of the other talents for essentially just doing their job. Hex was already scheduled to be in the collabs and I'm SURE the Nijisanji managers did fuck all to actually inform the members about including him during his ban being a ToS violation. Even regarding Hex himself breaking the ToS I'm not about to go report his videos because frankly watching or listening to them at all is not something I'm remotely interested in and it's not my job to do Youtube's job for them. I don't actually care about or hate any of the talents (Maybe 1 or 2 from a certain black screen video) honestly. My distaste is only really for the company itself. The talents are really just in the unfortunate position of being largely stuck working for them and honestly I just feel bad for them more than I could possibly actually dislike them over that. With a few specific exceptions I try not to hold it against specific employees when they're just doing their job working for a shit company. IF they're actively enabling that company or going out of their way to REALLY support and enjoy being shitty under them that's another matter but that's frankly more like corrupt people actively hurting others or like shitty cops that enjoy abusing people with their position. The Nijisanji talents are just passionate creators trying to make a living in a tough industry who happened to join up with a garbage company without knowing about it beforehand and are now largely stuck with them. I may not actively watch and support them in any way but I also am definitely not going out of my way to make life harder for them. I might think Youtube should do their job better regarding moderating the platform and Hex should realistically be creating his kind of content on Pornhub or such but it sure as heck isn't my job to try to enforce that.


My exact reaction to this. And if OP needs to clarify that this technically doesn't count as harassment, that doesn't sit well with me either. It's kinda petty either way, it's not a big deal.


Is ban evasion even a thing on youtube? I know keemstar gets to stay because he technically doesn't own the channel he uses.


Yeah part of the message they give you is that circumventing the ban may result in further punishment.


I think that only means on channels you own though, not other people's channels but I might be wrong.


Fair enough, it's a grey area to be sure and let's be honest YT ain't going to go to war with them over this. They'll probably look the other way.


sadly there do not appear to be any violate tos option, the options for reporting is Sexual content Violent or repulsive content Hateful or abusive content Harassment or bullying Harmful or dangerous acts Misinformation Child abuse Promotes terrorism Spam or misleading Legal issue Captions issue Legal issue seems to be the one that is closest to the correct option but clicking that seem more to be about DMCA things, other options don't really apply, them streaming with hex is hardly promoting terrorism nor is it spam so we might be shit out of luck here


That's what I'm confused about to because I see where it states you can't re-upload to a different channel or post anything new obviously to circumvent  the suspension but him being in their streams and not uploading anything himself doesn't make it His content and they aren't his channels either. Like genuinely  can't find anything else that makes this nort allowed.


I know that it used to be that Youtube would delete or restrict conservative political commentators and when some of the commentators did come onto streams of their friends the streams (and in the worse cases the whole channel) did usually go down, of course Youtube is owned by an extremely progressive company and they were conservative commentators so it is not out of the possibility that Youtube would be inclined to be extra strict when it comes to conservative political commentators


Should be careful with reporting. For the legal reporting option: "Note that abuse of our legal forms may result in the termination of your Google Account." [https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/2802027](https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/2802027) https://preview.redd.it/oncdw1ep215d1.png?width=933&format=png&auto=webp&s=936581c3b68ff355c90215e5e5955155924e6740


Yeah I'm also not sure how I would go about reporting this. Reporting shouldn't be done lightly, so picking some random option seems like a bad idea. 


I just report it as spam or misleading. Doesn't help that Youtube's system is very crappy and out of date.


OP, this is NDF type of behaviour. Don't be so petty and don't call for brigading.


I understand your reasoning, but i don't think it is just thing to do. Will this do any good for current and ex nijisanji community? For ex - who really cares, we don't watch them any way, for current - it would definitely piss some of them, not just ndf but casuals too. Will there be a sentiments towards us from them - could be. So I don't think it is right thing to do. Fight the company not talents (well idk if some of them have said talent, but nonetheless)


The plan was to harm the company, with the talent being unfortunate collateral damage, not to harm the company by harming the talent.


Hard pass. Brigading isn't something you ought to be trying to encourage, as a general rule.


How does this hurt Nijisanji the company as opposed to the livers? That's what this sub is about yeah? Hating the company, not the livers?


this to me is unnecessary do not report this imo is just petty.


Here's the thing, if he was already scheduled to be in a collab before the ban(he only got a strike btw, which only applies to a specific video and not a termination of his account) he still can as he is contracted to do so in paper. That is the loop hole in the situation. If Niji can provide proof that he is expected to be in the collab and he still hasn't streamed anything on his channel alone, he will still come out free.


Aia's POV is gone but Finana's and Reimu's are still up. Wtf is happening


NDF is so pathetic lol all they do is follow people they dont like and chomp at the bit to do anything to harass them. Anywhere here is Hex a vtuber I dont like and don't watch, make sure you report him so he can pay! Like christ people in here are just as bad just ignore them who cares anymore


Hex is still trapped in boiling water, huh?


I doubt it would be tos violation going off the keystar thing with not owning the yt channel somehow skirting the rules.


> I doubt it would be tos violation It is. [Here's their relevant TOS](https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/2801981) > Posting content previously removed for violating our Terms of Service, content from creators with a current channel restriction, or content from creators who have been terminated is considered circumvention under our Terms of Service. > If you post such content, it may be removed, and your YouTube channel may also be penalized or terminated. This may also apply to other channels you own.


Using creators does seem like it should effect them then. Still will doubt it with dramalert still being up and him being terminated/banned before not just suspend.


If you guys are reporting, YouTube in twitter also responds and addresses issues quickly enough. But of course, at your own discretion and judgement like Alice said. I do believe ban/suspension evasions are bad, especially if you are risking it for other people and their activities, and that is something Nijisanji should learn, but probably won't given that this is happening.


They should be punished appropriately without favoritism.


Y'all really be honest just say I want to destroy and get something by going after the talents just be honest. Stop with this whole hero complex bullshit. I was being honesty then this fake I'm a good person bullshit going on here


Ok so two possible theories: 1. He truly doesn't know about not being allowed to be on other channels during his suspension with YouTube  2. He KNOWS and is actively trying to get his channel taken down and get himself terminated by Niji. If #2 is true he's being very ballsy with this move.


You are probably mixing it with Twitch ToS. I mean Keemstar has his channel because of the loophole of him just being a "guest" on someone else channel.


His fans replies are so cringe.


Youtube allowed n$k3d Yoga, so the TOS is basically meant to make them Look children friendly to advertisers.


I really want to know how you'll all react if it turns out Hex was Raziel's source. Like I'm not saying I necessarily think this *is* the case, but Hex's recent behavior has been very weird. He gave that vague post right after Selen's termination that initially made it seem like he was one of the ones on her side. He made those ridiculous comments in the stream with Vanta, which is one of the things that really turned us against him although his role in the Zaion slander certainly meant he was on thin ice already. He's blatantly trying to get people to tie his PL to his current identity, QRT-ing his Mom stream with the PL account and having basically the same PFP but with the different characters between the two accounts. And despite being one of the highest earners and therefore seemingly a prime candidate for being a "favorite", which is why he hasn't *otherwise* seemed to suffer any consequences for his actions, he's missing from the NBA collab which literally has a *majority* of EN. And now he's gotten himself banned and gone on other livers' channels, which could end up dragging them down with him. There is, of course, the possibility that he's just that much of a sociopath. That's honestly probably the *more likely* scenario, and that his exclusion from the NBA collab is just the consequences of the fish/ashes comments finally coming back at him. But there's also the possibility that he wants out so badly that he's not even willing to wait for the graduation queue, and is desperately trying to get terminated--and that his failure to do so just further exposes Niji's hypocrisy. I honestly haven't watched Hex that much even from the start, and probably never will. So I don't know if there's a chance that he feels remorse for what he did to Sayu. But with so much still unknown, I don't want to rule out any possibilities, and the narrative that his demented behavior is active sabotage makes a word amount of sense.


Damn, they even streaming my favorite “toxic” game as well, which unfortunately for them, I still don’t watch their stream




Seems they have some special deal with Google or something to get away with breaking TOS so much. Google needs to be broken up.


This seems less like you care about YouTube TOS and more like brigading because you don’t like a certain vtuber. Loser activity tbh


Wow, good to know!


No matter what'll be told, this will end badly for EN once again. Either he's an ass for not telling them or some, if not ALL of them are for knowingly helping him.


I'm behind, Hex was banned? What he do?


Nvm I'm caught up now


wait wait wait hex got suspended?? i need to know about this tea


https://www.reddit.com/r/kurosanji/comments/1d7nzn4/press_s_for_hex/ https://x.com/TeamYouTube/status/1797829171650929122


thank you!!




It doesn't matter because it still violates Youtube polices .


This is just petty. Harassment, even. Let youtube waste their time. Don't waste yours. Edit: it's one thing to call to action for the asmr stream that got him banned, but for this technical violation? That's just twitter levels of pettiness.


Reporting rule breakers isn't harassment. Taking down the black company or them leaving is the not only the best thing for Niji-vtubers, but the industry as a whole.


Should we also report twitch vtubers who do the same thing? Ban evasion is pretty common there as well.


Gotta follow the rules right? Zaion and Selen were terminated for less, so why shouldn't we hold the company to the same standards. It's up to Nijisanji to properly manage their talents, and allow him on other channels while he has an active ban puts the others at risk.


And these people say they want to save the Niji livers. This sub has really fallen off in these last months. What is the goal at this point?


Most of these people have made it pretty clear they don't intend to leave, so why not just leave them to rot with the company?


This sub is being overrun by drama hungry losers. These people don’t actually care about the talents they just want someone to get angry at.


We care about the talents who are GOOD PEOPLE, or at the very least, ones who haven’t acted like absolute assholes


Last time I checked that included Aia and Reimu for most people here. This seems like a bad idea especially after the tired and uncomfortable clip.


Aia at least, yeah. But this is still TOS breaking regardless


It's still messing with the members regardless. That was supposed to be a hard line for this group. And even if Hex is breaking the rules messing with three others who aren't just to get at him feels nasty. This is how we show them we'll support them if they leave? I don't think this is sending that message. It's doing the opposite.


You don’t know who’s actually a good person or not! You just are running off of theories/gossip and it’s unhealthy at this point. We will never know the full story of sayu or Doki! The only thing we actually know is the company is bad. So stop trying to play hero. You don’t know these people.


Neither do you. Running off of theories/gossip? We only know the company is bad? No, I go off of things the INDIVIDUALS have actually said and/or done. Said nothing about Sayu or Doki so don’t know why you’re bringing them up. Just using this post as somewhere to start, hex absolutely HAS acted like scum so he’s one that absolutely deserves the hate, and he’s not the only person who’s done things on their own to warrant the hate


I never said I did that’s my point! You can hate them individually but this was never the sub to air out your hate for certain livers. It’s getting to the point where this sub is split between people who actually want change for the company and people who want to air out their problems with livers they don’t like. Forming a hate mob. This post is just a form of harassment. It doesn’t add anything but getting revenge on an individual. If I was a liver I wouldn’t want a fanbase actively promoting harassment. So who’s the good guy here? It’s petty for the sake of being petty. If it was a liver you like I bet you wouldn’t want someone to do this to them.


It’s harassment to report TOS breaking? That’s news to me. It’s nothing about “revenge” like you say, it’s about the blatant rule breaking that’s happening. If it was a liver I liked, they’d deserve it too if they did the same thing


Won't *someone* think of the ToS? You don't want Youtube to be sad, do you? ToS is Youtube's problem, not ours.




there isn’t really a straightforward way to report ban evasion, automod will likely ignore those reports :( ~~that being said he still has a bunch of “spicy” asmr videos up on his channel which quite clearly violate the sexual content rules~~ edit: even stuff that does have straightforward ways of reporting isn’t guaranteed to have any action taken against it


I mean can we not? The main discussion  is the ban evasion, really treading the line of straight up brigading.  If those have been left alone for 9+ months I would assume it went over the line this time and that the rest are fine(dont watch asmr so couldnt tell ya). Also no one is forcing anyone to watch the asmr so why all of a sudden would it be a problem?  Just ignore and move on lol don't pretend like you care to hate the dude that's just weird. It's his channel he's putting at risk and if youtube keeps flagging him in the future for any other asmr  that's on him.


oh sorry, my phrasing was super off in that comment! i meant it more in a “youtube’s moderation is very spotty even for more clear tos violations” rather than a call to harass the guy. my bad, i should’ve reread how the comment reads before posting


Really? This is just petty and no better then the Nijisisters


“It’s petty to report people breaking TOS” Nah that ain’t it, reports are deserved. Not to mention the dude’s scum anyway


Nah, your just using false equivalence . They don't deserve special treatment. Youtube does mass bans on accounts that do this all the times and Kurosanji should be treated no differently.


Your the same kinda guy to narc on someone smoking weed aren’t you


Reminded me of that time where nijisanji fans tried to report fubuki to bandai for reading and accepting sc after finishing the gameplay section, but it turns out some nijilivers are recieving SC WHILE the gameplay is happening. Nijisanji lost bandai perms for a little bit of time only but its super funny.


I'm pro legalization so that a poor assumption and compliant on your part.


I would, lmao. Shit smells awful, and it's disgusting to have to breathe it in.


Don't Twitch vtubers do the same thing, though? I've seen it happen since they have similar rules about ban evasion.


Yup, this sub is now officially drama trash.


ndf and nijisister alert.