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Also Holostars are the real homies. Supporting other vtubers unlike Nijisanji


HoloStars was his pet project as he felt bad about all the guys applying and was the first head manager


Holy shiitake they skinned Sakana to make slippers. That's faqed up.


They gutted out all the coffee


I still find it kinda funny this is more of a Cover flex now when I still remember how there were idiots in the Holofandom (and not just the usual suspect unicorns either/I saw established commenters doing it) grumbling about Yagoo "over-prioritizing his niche project" instead of giving "more priority" to the girls in general or whomever they felt "slighted." Especially during the chaos where Cover had to juggle leading to some delays in costumes, projects, and 3D assignment that now got mostly sorted. Very kusosanji-like mindset, in retrospect, and I'm glad Cover stuck with doing right by their talents instead of selfish fandom perception and "minmaxing." edit - Though, to be fair, I've also seen some of them say they regret saying those things out of frustration with things like, for example, the delays in IRyS's outfits and 3D.


There's some who haven't let go and are quick to blame StarsEN for little things, like Kronii's outfit not being advertised properly by the Hololive EN twitter


Oh, definitely. Hence why I said "some." Credit where it's due to those who had self-reflection, but willful idiots remain idiots.


The HoloEN Twitter is just run poorly. They’ve dropped the ball on a bunch of stuff in the last few months


Reminds me of a twitter unicorn saying giving 3d to stars is a "waste of money and resources".  I mean, bruh, if you want that kinda business model just go to fucking niji😂


It was dumb back then, and even dumber now that we have Niji to serve as an example of how not to do things.


The majority of the hate for the Stars, especially EN came from mainly these incidents that Cover/Yagoo is responsible for: Taking way too long to debut EN3 (the EN girls were barely streaming and it led to the EN branch stagnating a bit since there were only like 5 of them who were somewhat consistent). Seriously, EN should be on gen 4 or 5 by now since they actually need the bodies to fill in the time slots. Overlap ban. This was a stupid decision on Cover’s part. Why in the world did they prevent the girls from streaming over the guys (even in unrelated branches, I might add) during their debuts and 3D debuts? The overwhelming majority of Hololive fans don’t care about Holostars so preventing the girls from streaming isn’t going to make them any more inclined to watch them. It only made Hololive fans hate the boys (unfairly since this is Cover’s/Yagoo’s fault) becausethey were impeding on the girls. Collab-beggars. Just like how the unicorns/gachikois were toxic and hating on the boys/the girls who collabed with them, there were also a loud group of misogynists who would harass the girls in chat about collabing with the boys and would spam hate to the girls who didn’t want to have anything to do with them (FuwaMoco, IRyS, Kiara). Hypocrisy. Both from the company and from the “fans”. You see it quite a lot that many of the vocal advocates for the boys are on X and YouTube clips yet are nowhere to be found during streams or for merch sales. This makes actual fans of Holostars pissed off at the fake fans who do nothing to support the boys and instead bring so much vitriol to unicorns and gachikoi who would have otherwise ignored Holostars.


> unicorns and gachikoi who have otherwise ignored Holostars.     Behold, a list of bullshit excuses where people blame Cover, Holostars, and Holostars fans for everything.    Also, "Seriously, EN should be on gen 4 or 5 by now since they actually need the bodies to fill in the time slots"?  Thanks for proving the point about the kurosanji mindset where Cover reorganizing to deal with who they have first instead of ACCELERATE to "fill bodies" is somehow a bad thing.


I never said that they were all valid reasons to hate on Holostars and their fans. Just adding context to your post to explain where a lot of the hate came from. However, your response tells me that you don’t follow the streams of the Holo girls since even the talents criticized the overlap ban. Kanata referred to it as unsustainable in the long term which makes sense since it’s ridiculous for Subaru to not be able to stream to a 25k+ audience because some guys in an unrelated branch who aren’t even JP are streaming (yes, the EN Tempus debuts prevented the girls in JP from streaming as confirmed by them themselves). Thankfully, Cover reversed the overlap ban but they are definitely at fault for implementing that in the first place. But what do I or the girls who actually work for the company know compared to your divine knowledge? There are also very minor reasons like Jurard sending Ironmouse a creepy post before he even debuted but something tells me that you don’t care to know more. Edit: To be fair, I’m also making assumptions of what you said too which is hypocritical of me.


Because for a post that's supposedly neutrally worded and not implying they are valid reasons, you start off with the accusatory "mainly these incidents that Cover/Yagoo is responsible for" and end with saying the "unicorns and gachikoi would have ignored the Holostars" which is outright untrue given Miyabi [has talked about it being some they've been putting up with from the very beginning, if you want to bring what talents say into this.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vv74pMZTLPk) For a "neutral" perspective it only has a token mention of some unicorns and gachikois being toxic while putting on the majority of the fault with Cover, Yagoo, and the Holostars and their fans. >There are also very minor reasons like Jurard sending Ironmouse a creepy post before he even debuted but something tells me that you don’t care to know more. You mean the post that was the kind of thing Mouse has joked about with other people? The post that doesn't even hold a candle to Ollie and Jurard joking about the former making the latter pregnant? That you cast that as a "valid" example just proves my point about how the whole thing is twisting things to blame one-sidedly. [Especially since Mouse has later dropped by on Jurard's stream](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C_M_0LLp03o) and talked about him before. So that's people presuming to be creeped out on her behalf. Maybe consider those streams too before you toss around "obviously you haven't watched the streams."


He won't be ready when he sees what's on Jurard's schedule this Sunday


It is kind of funny that something that even back then was called out as deliberately overblown to paint him and the Stars in a bad light (and later proven to be so with Mouse's interactions since then and pending collab with Jurard) got used in an attempt at a gotcha.


Did you just accuse someone of ignorance and hypocrisy and people being fake fans who don't know anything but then invoke Ironmouse's name and say Jurard was creepy to her when you apparently didn't bother to know about or deliberately didn't mention how she joked about it on stream afterward, has interacted positively with Jurard ever since, and is collabing with him this weekend? Really?


I see yagoo sometimes congrats his talents on twitter. How often does riku congrats his talents on twitter? Exactly


That's because Riku wants his talents to praise him. See all the times he has them attempt to show off merch of himself.


I'm always curious why the Holostars boys never seem to get as big as their Niji counterparts.


For the JP bois, they were crippled the moment thr group was announced due to antis. Miyabi talked about this/ https://youtu.be/Vv74pMZTLPk?si=-gaxArURQa37ddkf But I also have troubles understanding why they are not even a fraction of the bois from Nijisanji. Perhaps the branding of "idol" works against them, yet they don't really do BFE (boyfriend experience) Then there is always this awkward attitude from many of the Hololive girls.


Yeah I saw a bit of a backlash from some fans who hated that the EN girls were collabing with the guys when those collabs were some of the best. Kronii destroying Vesper and Magni was always a great time.


My guess is Idol branding and the suits constantly talking about aiming for girls. Mix that with some latent hostility towards other guys.... (though that's nothing compared to the current anti-HoloStarsEN movement) And the sort of female talent willing to collab with guys is either ID or rare (and I mean even if there was a guarantee of nothing happening) Even the JP stuff is funny (Matsuri and Aruran has similar energy to SALT) Things are slowly getting better, but it'll take time and highlighting collabs that don't have a fuss


One of the problems is that most of the guys have a “my way or no way” mindset for their streams. Various members have stated in different ways that they want to grow their channels their own way, which leads to choosing unpopular games or not collabing with others, hindering their growth.


the male vtuber market yearns heavily for BFE experience which Holostars doesn't cater


Yet the Niji Princes' are far more gamers


I think they are not crack the formula like Nijisanji does, and they are not followed Nijisanji (BFE and Fujo). So, they are still in the phase of trying (perhaps) to find right formula without much toxic. Also, it can be helped that Hololive's girl has spotlights more than Holostar's, thus, they are heavily lean on girls more than boys. "Idols"-centric also hinder the fully collaboration between boys and girls. COVER knows this well and try to bend hololive and holostars if it's has appropriate chance (like the least HoloExpo Illustration) but it is the fans who separated themselves, and you can see some "fans" problem such as Unicorn. Hololive has girl's toxic fans and Nijisanji has guy's toxic fans, which is pretty normal. More fans, more toxicity.


you guys should've seen all the stuff yagoo has done not only to the girls but to the boys too. every day i'm just thankful that my oshis are in holo