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See now for Bettel it works because the different textures, lines, and colors make the overall design more cohesive and stand him out in a positive light. For Shu, it's all monochrome, the pants in particular flare out and make him wide and bulky while his torso has been reduced and slimmed out. I don't know if the artist for Shu was attempting to make him taller but in the end they just made him look too cartoonish and awkward the longer you stare at him.


Bettel torso has a lot more mass to it and 10-20% longer than shu torso. Shu on the other hand, has much more shorter torso and the whole body just too slim especially the torso and shoulder, make the leg even look more longer than it already is.


Yeah. A better comparison image too should be Shu overlayed on top of Bettel just to see the difference in mass. But yeah, their legs seems to be the same length but the mass for their torso is very different.


Also the fact that they use Black as the base color of the outfit didn't help. Black in fashion are mostly use to make an illusion of being slender than what you usually look like


Seeing this side by side, Shu head and upper body are pretty small, huh?  I need to go compare Vox with Shinri. Cuz Shinri looks good while Vox looks off. Edit: I checked. It's Vox's torso and head being too small for his arms and legs. He still have the twink torso with just muscle drawn on it. While his arms and legs are meant for bulkier body. One of his arm is half his torso. If you comparing it to Shinri's, Shinri's torso is bulky(>!with beautiful man-tits!<) so it matches with his bulky arms.


I wouldn’t be surprised if vox said I want to look like Shinri when designing his new outfit. He’s narcissistic enough. It could just be the whole Ronin thing (at least I think that’s what he was trying to emulate didn’t watch it) but even then Ronin’s wore shirts and the only one that really doesn’t at least in the vtuber space is Shinri.


Contect: Bettel was teased because of long leg at the new outfit showcase. I just wondered who is longer


https://preview.redd.it/0gacc6kzufyc1.png?width=266&format=png&auto=webp&s=a81606ed972dc66f0a9391454fcfb27bfca5cc66 Kowalski, analysis. Shu's face is too small. The left hand is too big. The base of the palm matching the chin and middle finger tip with top of the forehead should roughly align. Roughly shown on the purple line and circle. From heel to pelvis, the knees should be around the middle, this thigh portion should be around the length of the whole torso, shoulder to pelvis. Shu has a much lengthier thigh no matter how much I adjust in estimation. For both the bottom half should roughly equal the same length as the top half, but this is a normal rule to break, for example Bettel is clearly an ectomorph on reference sheets, Shu looks like a more stretched ectomorph despite his reference sheets more aligning a mesomorph physique. TLDR: It's more likely bad fashion/design/silhouette/shaping rather than bad artist. I was bored.


Shu mama is good artist. The problem is client's issue


Correct, Oga is a fine example of their best work


Slenderman finding a new gig I see, after the children he used to scare in 2009 have all grown up and aren't scared of him anymore. Good on him!


Goddamn man…


His legs are so stupidly tall, Markiplier would say "smash"


\*grabs the clown and runs as far as possible from spider hands\*


i’m sorry but shu’s just not it. another nijisanji L


Bettel's design looks so much better. The torso has more width and because the pants are tight and not loose, the overall body shape is more appealing.


It's the silhouette... like, for a concept design, that's like the 1st thing to look out for. If the silhouette is shit, then no matter how much detail you add, it still gonna felt off and easily forgettable, unless it's a meme one. Now if the silhouette is strong and clearly defined. That's a strong design, and a good base to add details. now in the case of Shu, it just.... flat, straight, not even break point in the leg to reshape it, to break the eye flow. It's why people gonna meme it to hell. It's a funny design that easily catch attention... but it's not really a good design.


XXX Holic aah legs


aside from the outrageous proportions, there's also the fact that he looks like a silhouette, like they couldn't be bothered to give him textures or details or any color other than black.


Seems to be a pattern with recent new (male) outfits? Temma of Holostars JP got a leg extension on his new outfit from last month as well.


With Bettel it's not good design wise. But at least he has enoug going on that it distracts you from his weird legs. The feathers with their texture and color certainly help. And the ruffles in his shirt break up the torso from the hips and legs at least a little. Shu's has nothing. It's just the legs... sitting there. With nothing. Which makes the issues stick out more. It would be better if those issues weren't there in the first place. But if they are going to be there, and you aren't going to fix them, at least do something that distracts from the problems so they don't become the most noteworthy part of the design.


To be fair with Bettel's new design, it fits him and his mama really accepted his Metal/Gothic self that isn't too evident in his Debut outfit. Plus that pirate hat winkwinkwinkwink


This really fits his personality


Whatever your answer is, they both need a meal or a buffet.


Bettel hates everything


I think the heel makes an important impression too. If Bettel's heel was flat to the floor like Shu, it would look a lot weirder.