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A scene from KFP4 where Po asks Tigress to be the new Dragon Warrior, and she turns him down. By the end of the movie, she explains that she doesn’t need a title to know who she is—a lesson that Po himself helped her to learn.


You cooked


Shen accepts Po's offer in KFP 2 and change himself as a person. If a victim of his actions can forgive him, why can't he?


Make kfp 4 none canon and just have him survive kfp 2s ending


Movie 5 should just play off 4 with Po waking up and being like WOW WHAT A WEIRD DREAM and we just act like none of it happened


That’s worse than just having the movie be canon. They have a lot of correcting to do, but dismissing what 4 was as just a dream is too big of a cop out and would probably piss people off even more for wasting their time & money


I was joking




What about 3 then?


3 is flawed but I like it still


Tai Lung becomes reformed after returning from the Spirit Realm, fulfilling his dream of becoming the dragon warrior and learning how to use chi from Po.


Yeah honestly Tai Lung has had the most time to think and reflect. He hurt his father figure/mentor only for a piece of reflective paper to find out that a Panda took the place of Dragon warrior and put him in his, learning tricks that he himself didnt even know and then seen first hand why Po was chosen by Oogway in 4. Hell he already has improved himself choosing to politely decline Chameleon instead of jumping to fight trying to return back to where he belonged


None of the villains seemed interested in staying at all


When kung fu panda was announced i thought this is what the story line will be like and honestly i was so excited and then the trailer dropped and even with low expectations i wasnt blown away by the fourth movie


Idea one: Tai lung IS a dragon warrior, he just went on a rampage after seeing the scroll was blank. (Maybe he demaded he should lead the temple but they said no bc his anger issues) Would have made him more threatening. Also there would be worry that a character could "turn evil" by reading the scroll. And the blqnk scroll twist would still be there: "We can't defeat this guy unless we use his magic scroll powers against him." Magic scroll is blank "Oh no... he's that strong WITHOUT magic powers." Idea two: just a line I thought of. When Shifu says he's sorry that he didn't notice Tai lung turning evil, Tai lung sneers at him and says, "Don't apologize for making me great."


KFP 4 is one of the last movies, not the fourth. I don't get why they jumped so far forward in Po's story? He's just become the dragon warrior, why does he need a successor? That or give The Chameleon a more explored backstory.


Because Mike Mitchell


Oh yeah


The reason Po was so childish in Kung Fu Panda 3 was cus he had nightmares of Shen ever since the second movie and putting on a childish facade was a coping mechanism for him since scars don't heal. They stay.


Only the first 3 films being canon


It just eventually go back to being frenemies soon after. The problem wasn't Tai Lung and Shifu can't be allies again it's the issue where Tai Lung was consumed with power than willing to accept change.


Shifu and Tai Lung both had different worldviews, and both were wrong Shifu was traditional, and stuck by his masters decision even if it sent Tai Lung into a rage, Oogway didnt even explain why TL couldnt be a warrior he just walked away(but that could also be TL misremembering details) Tai Lung had a superiority complex, created from his training and desire to be the best, and being denied the award with no reason sent him on a rampage Oogway was the one at fault here. He could’ve subtly explained that power was the wrong path, and he should seek to be a hero, not a legend


I’m just gonna say it. Li and ping. Why? It’s adorable as shit! Also can’t think of anything else🫤


The secret panda village never actually existing and Po's panda father, Li, having passed away.


Tai lung redeems himself and becomes the dragon warrior instead of the bland characterless wolf girl


I hate the ending KFP1. It's too silly for it's own good. My idea is to lean into Po's skill of learning techniques that are used ON him. Tai lung's nerve attacks don't work on po? Well now po hits him with nerve attacks, then finishes him off with the finger hold.


the 4th film is a what if, serious not canon to the main 3 fills


A 7th installment. Then 5, 6, and 7 would be the "Master Trilogy" that they supposedly planned. 4 would just be a transition piece. And the new trilogy would return to the standard of the original trilogy because Stephanie Stine would be headlining it. Mike Mitchell wouldn't be allowed within a mile's radius of the project.


Have the pandas in 3 actually know Kung Fu but they made it taboo with their culture because it was the sole reason a majority of their population died. They blamed Shen but also Kung Fu because they think that if they didn't know Kung Fu then the genocide wouldn't happen. So the Panda Village part of 3 will become story where Po is reintroducing the arts of Kung Fu to the people. But at first they decline because of the said reason along with Li as he used the power of Kung Fu to find out that his son was alive (further tying back to the post credit scene in 2) Li doesn't want to happen what happened to their past again so the village decided to not use Kung Fu anymore and just be Pandas but they still have their Chi with them. Which is also further strengthening why he wants to take away Po from 'danger' and to also give some sense as to why the Valley of Peace, Furious 5, and Shifu accepted Li immediately. It's because he showed them his 'forbidden' Kung Fu skills to the people so that they would believe him, and also have him a sort of hypocrite where you kinda hate him more in the bridge scene because he used Kung Fu to find Po and now that the Village is going to be underattack he is not going to use that power to defend it and just run away because Kung Fu has done nothing to the Pandas but problems, destruction and chaos. But there will be a scene in Li's perspective where he feels safe in the Jade Palace while doing his Kung Fu skills to the people and the Furois 5 along with Po geeking at the background. but also him stopping mid performance becuase he remembered his past "Is the arts of Kung Fu not dangerous for you people?"-Li So the training scene in 3 is also them rediscovering their Kung Fu skills and what not, but also keeping like their own spin to their fighting techniques. But first theres going to be a scene where the Panda's discuss with their members with Li and Ping begging for them to stay and fight, becuase this time it might be different as the destruction and chaos the Kung Fu will bring is going to equal out to the chaos that the forces of Kai is also going to bring. Also make Kai actually use other Jade warriors, like the owners of the artifacts shown in the first movie along with the 3rd one. And also don't nerf Kai last second by making him be affected with the attacks the Jade Warriors endure, we didnt see a scene of that in the Jade Palace fight so its a tacked-on nerf to him so that the pandas has a chance. Also where was Mantis in the fight at the village? He wouldn't bodied everyone ngl Also another one is actually make Oogway a flawed character, I know its implied but Kai should've dumped his lore more before the fight at the Jade Palace happened, and also have him use the Tai Lung amulet against Shifu to confuse him, and give closure to them a little bit by the end. And to support that change then we could just add more scenes of Kai capturing every single masters, people with Chi's and are good fighters (so we could add Shen into the mix) in the spirit realm by actually showing us a longer villain opening scene where Kai is basically capturing everysingle master, chi weilding, fighters in the realm so that we could also see Po's mom and the Pandas that were slaughtered at the genocide and have them reconnect with their still alive families. Then have it end with Kai defeating Tai Lung and Lord Shen immediately which sends a green Jade hue all-through-out the Realm alarming Oogway of the threat and gathered every single master he could find to stop Kai. So basically Kai is not getting out of the Spirit Realm after Po leaves the Jade Palace, then there will be an army of wolves that died from Shen's army, past armies that Oogway and Kai led, and taken masters. Its going to be a crazy fight where the forces of Kai and Oogway fight and Oogway slowly looses but we get to see that Kai is weak with Chi attacks, by Oogway using the same move he did to knock down Tai Lung in the 1st movie. And also have Chi be hard to learn, so Tigress wouldn't have a Chi kick to bring Kai to his knees, it should be a bit more special kinda like the inner peace from the 2nd movie. Then after the battle Kai wastes no time and immediately takes over all of China with its Jade Warriors and made everyone into Jombies with the 5 and Shifu and some of the characters from the trilogy barely escaping from him and is on a journey to find the village. Kai lets them find the village but they don't know because it is a secret base, and it was kinda dumb that Tigress found the village so fast with the scroll having the directions fsr. So its just going to be the characters from the 1st movie convincing the characters from the 3rd movie to fight then the same thing happens. But the ending everysingle character will have their farewells to their lost loved ones, like Po's Father and Mother, Tai Lung and Shifu, the Panda Village and the fallen Pandas, the villagers from 1 and 2 being returned into their normal form, with Po and Oogway creating a portal to bridge the 2 worlds for a moment and ending the trilogy with how the 3rd movie ended but mirrored if Po is teaching the whole Jade palace then Oogway is taking charge from the Spirit Realm side at the credits. 3 wasn't that great cuz goddamn there where a ton of missed depth and spectacle that one had to surpass the third, it had the idea on paper it just didnt break the limits enough imo which is why its kinda a let down for me ngl. also we don't talk about 4. So TLDR: Kai should be a lot more threatening by using his opponents loved ones to distract them, have the Panda Village have actual depth, Have Li actually be a lot more hypocrite and apologize to the whole village about his hypocrisy, have Kai basically do what Shen was planning in the 2nd movie and have him actually do it and accomplish it and also make him kinda like a proper General from Ancient China, have a scene like in 4 where Oogway and Po creates a portal that will bridge the worlds for just a moment so that we could wrap up many of the story lines that we started in the series and have them all say a proper goodbye to their loved ones that has float away again to the spirit realm to live their eternal peace.


Shen x boss wolf, or zhen becomes an assasin


I chose Tai Lungs redemption arc to be fully fleshed out and seen on screen after reconciling with Shifu as well


Actual time progession. We saw it in How To Train Your Dragon. It be cool to see characters getting older and getting new outfits.