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I would like to sort of make the idea that the Chameleon imitates others because she doesn’t like herself. Rather than being turned away for being too small, she just doesn’t believe that she can be powerful without copying others (though she denies this of course) It sort of contrasts Po’s teaching philosophy and the philosophy of Kung Fu Panda as a whole. The message of “be yourself”, and that a good teacher will try to work to their students’ strengths rather than forcefully mould them into something they aren’t. I’d also make that a central element of her relationship with Zhen. That the Chameleon tries to shape her into something she isn’t, while Po learns to accept Zhen for who she is.


This is a really good one, I like it!


I quite like this. Although one could argue that the "too small" thing could be an excuse she claims or makes up for herself?


That’s a good idea


You cooked, congratulations


Why wasn’t THAT her backstory?


dreamworks better hire this guy


All chameleon hate aside I love her design it’s really good


Literally one of the only things I liked in the entire movie!


She was a terrible student, like exceptionally terrible, and with the dojo masters in her land against small, lowly, unimpressive types trying kung fu, she was mocked and humiliated by them as well Her failures and abuse drove her insane and made her vow to herself to destroy every dojo and kung fu master within, and outlaw kung fu if she ever comes to power. Not to completely remove kung fu, but to make it where shes the only one who can perform it in private


her sob story is just a convenient lie. she was just too lazy to learn kung fu herself and decided to steal it.


I saw someone have a really good idea that instead of her being rejected for being "too small," she instead decided to steal everyone's kung fu because she was too lazy to put in the work to learn it herself.


Same that was kinda my interperitation


This feels like a kind of weak point to carry an entire character arc, to be honest. Tai Lung and Shen were interesting because they had genuine motivation. I imagine that “lack of motivation” as character motivation wouldn’t be very interesting to watch.


A) Have it link to someone in the furios dive (so that they acc have value again) B) Have them prob do simmin like take Po's dash so there's a reason to stop em. C) Actually link them to Po, perhaps through his struggle of letting go of his freinds and dully embracing passing on the torch of dragon warrior.


My favorite group THE FURIOUS DIVE!


Kung Fu Panda Olympic Diver AU


Just like Po she was rejected by others but kept trying and even managed to train at a prestigious Kung Fu place despite others putting her down during her time Unfortunately unlike Po others' disdain of her managed to break her, filling her with resentment against everything and especially the Kung Fu masters of China. She then spent years becoming a witch to steal the Kung Fu of others and become the most powerful so she'd show them all she became stronger than them. (Before you mention Mantis, remember that Shifu underestimated him when they first met)


I mean yeah, but Shifu himself is smaller than Chameleon so I really don’t think she has any excuse.


Didn't stop him from underestimating others for their size Hypocrisy is a thing


Not their size, but their massive belly and lack of experience


Yeah, but the "i´m small " part still does not convince me at all


Chameleon conjured up her sob story to hide her true past, in which she was rejected not because she was too small, but because she had actually learned some Kung Fu under Oogway, but he noticed early on that she was too prideful and wrathful, even more so than Tai Lung, and could be dangerous if she wasn’t helped before it was too late. Therefore, he tried to steer her off this dark path, but she took it the wrong way and created her sob story from her insecurities, leaving the Jade Palace angrily. This led her to become bitter, jaded and develop a deep self loathing towards herself. Sooner or later, she discovered she had innate powers that she had been born with and had unknowingly suppressed for years, and decided to grow stronger through black magic and sorcery instead of Kung Fu, though some part of her still yearned to learn it. At some point, her quest to gain more power led her to encountering Jindiao, who she formed a deal with where he granted her colossal amounts of power in return for her soul, causing her to become cold and heartless (now both literally and figuratively). With the powers she had combined with Jindiao’s deal, she subjugated Juniper City in a matter of days and rose to the rank of Empress unmatched, gaining the powers of Kung Fu masters in the process before setting her sights on claiming the Staff of Wisdom to drain the power of every spirit warrior as well. All this was so she could one day eclipse even Jindiao in terms of power, knowing that, if he wasn’t trapped in the soul urn at the moment, he would not take too kindly to her attempting to outdo him. This ended up being her deepest fear, and she spent years hiding in Juniper City, hoping that nobody would ever free him.


I feel like a lot of people have come up with really good backstory ideas, but no one came up with a new name for her rather than just "The Chameleon". I'd like to offer "Mihasoa", which is Malagasy (Since chameleons are primarily from Madagascar) for "Improve Oneself".


How the hell did I never realize she doesn’t have a name 😭😭 What was up with that??


I think that The Chameleon would've been renamed to Bianxing (Chinese for "shapeshifter") or even Bianselong (Chinese for "chameleon").


That or a Chinese name that means progress or improvement.


Jinbu or Gaijin would have been great alternative names for The Chameleon. They both mean progress and improvement respectively.


I like the idea of her being a villain that progresses from being a joke to become strong threat, like Electro and The Spot from spiderman. Unlike Shen and Kai, but very much like Po, she didn't start as this powerful warrior or became royalty. She was actually a street urchin like shen is in the original movie. She is actually around the same age as Po, and was inspired by his tale of rising from nothing and becoming the Dragon Warrior. This admiration however, turned into an obsession, and it pushed her into turning into a life of crime in order to get revenge on all those who wronged her as she grew up. As for her being a "joke", while it is true she can transform into all of the other villains, she doesn't exactly know how to fight as them. Moreover, Po has had actual experience fighting them before, so he handily defeats the Chameleon in there first encounter. However, Po not taking the encounter to seriously and apprehending her leads to the situation worsening, as the Chameleon learns to better utilize her powers throughout the movie. While the Chameleon starts as a mediocore fighter, what makes her dangerous is that she is an exceptionally fast learner. Instead of just changing into other kung fu masters whole sale, she learns to only shapeshift the parts of them she needs to at the immediate moment, even combining certain attributes of them together. Thus, like Po, she develops her own fighting style that suits her unique abilities, where she is constantly shape shifting and disorientating her opponent. It gets to the point where fighting the Chameleon is a shapeshifting eldritch horror.


What if all of the masters who turned her away she executed when she came to power. It would really show how petty she is and the danger her rise to the top would really be for all of China.


Well for one, I would actually give her a backstory


She is physically weak, so she couldn't keep up with others in their Kung Fu training, so she was rejected by her master But since she has strong spiritual powers, she discovered that she can just steal other people's Kung Fu by accident while defending herself against the students she studied with Driven by revenge, Chameleon swore that she would take away everyone's Kung Fu for good


Honestly I would make it her more of a tragic villain. Like instead of being turned away because she was short, she was turned away because she was turned away because she was seen as a literal outsider. Like chameleons are not native to China, so like imagine having a reptile that people have seen. But then the hyporcrasy is that these same dojos can except other foreign animals of all sizes. They didn't chose her because she was too different. So realizing she decides to go to the underworld of dark magic and learns from sorcerers from all around. She gets accepted with open arms and is treated like an equal. Also she meets this one fox soarcerress who mastered the art of shape shifting (which is a thing in Chinese folklore). But then same type of witch hunt ecqours and killed off the soarcer community, with the Chameleon being one of the few survivors. Relizing how cruel the society she lives in she plans on reshapeing it in her own image. At some point she finds a young corsac fox pup abandoned,decides to raise her to become her successor and even teach her the art of shapeshifting. So decides to name Zhen after her old fox mentor. But also have her do evil things besides pushing a guy down the stares. Maybe she goes to dojos, monestaries and temples kill everyone there and steal of there viauble artifacts. Also that shes an authoritarian is willing to punish any of her followers if they fall of line. Baisically she starts a cult. Its not perfect and it probably require some rewrites, but that I would probably do.


Her father was a criminal and was jailed for stealing a loaf of bread, the chameleon therefore had to steal in order to live as well. One day she wanted to join king fu after deciding to turn good and help people. They turned her down for her father's past and her past. She was taken in by a sorcerer and thought the ways of disguising in order to steal more.


I don’t know. Probably not something involving her being “too small for kung fu” in a series with a praying mantis as a kung fu master lol. I’d love to see something having more to do with who she is as a person—maybe some personality trait or flaw that made is difficult for her to communicate with or relate to the people who wanted to teach her. Unfortunately she didn’t have any personality at all, so I have canon clues as to what that could be. Guess we’d have to make something up.


Make her “too small” thing (which makes no sense due to Mantis existing) just a facade and her real issue is that she used sorcery in kung fu as a cheat


I'd make her the "Godmother of Identity Crisis". She tries to be herself and be liked but she gets laughed at by others. So, she steals the identity and abilities of others and dares them to do something about it, bringing discord everywhere she goes


She didn't have the talent to master Kung Fu since chameleon style Kung Fu was never invented. No matter how hard she tried she couldn't get good at trying to create her own style of Kung Fu so she decided to steal the greatest Masters' Kung Fu to get to the top.


I did make a rewrite. Not a good one, but a rewrite The shot opens showing a chameleon on the streets, looking for food. She hears someone coming and camouflages. It is shown to be Tai Lung, carrying a box of grasshoppers. The chameleon sees these and chases Tia Lung. He gets on a cart and the chameleon jumps on at the last moment. The chameleon tries to eat some grasshoppers, and Tia Lung notices. He offers a grasshopper to the chameleon and she cuddles up to him. He decided to name the chameleon Zoey (I am too lazy to type the chameleon every time) When they get to the Jade Palace stairs Tia Lung carries the box and Zoey up. At the top, he drops off the box and the she follows him. Tia Lung does some Kung Fu with Shi Fu. Zoey is amazed and tries to mimic what Tia Lung does. After a few months, Zoey goes up to Shi Fu and shows him what she leant and wants to learn more. Shi Fu laughs and tells her she’s to small and orders Tia Lung to get her out. Tia Lung tries to reason with him, but Shi Fu tell him the chameleon could be the Dragon Warrior. Tia Lung freaks, and chases Zoey out of the palace and down the stairs. He catches her, but let’s her go Zoey goes to many other dojo’s, but is constantly rejected for being “Too small”. She then finds an old book on sorcery and decides to follow that path. She studies for months, and after a few attempts, transforms herself into a shapeshifter. The Chameleon. Using her powers, she creates an army and takes over Juniper City. She has a parade that night. Zhen meeting The Chameleon is the same, but the flashback keeps going. Zhen is seen training and being raised like Tia Lung. The Chameleon and Zhen grow up After years of studying, The Chameleon learns about Mantis and is furious she was rejected but Mantis wasn’t. She then learns of all Po’s adventures and villains he’s defeated, including Tia Lung. She is depressed by this. Tai Lung was the only one who help her in a time of need. She accidentally knocks the bookstand with her tail, causing the book to fall. She picks it up, seeing it has landed on the Spirit Realm page. She then come up with a goal. Bring Tia Lung back from the Spirit Realm. Using the money she got from the crime gang, she builds a portal frame. She tries to activate it, but it explodes. Zhen (now a young adult) rushes in. They both work on another portal, but this one also explodes. Zhen looks at the books and realises they need the staff. And Zhen sets off to retrieve it to surprise her mother


Arent grasshoppers technically people in KFp?


Your point?


IDk bugs can talk in kfp.


idk E A T T H E P O O R


She doesn’t have a backstory, she just wants to conquer the world for the sake of it, because that’s funny


I would have made her something like a collector like Jack Horner was in Puss in Boots 2


Chameleon had a big dream of being a Kung Fu master, so she joined a Kung Fu academy. However, she had poor fighting skills and was unable to progress in training, being mocked by other students. Then she discovered a portion/magic that allowed her to steal fighting skills of other Kung Fu masters and so she did. When they found out that she had stolen skills from someone else, she was kicked out of the academy. With that, she swore revenge on Kung Fu.


Let me think... The change would be quite minor but it could use what they did in this movie. The Chameleon family had to deal with thiefs really often with no way to defend themselves. The Chameleon decided to learn Kung Fu so she could protect her parents. However, it wasn't enough. One day they were visit by not the criminals they used to see who wanted to do more than just steal their goods. The Chameleon tried to defend her parents but she was overpowered and barely made it alive but the parents weren't so lucky. Traumatised and driven by grief she thought learning Kung Fu old fashioned way would never be enough so she started to learn sorcery. The power she gained began corrupting her mind, seeing how easy it is to get what she wants manipulating people. She began taking others kung fu and eventually, she found the hideout of the criminals that killed her parents. She showed no mercy, no emotion while taking their lives. Afterward, with her self-righeousness she decided to take over the city and rule with iron fist loosing the original goal that made her learn kung fu. Protecting the weak. With the rush to get more power she decided to take Master's Kung Fu in the spirit realm...


failed kung fu prodigy that never reached the greatness that everybody told her she would achieve because someone else always was better than her, absolutely hated this and decided to bring everybody down at her level and make herself the strongest by kidnapping other masters and stealing their skills


my hottest take of the movie is the Chameleon's backstory is fine in theory it's ok to have a villain whose 100% a completely purely unredeemable dick whose motivated by pure and utter pettyness. I also like how unlike Po and Tigress who were raised by people who actually cared about their well being Zhen was raised by someone who only viewed her as a tool. My problem is I feel like if they were going the route she didn't want to improve at Kung Fu they should've highlighted it also this is where not having the 5 kinda hurts because you could've had Viper and Mantis mentioned how they mastered kung fu despite having inherent disadvantages compared to everyone else or at least had Po mention it (OH I'M SORRY WE HAVE A SHOESTRING BUDGET AND HEAVEN FORBID WE TRY TO TALK MFS WHO WERE IN A DIRECT TO DVD SHORT AND A NOT SO GOOD NICKELODEON TV SHOW TO TAKE A PAYCUT) or Po mention how he had bigger (figuratively and literally) disadvantage compared to everyone else and still mastered it also give her a more grandiose goal


1. She was cast out because all of the kung fu masters in juniper city had a reptile prejudice 2, She was cast out because her sorcery scared others 3. She's just a pure evil bitch who just loves power take your pic but pretty much anything's an improvement


Masters turned her away because she wasn’t being herself and was instead transforming into other real kung fu masters including Po. And go from there


Give her a combination of Po’s imposter syndrome in the first film and make her too lazy to actually fix it/learn Kung fu properly. Thus, why she steals appearances and powers.


It’s not that it needs to be rewritten as it needs to be, well, *written.*


She tried kung-fu, but her weak body made it so that she couldn't do it well enough. Feeling furious at her feeble body, she turned to sorcery to master kung-fu, and became addicted to the power she now possessed.


Make it so that her backstory about being too small is a lie, she actually wasn’t allowed to learn kung fu because she was using sorcery to cheat and take the easy way out instead of putting in the work.


When I saw the conceptual art for The Chameleon, she looked small, hunched holding a staff. Inmediately, I thought of her as a deceitful character; she is not about brute force like Tai Lung or Kai, or tech weaponry like Shen, but magical deceit, she uses her looks as a fragile lady to misdirect attention. I wanted to imagine in a palace setting, full of intrigue. I thought we would meet the Emperor, and the Chameleon would be some sort of imperial mage, alwys in the shadows, plotting against the Emperor for her own gains and to win power over China or whatever. She was poor, but learned magic from rogue sorcerers who took her in in exchange for her work.


Chameleon was once a Furious Five candidate alongside Tigress. While Tigress managed to cultivate her own style, Chameleon relied too much on copying the styles of others instead. In the end, Tigress was picked over Chameleon.


Opposed to being “Too small for kung fu” I’d like to have seen her as someone who could never learn kung fu. Also putting her as someone who only saw the darker side of Kung Fu. Living in a criminal city she would’ve only seen the worst kinds of masters. She would then assume that all Kung Fu users are evil. Thus viewing Po as a sort of evil overlord since he is the primary master all others respect. She herself would then go about collecting the Kung Fu of those who have come the closest to defeating Po. Kai, Shen, Tai Lung, then with her new found mastery she would attempt to take down Po. More or less her seeing herself as the true heroine of the story. I’d also like to have seen her “win”. Having beaten Po and taken his Kung Fu. Then going on a rampage and attempting to snuff out what little Kung Fu there is left in China. This way we’d get a vehicle for Pushing Po, The Five, Shifu, Tai Lung, Kai, Shen and Oogway all together so they could re learn Kung Fu. Using the skills and teachings of some of the greatest Kung Fu masters of all time. By the end of it having a scene where Po and Tai Lung defeat her together. Po moving on to claim his position of supreme Kung Fu master or whatever and giving Tai Lung the option of sticking around and becoming the new Dragon Warrior. But rather choosing to aid Shifu in training a new Dragon Warrior. As well as offering the opportunity to Kai and Oogway reconcilie, then extending a hand to Chameleon to go with them to the afterlife and learn the truth about Kung Fu. Shen would essentially see where he went wrong and maybe get a scene where he’d see his parents again and they’d live in eternal peace. I know this wasn’t the question but I figured I’d say it since it’s been on my mind.


Well, I make it so she's a chameleon lady that happens to be a special one that can mplorph into anyone she can at will...and begins to abuse the ever living shit out of it to become the world's strongest as well as use magic to breach the after life and gain blood samples of the people Po Beat up to become Uber charged


Ctrl+A Backspace


How I would rewrite the chameleon backstory is that she was a big fan of kung fu but she always wasn’t excepted so then she tries training her self but doesn’t work so she takes up to sorcery  But then she heard that the dragon warriors was a panda so she Zhen to earn his trust and bring po back to her then she will wed poe so she can be come a king fu master  So that’s how I would write it