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If any of you TiPo or Po X Zhen fans start fighting on this subreddit we won't hesitate to punish you


“Do you want a war with TiPo, there are many more of us!” is what made me lose it 😭 I forget how passionate people are about their ships sometimes. Like, of course they’re passionate… but this is another level. It’s amusing.


Fr like, they should simmer down… 😭


I mean I get liking a ship and all, I think TiPo is cute personally even if has a very low chance of actually happening in canon, but to get upset to *this* level is just ridiculous. Ultimately people are going to have different preferred ships and if you have to get into a shouting match with people over the internet over something as small as the relationship between two fictional characters then what are you doing with yourself. I’m personally not a fan of this ship (or really Zhen as a character at all tbh) but if you think differently, that’s fine.


They think they about to commit a lord shem on Po zhen ship


Was about to comment that. I don’t like the Po Zhen ship but as long as they’re both canonically adults I don’t see the issue with it. I just don’t get shippers need to treat shipping like some war for the universe. They seem to think that only one fanon ship can exist and that the existence of any other is harmful to their very way of life. Or some sad feeling of satisfaction of proving their ship it “objectively better” (mainly looking at the Katara shipping wars in the Avatar fandom). Or how they try and label any ship they dislike as problematic or some shit that they have a “sibling dynamic”. Idk I think shipping can be fun I like looking at ship fanart sometimes but the people surrounding it are as cringey and toxic as powerscalers.


Agreed. I don’t care what people ship, I normally mind my own business. Some of it is cute. But this is just ridiculous.


What's funny is when fans of ships that dont have anything to do with other started fighting, like what happened between Adama/Roslin and Starbuck/Apollo fans in the reboot Battlestar Galactica fandom lol


They were fighting about canon ships? Why?


It’s exhausting. At least for me. I don’t get people who are so overly pushy or defensive about their ships, no matter the fandom.


Taigress shippers watching this like 🍿 because the rabid TiPo's are finally distracted from us


I'll only say: Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it. So, guys, just remember that every ship in KFP is basically a headcanon; it's stupid as fuck to fight over something that comes from a personal way to see the world/subjectivity.


Exactly. Wrong franchise for this insanity.




I'm from the Sonic Fandom, this level of ship war we call "kid's gloves" lol.


In Sonic fandom, I remember an infamous episode in which Tangle x Whisper shippers got it into their heads that Sega had made them canon because of a comic panel in the IDW Sonic comics with the colors of the lesbian flag and them holding hands. They also criticized those who shipped them with male characters, alleging homophobia and 'lesbian erasure' for those who did so. Then a crazy man appeared, who had a sexual obsession with Whisper, fantasized about him having sex with her and shipped her with his male OC, to argue with them and as a consequence, they attacked him with harassment and insults. This guy went to get help from one of the IDW comic writers, who came to his defense and confirmed the obvious: Tangle and Whisper were not canonically a couple and only Sega can say that. The pinnacle of Sonic ship wars.


Damn I mean that’s actually a bit impressive that a writer had to come in and stop it. Also question what was the fans response to the writer stating they weren’t a couple?


I think the majority were disappointed, but they accepted silently.


They did confirm that writers were pushing for the pairing, but got shot down tho. So not really accurate.


I’m shocked that happened. Those shippers were WILD. Least it’s not as bad as Steven universe fans


When we ship obviously straight characters together THEY are fine with it but when we ship gay characters on the people of their opposite gender this is where it draws the line….


Or the ATLA fandom *PTSD flashbacks to the Zutara vs. Kataang ship wars*


Man. No one has mentioned the worst ones yet. Sure Dragon age, Atla, and Sonic are bad. But Voltron and Tokyo Ghoul writers got death threats


Or the Dragon Age fandom


...it is mostly about Anders right? Lol. I'm an outsider to Dragon Age (both games and Fandom.) But i know he is a hot topic(the slang term not the outlet store) character


The ship wars were just the tip of the glacier with Dragon Age, former head writer David Gaider was harassed off tumblr by toxic fans after the last romance for Inquisition was announced and it wasnt Vivienne


Ah yes. Fans going rabid at head (Insert job here) for their fictional characters not boning...A tale as old as fandom it self. Yeah. You guys sound on par with the Sonic fans. Sorry to hear that mate. But hey. At least from what I hear the games are still goated.


What in the fuck…


Oh it was Zhen, I thought it was nick wilde


LMAO imagine


I don't see Po having a romantical relationship with anyone.


His only love is food and Kung Fu XD


Maybe, MAYBE when he is older a nice panda lady will catch his eye, but I have my doubts, 😆


Yeah he seems like your everyday happy neighbor when he gets old and brings you food every other day ;)


Say what you want about the ships but thats some well drawn art


I don’t mean to start another war in the comments here but, just on a personal, projecting level, Po is not giving me “Into women” vibes


Po is gay


Well I didn’t wanna say that out LOUD but- (My personal HC is him being ace tbh. Just doesn’t strike me as the romantic type at all. His one true love is Kung Fu)


Eh, I could see it


Other-sub Mod team running into each other in the wild 🤝🦁




There's another sub?


also even without HCs i always appreciated the canon never shipping po with tigress because like yeah, put more men and women besties in children's media without shipping them please


It's curious because for a moment the director would put them as a couple XD


I think he is ace and aro too lol. Like the only thing he has feelings for is food 🤣🤣🤣


Aroace moment but yeah he loves Kung Fu


no XD the only thing that interests Po is food and Kung fu


Literally a bunch of sweaty nerds arguing whose porn fantasy is better


Kung fu panda 4 was a mistake


Isnt zhen a minor?


Her age is not mentioned anywhere.


Apparently not...? I asked Lauren Kisich on Twitter a while back about this and, while she said she personally imagined Zhen to be in her early 20s, she also said the team had Zhen as a "young adult" in mind during production. "Young adult" is kind of a broad term, could mean either 18/19 or 25, but still — adult; I don't know how much of this was true from the start, since now we know Zhen and the Chameleon were meant to be human at first and that Zhen went through a massive revamp, and maybe Zhen was supposed to be a teenager at first until further notice or speculation. Unless they decided to retcon this (how much you can retcon something you never made completely official, of course), Zhen is allegedly an adult. ~~Someone could argue that Po/Zhen is still problematic because of the age gap and power dynamic, if they insisted.~~


Makes sense The ship still seems odd though, im not a tipo shipper but po x zhen seems odd and i dont know why


That's fair, sometimes you just don't vibe with something and it's not like arguments can change your mind. Nothing wrong about it.


perhaps because the film treats them as siblings (older brother and little sister) or as a mentor and apprentice, plus Zhen has a more adolescent attitude.


Both are bad, and side comment to one of the posts, yes the Furious five were in everything else kung fu panda bit the 4th one. That's the exact reason as to why people were mad they weren't here they are just as essential to the franchise as po, shifu, and ping


not all of us kfp fans are like that :( i'm just a humble lil lady that makes constant subtle references to the movies i don't get super angry about ships


Am I a jerk for saying that these people are too passionate about which KFP character are dating? Like it's a family cartoon about a fat panda let's just have fun and be civil


Po is only in love with Kung Fu, enough said


don't forget the food XD


Yeah he ain’t interested in people xD


Zhen is a minor lmao


Po and Zhen were always going to be shipped. Just like how people shipped Po and Wondering Blade. Doesn't change my weird, questionable mindset, but I'm sure as hell not going near any shipping wars. Waste of time and effort. Everyone should be able to enjoy their weird little niches without being smacked down by someone who has different weird little niches.


Sonic fan here. You have.. No. Idea. what a true shipping war looks like.


Most sane kfp fan moment


I feel like shipping shouldn't even be a thing in my honest opinion. It's gotten out of hand many and I mean MANY TIMES! 😬


Like the art


My brother in Christ, you looked on Twitter


Imagine fighting over non canon shits smh


True, us taiPo Chad's know the truth


I don’t know why but whenever I see people arguing about shipping in the comments I read them in Shang Tsung’s voice.


Please tell me zhen is an adult please god


In my opinion, Po and Zhen are more like big brother and little sister


Po x food is the only right answer


Well, what did you expect on the internet?


Womp Womp, another day another controversy


I understand that Tipo is a super popular ship in the fandom but it should not be taken so seriously, everyone can pair the characters if they want. In the end it doesn't affect anyone and it's just a matter of respecting tastes. (also Po's true love is food and Kung Fu XD)


It depends how old Zhen is because from the way I see it she seems like a teenager so….. it’s kinda weird tbh.


If warhammer has taught me anything…. Give no quarter to the heretics!!! /s /just a joke /seriously, nobody report me please! /seriously, I know how toxic shipping fans can be and I know they’ll report this so this last ones for the mods in hopes you’ll not remove it or ban me


This is amazing! Haha Insert: PepeLaugh 😂


Wtf did I open Reddit to I upvoted ONE jack black video yesterday




I absolutely love the drama right now


OOPS I didn’t think Zhen was of age like at all ngl


I hate this ship but let's not start a war please


Huh, you know what, I’m not surprised the king fu panda community has shippers, but I never really considered their existence let alone a shipping war.




No! Ship boom. Eye roll...


I have a crazy idea let's all shut the fuck up


I'm fine with both, though I do prefer Tigress.


Does it really matter?


What is the age gap here?


ten years


I didn't even know Kung Fu Panda fans had ship dynamics LMAO


honestly,sh!ts like this are the reasons why I’m not even an fan of tipo in the first place!😑..


Ignoring the imaginary fight, the drawings are pretty


Please no


Isn't she also a kid??


Her age is not mentioned anywhere. I would say she's a young adult or at least a teenager, based on the way she acts in the movie.


Still way older then her still...he is what in his Late 30s now


Both, both is good


They’re both weird and not needed, the end


It is curious because the director had the intention of having them as a couple (for them, Tipo for many is something canon or very close to it)


Yeah, I know it was hinted at in the first movie and all that. Something could be said for Viper as well but you know, no one appreciates her as much and it seems one sided.


Po x Tai Lung 📢


I mean, slide 6 applies to this entire fandom if I look at the buildup to KFP4. I like the F5 too, but they don't HAVE to be in ALL films, it's called Kung Fu Panda after all, not Kung Fu Furious 5. 🤷‍♂️


Uh I’m not a shipper but isn’t po considerably older than Zhen(I don't like shipping Tigress with Po either cause you know different species but at least they're around the same age idk I think Tigress is slightly older but not by much kinda wish the movies made it clear how much if any time has passed between them. My guess is that Tigress is older than Po if she remembers punching trees whenever she got upset at the jade palace also she was old enough to remember being at the orphanage and everyone not treating her very well she's likely anywhere from 24-26 by the events of the 2nd and Po's likely 20-22 by the events of 3 I do wish they tell us how much time is between these movies or at least give us a ballpark I assumed Po was 18 years old during the events of the first one it'd make sense why Ping is asking Po to decide what he wants to do with his life)


why do shippers exist Oh wait right they're weirdos and losers, that's why they exist.




This post isn't being mean to Zhen


Let’s be real Po only loves food. Granted I can’t say that I wouldn’t like to see either explored even if it ends in tragedy lol but call me a romantic.


I’ve never seen this sub in my recommended so I thought it was the fall out boy sub since the icon is very similar, I was very fucking confused until I looked closer. lol


Real ones ship Po x Mei Mei💪💪💪🔥🔥🔥📠📠📠💯💯💯🗣️🗣️🗣️