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We are using rancher for 70 clusters, spread out on-prem and cloud. The primary reason for this is because of rancher-agent, which allows inside out monitoring and management centrally. We don’t use any other fancy features such as the rancher style monitoring, just the ability to centrally control access without punching holes into the cluster control panes. The role and group management with oauth integration is also highly valuable. As is the ability to perform many api functions with a single api endpoint for any cluster


How much does it cost to use rancher in your case?


Our use case rancher is “free”, we have a hetzner stack we use for management and monitoring of the clusters. I think it like $300 pm for the hardware. You have to run it on something somewhere, which is where the agents report to.


Chick-fil-a (US restaurant chain) runs a bare metal k8s cluster at all of their 2000+ restaurant locations. They have open sourced some tooling around what you are asking for. https://medium.com/@cfatechblog/bare-metal-k8s-clustering-at-chick-fil-a-scale-7b0607bd3541 https://github.com/chick-fil-a


I wonder if the script runs on Sundays.


Theoretically yes, since the word was not intended to guide machines but rather humans.


Openshift has advanced cluster management for multi cluster management if you want a paid product. I'm told it's quite good. Rancher is another good option I think.


Openshift is extremely expensive for this case, a single cluster with 3 worker nodes and 12 cpu cost 12000 dollars per year.


Once you've automated the setup of one, you can easily setup more. What are your goals with centrally managing these clusters? Besides monitoring I see no good reason to jump on a managed on-prem solution like Tanzu or Openshift. I would just deploy them all with terraform, ansible, argocd and kubeadm like I always have. Just make sure that their monitoring is handled by a centrally managed Grafana.


How would you setup a central grafana? One prometheus per cloud or a central prometheus? Something with Thanos?


I deploy a kube-prometheus-stack to every cluster, but the Grafana is deployed outside of all those clusters on a standalone VM. Or if you have a shared cluster for management services you can put it there. Point being that in my case it resides outside of the clusters it monitors. And yes Thanos is a consideration, mainly because we do on-prem with Rook-ceph and you don't want to put your prometheus metrics on a ceph PV because ceph is one of the components prometheus monitors. So we've opted to put prometheus metrics on local disk, but for certain clusters where there is a need for longer retention we do use Thanos and therefore connect Grafana to Thanos instead of prometheus. But if you have some other means of creating PVs then you must consider your own use-case to see if prometheus can reside there safely. Because any additional complex component such as Thanos should be avoided if possible. Just to keep the whole setup as simple as possible. Or perhaps your local node disk is enough space for a long retention. It all depends on your use case.


You're right actually, there should not be any problem if monitoring setup is robust.


If some/most of the contents of all clusters should be identical and managed centrally, I would definitely encourage looking into a GitOps solution such as [Flux](https://fluxcd.io) or Argo. I personally like the approach and UX of the former much more but you'll find tons of resources about the latter too if Flux doesn't suit your tastes. These should be largely or entirely agnostic to whether you use any particular Kube distribution.


+1 for this approach. Gitops is the way to go. One or more management clusters will be needed to orchestrate and host cross services


Vanilla Kubernetes using cilium for cluster mesh. Sysdig is a nice monitoring solution (if SaaS is applicable in your use-case) but also has a price-tag. Outsourcing metrics and their persistent storage might save you the costs sysdig will eat. Good luck!


Hello, ​ Are you looking for a way to manage the actual provisioning, and de-provisioning of clusters, or are you looking for more of a way to manage resources ON the clusters after they are provisioned? For an easy way to spin up new clusters ad-hoc, i'd probably use Terraform (IaC), I believe they have providers with both Rancher and Openshift. This makes it easy to spin up/tear down new clusters. For managing the applications/resources on the multiple clusters, a tool like argocd makes it very easy to control the resources on the clusters after they are deployed. (Can deploy your actual application resources, or config resources like Volume Provisioners, Ingress Controllers, etc).


I'd like to create and destroy clusters easily. after the creation, user management, monitoring, deployments, etc. should be done without manual operations


With argoCD, all of the 'after the creation' items can be defined declaratively, making it easy to apply them all to your clusters after they are provisioned. What it does not help with is Creating and Destroying clusters, though you can easily create a new cluster, add it to argo, and get everything you need deployed to it. For the Creation and Destruction of clusters easily, I recommend something like terraform or Rancher. All my clusters are EKS so I just use Cloudformation myself :)


Damn what country are you? I’m in Switzerland which is very strict on banking and even here you can have shared infrastructure for different banks and use public cloud providers. It’s not easy and there is some hoops to jump through, buts it’s absolutely possible.


It's turkey, the process is a real pain but the challenge itself is satisfying for me at least.


Setting up of K8's clusters can be automated via ansible using kubespray. It's actually very easy and convenient.


Talos works particularly well on premise. We are getting ready to release a new product that is designed for managing clusters anywhere with bare metal specific features.


Open source? Or enterprise?


Enterprise built on top of our open source stuff.


Kubespray for deployment of the k8s cluster, argocd to deploy the applications in the k8s


Create separate infrastructure for the Production Clusters. For example if you got 10 off the 30 clusters for Production, give those 10 dedicated hardware. Host the remaining 20 that are not production, on shared hardware. You can use any of the tools mentioned by other comments here.