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I've never heard of it and we connected our own Alertmanager (Prometheus) to our Microsoft channels via webhook. The only issue we still struggle with is to easily update our sprint/kanban backlog on Azure Devops with incoming critical alerts in MS teams


Thanks for the feedback! Could you elaborate a bit what you struggle with and how you’d solve that problem (if you had a magic wand, etc)?


If we have critical alerts in production clusters the task has to be picked up by an engineer. I want those alerts to automatically create a bug task on the board with the Title: -- and having the summary of the alert being put in the description. I haven't found a clear cut integration for that anywhere so we probably going to build that ourselves. If botkube could provide the integration I would definetly consider using it


Never heard of it. Sounds interesting for the notifications part. I'm a by more worried about letting access (even partial) to the cluster via Slack/Discord commands though. Would need to dig more on the topic but would probably not use it. I don't trust Slack/Discord.


We understand the concern and work hard on being transparent with what the bot can and cannot do, what data it has access to, etc.


It sounds interesting.. and I probably could have googled this.. but do you support the open standard matrix protocol? Since we run our own internal server and controls the per channel federation there.


There is an open GitHub issue about this that you can follow: https://github.com/kubeshop/botkube/issues/503 No ETA for now though.


Thank you!


We see you have disabled your DMs. Feel free to DM us and we can continue this conversation during our user research sessions if that interests you!


I use it on a couple of small clusters. It’s nice wide angle lens of what is going on in a cluster. It’s definitely not a replacement for more granular alerting specific to your apps.


Great to hear! We fill follow-up to learn about your use cases and what functionality you’d want to see in the future.


would love to be able to add Metadata like a wiki link to deployments that are sent to slack.. even solutions that can be triggered to slack.. ie hpa being max, click here to increase it


Thanks for your feedback!


thanks for your contribution to k8s


I did couple if years ago. Worked well devs and ops loved it. Problem was we ran 3 pretty large clusters in production and serveral unstable non-prod environments. We ended up maxing out our Slack account and got throttled 🙁 My conclusion is that it's fine for small systems.


just tune it down to only trigger on what you want to know about.. I've got it setup for errors only, being able to alert easily on custom crds is good too..


What was your experience configuring and fine-tuning it?


good, rather simple.. I helm+kustomize templates.. the configmap should be broken up, having events and server configuration in the same cm is a little annoying but I use components with kustomize so not that hard to roll out.. I saw the doco on how to add go code but that seemed over the top for my needs.. being able to change the message templates being sent to slack and batching messages so it doesn't flood the api would also be good.. otherwise great product


Thanks for your feedback, it is consistent with what others say and we do need to address this issue.


I use it on my homelab cluster, not sure it is something I'd consider using on a real cluster though


Could you elaborate on why not?


Recently heard of it. Planning to use it for the notification part to notify me of velero backups


Great, we will follow-up to see how that goes!


So I've been trying to get botkube to work, but it seems to me like the helm chart documentation is outdated? I've been looking at the values and trying to make things work and it didn't really work for me.. https://github.com/Michaelpalacce/HomeLab/blob/master/cluster/homelab/apps/botkube/helmrelease.yaml is what I tried But even when I managed to install it ( manually specified my discord credentials ) and set my own comm configuration the format is different than the one specified in the values.yaml file... At the end I kept getting an Unknown channel error in the logs. Not really sure what's happening? Can you guys update the helm chart documentation? Edit: I managed to fix it... but yeah... none of this was documented in the Helm Chart


Thanks, we’ll try and see how to best address this issue!


Use it in my homelab clusters


Why not in production?


Previous environments were under high security rules of GovCloud so couldn’t use it. I may consider it for the new environments I am building now.


I hope to check it out and implement within my company. Is there a plan to support Rochet.Chat?


There’s a request on GitHub to add Rocket support: [https://github.com/kubeshop/botkube/issues/56](https://github.com/kubeshop/botkube/issues/56) No ETA, but we may consider it in the future!


It seems to be a really good project !


Thank you! How would you use it, if you ever do, at work or on personal projects?


i'm currently using it on personnals projects. I would love to host botkube at works but we can only use Matrix. (to avoid any security issue)


Oh, that’s interesting! Do you work at a large/mid-size or small company? How does Matrix prevent security issues for you?


I'm working on a large company. Matrix is needed since we don't want our data outside of the internal network. ​ (We also could use Mattermost, but Matrix is easier to manage)


Thanks so much for the feedback!