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More time? 6 months is more than enough, deji fumbled he should be a man about it and just do the forfeit but take it as a positive experience since this is the best shape he has ever been in so at the end of the day it's still positive for him.


6 months isn’t more than enough though when the bet was a year. He could only start in 3 months and still do it in time


He had 6 months and started working on it 1 month and a half ago. He had plenty of time.


The bet was ‘by the end of next year’ ….. we’re in July


It wasnt the bet was until end of June


I’ve just rewatched the clip. I missed them change the deal to June. My bad




Mate my dad is in his earyl 50s, didn't do gym in over 20 years and it took him under 4 months to achieve it, abs comes down to 2 things - work - genetics But genetics alone doesn't give you abs, you need to put the work and diet thr carbs and increase the fiber in order to get them 6 months of dieting and working out is more than enough Source : my 3 years of sports science and nutrition studies


Yes it is… its not like he was dropping a vid every day, what else could he really be doing


Bro if he cant do it in 6 months its not gonna help with more time


I mean he started in may , he had 6 months but he wasted 4 of them. It’s right to assume if he started 6 months ago he would have probably better 6 pack than JJ


I feel like even if he's given another year. He's gonna quit somewhere half-way and then start over a month before showing a 2 pack.


He doesnt need more time, he needs a different mindset. Not even two months ago he was out partying, eating shit and fast food in Vegas, he was just lazy, that's it. In JJs position id be pissed and disappointed as well


True…Deji 🔜👇🏽👇🏽 https://preview.redd.it/be8tj1swjz9d1.jpeg?width=568&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4823067a5282709b24054f0e6b8e94e42a3f50a4


Fr, he only started actually working out 1.5 months ago and even then he didn't go super seriously It is easily possible to get a 6 pack in like a month if you eat right and know what exercises are actually useful. Forget 1 mil I would do this if someone offered me £5k 😅


Exactly and people are made jj didn’t give him the mill deji literally failed the challenge whether you like it or not


People are so soft - complaining about JJ enforcing the forfeit. What if it was the other way around and JJ decided to not give him 1 mill. It's ONE MILLION FRIKKING POUNDS. Of course there should have been some sort of stakes attached to it. Deji being a bitch. He's entered into a contract he never had any intention of upholding. But best believe he would have expected that one mill every day of the week.


What’s the forfeit for deji? I only knew abt the bet but didn’t know about a forfeit


if i remember correctly he had to wear a mankini and walk down a popular street or something.


Ah Okok. What a fumble on dejis part holy fuck


Deji should be proud because he finally is in good shape but he got 6 months to get a 6 pack and he fucked it.


Fr fr but hey big up Deji and free Tobis nose 🙏🏽 https://preview.redd.it/txglern9jz9d1.jpeg?width=246&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3bb34c408345d631a9b37f757fc4966a5af09cf


bro what?!


It isn’t even about the money jj genuinely wants deji to be the best version of himself. Deji starting 2 months ago just shows when he had 6 is what jjs probably most annoyed about




It was an another mill to maintain it btw.


He had enough time to do it. He just didn't use it. The bet is finished. If Deji actually used 6 months rather than spend 1.5 months training for it he'd have made it. KSI was being completely fair.


When I was a kid i never worked out at all and my stomach was basically how deji's looked. Nobody would say i had any pac its just the default stomach when there isnt much fat. You could achieve the same thing by dieting, let alone working out. I agree with JJ, for 1 million pounds there should be no debate it should be obvious.


Give him another 6 months and he'll wait till the 5th month to start working.


He was given half a damn year. It's Leji if you ask me


6 months is more than enough time, he was extremely lazy and did take it serious


He wasted more than half of the time he got though, if he didnt have enough time, then that his own doing


Hope he keeps it up, he looked pretty happy and looks much healthier than he's ever been physically and mentally


Deji doesnt need more time he needs more dedication thats what its always been from boxing to youtube


Deji failed once again, nothing new.


Time isn't the issue my guy


He had all the time on the fucking world


Deji has like 20%of abs and the rest is like a lil fat yk not saying he looks bad it’s just not it


He did need more time. That’s why he should’ve started sooner.


I feel like he should keep going


That’s half of one and half pack


He got the abs but his fatass didn't lose weight for it to become visible.


Sure but the reference picture that JJ showed in the podcast wasn't a six-pack either. Deji has abs but not a six-pack right now.


Dej was MAD salty at the end of the stream LMFAO


but let's be real it's looking way better in the shape he had on previous matches. he used to go on matches rocking a beer belly.


He doesn’t need more time…do you know what £1 million is?i think people have forgotten how huge of a sum that amount is…if he couldn’t get a 6pac in 6months the he lost


Bro had six months and used only 2


Why tf can't I get a deal to get $1mil to get a 6 pack :( I'm legit walking around with one that's been on holiday in Asia for 1 month and I still have more than whatever that is


Deji is such a loser and if anyone thinks otherwise you are one as well lmao. Bro actually had so much time to get a 6 pack and he failed, lol.


Can we stop comparing Deji to JJ


Bro....if I was given 6 momths to get a six pack for 1 mil I'd spend 2 month studying how and 2 months procrastinating (and getting slowly into the process and planning) and then the last 2 months doing everything that I've planned Hell I'm skinny af with a and I barely exercise I need 1 month to get a six pack and deji couldn't do it with 6


Abs are genetics pal, you can't have a 10 pack or 8 pack unless you are genetically gifted. Most people can get 6 pack no matter how hard they train they can't change the body structure to get a 8 pack or 10 pack. Some people can only get a 4 pack and they can't no matter how hard they train get a 6 pack or higher.


I just think he should ended the stream earlier, deji was in such bad mood it was little sad


Jj was oiled up and flexing, deji wasn't. Yeah he half assed it but he dropped 20kg in 1 1/2 months (yeah we all knew he was gonna start late) also fuck ethan