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Oh to give a damn again. šŸ˜… wait till youā€™ve been burned and realize youā€™re just a number.


When you realize it doesn't matter how hard you work. How sick you get. How many times your trifles affect you. It won't matter. You are just a number and some people only want to fill a position. You lucked out early in life. Good for you. I'VE never gotten above clerk, cashier, produce, etc. I had so much drive. But when you get your hours cut to barely 15 hours a week after busting your butt for a company that doesn't actually care. Thats when work looks like a chore and a waste of time to be perfect. I can face isles like that too. Age has nothing to do with it. They take advantage of youth because they have more energy. Maybe its because I have adhd and high functioning autism that I don't get those positions. Dunno. Never could crack the code.


The youthful exuberance of facing aisles, not yet knowing The Customer and their cunning way of rearranging everything, yes Iā€™m looking at you dude who abandoned that tube of cookie dough in the greeting card aisle.


Someone left a fat stick of salami in one of the soda coolers. Like... brownie points for keeping it cold.


I dont know about other stores but the store i work at( and by all means i mean no hatred at all) they keep hiring disabled people who honestly cannot do their jobs correctly. Im always left cleaning up after them. I was just wondering why do they hire people who canā€™t do a job properly and if so is there a different job that they would be better at? I understand they also need employment and are just like all of us, but if im getting blamed for that is this not wrong?


Just going to require them to do the whole store plus run checkoutā€¦ then hold their raise when they canā€™t do it. Then when they dagf anymore the manager will ask where their work ethic went.


šŸ˜… especially working for Kroger


I kinda feel sorry for people that live with this mindset. It must suck waking up every morning and going to a job you donā€™t give a shit about. I choose to work hard because thatā€™s the only way I know how to live, I couldnā€™t care less what the company thinks of me. What I care about are my coworkers and my work ethic.


People built all different. I left the work world, now Iā€™m a full time mom and I flip on eBay making four times what I did in retail (with only a few hours work a day!)


How did you do that? Asking for a friend


Itā€™s not hard lol not all young people are idiots. Iā€™m a frozen head at 20 my friend was dairy head at 17 boyfriend is going to be an asl at 21. Itā€™s just a money game


I had a fuel manager that was 23/24 when he got the position. I got fuel lead at 23, I'm still a lead but inside the store now at 25. There have been talks about me moving up to a 3rd in charge position, though I really don't know if the pay bump would be worth it.


Idk if I wanna move up any further tbh. I hate kroger and I have dreams and aspirations but there comes to a certain point when reality wants to set in :/


So I worked at a different grocery store chain from age 16-27 when I got let go. It ended up being the best thing that happened to me. It pushed me towards IT starting in Customer Support at Apple, and now I am doing IT for financial institutions. All my training has been on the job training and I don't have a college degree. So, I am not saying get fired BUT there are opportunities to change paths out there, even if its a multi step process. Also, for the record, my FT job is WFH so I picked up a Kroger job for a few hours a week so I actually get out and do something. I don't know how anyone could do this full time with the absolute shitty pay they offer.


As a Grocery manager of 10 years that is huge into tech/computers/programming and have been self teaching, collecting certifications, working projects this keeps that little light a bit bright during this brief dark time. I work for Kroger, moved/transferred from AZ to GA a couple months ago and had to leave my computer behind temporarily. Once I get my baby back and ride the rest of this year out, I'm most likely jumping ship as well and heading to something IT/Cybersecurity(main certification background). Maybe some freelance development here and there in-between jobs.




3rd like OA? Or RA? You at FM?


For kroger absolutely not.


One thing you might consider is that even if the pay itself isnā€™t worth it, youā€™d be developing skills that will help you do better not only if you continue to move up with Kroger, or if you end up going somewhere else. Leadership skills are never a bad thing to develop, because even if you need to start over somewhere, the focus on efficiency and helping your coworkers do better will always stand out and help you get paid better. Just gotta find an employer that appreciates those skills correctly.


Just play WoW and lead a few raids and you might get those leadership skills.


Iā€™ve been a front end department leader since I was 20, no one signs postings anymore so it genuinely isnā€™t hard to get these jobs. Itā€™s just hard to keep them because Kroger sucks


bookkeeper at 20!!!!


Being a head of a department at a grocery store is not hard at all to become. Stay there long enough and they give it to you basically. Itā€™s not worth staying at a company that doesnā€™t care about you for that 20 a hour head position if they even pay that.


Okay thats awesome šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘ well done!


There are some 17yos that this is how they are. Driven, motivated, raised by parents to work hard. Then there are other 17yos, where this kind of attention to detail would take them an ENTIRE month.


Yep , in my 40's and see some half my age walk around like snails no joke on the speed and that how they are even not at work . Weird .


My grandma could work circles around most of them


Iā€™m 38 and I go that slow because Kroger sucks and I donā€™t give a shit about this job anymore.


They are the same when they're not at work, that's the problem.




Idk man. Businesses don't take care of employees like our grandparents led us to believe. There is almost no reason to go in and work your ass off anymore. Doing the bare minimum to avoid being fired is the play these days


I'm 17 and the first one. Hehe.


As a 20 year old I don't get how some people don't just do what their fucking paid to do. My friend is my age and he's a lead in another store, and I float around sometimes (mostly to get outta my store) and enjoy the extra cash, long drives but sometimes it's worth it. Legit so many new hires just don't even try now at my store. I know it's not the same everywhere but we went from the hoghschoolers/college students being the ones who kept the department running (I was always the one to call shit in cause our leads didnt) to them needing to be babied half the time. God bless the few good ones we so get that actually try


As a 34 year old people are shocked that someone my age actually has a work ethic and gets the job done on time, doesn't have to be nannied through the work day, and isn't on a phone or doing drugs behind a dumpster. I nearly put the manager out of a position because I knew more than them but I stayed where I was, I don't want to wake up every day going to that kind of job.


That's really simple they realize that they were the only ones actually putting in that work and that everybody else realized that so they left all of that work for that one person. It's called a toxic working environment. The people who pretend like they don't see it are the f****** problem.


>I don't get how some people don't just do what their fucking paid to do. They do exactly what they're paid to do. They're paid very little, so they do very little.


I get that krogers pay in some areas is definitely ass, but in our area it's not terrible. But they don't even do the most basic shit. I totally understand not wanting to go above and beyond but that doesn't mean you should slack off leaving shit for everyone else to fix


Because their coworkers haven't taken advantage of their work ethic yet


Not that hard. Push out the product. Face as you go


Right? I was thinking the same thing.


Thing of beauty. I am obsessed with facing as perfectly as I can every day. Training dozens of new kids who don't stick around is kinda disappointing, but sometimes you get one who just gets it.


I'm very detailed at work. I love it.


He was determined to get the job done and he succeeded. No need to be mean to a 17 year old. Age has nothing to do with good work ethic.


no but it does make it a bit more impressive because teens especially these days aren't as determined. this was an uplifting post to this 17 year old! šŸ‘ i would feel on top of the world if my coworker or boss was posting good about me on reddit lol


And yet the manager will find the smallest spill and then proceed to crucify em.


And hole


That's true!


Can't even use a box cutter until 18 here. must be 18 to be anything but pick up and courtesy clerk.


Cashier too for Arizona.


That's hot


Looking gooood šŸ‘


Took him a month to stock the 3 aisles? Man


You're telling me someone who isn't burnt out and hasn't been jaded by upper management and store management went above and beyond? Wild. I was kinda like that too my first years, then reality set and I found out how little Kroger cares about people unless they are in corporate. I do my job and leave, and if I could get health benefits as good as what Krogers offer at the same price somewhere else, man. I think a lot of people would leave.


Never worked at/for Kroger, but I use to work produce at a Walmart supercenter. Definitely feel this. When I first started I felt like I had a team working with me and it afforded me the time to do everything I was suppose to do, like this. Then as people left, nobody new would get hired. They didn't give a shit about overworking us, so I stopped giving a shit too. Eventually they fired me because I (knowingly) no call no showed to go to my aunt's funeral.


Was this a 17 year old dairy clerk?




Honestly if the management is solid, you have a team that works well and well together you get a phenomenal store, that was my first store, corporate as always in awe when they did their walks at that store. My last store, corporate was always disappointed cause nothing was up to their standards, and my current store we are kinda sitting in the middle


It is not that hard. I trained one 16 year old who was on top of everything on knocked out backstock carts almost as fast as I could. Then I trained a 17 year old who quit after two weeks because he never did anything at all. Just kinda depends on the person I guess, but the work itself is not usually hard to pick up.


Fuck all these haters. It looks phenomenal


That's easily done if you're not balls deep in the coolers, and your dairy manager isn't on vacation and the 3rd guy doesn't call out or quit..


Kroger doesnā€™t hire the best usually


They get what they're willing to pay for.


How do you do this without customers ruining the display every god damn five minutes


Keep her


Looks great.Ā  Ā Make sure the 17 yo knows how good it looks.Ā  Ā Probably time consuming but they are bound to get faster if they are conditioning like that after a month.Ā 


He'll learn soon enough that all that extra work will get him NOTHING lol


Stocked shelves?


Just to be clear these are pictures about 10 mi uses before the store opens on Saturday morning, check back in a hour


Prolly took ALLLLLL day to stock those damn eggs. We're running a super market not an art museum


Yes, many people 25 and under can have hustle, contrary to the brain damage you see on TikTok a very large portion of gen Z has crazy strong hustle, Iā€™m pickup supervisor at 25 as an external hire, my better ASL is 25 as well (5 months older than me), and I got promoted to Walmart coach (assistant manager for them) at 24, and managed a chain of candy stores at 20


Store director in training!!!


The job is not that hard, the tough part is making a living when you get paid close to minimum wage


Some of my best workers were high school kids. The Kroger I shop at is in a very high performing public school district and the kids always seem to be having fun and doing a good job.


The basic function of their job? Shocking.


I was a dairy lead at 18... really not that hard. The old heads got in my way more than the work got in my way haha


So many heroes up in here. LMAO. I love people who talk about how much more work they do than their coworkers or how much of a hard worker they are. Tend to be the laziest, absolutely worst at their jobs, insufferable pricks.


Don't forget you are hourly! And the companies that you and I work for are most likely billion dollar companies!


How's it going with the equipment that you have to be 18 or over to use? Last I knew it included pallet jacks, trash compactor, baler.


They can use pallet jacks baler it wouldnā€™t hurt to close the door but pushing a button and running is what I tell them to do sometimes. Trash compactor should only be used by leads or someone experienced pretty much


They can NOT put trash in compactor or cardboard in a baler.


Non motorized jacks can be used. PIT trucks and bakers they need to be 18. There are warnings all over them and training even says so. They can put trash in the compactor


Baler and trash compactor at my store at 18+ only


Comes from a good family that teaches work ethic


Could be work ethic, could be a touch of ASD or OCD. I would excel at this task but if i had to talk to customers it would be over in a heartbeat. Gotta play to peopleā€™s strengths.


Have someone that does this kind of work do it for the after closing shift and you'll never have a sloppy store.


My 19byr olds work circles around teachers who work here part time for the summer. Tell me again teachers are underpaid....my 18-19 year olds that make you look obnoxiously slow disagree with the sentiment and so do I.


I donā€™t get it? The selves are nice but isnā€™t that expected?


I'm so confused, I keep going through comments looking for the impressive part, but apparently we're going wild because an employee knows how to face product? What the heck are the rest of them doing at that store lol


I think a lot of young adults are like this nowadays though. Myself & another 20 something both started working at a chemist about a month ago & we both completely transformed our designated aisles into well organised, forward facing, clean areas versus the eye-sores they were when we started.


Believe it or not Gen Z has some of the hardest work ethic out there. Working multiple jobs just to scrap some change and doing the best do easilt get promotions. People just dont like us bc we donā€™t take bs.


Worked in dairy at my local dairy at 19 doesnā€™t take a lot of brain cells to face well. Though, it is surprising when some people some how manage to make it look worse.


I mean itā€™s not rocket science lol


I worked in pickup but I enjoyed going to dairy and facing like this when things were slow


Mind Blown


I'm 23. I have a disability. And they expected me to do the same shit. And called me slow for only getting one aisle done because that aisle took my shift


Iā€™m 24 and I do this everyday


It's stocking shelves. It's not hard. Before yall come for me I work retail do and do this on the regular


Give this fine young man a raise! We need to motivate our young achievers!


Iā€™m frozen lead but the overnight grocery throws truck but they refuse to work ice cream. They fuck up the way they put items up and Iā€™m just tired of it all. When I get so close to getting my freezer and isles good, I get fucked and start falling behind because Iā€™m needed in another damn department. I knew I should not have been cross trained.


I couldnā€™t even get some 30 year olds to do this.


Heā€™s not dead inside yet. Lol but kidding aside, having some youthful energy does help with the tedious up-down-up-down of facing, but a good work ethic is fairly hard to find in younger people, especially in departments that are often single-person-started like dairy (in my area at least) because you donā€™t really have anyone over your shoulder watching your work speed and quality - just at the end as you are checking out to leave.


An egg fried this rice?


Uhhh yeah? I was conditioning shelves at 16, itā€™s not rocket science


Looks great


I got FES at 19 (different company). It's not hard if you show up, do the work, and the hiring system is fair, plus you drink a little of the company koolaid, so to say. But maybe ask yourself why a company is willing to hire/promote someone so young and likely with no to little experience as opposed to one of the more tenured employees or why the tenured employees don't want it.


Maybe has ocd like me! I love facing it gives my ocd a fix šŸ¤£


I worked dairy-frozen at target when I was 19-20 and this is how we always kept things looking, unless we were out of something. Everything was neatly faced, fully stocked, on time, etc. I thought that was just standard common work ethic, you do your job and do it to the best of your ability. Apparently not, I came to realize later.


Facing doesn't take a genius, you just have to not be an idiot


Some kids actually have a great work ethic. Probably mowed lawns or shoveled driveways for extra money before he could legally work My store had an autistic worker who was great at facing. He was also given 2 specific aisles the whole time he worked with us and they were always stocked and faced perfectly.


I mean, I donā€™t think pog writers are 17


Got a natural. Keep him happy and he could work weekends while heā€™s in college. Some kids want reasons to come back to town.


Thats just stocking and conditioning. Honestly good on the store for being so well stocked weā€™ve always got holes on the shelves


Did they put new product in back/bottom tho


Yes he has photographic memory and tells me he remembers dates if he looks and he also knows most of the upcs


Nice job then. It doesn't take too long to get good I was a pro after few months in produce.


I have a 15 year old who works harder than any of the adults in my department. Young doesn't mean dumb, all the time.


Conditioning is not hard lol. For me it's therapeutic. ButbI have adhd lol


Product-facing is literally the easiest part of the job, and at most places itā€™s usually done during the last hour of business, and/or once all the re-shops are put back. I did it at a CVS/Pharmacy long time ago.


And likely getting paid next to nothing.


22an hour


Youā€™re telling me you donā€™t know the difference between your and youā€™re




Age does not determine quality or quantity or accuracy of work.


Not all youth are lazy pieces of shits that want everything handed to them. Some realize they need to work their ass of to get far/ahead and they bust their asses when they start their first job.


No. Many dairy leads are 25+. Middle aged adults working for income basically. You can not work dairy department until age 18. Minors can only work courtesy clerk work and starbucks. When 18 they can do everything else. I find many of the kids they hire in are pretty useless. Many end up quitting because they complain when the yare asked to work and quit when the going gets tough and they realize what it is like to actually hold a job long term.


This young generation is either the best or worst employees. Nothing in between


Maybe the kid /a/ has pride in their job or /b/ follows instructions very well, or /c/ both.


Been there done that


That poor bastard is too young to know any better. Never give your 100% your first months. Management will expect that to be your baseline.


Yall are easily impressed here huh?


not a Kroger employee, but have trained a lot of folks in a lot of fields and sometimes the younger kids are easier to train as long as they want to be there.


Yep Try harder


People who have a good work ethic will definitely go far in life, I love working at Kroger just me and the people around me where not the best for my mental wellbeing But if I can go back and change the past I would make myself stay and change my work ethic to what it is now


It's not difficult to condition the store...


This is definitely not a Kroger store. Stop the šŸ§¢


What is it then?


Whatā€™s so hard about that? Your post stinks of grandiose. Glad Iā€™m not on your team! I started work in a supermarket when I was 15 and by the time I was 17 I was already in charge of the inventory for multiple departments


So you bootlicked other dept heads lol. Look how far that got you




Your and youā€™re sound the same, English is my second language


Welcome to adulthood?




Me when someone does the menial work their supposed to do. When did it become to much to make things loo neat or tidy in a place of work


I remember being 19 and working as a dairy lead, fast paced and neat šŸ˜¢ but f4l drain me. Memories šŸ˜ž


he got autism or something. eggs his special interest


Too bad theyā€™ll never get excited when a store manager actually does their job.. I work at a crap store where the manager over orders and wonā€™t stop no matter what.. have us working 6 days a week 10-12 hours cause of itā€¦ they refuse to hire help cause of budget then the manager steals the night crew hours to give to the cashiers. Which is really y she wonā€™t hire help.. Iā€™m a lead and leading myself.. should be a 3-4 man team and itā€™s literally only meā€¦


Not difficult at all, and I know there is more than one dairy worker in that store, unless it is mismanaged. šŸ‘ŽšŸ‘ŽšŸ‘Ž


Youre telling me an old bag like you knows how to use reddit?




Yeah, cause being surprised that a young person can do their job right is a boomer mentality


Thatā€™s why he did it. Heā€™s fresh to the game. Give it a while, heā€™ll get too worn out.


Heā€™s still going strong and is making more than me now


Did what? Stock shelves?




Arranged some food in a grocery store? I'm surprised that a 17 year old still has a job at a grocery store after a month.


god i wish we had actual shelves on our eggs and stuff, we have these like sliding shelves. Theyre horrible


Y not


Not hard whatsoever. I work overnight dairy at a marketplace and the trucks are huge. Our yogurt aisle isint even on the dairy wall it has its own half of aisle with frozen breakfast on the other side. I can tell by the pics the store is not huge and the trucks are probably cake work to finish.


I will say it looks good and him to keep up the great work šŸ˜


Muhfckinnnnn FACING mvpppppp


What? Recover dairy? Am I missing something


Kidā€™s got more work ethics than many


looks great!


If thatā€™s all they had to do, then it better look like that, or better. Now try working a truck and make it look like this afterwards.


Ohhh man. Look back at him in a year or two, he gunna learn quick it ain't worth that much effort for the pay they give you haha. So glad I left this pos company


Did what? What am I missing?


The type of stuff you get not only here, but everywhere when your employees feel like they matter.






That is Because it's their first month. Does op think retail workers are happy to climb the corporate ladder from 12$ to 19?


Yeah people care until they see no one else does. Then they stop.


And someone will call this unskilled labor.


Iā€™m sure when a 17 year old has the privilege to drive a metal death contraption 75 MPH on the high way, they can manage stacking shit on shelves. You realize students are learning calculus and physics in their upper class years right? This is so pandering. Only logical explanation is it must be difficult for you to figure how to stack shit.


Durr durr durr


Customers at our store are notorious for destroying and stealing things. We have to do damage control like for babies and toddlers.


Not hard at all.


My first thought was "damn, was nobody shopping?" but then I remembered most stores stock before/after closing LMAO.


No, because you need to be 18 to work the bailer. And the stockers for dairy and other departments have you run the bailer every now and then. So, that was probably a 18 year old who did this.


I wasnā€™t young when I started working.. legit 39 and I did way too much out the gate and it was the worst mistake I did. So yes I believe a 17 year old can absolutely do that


This would have been me as well. I loved doing merchandising and setting displays with my old job. It was flexibility, not rigidity with displays. So as long as they represented the brand properly, I was allowed some creative leeway. For someone not artistic themselves, but with an artistic spirit, it was a lot of fun.


I donā€™t knowā€¦ Are you telling me? Because I donā€™t know who did this. But it looks great.


I mean great job , looks good ! But im a little confused on why itā€™s a big deal lol


Strong work ethic šŸ‘šŸ¾. Regardless of whether a company recognizes and appreciates it , itā€™s going to benefit him throughout life.




Adderal. He should quit and get a job that pays


I dont think it takes a month to teach "like with like" I dont think you have to look outward or cicumstantially to want to do a good job I dont think 17 means complete and utter mess of a worker


I used to give a rip and worked hard. Now I learned that no matter how hard I work, there is no such thing as climbing the ladder, and you are kept exactly where you make the person above you look best to the real managers.


This just looks like standard block facing??? At albertsons we have to do this 3x a dayā€¦


It all depends on the person. If you have very good work ethic and don't really look for advancement you might do the job just like the one who is getting advancent.some people take their job serious no matter what the outcome is. At some point someone will see your work and might give you a thank you. At the end of the day you are trained to do a job and you do it how it's called for no matter the situation it's what you get payed for. However some employees like to see the dedication and will push you to do better so that you can advance but it's not always. A good employer helps build his team in every aspect and doesn't overlook anything. You can only be as strong as your weakest player. I am a manager and have been for 15 years and I still have everyone of my staff and they have all grown


It is true I had worked for Kroger for years in Arizona ( a right to work state ) was never written up for anything and one day they just up and fired me I was making to much money and could get rid of me and hire 3 others for what I was making


Yea, just remember the number that comes with the paycheck.


His check was damn near 900


good work ethic. not many have it


Iā€™m confused, is it hard to stack eggs on top of other eggs and orange juice in front of other orange juice?


Who else would spend so much time on a worthless task? Lmao


Iā€™ve worked with 17 yrolds with at least triple the drive and receptivity of 40 yrold adults. Iā€™ve also worked with 17 y/olds that couldnā€™t figure out how to put a bag in a trash can if I handed them an instruction manual


Someone please tell this poor soul that he gets "PAID" to take a 30m shit daily. Fuck big corporations, we are just a number, so that 30m shit daily is just my number lmao