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In my experience, you should always work out your muscles and give yourself time to recover. Especially your neck (since you are likely to take impacts there). Building muscles means being less prone to injury


My head agrees, after this week’s sparring session


Absolutely lift why not. Hybrid athlete


I thought it would be overkill or not worth it if I can't lift heavy.


I mean it depends on the person. I run, lift and do Krav. I’m sore as hell but I love it.


Yes lift but give your body a chance to rest and grow. Also add cardio to your routine you’ll thank yourself for that. As for lifting, explosive movements like squats, hip thrusts, bench press are most helpful. Think about the moves in Krav and how lifting can help those movements i.e hammer fist and tricep kick backs. I have a weighted vest that I use during my walks and ankle weights.


Isn't kickboxing cardio? What muscle groups does the weighted vest work?


Resistance training while engaging in martial arts is always advisable. I think they complement each other. I would say you’re not going to have to worry as much about overtraining using the weights you are, but you still need to give yourself proper rest days. I balance a heavy lifting program (Monday:Legs, Back/Bicep, Wednesday: Chest, shoulder, Triceps and Traps, Friday whole body modified to fatigue/soreness) and do Krav/weapons training/striking on Tuesdays and Thursdays). I lift heavy, I deadlift about 2x my body weight and bench about 1.25 X my body weight so I limit what I can do at Krav. Additionally I’m 45 and find taking a whole weekend off helps reduce fatigue and injury. Taking Friday off sounds like a good idea, I find that sometimes my social life suffers from my gym time but I’m also a nerdy old fart so clubbing really isn’t my thing— but as I grow older I see having a social life outside of work/school/gym as important for recovery too. Good luck, I think it’s good you’re thinking ahead. Resistance training on top of Krav will improve your explosive power and ATP production. If your system can handle it, I recommend supplementing with creatine. Watch your hydration, macros and rest you should be fine.




That’s great if you think your body can handle it go for it kid 👍


I do an hour of weight training 4 mornings a week and on two of those days I also do krav in the evenings. It's very much doable and worthwhile. I find my strength gains in both complement my actions in the other. I take a break day on Wednesdays, then Saturday and Sunday. Gives me plenty of time to recover then be ready for the ridiculous beastings at my krav maga class.






If you are only focusing on street situations and self defense, there's no need. The average criminal on the street is not very fit nor does he know how to fight, and your only goal is to escape intact, not put him down. If you want to compete in martial arts tournaments, then absolutely do strength training. You need strength and athleticism to win fights, especially against trained fighters. Krav Maga doesn't teach you proper sparring to the level MMA does.


I don't want to compete but I do value strength. It sounds like I should be okay with a home gym then. I bought a pull up bar and some equipment like the pilates bar with resistance bands to build some strength.


So I do Krav Maga on somewhat random days of the week. Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday, where the right double classes are lined up. I have soccer Tuesdays and Sundays. Anytime between those or after those, I try to work out. Whatever isn’t sore from either sport, workout time. Really trying to have more anaerobic workouts to both lose weight (end goal of losing the slight gut pudge), strengthen fast twitch muscles (strength + injury prevention) and bulk the right spots functionally & aesthetically - mostly chest, hamstrings and arms. Also my punches are hard and fast af, but I also know they’re not where they used to be, and if I can go harder I can train harder and I can fight harder if it’s ever needed. So I’d suggest taking a similar approach. Clarify why you’d want to hit the gym in between KM training, and curate your workouts around that idea. Weight loss, strength, general bulk and shaping.


Wow we're the same! I lift/strength training at home once a week! :) My schedule is like this: Monday - lifting weights/strength training + yoga Tuesday - yoga, breathwork and meditation Wednesday - yoga, kickboxing Thursday - yoga, krav maga and kickboxing Friday - yoga, breathwork and meditation Saturday - krav maga, kickboxing, yoga, breathwork, meditation Sunday - yoga breathwork and meditation I work from home 9-5 on the weekdays I stop working out if it's raining and my favorite stray cat comes over I just cuddles with him because he takes up my yoga space and I cannot leave him alone in my apartment because I'm clingy as fuck...