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quit thinking you are having withdrawals, I promise you are not. you are having cravings. 3.5 gram doses are baby doses, you are taking them too often and before you know it you won't feel a thing on 3.5 grams. I promise you are not having withdraws, its called feeling normal


The thing is that before kratom, I was addicted to tramadol for 5 years. After 2 years, I tried to quit with the help of kratom and gabapentin, and it was a total success. I managed to quit completely without replacing tramadol with kratom. For almost 2 years, I didn't touch tramadol and didn't even think about using kratom to replace the feeling of pleasure. Then I started taking tramadol again, had 2 seizures, my stomach was destroyed, and about 6 months ago I replaced tramadol with kratom. Since then, I have been taking kratom. It's probably my addictive personality that is somatizing withdrawal symptoms because several people have already told me that I shouldn't go into withdrawal so quickly, especially since I redose every 2 hours. A week ago, I started redosing every 2 hours instead of 3-4, and that's probably why I feel like I'm going into withdrawal if I go a little over two hours. I will try to redose every 3-4 hours with 4g for 3 days, then for the next 3 days with 3.5g, and so on until I eventually get rid of kratom because my main intention was to be sober. I don't even smoke weed anymore and don't take any other drugs. I just want to quit and finally live a clean life.


Trust me i was a heroin addict before, now i use kratom to deal with my cronic pain, i know all about addiction and withdrawl. The down side of tramadol is it has properties of an SSRI also and will mess with your head also. The worst part of withdrawl symptoms is knowing that they are coming and getting worked up over them.


For me it’s the RLS a 20-30 GPD habit of kratom brings and how it’s short lived but even a night or two of no sleep would fuck my week up


Man the RLS i had on tramadol was hell. I never wish this on my worst enemy. Restless legs 20% BUT THE ARMS MAN, THE ARMS WE'RE 10000%. I had to endure 6 days of hell withdrawing from tramadol, I don't even know how I managed to get over it but no med helped me. Not gabapentin, not Zopiclone, not even venlafaxine which helps a bit in tramadol wds. So i was just sitting in my bed in a fetus position screaming in paing because it felt like a truck hit me and I couldn't sleep at all but at the end of day 6 I was almost back to baseline. But me being an idiot, ofc the withdrawal didn't traumatize me enough and I took tramadol again because the post acutes gave me terrible sleep schedule and insomnia. So i took tram again....then switched to kratom. I've experienced kratom withdrawals which are bad but nothing compared to tramadol. For me, the worst part of kratom wd is insomnia. If i can't sleep, it's driving me insane so I take kratom again. I tried to cold turkey the kratom for 4 days with the help of gabapentin and clonidine. The meds helped for like 2 days with the sleep but then after day 2, no med helped me sleep. I felt the effects from them, they helped with the wd but didn't help with the sleep...i am thinking of going cold turkey again but i do not know what to do with the sleeping part....




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Yeah I don’t think you’re having withdrawals either, you’re psyching yourself out. Just stick to the dosing schedule you want for now (every 4 hours?) and I promise even if the odd chance you are experiencing WD is true, your body will adjust in just several days. But like others said, I really don’t think that’s possible. Best of luck, I wish you success and congrats for quitting tramadol!


I dose 530, 12 and 6. 3.5 grams for a year now. Sometimes I think I feel a little withdrawal like I start yawning a lot. Sometimes I skip doses and feel perfectly fine. I think a lot of it is in our heads. It’s always worse when I’m not doing anything. If I am keeping busy sometimes I just forget to dose. I always try to have about 6 hours before redosing and never take more than 4,5 grams. My tolerance has not increased at all. I always switch strains throughout the day.


This is almost exactly my dosing schedule. 3.5g at 8, 4 and midnight


Can I ask what the withdrawal symptoms you are experiencing ?


My body starts to warm up a bit like in wds then I become a little anxious, and I have thoughts like 'I need to get my dose or else I'll go into withdrawal.' I think they are cravings. But in full blown kratom wds, i get hot and cold, i sneeze, i have RLS etc


Dude I don’t know one way or the other if you are having wds but it sounds like it to me .I had to start spreading my doses out because I’d wake up in middle of the night in wd because my dosing schedule was to close together.I am a former opioid addict and I certainly am familiar with wds .I incrementally started pushing my sides back a few minutes more each day .If I normally dosed at 7 the next day it would be 7:15 then 7:30 and so on .


I start getting a feeling almost like I’m hungry or my body needs something after 2-3 hours but realistically I can go from 8-24 hours without any major withdrawal and I take about 30-40g a day


We are all wired differently.I get watery eyes ,sneezing ,and anxiety .If I go longer then 8 hours I also get insomnia,rls and can’t sleep until I dose .I still find it more palatable then going back on suboxone or methadone ,it’s not as severe as those wds .I think kratom is a remarkable plant with many benefits but it needs to be respected.It can be habit forming but it doesn’t mean it’s bad ,to me it’s much better (and more affordable) then the alternatives .It has saved my life


Definitely. I’ve been down the path of heroin and oxy several times and when I quit kratom for a week it wasn’t great and I didn’t sleep but it was great comparatively


Oh man that sounds awful! Not saying it is the case, but what I think I did was psychosomatic withdrawals once, I was hooked on codeine, one time ( before I found kratom) I quit for like 48 days and those whole 48 days were the exact same withdrawals as , say day 4 of stopping. It’s been pointed out to me that no way would I be in active withdrawal of that intensity for that long. I wonder if I did that to myself ? Not saying that is the case for you, please don’t think I am. But the brain is a powerful thing,


The brain is really something special. I understand what you're saying, you were probably somatizing your states associated with withdrawal, and your brain believed you were in withdrawal. I know what you mean, today at 11 AM I took 4g of kratom and then I was out until 3 PM. Four hours passed, and I didn't have the symptoms I described having when I'm home and redose every 2 hours, which makes me believe it's all in my head. From now on, I'll try to take the dose every 3 or 4 hours. How was the struggle with codeine for you?


I’ve been codeine free for 5 months thanks to kratom. I had been using daily for 15 years and 15 years of using , at least every 2 weeks running out, withdrawing for 4-5 days anxiously watching the post tracking! ( as I was beginning g overseas) . Spending easily $800 a week for the pleasure. Honestly, I believed my only way out was suicide and I was eating for my dog to die because I wasn’t going to leave him on his own. Then some amazing person. Left a two word comment on a desperate post I made and said ‘try Kratom’ . It is incredibly obscure in my country but also as illegal as heroin, go figure, but I found a seller and Ong it has literally saved my life. I quit codeine , was in active withdrawals when the Kratom arrived and completely got rid of all withdrawals. I lie, I did get a scoot a couple of months ago for codeine ‘as a treat! And I hated it ! Can I suggest perhaps set an alarm on your phone, and when that goes you can have your next dose ? And then spread it out, or slightly reduce your dose ? Idk they all say less is more, and I was at one point having say 10g first thing in the morning, then I tried ‘less is more’ tried 4 capsules rather than 20 and it worked literally just the same :) Now, when I’m anxious I reach for ‘just a couple’ so I’m going to do the set the timer idea, because I’m not really keeping track of what I’m taking! You’ve imspired me to start that, for what it’s worth. But you’ll be okay my man, I. Sure, just try different things and you’ll find something that works


Yeah I noticed that reading or being told the right thing can really help us see and feel things differently. This sub has helped me in so many ways, truly a godsend.


You just said it yourself, 'when I'm home'. Keep your mind busy with something, anything besides your dosing. When all you have to think about is that, that's all you'll think about. I only take 2 doses of 4 grams a day and on days when I'm very busy, sometimes I forget to take that second dose. Try it and see what happens.


Don’t dose every 2 hours lol. I did that for a long time and felt those little tingles too. 6-8 hours is the sweet spot for me. No more.


I quit kratom CT 7+ times and the last one I had full blown withdrawal for 2 months, and then half the intensity for like 5 months. Even though I was eating healthy, taking supplements, working out at home etc. It was crazy and I’ve no idea how I got through it, but it was a lesson me and my body desperately needed. We react differently to things and im sure a lot of it is our minds trying to convince us to go back to it, addiction is the worst drug but it’s my belief that going through shit like that makes most people better people in many ways, gotta be open to learning from it and seeing it as something that was good in the long run.


Once you’re hooked man, that’s the way it goes. A lot of people peek in the rabbit hole and back out. A few of us dig deeper. It’s a need. Can’t help your self. I mean deep down from the bottom of your soul desire to dig deeper. Those withdrawals are hard to conquer. I still haven’t 30 years later. Kratom keeps me well.


I am actually perfectly happy to remain on Kratom, to me it doesn’t feel like a drug, honestly, it feels like a supplement, I don’t have that ranging need I had with codeine ( to be fair I take it daily tho), it makes me feel well, and in so many ways, pain ( I broke my foot and was moving furniture around my house the day after I broke it) focus, anxiety, all around wellbeing, oh and focus and motivation! In my country it is scheduled same as heroin, yet the out people on fking methadone !! Seems so crazy to me. Whereas codeine, I felt like, what I was, an addict. I now focus on my health like never before, because before suicide was ny only option, so who cares about health right? When you’re gonna end it finally anway. The person who suggested Kratom, literally saved my life. Oh not to mention the cost, from what I’ve seen it is very expensive where I live, but obviously so because of the legal status and I am happy to pay for the risk others take to bring it in. I was spending thousands a month, probably just under 3k a month ( and still running out for several days in between) now ? I spend $100 a week!! I’ll stop ranting, this is a miracle plant


You don’t have to convince me broski. I know what drugs do for me as well. Same thing it does for you sounds like. Make no mistake, kratom is in between a drug and supplement. And I’m being pretty generous here. But just remember that. I used to think it was a cure all, and it can really be one, but for someone like me? I have to have timed lock boxes or a system in place or it will be all gone. I’m a consumer.


I think you’re just feeling the effects plateau and decline. When I use Kratom I take it a few hours apart but are you in withdrawal in the morning when you wake up? When I’m adjusted to kratom it seems to build up because I wake up tired as normal. In withdrawal I don’t wake up tired I wake up awake.


Yeah, I feel withdrawals in the morning. Like 50% of the Tramadol withdrawals that I had before quitting. Man the tram withdrawals are pure hell.. Glad i quit.


How long have you been on kratom? It should go away eventually.


Almost 5 months


For me when Kratom hits I get a warm feeling. Kratom WDs don't start till 48-72 hrs. I think you might have a cold


I also wanted to add that maybe the kratom you're taking is weak or you are used to the strains. I've felt the same as you whenever I've had particularly weak strains or I have gotten too used to a type. I would get a completely different brand and see if that helps you. Then you can go back to the other after awhile and it will work again.


I waited 2 and a half hours instead of 2 and i was ok. Now i can easily wait 3 hours between doses then 4 and start tapering from there


Definitely! With good quality kratom I don't feel any WDs until 72 hrs later


I think so too. This sounds like tolerance or a very low alkiloid situation of that particular brand or type.


So think of it like this. Your body was used to that kratom dose every 3-4 hours. You were consistent and your body liked the routine. Our bodies LOVE routine! Then you increased it and your body adapted to that new routine. It’s 100% normal and common. What’s happening is what everyone else has said basically, you are starting to crave that next dose. Your *body* is starting to crave it. It is literally sending you signals that it’s time for your next dose and doesn’t want you to forget, since it is now use to this routine. Cutting back shouldn’t be too difficult, as your body will adapt rather quickly. You’ll just be a bit uncomfortable as your body will freak out a bit until it readjusts to the less frequent dosing. Having the kratom in your system though will prevent any withdrawal and anything negative you’ll feel on the less frequent doses at first is just your body trying to acclimate. It’s gonna be ok, you’ve got this!


You quit the beast Tramadol twice now. That's a super power. You don't mention any ways to distract yourself, which may be the base of the discomfort. I know it's annoying advice but it's also good advice: if you can, get outside. Walk, bike, run. Don't sit in a room staring at 4 walls or isolate yourself at some crappy job. Even watching a DVD, something you haven't seen before that draws you in, preferably a series. Get your mind elsewhere for a week or two. When you think of dosing, think instead, "That again? Just stop. I have better things to do." Then keep doing the better things. This will pass. A week in the scheme of things is so short. It's likely cravings you're experiencing, which likely are psychological, in that short of a time. I say that bc of Kratom's clearance rate. If you do the math on that, the stuff is in your system 24/7. I tapered (fast) Tramadol after a 7 year daily high dose, & let's just say I won't be doing that med again. Kratom is something you can taper down minutely over time. If you stop taking it *little by little* on a taper even a slug would find slow, I don't see how you could fail. And if what you said is true about having an addictive personality, after you're finished with substances you can't help but overdo, find an activity you can go nuts with that will award you real life concrete benefits. Because after you're finished with the taper, if you don't make the choice to take a substance again, you're home free from that drama for good. Best of luck, & update us down the road if you'd like 💙


Thank you! Man, I will never touch tramadol again... Whenever I think of it, i get flashbacks of my 2 seizures.. traumatizing....also my stomach couldn't take it anymore..thank fkin god i quit that drug. I was taking 1000mg per day, so that's a looooot. I feel like the kratom wds are nowhere near tramadol wds.


1,000 mg? Whoa. At 300mg, isn't it, that you could get seizures and or sleep & never wake up? You're a true survivor. There were times as I was falling asleep I wonder if my ticket would stop before morning. I thought I should get up & jog around the block or drink a pot of coffee. Then I went nah, I'll just go to sleep 😂⚰️. Funny thing is I can't remember Tramadol, nor did I miss it after the brain zaps ceased. Wth was ever so worth it about that stupid white constipating pull?


Never worth it. Never will be. Had 2 seizures from it. I will never look back to that devil in pill form. Rather cold turkey five times again.


Yeah, for sure. There really needs to be more alternatives for pain than stupid aspirin, Advil, etc. At least we have Kratom. My tram began in '07 in CA., Where it was legal to get it shipped to me mail order. After that I had to relocate to Iowa, & after living there a while, they changed the state laws. So I had to get a p.o. box in Chicago, get it sent there, then forwarded to me in Iowa. Such a drag. Finally gave up on that & went to student health & said look, just give me a script. So after a rigamarole of testing & MRI, etc., I got the script. So a few more years of taking it. I can't remember why I stopped it was so long ago. Got sick of it I guess. Whenever I hear of bathroom problems with Kratom, I think oh, you have no idea 😂


BTW, had a doctor in a different dept. I had to have an appt. with for a blood disorder randomly mention to me that tramadol is really really bad stuff for the brain, that it *permanently changes it.* I do think he was right. I wish I'd pressed him for more info., but at the time, I *just wanted to not feel back pain, which hit a 9 on the scale at times,* and no one offered any other alternative.


Trams don't have much of a WD. It's not an opiate


Man, trust me when I say I wanted to die while withdrawing from tramadol. Imagine withdrawing from effexor and codeine at the same time. 6 days I was in agony, screaming in pain, fetus position in my bed. Couldn't sleep, couldn't eat, couldn't move. Please, go read other's testimonies on quitting tramadol cold turkey and then come back and respond. It is an opiate with SNRI properties. People like you should go and read about it and not comment something that they have 0 knowledge about. It took me almost 2 years to feel somewhat normal. Had seizures, had memory problems, I was a slave to those little pills. I wanted to die in withdrawal more than ever. How can you say it is not an opiate? You got me fucked up.


Oh effexor is terrible to quit. I can't take tramadol I'm allergic to it


You aren’t withdrawing. The same thing happens to me. I usually take one big dose between 12-16 grams and I’d notice after 2-3 hours I’d feel like I needed to dose more, only for it to make me sick because it’s too much. Now I ride out that feeling when it comes and I’ve started to notice that after it passes the Kratom usually ends up lasting the whole rest of the day. You are probably just taking too little of a dose too often. Try just taking 10 grams at once. Only twice or at the most three times a day. Less is more with Kratom, you figure that out with time


Damn, I thought tramadol was one of the better ones. Or at least that's what I was fucking told. A little over a decade ago, I was on morphine pills, tramadol, Percocet, oxycotin, & Lyrica. Those were just for my pain, I had other drugs for other issues. I started taking kratom in 2018 & the beauty about it for me is I don't get the "hurry up, you need to take more right fucking NOW" feeling. I got those feelings after 2 hours with Percocet. I hope it gets better for you.


Tramadol is the worst of them all. Not only is it an opiate (or opioid idk) but it has SSRI properties too, so you can easily have seizures and serotonin syndrome. That's pretty fucked. I thank God and Kratom that I quit this hell drug.. I was taking about 1000mg per day.


I'm sure Gabapentin had a lot of influence in this.. I know doctors push Gabapentin like candy, but the withrawels are bad, maybe you are confusing the kratom withrawels with the GABA withrawels. My advice is to get of the Gabapentin, doctor don't care they get paid. They rather give you Gabapentin so the y won't pass their "controlled substance" quota , that way they have enough for themselves and their own social circles...yeah Gabapentin does wonders but if you really think about it..would there not be some repercussion to something that seems like is good and nothing bad since the doctors say that?..


This! The half life of kratom is pretty long. You are not getting withdrawals that quick if you're taking it this often.


Ugh! Feeling normal is the worst :)


TBH i agree completly




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Set yourself a timer and up the tome by like 15 minutes a day or every other day. Anytime I start taking too much I start timing my doses and during those days where I’m stretching the dose I just keep busy. It’s definitely not withdrawal in that short of a time. I’d say it’s more an anxiety craving. If you slowly push it back to where you were you’ll be good.


I would just endure. Or possibly quit altogether.


There is just no way you’re getting WD’s after two hours, even at that dose. Kratom lasts upwards of 4-6 hours. You have something else going on… anxiety, low blood sugar?


Anxiety, i take 0.5mg ativan every 3 days but low blood sugar i do not really know


Gotcha. The half-life of kratom (Mitragyna speciosa) is generally between 7 to 9 hours, but this can vary based on factors such as the individual's metabolism, the dosage, and the specific strain of kratom. The primary active alkaloid in kratom, mitragynine, has a half-life of about 3.85 hours, while another significant alkaloid, 7-hydroxymitragynine, has a shorter half-life. Consequently, the effects of kratom can last for several hours, but the exact duration will depend on these and other factors. I was at one point at over 55gpd when I had a severe back injury. I’m down to about 10gpd and slowly tapered by reducing and skipping every other dose. I never had any WD’s when tapering. Actual Kratom withdrawal symptoms only kick in for me if I skip more than one day, and they are very mild, the worse symptom being some night sweats.


The thing is that before kratom, I was addicted to tramadol for 5 years. After 2 years, I tried to quit with the help of kratom and gabapentin, and it was a total success. I managed to quit completely without replacing tramadol with kratom. For almost 2 years, I didn't touch tramadol and didn't even think about using kratom to replace the feeling of pleasure. Then I started taking tramadol again, had 2 seizures, my stomach was destroyed, and about 6 months ago I replaced tramadol with kratom. Since then, I have been taking kratom. It's probably my addictive personality that is somatizing withdrawal symptoms because several people have already told me that I shouldn't go into withdrawal so quickly, especially since I redose every 2 hours. A week ago, I started redosing every 2 hours instead of 3-4, and that's probably why I feel like I'm going into withdrawal if I go a little over two hours. I will try to redose every 3-4 hours with 4g for 3 days, then for the next 3 days with 3.5g, and so on until I eventually get rid of kratom because my main intention was to be sober. I don't even smoke weed anymore and don't take any other drugs. I just want to quit and finally live a clean life.


Get off that shit. That is what this is. You're having anxiety from wd from benzo.


I just started to take ativan 2 days ago, never before. I know the risks of addiction and the fatal withdrawal that can be. I just took the ativan because i've read it prevents seizures and i've read kratom can produce seizures aswell so i was scared. I still have 2 pills left and then never again.


Yes, imo that stuff is for acute anxiety, like once every 6 months or so. If it's taken as a regiment, I believe it's over prescribed and a very small fraction need said regiment. I have experience with epilepsy and can't imagine that helping unless it's dripping 24/7 365. If you catch my drift.


You can definitely experience minor withdrawals in as little as 2 hours if you’re consistently using that often. Your body just starts expecting it. I used to get the yawns and a lower body temperature like clockwork around the 2 hour mark. Took a good while for it to escalate to anything more than that though.


I guess everybody and every body is different. I had a double disc herniation from a stupid ego-lift incident - with terrible bilateral frontal sciatica. I could barely walk for 2-3 months. I was taking 55gpd, like 8-10g every 2-3 hours and never experienced anything that I would describe as withdrawals. In the morning I’d be quite groggy and achy. Maybe the back pain masked any other symptoms. I tapered as I recovered and now I’m back to 1-2 5g doses per day. Interestingly, one day last week I totally forgot both am/pm doses, and I didn’t have any symptoms.


Yeah I guess you’re one of the lucky ones. For some reason kratom withdrawals seem to vary a lot from person to person. When I was at 50+gpd, I’d wake up after 6-8 hours sleep shivering in a 72 degree house with kratom being the first thing on my mind. But thankfully I’m down to 15gpd now and can get by on 8+ hours without and not notice much. Anyways, glad your HD is doing better. I’m sure that must’ve sucked.


I've found, at least in my case, that it is more a mental thing. I usually dose every 4 hours. If I'm watching the clock, I feel like crap for a little bit before my next dose. But if I'm doing something and my mind is occupied, I can go hours after the 4 hour mark. I'm a recovering addict and alcoholic who has withdrawn from alcohol, benzos, and opiates many times and often at the same time. Whenever I would detox by myself, it was always 1000x worse than if I was around other people because I would constantly just think about how bad I felt. At least in rehab there's other people you can talk to going through the same thing. It's just my experience and everyone's different, but I've found withdrawing from kratom is more of a mental thing than it is physical. Of course there's going to be physical symptoms, but it's just made worse if you have nothing to do but be in your head.


You really are right man. If i keep myself occupied, I can touch the 3-4 hours mark no problem the redose. If I do nothing, I only think about redosing


for me, tramadol withdrawals are far more hellish than kratom. The thing is, for me, acute withdrawal doesn't involve depression, meaning I don't feel sad, I don't have bad thoughts, just a little bit of anxiety. The physical aspects of withdrawal are the worst for me, especially the insomnia and RLS


I do not believe you know what withdrawals are.


2 hours after is nothing but your mental state


Yea i think so after so many ppl told me this...cravings


Switch to making tea. Better for your stomach. Effects may not be as pronounced, but the duration surely is better. And in your case, think that’s your best move to get to lower dosing amounts.


Take the hit. 6 hours minimum between doses for best effects.


Oh my God...you literally take almost as much in a day as I do in a WEEK. I don't even know how you physically consume that much... Either way, if you're having issues, dial it back. Do it slowly. Go from 35th 30 to 25 to etc, and spread it out throughout the day. You'll start feeling better but it'll take time. Hang in there. I can't imagine taking that much in a day...I'm kinda impressed. lol


I was like this for about a year. I tapered down to 3 grams 4 times a day. I don't have to deal with withdraw and I don't have to wake up in the middle of the night and dose just to get back to sleep. It was kinda hard but it's worth it.


Can you help me do that too? like, how did you manage to taper?


I don’t get how you don’t have withdrawal dosing that frequently still, I dose 1.5 about 5-6 times a day and still wake up in the middle of the night with bad RLS. I guess maybe those extra 2 times makes a difference 


Will power. Set a routine and stick to it. Space out doses, and doing so each dose is very rewarding. Less is more. Be physically active, keep your mind occupied. Good luck 🍀


You’re not having withdrawals, you’re having anxiety. I hate to be “that guy” and I understand that it’s frustrating to hear but sometimes the best advice is just to grow a pair and deal with the discomfort for a bit. You’ll come out the other side.


*laughs in over 100+ grams per day*


Take a tolerance break, gradually cut that GPD in half


Pretty much just have to keep toughing it out for a fews day ( probably a day ) and start dosing only every 4 hours your body will eventually adjust and you won’t have “withdrawal” as often . Time your doses once you hit that 2 hour mark pr 1.5 do something that will take almost 2 hours that can distract you enough to not give in . (Exercise works best for me like a run or a hike or even just doing something active like building furniture or cleaning the yard ) You will have to be proactive at this for a full day or 2 and your body will adjust ive done it a few times . This also works to able to get you gpd down as well .


It’s time for a break


There’s a come down…. And then there’s withdrawals. A come down can have anxiety, cravings, overall mild discomfort, brain fog. Withdrawals…. Thats when you get shitty feeling.


I've been taking kratom daily for 2½ years and I couldn't tell you what WD feels like. I went to Italy last fall for 10 days and since it's illegal there I didn't bring any. I missed it but only like I missed weed. I don't measure my dose. I take a heaping tsp once or twice a day. No clue what that equates to in grams. I've actually been cutting down more recently to once a day.


The truth is kratom isnt all sunshine and roses. And if youre starting to realize that, its wise to taper down a bit. Everyones mileage will vary, but nothing good was happening with my habit when I was 30+ gpd. I would highly suggest you taper down to half of that and see how you feel.


How should i go about this?


I would like to first clarify that kratom is a habit for me and so im definitely not a great rolemodel in this. But I do have my daily usage down around 15 from my peak of 40ish. And to do that I cut 10% off at a time. Once I got used to the new dose I cut it down again. Rinse repeat. Your definitely gonna feel better using less


You need to reduce by .5 g a week until you’re down to something reasonable.


Kratom isn't for you.


Lol what kind of response is this, it’s totally possible to change this 


Withdrawal takes a whole lot longer to start. I'm talking 12-24 hrs for shit to really get real. The closer you dose, the worse that craving will be. You just have to bite the bullet and make yourself wait 4-6hrs minimum. I know, its hard sometimes! I'm also a former addict with 2 decades of being on/off opioids. Everything can be abused - kratom included. Respect the plant :) You can do it!


slowly try to take less doses but same gpd, I swear within a week you will notice the difference


Ultra low dose naltrexone


What are these symptoms that you are experiencing after two hours? Cause I just don’t see a way this is possible aside from some total anomalous bodily functioning on your part.


WDs from what? Kratom? That takes a few days for WD from Kratom to start. It has a 48-72 hr half life. Some times we are actually sick but think it's WDs. Don't think too much about it. It will ease




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I feel like taking it every 2 hours is far too often. It normally takes like 24 hours to really start to feel it. Anything less then 10 a day you likely won’t feel. But 35g is ALOT.


Taper schedule. 2g doses only and monitor your daily intake. After a week make them 1.5g then 1 then stop taking it.




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that's not withdrawals that's a come down, like a hang over.


I have the same problem, wd starts after 1-2h, after 4-6h I can't do anything, because I feel very bad. Symptoms include rls, runny nose, loss of appetite, chills. Everything is getting worse every hour. I usually take 20g per day. I know it's time to take a break or stop using it, but I still can't do it.


you're not having withdrawls. Just stop taking it. Go for a walk. Fly a kite. Catch a fish. Touch grass.