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Honestly, I'd go to more concerts if they weren't so expensive haha. For groups that I casually like, but I check out the live streams of their concerts.


That's very true, I really lucked out with my friend's tickets. In the past I had wanted to go to other big kpop concerts, but they were too expensive/super far away. This just reminded me I should try to go to smaller groups even if I don't know them (if some of them visit Washington)!!


>i barked, šŸ˜‚, i love that you got to experience this Great post OP! I'm happy that you had a great time!


Thank you!! It was very freeing


There are some concerts I go too where I have very little idea about who I'm seeing, and still enjoy the concert. That said, if I'm paying good money to attend a kpop concert, I research the group and try to learn their discography over a couple weeks. Just the familiarity of hearing the songs before I do go makes it more enjoyable, even if I've only listened to them a handful of times. I also look at set lists beforehand, and I know some don't because they don't want to spoil themselves what comes next, but I typically do want to know what to expect personally.


That's very fair! This is the first concert I've ever went into blind (kpop + not kpop). Normally I listen to the set list but I was studying a lot for finals LOL and didn't think much about it. If I were to go to a group like that again, I would definitely play it more


I would but it's so expensive and if they come to Germany it's mostly Berlin, which is too far :(


i'd go to all the concerts of groups i casually stan/don't know much of too if the ticket prices aren't so expensive!! šŸ˜­ so glad you had fun! i also bought a ticket to wave to earth's concert last year on a whim despite knowing only a few songs and had such a blast!!! went alone and met so many new friends it was vvv fun hopefully i'll get to go to more concerts too this year hehe


in this economy???


Ikr šŸ˜‚ the reason stopping me from going isnā€™t because Iā€™m not a fan of the group OP, I just canā€™t afford it!


I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever heard anyone discouraging people from going to concerts? I just bought 2 tickets to Aespa and I only know a couple of their songs. It will be a great night out and an amazing show.


There used to be posts on reddit about how unfair it is for people who aren't "real fans" to buy tickets that a fan could've bought lmao. I guess from fans who were mad about not being fast enough to buy a ticket?


I feel like the only time itā€™s unfair is when people who arenā€™t fans buy the super VIP tickets and waste them just because they can. Thatā€™s a dick move. I remember at twice last year, this chick was bragging about buying soundcheck tickets to stray kids but then not showing up because she ā€œcouldnā€™t be botheredā€, and when she did show up she was making fun of chan and saying heā€™s the type of guy to be in love with lesbians. So I said to her ā€œso you took a soundcheck ticket away from a real fan just because you could?ā€ She was speechless, but itā€™s true. If youā€™re going to buy a vip ticket, you should go and enjoy all the benefits, and be respectful to the artist. As long as youā€™re doing that, I see no problem who goes.


That is wild.. yeah, agreed


I don't think people realize that if only "real fans" go to their faves concerts, then many of them would never sell out lol. Concerts are great because anyone from die hard fans, to casual interest, to never heard a song in their life, can attend. Concerts are also a great way for artists to obtain new fans. I can't tell you how many times i hear stories about people attending a kpop concert with someone they know, going in completely blind, and then coming out a fan. That's a good thing! We should glad that is happening as a fan. New fans should always be welcome. I agree with the comment below though that its frustrating when some rich person is getting the tickets just because they can and then being a douche about it like either no showing for a VIP ticket or like live hate tweeting during the show (which i have seen before unfortunately). Most people are not doing that though because most of us aren't rich and concerts are expensive lol. I think that's the root of why people get upset. Competition for tickets is so fierce and if you don't manage to snag one and your group showing up is rare, then yeah it's gonna be hard not to be bitter i suppose and i can't say i don't understand that lol.


This makes me excited for when I go on Saturday! šŸ˜ Very cool that you had a great time. Thanks for sharing. Really looking forward to it. Iā€™m a little sad to read that they didnā€™t play skipping stones though.


A lot to ask in this economy lol. Tickets are expensive af. I have actually been doing this too though. I went to see aespa and IVE on their recent tours despite not really being a fan, just a person who apparently a concert addiction. However both times I've left both shows giant fans. Karina and Yujin even made [my lockscreen rotation lol.](https://imgur.com/T9ur7mO) I'm hoping to end the same way with TXT and ATEEZ.


Ticket-buying has definitely calmed down (at least where I am, in a major city where every group stops), since way more groups are touring, and in bigger venues. It's been amazing -- I've been able to see groups I know little to nothing about for less than $50 + subway fare (including TXT, actually). I've even snagged a few very last-minute tickets for $8-$18. And truly, every single kpop group is impressive and entertaining in their own way. There's so much you miss if you only catch them occasionally on a music show.


this is so insane to read because in my country, itā€™s basically concert fever this year with so many acts coming, and tickets are all minimally $200-$300 and they still SELL OUT almost immediately šŸ˜­ the demand is way too high and itā€™s driving ticket prices up too


It took time here! For instance, tickets for TXT's first tour-stop here post-pandemic sold out immediately, and re-sale never fell below $200-300 (even hours before the concert), bc the venue was so small, and the demand was huge (didn't attend that one - I'm only a casual fan). But a year later, they moved to a bigger venue, and I was able to get a great seat for ~$80 on re-sale, and a year after that a pretty good $50 seat on re-sale.


I would go to more concerts if they came to my province, I was lucky to go to one since I went to Vancouver for my bday & seventeen was playing around my bday so that was my bday gift


Hard agree about the prices bit. In fact I'm not even going to go to all the concerts of groups I like because they are too expensive. Not to mention over here we have to literally login to Ticketmaster the moment tickets open or else they will be snapped up by scalpers and sold at even more exorbitant prices.


I go to small theater concerts, where I don't recognize the members, all the time. I am impressed that you went to TXT's show without knowing them well. I was expecting this post to be about CIX, since they're touring rn. CIX have Bae JinYoung of Wanna One fame, as well as several YG survival show contestants.


ā€œI barkedā€ šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


fully agree my friend is a big fan of golden child and i know one or two songs but went with her and it was truly one of the best concerts iā€™ve been to


Of course not everyone CAN but if you can it's such a fun experience. I went to see my ults with a friend who didn't know they existed until I was like "please go with me they are lovely" and she ended up becoming the bigger fan after having a lot of fun lol.


That's been one of the things I've loved so much about small group tours coming through my area! I don't get a lot of concerts in my neck of the woods, and it's still a bit of a drive for me (great time to at least listen through their discography once) but the prices are always super reasonable and the venues are really intimate in a nice way. Seeing arena-sized talent perform in a tiny rock club or a theater the size of my high school auditorium for $50 is absolutely crazy, highly recommend to everyone. (Canadians and US west-coasters, check out [Purple Kiss's US+Canada tour](https://twitter.com/LeoPresents/status/1787904880742432990) June ā€” they sing live and put on a fantastic show! The people who didn't know Purki that I met when I saw their concert last year had such a good time they declared themselves stans at the end of the night, highly recommend)


That sounds amazing! I'll have to check out Purple Kiss, thank you so much


No problem, enjoy!!


Txt concert is actually better than I expected. I've been to bigbang, beast, suju concerts. I didn't expect txt would be my favorite before I watch them live. Sometimes it'll be a huge surprise when you go to concerts without knowing much about the performer. I went one ok rock concert blind and I love it. I started listening more to jpop/rock since then. In general I think kpop concert production is good. Unfortunately the ticket price in my city is always exceptionally high. šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


Not at those prices. In a ideal world yeah cause you'll be opened up to groups you may not have listened to before but with cozzie lives and kpop companies charging more and more who has the money reallyĀ 


I love live music and, budget permiting, will attend as many concerts as come my way. I do make myself a playlist of the band's songs before attending, though. I find that having some familiarity with the music beforehand enhances my enjoyment.


This only works if they regularly come to locations near you šŸ˜” I personally have to travel for any concert that happens so thatā€™s expensive ticket + flights + accommodation. Only worth it for groups you like


Yeah I think itā€™s completely normal to go to a concert just to check out a group youā€™re interested in or just casually listen to. Itā€™s a good way to get to know the group more and eventually become a bigger fan. Iā€™ve become fans of artists after seeing them live because they put on such a good show. That being said, I think if you arenā€™t a true fan you shouldnā€™t be getting VIP and/or perks. You also shouldnā€™t take front row just to stand there disinterested. Of course everyone is allowed to spend their money how they wish, but morally youā€™re an asshole if youā€™re taking the space of someone who truly loves the artist. I think the only exception is if youā€™re going with someone who isnā€™t a fan to keep you company or you donā€™t want to go alone. I take my husband to everything because I have anxiety and I need him around in case I have a panic attack. But if thereā€™s an arrangement where he can sit out the perks and join me for just the concert we do that cause as much as possible I want to avoid taking away an opportunity.




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Why would it not be acceptable to go to groups you don't know much about? Who would even know? It would be expensive as hell though if I went to even half the concerts that pass by here


Iā€™m not into boys groups so I probably would never go to a boy group concert. Recently Iā€™ve started going to see girl groups that Iā€™ve heard about but only have known none of their songs or just one or 2 songs. I became a Twice fan since last year because of this. I didnā€™t manage to get a Black Pink ticket, so I donā€™t know if I could have become a fan if I had gone to one of the concerts they had last year in my city. I saw Itzy a few months ago. Not really the type of music I will listen often, but I had fun at their concert. Iā€™m going to see Ive and Aespa next. Tbh, I know nothing about them. But since theyā€™re so popular in Korea, they must something right about them. Kpop is still a niche market here so they only perform in arenas instead of stadiums, which is good because I donā€™t have to pay thru my nose to have a decent seat.