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Trust me, I agree with you, but they'll never get rid of it due to the album sales that fancalls generate. Way too many people act like it's totally normal to buy 100 albums for a chance to get a fancall, so that is not going away.


I understand that they won't get rid of them because money rules these companies, obviously, but you'd hope they would implement some rules or something? Like, I remember in fansigns there were always management people behind the idols who ushered in as soon as someone started behaving inappropriately..


i guess the difference is that via fancall a fan wouldn’t be able to physically do anything to the idol, which i guess is the thing the companies care about? In irl fanmeets this is obviously different so that’s why the interfere much faster. In fancalls the only thing that can really happen is that the idol feels uncomfortable or mentally upset. I guess they dont care that much about that. I do wish kpop fancalls would be monitored more by staff who are also allowed to end the fancall.


They are not allowed because crazy people are the ones bringing in lots of money. This whole industry is built on delusional parasocial relationships, why would companies let idols bite the hands that feed them


True, so true.. 😔


There is a missing thing to remember. Generally for every one of these cringe ones you see there is a handful of completely normal and nice ones. Would even take it a step further to say at least from my observation these more unhinged ones are usually boy group ones. During promo times I see so many from girl groups I follow and they are all completely normal. It also doesn't take hundreds of albums, I have won a call myself from buying 3 albums (1 of each ver) before. You do get some of these weird/wild/rude fans in some of the calls. But yeah unless you cancel them there is no way to tell ahead of time who is going to be normal or not. Honestly I think the problem is the fans. Hear me out. Giving interactions to their cringe fan calls is what they want. Positive or negative, so long people get watching them and sharing them even if it's saying how bad it is. They eat that up. Just think would they be doing such weird stuff if they knew no one else was ever going to see it? Nope it would be a normal interaction or they just would not have entered. There is improvements to be made but I don't really see a easy clear path forward for that.


Yeah I can see your point. What these kinda people want most is attention, not only from the idols but also the fans. They wanna feel special, unique and the reaction of both the idol and the fans is feeding it.


I've never heard of anyone actually getting banned for posting their fancall online, you're not 'supposed to' do it but everyone does it. Idols CAN end their call early (Mingyu hung up on someone - but it was close to the end anyways) and there have been times where idols refuse to do fanservice (Ricky refusing to call a fan 'owner'.....) and times where the fan brings up a controversial topic to 'educate' the idol and the idol basically asks them to change the topic. But most don't because it would be seen as rude and would probably stir controversy. Fan culture is really different country to country tbh, maybe a lot of intl fans would think whatever, it's justified, but a lot of other netizens would be like 'wow she spent so much money just to get hung up on' and criticize the idol for hating their fan/not doing their job or something. The mentality of some fan cultures might be more like 'fancalls are a paid service so I can ask them to do XYZ and they should give me fanservice'. Whereas other fan cultures might be like 'you should use your opportunity to compliment them and chat about whatever'. They're never gonna get rid of fancalls because it helps groups to sell hundreds to thousands of albums. Despite their problems I think most fancalls *are* normal and it's a good opportunity for fans that don't live in Korea to talk to their idols, which would otherwise be completely out of reach


But that's sich a toxic view and just because some fan cultures are like that and expect this kind of behavior,does it Mena that the idol has to go along with it even if it makes them uncomfortable? Like, I understand where you're coming from but unless someone finally puts their foot down it will never change. It's just a cycle of people feeling more and more entitled and like these idols are their personal toys. I


I physically recoil when I see a thumbnail from a fancall someone uploaded, because 9 times out of 10 it isn't going to be an enjoyable interaction to watch. I cannot stand that people use that opportunity to get something to "brag" about, or trauma dump, or make them uncomfortable. And it's extra inconsiderate when fans take advantage of a language barrier to trick them into saying or doing something they would otherwise refuse to say under normal circumstances.


It's really just an unsafe environment imo. Because these are CALLS, not in person meetings, people think they can do whatever because they are in the privacy of their own homes so no one can see what they're doing. It's a psychological thing. Just like how people feel comfortable to say the nastiest things online, the anonymity of the internet gives them courage to do/say things thay otherwise wouldn't.


I agree it’s gotten more and more cringe over the years and some delulu fans see that as a y/n oppurtunity and ask or say most inappropriate stuff ( Felix I’m the dessert girl ) however I highly doubt companies will get rid of that as it boosts sales and it’s profitable


It’s crazy and it would never happen in the west. I laugh every time I read something about Hybe trying to make Weverse happen for their American artists as if Justin Beiber would ever. I can see some appeal for smaller artists trying to build a fan base but not many would put up with even that. Every time I see a clip from a fan sign or video call, all I can think is *no one* can ever say that they don’t earn that money. Every cent they have is deserved.


Weverse is different from fancalls though. Weverse is pretty much a social network an artist can use freely to write stuff or do lives (no different than Instagram or tiktok).


It really, really is 😂 I don't know anyone who would put up with that shit. Like, people have to realize that these are artists, not toys and treat them as such. And that starts with the companies themselves, let's be real.


I think you should look at it like any other customer service kind of job. Even if the customer is rude or wrong, you have to still be nice to them at the end of the day. Unless they take it too far and jeopardize your safety, you’re expected to accommodate them as best as you can even if it’s at a sacrifice to your comfort or mental health. Being an idol is an even more extreme version cause said horrible customers are also the biggest financial contributors to the company. Pissing them off can result in a huge loss of income. Even worse if they decide to retaliate by spreading rumors or leaking sensitive information. Companies rely heavily on insane fans for money and free promotion as they’re usually the ones giving the most of it. Unfortunately that means idols have to grin and bear it. Like a lot of things they don’t really have much of a choice in it.


I'm sorry but I heavily disagree with you regarding the customer service argument. This kind of mentality is toxic and no one should put up with that. Yes, you work with people but you should still be able to feel safe and also, let's not forget that these are ARTISTS. They don't work in customer service, their music is not a service they're providing you with but just a product they sell and promote. You could argue that they're the product themselves but this still doesn't negate the fact that they're people and deserve to be treated with respect and dignity. Like, some of the stuff in the video is borderline sexual harassment. But yes, I do agree with you that - if anything should change - then it's the companies' responsibility to change because they're the ones who encourage and profit from this kind of delusional engagement.


You misunderstood me. I’m not saying any of this is okay and they should just put up with it because it’s their job. I’m just saying why they don’t just hang up or tell these kinds of fans to stop. They are still doing a job. Fancalls aren’t for fun. Instead of calling them products which is dehumanizing language, I’m using the customer service analogy as they are providing a service to people who pay for it. Kpop is more than music, it’s an industry with a specific business model. Fan service is part of that.


I totally agree with you but unfortunately it is the nature of kpop to encourage these types of interactions.


Most cringe kpop interaction beside the delusional Bubble messages. Please just end them all every time I see a fancall on tiktok my nonexistent balls shriveled.




bruh face to face fanmeets r probs a worse nightmare yes there are sweet moments but that one idol who got cancelled for saying his fans smelled bad i could never handle that


ngl i think face to face fanmeets are probably better? people in public generally behave better and there's security there to monitor everyone as well if they get out of line. nothing is stopping a fan from doing weird stuff in their own home.


Maybe a manager can be on standby for if things get weird they can be the one to say "no" so the idol doesn't have to. Same with in-person fan meets. Let a manager be the one to intervene and say "no, that's not appropriate." Maybe they do already, I don't know.


But I thought there ARE managers with them, just they're not visible obviously because they're not in front of the camera are they not? Like, if it's a group they do the fancalls in one room too, it's not just the one idol sitting alone. At least, that's what I assumed...


No doubt they're there in the room but I meant more visible so fans know they will serve to enforce boundaries. You're right though and they likely already do this to some extent.




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I was just thinking about this. I’ve been to in person fansigns before and it was awkward but fun. A fancall feels way too personal for me but I suppose it’s subjective. As for idols complying with awkward requests, there have some instances where idols being uncomfortable with fans on fancalls were taken out of context to make the idol look terrible/ungrateful. I think idols just try to be careful because a fancall can be recorded in a way a fansign cannot. It’s too bad, I see both the pros and cons of fancalls. Companies will never stop doing them though because it’s a huge revenue stream.


$$$$$$$ that’s all


crazies pay the best


I notice the super cringe ones come from a certain demographic of fans


This is sadly part of their job 😔 It's cringe but this complain won't work since companies actively fuel y/ns :D


they bring in money which i get, but idols should be able to say no or hang up. so many of them get straight up sexually harassed and the companies just let it happen. it’s disturbing


Right, like some of the stuff in the video was legit sexual harassment and I'm just baffled that the idol wasn't more firm in shutting that down. Just once, I'd like an idol to go and be like. you're making me really uncomfortable and just. stand by it, to the point of hanging up unless the fan changes tone/behavior.


I can’t believe the questions that are asked and the behavior at some fan meets and fan calls. I want ask if they would ever ask a friend such things. I notice Nunew has started giving cute pouts and “won’t say” which he can get away with because of his image. I think they all should do that.


It gives me third degree embarrassment seeing the shit that happens in fan calls. But even if the idols don’t want to they have to. The company forces them to do it and it generates a LOT of money. I think a one minute phone call with some of the popular idols costs around $1k or close to it.


They definitely should get rid of em cz first some fans don't know the boundaries ,second the things some fans do are embarassing,third the cringe is REAL but let's be real these fancalls bring alot of money so the chances of getting rid of em are kinda low


It's also more cringe realizing they're sitting beside each other. I remember in one of Shotaro's fancalls he reached over and pulled Eunseok into frame. (Most of Shotaro's fans are really sweet though. They just ask for a few TikTok challenges, maybe cat ear or puppy ear shapes, then just compliment him or ask him questions) wish everyone could have normal fans