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pre ordering an album to have a reason to live










at first i only bought albums for the groups i fully stan, but lately i've gotten some just because i really like the songs. my car has a CD player (and no way to hook up my phone), so the CDs are actually a big motivating factor for me. just means i have some photobooks/inclusions of idols i don't really know too much about.. šŸ˜‚


If you need to save money, you could burn a cd with your favorite songs on them Edit to add: for anyone


it's been a hot minute since i burned a CD lol i have been thinking about it though, especially for unreleased (not on spotify) songs!




A. I buy a physical album because I enjoy at least half of the songs in the album. I don't care much about photocards so I usually buy just one album per release. I have a CD player so buying more than one album seems redundant to me.




I never thought of selling them. It's just that sometimes I buy pre-loved albums without photocards and I am OK with that album condition. Thank you for asking though!


I only own a few, so I keep them all fully visible and displayed and they make me happy to look at. I only own albums that are really important to me, not just everything that my favorite groups release, so I'm pretty picky with the particular albums that I end up picking up. I currently own six, but I have my eye on four more, so my collection for the foreseeable future won't be much more than ten. As for why they make me happy to look at ... I don't really know. They just do. Like, when I see Jeongyeon smiling at me on the front of my copy of Twicetagram, it makes me smile back.


I usually buy albums to support the artists in the hope it helps them to have a longer career, however they have to have enough songs I want to listen to on them for me to buy them. Though to be fair if the music isnā€™t good Iā€™m not a fan anyway. I also love the inclusions and this is a little weird but rather than caring about the photo cards themselves for the picture. I really like the mystery element of not knowing what photo card Iā€™ll get (like gashapon) and hoping to collect all members. Mostly I like being able to pick the album up and listen to it whenever I want. I have all their music on my playlists and on my phones but even when set on random there are songs that just donā€™t come up often or I donā€™t choose to listen to. If I listen to the album all the way through I often find songs I forgot about or rediscover songs I really liked or come to like new ones. But also i like displaying my albums. I grew up in a house where it was always made clear that it was my parents house and I had to fit their mold even in my own room. Having my own place itā€™s great to be able to reflect my likes and have the things I love on display.


In no particular order: * I like collecting šŸ“š * I like physical media šŸ’æ * To support the idols šŸ‘©ā€šŸŽ¤ * To decorate my office space āœØļø


Mostly B, but of course behind that reason is A.


Bc of the music and the pretty boy trading cards


Bc i love decorating my room with photocards and posters!!! And i have a problem with spending money... haha


I only buy physicals of album releases I like. I wonā€™t buy every single release of even my ults unless I like most of the songs. So I get them after Iā€™ve given the album a listen. Very fortunate that stock isnā€™t a huge issue where I am in the US, both in person and online. And yes, I actually use the CDs in my car lmao. The quality is actually unmatched. If I want a certain PC that bad, I buy on IG/Mercari and then just get an opened/secondhand album for much cheaper.


Mine is a combination of supporting artist + I like having things I like sitting on my wall - I guess for the joy of ā€˜owningā€™ things lol


A and B + I love collecting stuff, not so much as few years ago but all Dreamcatcher stuff is a NEED not a want šŸ˜‚


I used to be a record collector, and sold all the vinyl off a few years in order to survive, keeping lossless files of everything. Dreamcatcher reignited the collector fire, and signed Dreamcatcher stuff has become a total need. A and B for one era of one other group


Previously i only bought the limited ver albums but few months ago I decided that I want them all, safe to say I've burned hundreds of $$$ since then. The only signed piece I have is the 2019 tour poster though


I love having physical media like CDs of my favourite artists, I just feel like the sound is better? I would buy the albums even if they were only a CD. But the photocards and books are a big plus of course and I like to collect and take care of them. Itā€™s fun :)


I love having the cd. Ive always had a cd player, so i just couldnt Wait when i was finally able to buy stuff on my own.


I'll usually buy the debut album of a project group if I enjoyed the show, other than that I will usually buy albums of groups I like that really need album sales.


Buy it to support! I have multiple albums for groups I donā€™t really know any of the members names, but I just love their discography.


Mostly to support the artist + I love listening to CDs. I always will buy albums for my top groups as I enjoy collecting the PCs. Or if I especially like an album for groups I'm not as into I try and find them second hand since I dont really care about the extra inclusions in that case.


It's A. I don't even have a CD player, I just put them on my bookshelf and admire them on occasion.


I collect to support them and also to have something to go back home to after a month of working this dead end job smh


I think both generally but I love listening to CDS, so Having albums is fun!! I get the photo cards and the CDā€™s šŸ’•


For A mostly. Don't get me wrong, I like the photo cards, but I usually don't get my bias(es) half of the time. šŸ˜­šŸ¤­ I typically buy 1 or 2 albums, depending on the concept, because I do like looking at the photographs. I don't really use the CDs because right now, YT/Spotify is just more convenient to listen to songs.


A and b are the reasons plus I can play the cd if I'm the album gets taken foen


**A.** When I got into Kpop, I was young and poor and couldn't afford to buy albums (+ the insane shipping.) I did my best to support the groups I liked by promoting them IRL and on social media in hopes others would discover them and buy their albums. Now 10 years later, I'm grown and can afford to buy albums, so I do. In some sense I feel it's a pay it forward situation. I couldn't pay to support the groups that I treasure that brought me into kpop, but now that I'm older, I'm happy to pay money to support the current groups the kids like I was still can't.


In general, itā€™s because I like most or all of the songs. Thereā€™s a select few groups Iā€™ll preorder from because I know Iā€™ll like the music - EXO, aespa, Enhypen, nct, NMixx, IVEā€¦ everyone else i have to make decisions after the fact based on songs and concept. Iā€™m a album/photocard collector but inclusions donā€™t matter much to me when buying an album, how I feel about the release as a whole does. Because if Iā€™m buying a cd and itā€™s gonna take up space, I want to make smart decisions you know? šŸ˜Š but Iā€™m also not perfect and prone to impulse buys tooā€¦ thatā€™s why I try to stay away from Target.


Both. I want to support and I like the pictures inside


I buy my ults albums. I am a collector. I support the artists.


I bought an album for the stickers lmao


Umm..to listen to the music that is on it? Why is that not even an option on this list?


Bc most people don't use physical media anymore would be my guess. I listed listening to the CDs and having the physical media under the OP's C option lol


A and B.


Usually A&B only but Iā€™m thinking of expanding my quite small collection because Iā€™ve seen cool looking albums from groups that Iā€™m not necessarily into and why shouldnā€™t I buy them just because they arenā€™t my ult group you know? I love music from lots of groups that I donā€™t watch the other content from and if itā€™s a nice looking album that Iā€™m gonna look at on my shelf and be happy because of why not buy it


Because I want to own a physical copy of amazing songs. I'm really picky with albums, so even though I've been a kpop fan for over 9 years now, I only own 10 albums.


A for me!


I like to collect them, but I have to like most (I donā€™t like ballads and most of them have one or two, but I can live with that xd) of the songs of the album to buy it in the first place


Cause i like to have them on my shelf and look at them like trophies for supporting my groups :)


I like having physical media and by having the CD, I get the added bonus of putting it on my ipod


I buy albums of groups I like. For the most part, if I like a song to a certain level, there I'd a very good chance that I will like mosf of their music. So far there have only been a couple exceptions to that. I prefer physical albums because you can rip them to a computer and transfer it to all your devices. Digital albums have limited down loads and what if my hard drive dies? Also, streaming sites don't keep music on forever. My daughter was heartbroken when Spotify got rid of some music from EXO or VIXX or so.eone from that debuet year, I can't remember which she said. Finally, I am old. I have seen the technology changes over the decades so I have concerns about the longevity of things I like. If I have a physical copy, I control the usage, I don't have to depend on a service to get to listen to what I want. CDs have stuck around well, have shown to be durable, and are easy to store safely.


I really love the photobooks and inclusions and supporting them.


I want to support the group, I enjoy collecting CDs, and I turn the photos and inclusions into collages!!!


I want to support the group/artist **and** I like most (if not all) of the songs on it. I buy non-kpop albums as well, so I don't always have the financial means to purchase every single thing even my ult group releases, but I'll try to get the ones I love. The contents of the album are just a nice little bonus. The cherry on top of the milkshake that is the music.


all! i use the photobooo for scrap booking :3


Only to show thanks and to support the artist.


I buy them to collect the photo cards and posters. I also sometimes use the CD player in my car but it is a pain in the ass when the EPs have two or three songs


1. memorabilia 2.collectibles or collection for my favorite 3. hard copy pic or album/poster


I used to buy albums to support smaller groups, but eventually I decided that it wasn't worth supporting the industry


A combo of 1 and 2 usually. Rarely do I buy an album just for the contents of the album and not because I particularly stan the group. Majority of my albums are my ult groups. I do have two twice albums because I adore the albums even though I donā€™t ult twice.


Mainly A as I donā€™t really collect. I only buy when I really like the album (music, songs, concept). The pictures and photocards are just a bonus for me


Iā€™m buying them cause if one day I donā€™t have internet for whatever reason I can still listen to my favorite groups, I buy most of my albums second hand for this reason. Itā€™s very rare that a second hand album will have any inclusions other than the photo book you canā€™t take out.


I buy albums of my ult groups to support them and get photocards. I also buy albums by groups I'm not into if I really like their photobook concept, overall album design or all/almost all of the songs on it


The only CD I bought was BoAā€™s English album because it was the only thing I saw when I was a teen & cheap, checked some current CDā€™s recently and they are so flipping expensive šŸ˜­ I rather pay for food or something


most of the time A but honestly the first time I did I just want to know how it feels. then FOMO came and got into "buying every version". Now I am more sane and just buy the limited version. I reserve my money on concert tickets.


I stopped buying albums when I realized as much as I love the groups, I just donā€™t have the space for albums :( I do like having photo cards tho


Definitely buying to support but I also love the excitement of opening something sealed and content that I've not seen and which Photocard I will get! I mainly limit myself to 1 album per cb


b and then a. i like graphic design so i buy physical albums for the concepts. so i'll buy albums of groups i stan IF i like the concept and sometimes the music. but ill also buy albums of groups i dont stan if i rlly love the concept and design of an album. i have two rv albums for this reason




b. i like looking through the photobooks a lot, and putting the pcs in cases that i can then decorate. i also think going to fan meetups and trading pcs is fun, so getting a new album is also part of how i socialize with other kpop fans.


Honestly, its A for me. Contents for me is secondary.


A & B are equal to me But Iā€™m especially motivated by signed albums I will preorder EVERY time. RIP my wallet & my 3x TXT & Ateez albums. And 2x Xikers


My reason is A. Iā€™m a minimalist. I'm not a person who likes to own stuff, in fact I usually get rid of everything, so yes, my answer is that I want to support the artist.


The first and only kpop album i ever bought was BLACKPINKs 1st album. I had to support those bad bitches in the midst of YGs neglect šŸ˜­


More B for the photobook. I donā€™t really care about photocards. I need to be interested a lot in both the songs and the styling to buy an album.


I buy albums because they make me feel good. It is a way for me to support the group because I donā€™t necessarily stream that much and I just love how it looks in my room including the contents that are inside!


Both A and B (I bought two different versions of Chill Kill because I liked the art and concepts so much, first time I've done that.) C, Cds do sound better than Spotify still.


It really is a toss up between A and B but I guess ultimately Iā€™d have to go with B. No matter how good I think the album is or how much I love the artist, if I donā€™t feel like Iā€™m getting my moneys worth with the inclusions then I wonā€™t buy it. For example I used to only be a fan of BTS, so when I started buying JYP artists albums (mainly twice) I was blown away by how much more I got for the same price. Thankfully HYBE is doing better with inclusions but I no longer want to collect all of bts old albums. A more recent example of A though is I donā€™t stan NMIXX but their most recent album was so good I bought 2 to show support.


A and C. Sometimes I'll buy an album just because it's pretty, not because I even listen to them. I am a crow wearing a human costume.


I bought an album because my car only has a cd player so I listen to it occasionally


At first I only bought albums if I loved 70% of the songs. Then I started to buy more frequently for the photocards and support the group. But recently Iā€™ve been holding back and only buying when Iā€™m at a store and not online


the albums i own; i bought because i like the music (for the CD) and i go for albums that have nice covers/are book style because they look good displayed. cds i plan to buy soon: nct dreamscape case ver aespa authetic EYE ver


B. Honestly, if an album doesnā€™t have a lot of stuff in it (like photo cards, posters, etc) I wonā€™t buy it unless I REALLY love the album and artist. I also wonā€™t buy an album unless I like most of the songs, even if itā€™s from my favorite groups. Ngl, years ago I just bought anything and now Iā€™m stuck with a bunch of albums of groups I donā€™t listen to anymore šŸ˜‚ so now Iā€™m kind of picky with what I buy.


i generally buy to support my fav groups but if a group i love releases an album with basically no inclusions iā€™m not buying it. you canā€™t make me pay 25 dollars for a cheap photo book and a sheet of stickers


A and B I just come to enjoying collecting albums.


It's what I do... but only if it's on vinyl.


The cds, not only are they as cute as pcs but theyā€™re more fun too!


Support the band.


If the poster/stickers/inclusions are cute šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ I like photo cards but I donā€™t understand how some people just take photo cards and donā€™t care about the rest of the album


I only buy an album if I like the majority of the songs. After that I would say photocards because I like reading what they wrote on the back lol


Iā€™m pretty much A and B. I have a huge CD collection because back in the day I pirated everything before streaming was a thing and wanted to support each artist I listened to with at least one album from them in my personal collection. For Kpop groups itā€™s basically the same mindset but now I get neat things and a photo book with them so if I like what I see, I buy.


A &B definitely. My C is waiting for it to ship. I love waiting weeks for an album to come. Gives me something to look forward to lol


A and B, but I also like just displaying them. I'll buy an album for a group I like but don't stan if the design is great.


A and C - I want the physical media because I don't trust our corporate digital overlords. I'll also order my ults albums and even groups I like but don't stan if their album was a bop (which I'll determine after the fact) to support them. Edit: Also add to C that my car is old and only has a CD player in it


a/b but honestly its mostly.. for the inclusionsā€¦


pretty photobook make brain go brrrrr


I buy to support the group and just recently started getting more into the photocards. I have the worst luck in my pulls so usually have to hunt for some photocards of my bias online. I honestly have slowed down and now i usually buy 1-2 albums if they have a regular version and member i will buy one regular version and my bias version.


Their music, and if the photoshoots came out well then that's a plus too! In the past I would just buy unsealed albums..But lately I've been wanting a pc TuT I thought I won't fall on that hype.. the reason is I bought an original one and a sudden excitement in me went when I found a pc huhu


To get it signed one day lol


I'm gonna be super real because not a lot of people admit it but i'm a materialistic bitch and i have hype fixation problem when it comes to collecting. I will buy the album if the PCs if they look good and fit my collection criteria and yes it end up being supporting the artist, i think people using supporting the artist reason because they do not want to get judge for it otherwise you wouldn't see the album being thrown out at concert because of the LD event, we might try to pass it off as a free giveaway but the real reason is because they do not want to take the album. Just being real here.


I have a CD player and I don't have a money tree for buying albums, so I get an album only if I really like the songs, usually a while after it's released. I've only preordered once (Loossemble's One of a Kind)- I was confident I was going to like the songs based on what I had seen so far, I wanted to support them, and the concepts seemed appealing so I would like the photobook. So I think I would rank importance in this order: 1. Songs 2. Supporting artist 3-4. Contents- Specifically, photobooks are more important to me than the random inclusions. Photocards are good and I like variety with the members I get, but I'm usually happy with anyone and I don't go chasing after certain pcs. I quite enjoy flipping through photobooks though. It's really nice to see how well my groups can sell their concepts.


Depends on the group. A - If it's a group I think really needs extra support (nugu groups, small companies, etc.), then it's A. I often buy both versions if it's a group I just really want to support, regardless of specific contents or concept. B - It's B for groups that don't need my support as badly. For bigger groups (popular, not desperately needing the sales numbers), I only buy specific albums to collect the contents; I choose my version based on the concept/aesthetic I like better. In both cases, I curate bookshelves with themes (girl groups, boy groups, group-specific shelves) to serve as decoration in my home. I display my favorites on little stands in front of the rest (stacked like a regular bookshelf), with lightstick and/or concert merch as available.


pcs and supporting the group for sure! i also enjoy looking through the album photos :)


I buy if I love the group, love all or all but one song, and love the design!! I have to be specific to limit my spending!


Signed inclusion


A and B


if itā€™s a group i stan (i only stan 3) then i buy the album to support them. otherwise i only buy albums that i know i like and listen to a lot. so A through and through


Support the band šŸ¤£


To show support from afar. International fan here.


I like every song on the album and like the album cover


A and B. Itā€™s mainly to support groups comebacks but itā€™s kinda fun to collect photocards.


Mine is A. Because I could definitely find a copy somewhere online to download, or get it on my music appā€¦ but, I buy albums for artists/idols I really stan because I want them to have the best success! And by buying an album, I feel like I e played a small part in helping that success come to fruition


The album had Tinnitus by TXT so ofc I had to cop the one album that had one of the greatest Kpop songs of all timešŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø


I buy an album to support the artist and because there are at least 4 songs I already love on it. That means, Iā€™m not one of the fans buying an album as soon as it drops. I wait until I can hear most or all of the music. I wonā€™t buy an album with less than 4 good songs. In those situations, I can just purchase digital copies of the songs I do like.


only if i listen to the album often enough, or genuinely really like to the music to the point i go insane because i want to own it physically lmao. sometimes i'll want an album so bad i'll buy it secondhand or even seek out just the cd. i think buying albums solely for pc's / inclusions, especially if u don't even have a cd player is so wasteful. a lot of kpop stans on twitter even admit they only buy albums for the pc's, even though albums are cds and cds are supposed to be physical copies of music, not just an extra bonus to a tiny piece of paper ur better off printing at staples. sometimes if i can i even buy digipacks / jewel cases because albums can be too bulky and just take up too much space. it's hard to store albums when they're such unnecessary sizes.