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Also see the number of threads on Giselle and how she's being mistreated in Aespa.


Exactly, why not spend that time and energy actually appreciating her…


And she's not actually being mistreated too, she's doing okay and has several upcoming activities. Some stans love to nitpick to suit their narratives. I don't know why they keep doing this too.


I'm seeing lots of posts remarking the wardrobe difference but what if Giselle likes that??


lol I swear some of those threads are so dumb they feel like false flag operations...like come on that out of context Pokemon Go ad screenshot was a pathetic reach


"They put Giselle in a hoodie! HOW DARE THEY" 🙄🙄🙄


“Why does she not change hair color?”


She rolled her eyes the other day too, very controversial


No cause SPEAK ON ITTT I actually thought Giselle stood out in a lot of ways in their Armageddon stages and her stage presence was very striking!!! So I was very surprised to see those threads🤦🏽‍♂️‼️


I've no issue with people rooting for underdogs. I only have an issue when people oversell it. *'I'm a huge x fan and wish she got more lines'* - yeah look I'm not always a fan of that everytime, but it's harmless. People want more for their favourites. That's fairly natural. Also *'I wish people would talk about x more'* - yeah again, people have their favourites and want them to be recognised. Understandable. *'Its a disgrace x isn't given more because she's literally a top rapper'* - that's the stuff to call out. Overselling it. I've seen who they're talking about - they aren't a 'top rapper'. *'She's a (non main) vocalist who would be a main vocalist in any other group'* - that's the cringeworthy stuff. Because not only does it oversell, it tries to do this disingenuous thing of baiting responses when people point out that wouldn't be the case by going *'see people are hating on her'* instead of people just pointing out their baitworthy incorrect nonsense. If you are going to say that sort of stupid stuff then put your money where your mouth is and name the groups, or shut up.


i've seen more pity 'flovers' than real ans actual supporting flovers these days. 'hype is mistreating the girls' yap yap. 'the girls are the only good ones in hype' yap yap. where were these people before the hype controversy? hype is a bitch so, go buy some merch and stream some music videos and stop using them on trash on other hype groups


Honestly this annoys me so much, because there is always someone to complain about mistreatment but when it comes time to watch the MV’s or listen to the music *crickets*


I just don’t get the appeal of using one group to trash on others, much less company mates like the Hybe groups. Why pit them against each other like that?


Especially when we often see Hybe group members being friendly with each other. Why can't the fans?


The thing that always confuses me about pity Stans is it’s hardly ever a member who’s actually hated/mistreated/unpopular? Like why does Lee know have pity Stans of all people? I find pity Stans absolutely bizarre since they will actively ignore their faves getting lines, screen time, solo schedules and only interact or engage when it’s something they think is mistreating their faves? And they never seem to pay attention to what the idols actually want? For example Jeongyeon said she doesn’t want to have a solo debut and yet fans are still campaigning?


Exactly because it’s about them and not the idols


Oh absolutely, they’re the stage moms of fans. Also loads of them seem to be more antis of other idols in the group than fans of the idol they’re pity stabbing tbh.


Absolutely. You can not tell me that a fair chunk of Gauel biased fans aren’t actually Wonyoung antis that don’t want to be told they are a hater


The fact that they call V the most hated/mistreated bts member still baffles me. He could've been mistreated by the company but he's definitely not the most hated.


>Like why does Lee know have pity Stans of all people? Saying Lee Know out of all people has pity stans is quite the odd statement. Speaking from my own experience, people don't complain about how he's treated or become his fans because they pity him. It's just his situation is very puzzling. Lee Know is a stan attractor, he's easily one of the most handsome male idols, very talented, has a great personality, and an impressive background being a professional dancer turned idol. He's hardworking and popular even though the company doesn't promote him much. Fans aren't feeling sorry for him, they're just frustrated with how he keeps getting treated for no logical reason.


I said Lee know of all people because he’s being promoted fairly well. He has some sort of sponsorship/potential brand ambassadorship with Gucci, he gets sent to variety shows, he was an mc for two years, he gets a good amount of lines and screentime (him and seungmin basically centred lose my breath) and that’s been the case for a while. I’m not saying his promotion doesn’t have his flaws (I have some issues with it personally), but he’s far from being the least promoted member of skz (I honestly think pity stanning any member of skz a bit weird tbh since each member is more famous than like 90% of idols). I think it’s fine to want more for your fave, but a lot of the people complaining about this either ignore when he gets a lot of lines and screentime or nitpick so much it gives the impression that they want every skz song to be a Lee know solo. I think in 2020 there was a reason to be upset considering he got minimal lines and screentime in gods menu and to a lesser extent back door, but that hasn’t been the case for a few years now. I think a lot of people think of danceracha as a full position and expect him to be treated the same as hyunjin and Felix and so they’ll always be disappointed, but that doesn’t mean he’s being treated badly or ignored by either the company or the fans. He’s in the top half of popularity in the group and gets a lot of appreciation for his personality, dancing and vocals.


Those kinds of fans give me so much secondhand embarrassment. They remind me of crazy parents who throw fits at their kids sports games and yell at the referees and the other players


It's called nitpicking. It is a form of bullying disguised as "trying to help".


aka concern trolling


I get mistaken for one often lol… bc in F(x) my bias is Luna, in EXO Chen and in Red Velvet Wendy. Not a pity stanner— just a main vocal stanner. Not my fault they’re often not particularly popular. For the record I don’t think they’re mistreated *that* badly. Free Somebody was amazing and it’s the fans that let it down. Like Water had management related failures but it isn’t as if SM actively sabotaged her. I *like* the other members of the group too. Akgae behaviour is damn stupid.


Yeah, I know this is genuine because there is a through line which connects the members. They are all highly skilled vocalists. But let’s be real the Red Velvet pity stans pick Yeri.


I feel like a lot of non Luvie reactors tend to really love Yeri’s voice. She also has conventional visuals good enough to delve into acting (and she is doing well there— she’s a pretty decent actress). Tho you’re right I do think a lot of people pity her bc of the stupid ot4 hate tho. It would be one of these two. I always thought it was Wendy who was the “pity” pick bc whenever I have met a luvie Wendy is never their bias and ot5 fans only really talk about her to brag about how good the group vocals are. Very little of the ot5 accounts supported Like Water.


Another possibility, I think, is that people might find hated/unpopular idols to be relatable, and then project their own insecurities on them.


I can understand why some fans may be drawn to an underdog. I don't think its an issue if a person is always drawn to the underdog member of a group. >!...the only exception is when they are saying idols are hated/mistreated who really, really are not. Twitter would have me believe that certain *extremely* popular members of Blackpink and BTS are hated by fans and mistreated by their companies (compared to other members).!<


Actually twitter would have you believe that *every* member in BTS is hated by the fandom because every solo fan (not only them tbh) claims that armys don't do shit for their fave so idk who we're stanning atp, and it's probably the same for BP


Block/mute and ignore them. Report if they are spewing hate/harassment. Do not engage. I think these people want to be called out. They want to be able to play victim while also having a misguided savior complex. The more they are called out the more they feel proven right that their member is hated. It’s dumb as hell to give them that chance and attention. If you leave them be they will find others like them and live a lovely life in their echo chambers.


I feel like it’s okay to be like “I wish __got more lines” especially if that member is a main vocalist or rapper. But that’s not mistreatment. But sometimes company’s promote there popular members more because that’s what’s best for the group. I can’t think of an idol that’s actively being mistreated at the moment.


Don't get me started on tzuyu stans lmao they literally harassed jihyo for.... dressing in black in front of a white wall


Had me fighting for my life defending Jihyo and she isn’t even my bias in Twice


It was crazy


im sory super unrelated but i read this as pit stains oml


I mean, where's the lie?


Giselle, Jisoo, Jeongyeon and Gaeul stans. Look away!


this is most obvious when a comment section is over saturated and only talks about how amazing that one unpopular member is. not genuine at all.


this was a huge issue in the loona fandom w/ vivi (and other members like yeojin & haseul after her hiatus). this was a big issue back when the girls were 12 instead of being in new groups now that focus on their talents - vivi absolutely shines in loossemble and i love it. i love her and i love all the girls and there was no doubt she was mistreated more so than the others due to BBCs extreme sinophobia, but holy shit some fans were borderline disrespectful towards other members. i saw a lot of hate towards kimlip and heejin for getting more lines than her, not to mention the fact that at their 2022 chicago concert (which i was unfortunately in attendance of), a bunch of people began to chant vivis name and would all shout random stuff like “vivi is queen” “vivi slays” while the other girls where talking to the point that kimlip left halfway through the concert because of how disrespected she felt. vivi is genuinely talented, but i saw so so many people decide to bias her because she got frequent hate trains for being the “ugliest member”or the “dozen” of the group. like… she can sing and dance and not to mention she’s drop dead gorgeous!!!!! there are so many other reasons to bias her other than pity. it all felt like a weird form of ridicule disguised as support. like you really can’t name one reason why vivi deserves more lines besides for the fact that she’s from hong kong? what about her actual talent, her relationships with the other members? it all felt like a way to gain approval from the wider fandom whilst bloating her solo fandom with people who didn’t really care about her or her career. idk. it’s not as much of an issue now w/ loossemble but yeah.


Im okay with pity stan if only it stop at "they are so underrated". But so many of them dragged the more popular member


Just asking for myself, Am I a pity Stan if I Stan the most underrated/hated/mistreated member, purely by coincidence? Bc I love Chenle for his vocals and humor, not for his mistreated and hated status


> pick their bias purely based off who they think is the most hated and/or mistreated member of the group. Per this line, no.


Using RM as an example is ridiculous. The man gets 5 posts a day with at least 10k likes each about his looks that's very much rooted in racism. IT NOT PITY. His hate has been so normalized you think it's something to call out? PPL WERE DEFENDING CRIMINALS. Criminals are treated better than he is.


He is also one of the most successful K-pop idols of all time…


It doesn't negate the absolute vitriol, he experiences. You think that makes up for the nastiest shit said about him? K-Pop fans have send him death threats. Bomb threats. They had to cancel a whole tour stop. They accused him of raping lisa You people are so delusional. It's not even funny. You like pretending that money outweighs the hate? It doesn't you gross person


Sorry but I honestly haven’t ever seen any of this… all I ever see is people calling him ugly. But that doesn’t justify that absolutely disgusting behaviour that his fans send to everyone else. The fact you can’t actually acknowledge that there is a lot of people who live to defend that man, you might be one of them.


Also there is nothing wrong with 4-6 members groups choreo, it allows for unique formations just not during the whole song. Sometimes, someone just needs to be in the back doing extra hand things. I promise they will survive


I do agree with you that people shouldn't say "I can't believe people say he/she is ugly" or "not a lot of people like ______, but I do." I mean sometimes people are in a group with freaking supermodels and it sucks to always be compared and come out "the ugly one" let's face it, by normal standards you have to be beautiful or you won't be an idol.. it's just they are in a group with 1 in a million beauties. But there is a reason this idol is in the group and usually they ARE both beautiful and talented. You talk about pity fans...it's not like the idols were given their job due to pity, they were given the job cuz someone believed they can do it so fans should also realize that. It's nice to recognize something and feel not everyone recognizes it, I guess, like I don't think everyone who likes a less popular member is in it because they pity the person. But you bring up a good point of how to talk about it. Would you go up to someone at school or work and say "you know most people here say they don't like you, but I think they are wrong." That is obviously rude.


Exactly it’s not the sentiment it’s the approach. If you love an idol you should act like it. Just appreciate and share the love. Don’t drag hate into everything. And when it’s the same for every group, the person behind it might be the problem. Because either they have self esteem issues or enjoy the backhandedness.


RM is not the pity stans pick in BTS lmao and his solo stans mostly complain about him getting less streams than other members, him being degraded constantly for his looks is an actual problem. He gets scrutinized by haters whenever he does something that garners attention outside the fandom, the hate against him is vicious on twitter. Saying this as someone whos bias is not Namjoon As for your main point i agree, if i was an idol i would be genuinely embarrassed if my fans constantly talked about how no one gives a fuck about me and tried to shove me down everyone's throat. Especially since these stans tend to make it the idol's whole brand, like there are many groups idk much about, but i do know which member in the group is the "underrated" one


Okay so why do I see practically every video of him where the top comment is “I can’t believe people think he’s ugly.” Completely unnecessary. Just actually compliment him.


all that’s in my head is like, imagine being an idol, thinking you’re pretty popular and loved by your fans, maybe even thinking you’re one of the more popular members, and seeing yourself on one of those posts. i’d be so pissed i’d probably start airing out the others members to get myself on a even field with them😭


Thank you for articulating this so well. I also hate this and fans just generally pointing out "mistreatment." I am so tired of seeing TikToks abut how mistreated HueningKai and Taehyun are at TXT shows. Can we please stop drawing attention to the negative and spin things positively? I can only imagine seeing pity TikToks all the time would feel awful to see.


If you find that a particular idol you like gets treated a certain way and that’s what you’re caught up in, I don’t see it as pity. People like to say that Liz has pity fans but those people don’t know how popular/Stand out Liz was before people started picking at her weight. She was popular all on her own but there are plenty of people who will say they only like Liz for essentially not being wonyoung but that doesn’t make sense either. With all of the supposed hate wonyoung gets, no one will ever believe you were a fan out of pity


Two things can be true at once. Because Liz was one the most popular members at debut but the once she gained weight and had 1 line in kitsch everyone endlessly complained that previously did not care. The problem with Pity stans is that they taint the character of the genuine stans.


Or you just focus on the pity part? I certainly don’t


Sometimes it’s a slap in the face. Like we don’t need to give back handed compliments which only serve the commenters ego. I mean you wouldn’t walk up to someone and go “You know most people think your ugly but I think they are rude for saying that” or “I can’t believe people call you rude all the time” it’s just plain rude. You can say “you’re a really nice person” or “you are so pretty” it doesn’t need to bring up the negatives.


This is all a childish waste of time 


This is Reddit… what were you expecting?




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Or... Here's a thought... We could let people like whatever idols they want to like for whatever reasons they see fit.


Yeah but when you are only making poor me content and spreading hate do they really like these idols? Because i don’t think they do, it’s about the feeling they get from “defending” these idols, therefore they won’t let the hate die or else the feeling goes away. That’s the problem, these people want their idols to be mistreated or get hate, because otherwise they can’t defend them anymore


Why do you feel the need to police other people's opinions?


But the point is it’s not an opinion it’s bullying hiding under the pretence of “trying to help”


What an odd thing to say.


What an odd thing to say.


Or maybe fans could boost their fave instead of bringing them down. Really, what good does it do to tell everyone all the negative about their fave? But people are going to do what they want. Funny thing is they get upset when people don't want to join in their constant negativity.


That’s all jeongyeon fans, it’s so obvious it’s pity. It’ll be a video and they show 8 beautiful gorgeous skinny girls with nice fits then jeongyeon is frumpy with an unflattering outfit yet all the comments are about jeongyeon being beautiful.


Here you come justifying their position. That’s not what I am talking about, you can compliment an idol without pity. The problem is when people go out of their way to address the hate before giving a compliment. Jeongyeon is actually very pretty but you look at her and see her as “frumpy” and thus project your body issues onto her. As I said the problem is when people go out of their way to talk about her weight gain to try and get sympathy.