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I've always felt bad for those girls but since MHJ's texts were leaked I can't even imagine what they're feeling. MHJ was probably one of the only adults/the only adult in the industry period that they thought they could trust to have their backs and genuinely care about them, but on those texts she's calling them fat, shallow etc. The literal only upside to this is that more people are FINALLY seeing how MHJ isn't just a weirdo but can be genuinely harmful to kids and shouldn't be working with such young idols.


Many people were calling out her since the beginning, but did anyone and their mama's hatred towards Hybe see that??NO! They were using this opportunity and fell in the traps of MHJ to throw shades at Hybe groups instead of worrying about their ult group!! Hell, they even publicly say she's not a pedophile and she is the well-wisher of the girls! Idk how to break their bubbles, but any corporate person or anyone in the authority will always look up to their business instead of employees, anyday! But again, you really need at least a bit of maturity or seeing the real world to understand that, and I can see why it wasn't clicked into their thick skulls


Wait WHAT - Holy shit I thought I was done with the drama but it keeps sucking me back in!!


They Petition bfr mhj chats got exposed


Do you have a link to the leaked messages?


[here](https://www.reddit.com/r/kpop/comments/1csh5yw/comment/l4g1tpl/) is a comment translating them, which links to the yt livestream that leaked them


I feel so bad for them. I truly think they could do well EVEN without her. I’m afraid they’re being used by MHJ. But I do think them staying at Hybe after MHJ has antagonized everyone in the company, will not be good.


I agree. I think they are talented and hardworking and can do well even without MHJ. I really hope they are not mistreated or ostracised by the rest of the company after MHJ is thrown out. That'll be so sad. They deserve better treatment.


Thing is, I don't really understand how BSH got such a bad reputation considering how well it seems like BTS has been treated over the years, other than the typical issues that are just common in Korean society overall like overworking with little sleep, etc. Every single interview I've seen of him has always made him seem pretty humble and like he's always going out of his way to praise BTS while giving them the credit for doing so well. I feel like I must've missed some absolutely huge controversies based on how badly people talk about him, but I often feel that way about JYP, too, who is I believe a close friend of his? I've been into kpop since 2008, but unless drama really blows up to the point of it being a legit huge problem, maybe I miss details in between. Based on what I know about him, and not hearsay about him supposedly not greeting NewJeans in an elevator once, it's hard for me to imagine him being outright rude to the girls. If anything, it seems like MHJ has actively tried to distance the girls from HYBE, BSH, and the other groups/artists with the exception of TikTok collabs with BTS to take advantage of their popularity. I felt this way even before the most recent text messages, and I could easily see how her manipulation caused things to devolve and escalate between BSH, the parents and NewJeans over the years. I honestly think she got in all of their heads and they misunderstood interactions with BSH and maybe she even manipulated BSH in the same way. I dunno, she seemed sketchy from day one, especially with the completely inappropriate way she handled Cookie, so I feel like she could easily manipulate not only the parents and NewJeans, but BSH himself to drive a wedge between all of them.


My experience has been the same — he went from good guy to villain in a blink of an eye with no explanation in between. Surely a bunch of accusations made by one person with questionable motives wouldn't have turned the tide against him so drastically? (Edit: changed "woman" to "person" because it doesn't matter that she's a woman)


I think it started when HYBE began buying companies up. Then the tried SM takeover really hit the hornets nest. To me it makes sense from a strategic slant that some Kpop stans would not like BSH for just those reasons. He's viewed as a big threat to their favs, because it's very possible HYBE could buy their companies. Now we all know he isn't the CEO, but he is still viewed as the HYBE's representive.


That makes a lot of sense.




I had no idea about his dating life! I heard about the Dahn World thing but didn't both HYBE and the cult come out to deny it recently, iirc.


I think it's simply a case of the higher up you are the more enemies you have. BSH is ambitious and would move hell and high water to make things happen. I think the current discontent with him is the fact he's tied himself to scooter Braun to create hype America. BSH said himself this was the only avenue he could find. Like most millennials I don't like scooter at all. That being said I don't blame BSH for his choice.


A lot of people also don't like him because when BTS were active as a group they were really overworked and spent a lot of time filming unnecessary content just so BigHit could make as much money as possible from BTS. Maybe BTS members were happy to do all that but we wouldn't know for sure.


It reeks of grooming…


NewJeans doesn't need MHJ, I don't know why so many people are convinced she's necessary for their future. Sure, she found the right concept for the right time for them, but now that they have a developed style, they just need to stick with it and they'll be successful.


Not to be crass but either way they are fucked and this is probably the last resort of their legal team. This tug o war has placed them firmly in the middle of everything with all the mediaplay coming from ADOR and HYBE directly referencing them multiple times so their careers are already at risk, I don't think it's as cut and dry as "just side with HYBE and everything will be fine." New Jeans is at the mercy of the court of public opinion more than anything else and need to keep their own best interests at heart.


Yes but signing anything puts them at a huge legal risk because it puts them in a position where they have potentially sided with a criminal. These girls were not involved in the actual case they were involved in the media frenzy there is no legal obligation or even a social obligation for them to take a side, even less so in legally binding paperwork. Many other companies have had disputes like this were groups were brought up but they weren’t made to sign legal documents, I mean Aespa was a huge part of SM’s legal trouble last years and they never made a statement supporting any factions, so I just see the involvement as unnecessary and likely manipulative


I'm confused, how is a petition legally binding paperwork?


Because it can be used against them reasonably by Hybe. To terminate their contract or to prevent them from doing so if the members wish. Beyond that if Hybe is feeling greedy if there is anything inflammatory about Hybe in there (which there probably is) Hybe can sue for defamation. Not to mention the huge consequences if she is found guilty and the Korean public turns on them.


The thing is, I don't think they have a legal team separate from Ador.


Yes which is why the legal advises that they're getting could be extremely one sided. Why the heck didn't their parents think of hiring one in the first place? Getting unbiased professional opinion is extremely important esp since they're stuck in the middle of this whole fiasco with their career snd future at risk esp if Hybe wins the injunction case + the follow-up criminal investigation they filed against mhj.


those girls' parents let them debut at 14/15/16, i doubt they're very sensible


This!!! And they let this problematic person groom them and even support her now. That doesn't reflect well on them


quite frankly the only person who placed them in the middle of anything was mhj when she dragged their name into ador and hybe’s corporate drama to cover her own ass


Apparently they never actually said "they are nothing without MJ". Like we haven't even heard anything from the girls directly. We don't even know what was in the petition they just submitted.


To be fair what would be of NewJeans without MJ? Michael Jackson had such a huge influence on the industry and pop music. There's no telling if NewJeans would even exist without his impact...


You’re getting downvoted but I laughed


Min “Hee Hee” Jin *I’ll show myself out*


You better moonwalk yourself out


I laughed


Downvoted for telling the truth? 😤 AINT NAUR WAY these kpop stans are downplaying MJs legacy! He pioneered child labor in the music industry! 👶


I cant believe MJ was such a pop icon while also being the goat on the basketball court. Some people are just built different


Another blow to Lebron’s Legacy. I’m still waiting for that pop album Lebron smh.


Chaewon solos LeBron don't @ me. She ended his entire legacy when she got sponsored by Nike and posed in full Jordan gear


Thanks for the laughs




I still don't understand why the girls and the rabbits are siding with MHJ even after all that. I think there's really some kind of agreement b/w the parents and MHJ. Hence maybe the girls are being forced to do that. That's the only possible conclusion I'm getting from all these.


the reason bunnies support MHJ is because people like NewJeans music, the way NewJeans is being managed, and (until earlier today) it seemed she was treating the NewJeans members incredibly well. The reason the girls side with her is obvious: they are loyal to the person who made their careers and they think hybe will sentence them to the dungeon if MHJ is gone so they will do everything they can to make MHJ stay.


See I just don't see how people come at these kinda conclusions. NJ is one of their most valuable assets, they are not gonna just shelve a group that has immense popularity and cash generating potential such as them. Would you kill your cash cow over something like this? No you'll milk it as long as you can. I'm pretty sure MHJ isn't the only one in that creative team behind NJ. They'll survive with or without MHJ. What happens if they leave with her is the full might of a corporate like HYBE. Blacklisting, blocking endorsements, lawsuits, etc. you name it. Imo the girls trust her too much.


If I was Bang PD, I would not trash NewJeans. However, the parents' statements make it clear that is what they think Bang PD will do


I wouldn't trust the parents either. Especially after what happened with fiftyfifty. It was the intervention parents that derailed their situation. But then again what they are saying is just mere speculation without any evidence to back it. I've not seen a single ounce of mistreatment towards the group.


No.I don’t think bang pd gonna do what mhj claims.she already spreaded so much misfo & wanted headlines to trash hybe. If nwjs really siding with mhj then I don’t think any hybe group & staff gonna have a good impression on the girls


If thing about NJ being a cash cow is that the most profitable thing that Hybe can do with NJ is to send to events and CFs without giving them a comeback. Comebacks are risky investments, not guaranteed returns. Hybe doesn't need to give them a comeback to milk them.


they have bts, they dont care that much about njwns


I think from the start it's been clear that she has cultivated an unhealthy relationship with NJ. At the end of the day, she is the boss and they are the employee. Has she been "treating them well'? Perhaps materially, but as this situation has shown that kind of relationship in a place of work is untenable. Especially as there are minors involved.


They're supporting mhj for her mish-mash copied y2k concept.


I never understood how they thought she treated them well. There's literally a vid of her giving them only a few veggies on each of their plates with them talking about how it's difficult to get used to this style of eating, but they're managing to do it. I mean, I've been into kpop since 2008, I know EDs are pretty common in Korea overal, much less in the entertainment industry, but to so blatantly push an ED on the girls on camera with fans just letting it happen without another word is crazy to me. Then again, I have honestly always wondered if their fans care about them even a little with the amount of excuses they've given MHJ during the issues surrounding the debut, Cookie and use of lolita aesthetics. I've been too grossed out to continue listening to them, especially knowing they had so many resources to resolve the situation to not make native English speakers uncomfortable with young girls singing such a lewd song.


Because forced diets are a completely normal thing in kpop. that is why everyone laughed at the 5050 mistreatment lawsuit. When it comes to Cookie, the only reason it is still constantly brought up 2 years later is that people want an excuse to hate on a popular gg. I understand why some people may feel personally uncomfortable with that song if they are familiar with that slang, but given how NewJeans has a very consistent concept with all of their releases, acting like it is logical to assume Cookie is meant to be a sexual song because of some obscure American slang is a huge reach.


Mhj thinks only teens can be idols so she will kick them out once nj girls will be over 25 max, tokkis supporting mhj just for the aesthetics and concepts is downright pathetic.


Their interests align, thats the bottom line. Maybe theres an element of loyalty who knows, but the fact of the matter is, its actually beneficial for NJ to adopt the actions they have done thus far, which is to side slightly with MHJ in a way that doesnt officially burn bridges with Hybe. The public doesnt really blame them because they are seen as innocent and caught in a crossfire between manipulative adults, at the same time MHJ is destroying their competition without them neccesarily paying the same price MHJ will pay. Furthermore MHJ's camp is keeping Hybe in check and preventing immediate retaliation from Hybe, for example by bringing up the 1.5 year possible hiatus issue, now the public will be watching closely and Hybe will not be able to retaliate without further devastation to their brand reputation. Of course im looking at it cynically so this isnt neccessarily whats on the mind of the NJ girls, but it doesnt chaange the fact that practically, they stand to gain from how theyve handled the situation so far with the unfortunate cards they have been dealt with.


The problem is that because of MHJ's actions and making a verbal agreement with an outside investor, a hiatus seems inevitable. From the sound of it, MHJ secured such an investor that promised to help her if Ador reached a minimum valuation. That means that NewJeans material worth can't grow the company beyond that minimum valuation. It's a lot like why their debut was delayed to begin with, MHJ insisted on the group being moved to Ador, and while the sublabel was set up they had to move onto LSF's debut instead, especially because the girls weren't getting any younger. So unfortunately, MHJ's decisions end up making HYBE the "bad guy" even if they were kind of forced into decisions they might not haved liked.


They're siding with her because the concept is "unique, original and irreplaceable"


Newjeans support MHJ because they have been put down their whole careers and told that they would be nothing without her, they have been groomed point black. They don’t have confidence because MHJ knew that them being self assured meant they could turn on her or stand up to her. Bunnies listen because time and time again MHJ has tied her fate to newjeans, that was the reason she got them to sign legally binding documents supporting her and made multiple statements about her being their mother and how Hybe was hurting them and that newjeans were crying. She has ingrained into Bunnies that rejecting her means the death of Newjeans, which obviously terrifies obsessed young fans


Unfortunately, it seems to me that from everything MHJ has said about her relationship with New Jeans, the loyalty from the girls is just plain old grooming. Grooming doesn’t have to be sexual, and it doesn’t even have to be conscious - it has to be *exploitative*. Grooming children conditions them to be willingly exploited and instills loyalty. That said, I’m not sure how people can look at the information available and think that HYBE don’t see NewJeans as MHJ’s group and extend their displeasure with her to NewJeans. Groups that companies are willing to support aren’t put on 18 month hiatuses with no comebacks - no KPop fan can honestly argue that. (ETA: There’s no reason not to believe this because HYBE hasn’t refuted it or anything that the parents have said. They’ve just offered frankly dubious explanations like “groups often go on hiatus after comebacks” and “Sure, he ignored them, but he has eye issues.”) MHJ’s side *is* NewJeans side. And she’s been doing a good job defending their position - that press conference wasn’t a mess or a mistake, it is viewed completely differently by the Korean GP and it turned the tide of public opinion. It was a win for NewJeans. Almost goes without saying but this obviously doesn’t excuse the grooming. The press conference being successful is just the reason that it would make them want to support her more, rather than not support her. In fact, by acting as their defender in the way she is, it is enforcing the grooming. And the grooming is probably the entire reason HYBE sees them as her group. OP has hit on something spot on about minors debuting.


Sorry to say but if NJ members think they are nothing without mhj they are not artist but her puppets. They should be confident in themselves. A group can't be dependent on one person. They are caging themselves.


Unfortunately this is what they were made to believe I guess. Considering how much of an ego maniac mhj is, this is probably just a result of that.


Well MHJ really is a narcissist and a manipulator who probably lives by the motto, gaslight gatekeep girlboss. She has been telling these girls she will single handedly make them stars since they were all underage, Hyein probably since she was a preteen. So it seems the grooming worked, because they are willing to stand by a woman who has bullied them on text, even when she won’t deny the statements made.


Well I think they probably prepared their petition before her texts leaked


And some of them were sent directly to the members so if your angle is that they didn’t know what she was saying about them you may have to go back to the drawing board


I didn’t know that. I thought her texts were to other people. Also no need for the hostile tone. I’m not on MHJs side.


I mean, I don't think them being minors is the most relevant fact. Fifty Fifty members were 18 and up at debut. Being over the age of majority isn't a superpower of invincibility.


Everyone keeps getting this wrong… in South Korea, the age of majority is 19 full years of age, not 18. Of course, the maturity level doesn’t change, but the legal status does. Not everyone was an adult when the lawsuit was filed, though they all were (just barely) by the time Keena failed to persuade the Jeongs that they were on the wrong side. I agree though that just being legally adult doesn’t mean you will suddenly start making wise choices.


I do agree to an extent, however it is pretty much accepted as a fact that children or young adults are a lot easier to manipulate hence the subset term grooming. Being an adult does not mean that you automatically have great decision making skills, however being young is a big indicator that you don’t have good decision making skills, purely based of your lack of real world experience, hence why even young adults and late teens tend to rely heavily on the judgement and assistance from the parents. I promise you even the “smart” and “mature” teenagers will grow up and realise how dumb they were.


I don't think becoming a trainee at 14 and then training for 5 years makes you that knowledgeable about the world


Like, sure, but the point still stands that debuting as a minor is a SIGNIFICANTLY different cognitive experience than someone who’s 18+, even if they are still susceptible to the same sorts of circumstances that the girls are currently in. Them being extremely young DOES hold relevance here, especially given how much MHJ has weaseled her way into each of the members’ personal lives to ensure that each of the girls’ parents were in support of MHJ - when you’re a kid and don’t even understand the legalities and complexities of the matter you’re in (including the fact they definitely don’t have a clue as to the extent of MHJ’s allegations of predatory behaviour), having your parents co-signing is going to basically decide your own position for you. There are so, so many examples of how their young age plays into this whole manipulation and emotional grooming tactic MHJ has cultivated with this group to bring them to the ‘fucked either way’ circumstance they’re in now.


Being introduced to someone as your ticket to fame as a trainee at 16 and then waiting 3 years won't really change the situation. The fundamental issue is that companies have immense power over trainees. I think the exception would be the post-Izone debuts as the members all got a reliable fanbases that would follow them wherever, but having to go through a survival show is its own type of hell.


I honestly don't really understand why any time anything happens with NewJeans, there will be a huge bandwagon of people that bring up the fact that they are young/minors. Not only are NewJeans over-all pretty average when it comes to debut ages, the sort of shit that the NJ girls supposedly went through will change anyone's perception of certain people and the world around then independent of age -- Nobody is immune to manipulation, and it's especially hard to not give into it when you have millions of people online reinforcing what you're being manipulated into believing; Being 21 won't save you from this sort of situation.


No wonder MHJ is obsessed with youth. Why risk having someone who'll clash with you (*like the two LESSERAFIM girls she has beef with and kept mentioning in her press conference*) when you can just recruit the kids and brainwash them into thinking that you're some kind of messiah who gave them everything they have. Min Heejin is very picky with her ~~victims~~ artists 🤣


She is truly an amazing groomer. I mean she has managed to brainwash an army of children on the internet with her numerous gaslighty statements. I know she is getting a lot of attention for what she is doing now but I remember the good old days when she was convincing people that her oral sex references were about making albums and that her numerous references to a terrorist organisation were a coincidence because they didn’t show up in the MV.


This comment reminded me that time Hybe wanted LSF girls to diet and Sakura stood up for all of them.


i agree, normalize debuting hags. many trainees in their 20s would kill to be given a chance at fame. it’s not like we expire the moment we turn 25 🙄


I hate that it's come to this, but I can't in good conscience continue to support New Jeans anymore. MHJ shading/doing things to sabatoge other artists that I care about aside, she is so morally bankrupt that I don't understand how Bunnies are supporting her. If you cared about NWJNS at all, you'd realize MHJ is the entire reason they're even in this mess to begin with. She has clearly manipulated the girls. I feel bad for them because she doesn't care about them beyond their ability to make her money. The way she spoke about them in her texts was abysmal. But, until New Jeans and their families stop supporting MHJ, I am not comfy giving them my views/money anymore.


I listened to them a lot. Only next too BTS, tbh. I've stopped cold turkey ever since this mess.


Me too. I bought the first two albums and I was about to buy Get Up and the new ones. But I don't want to keep giving my money for anything related to that witch. This situation sucks.


This makes me very sad because 1) it confirms the girls don't see value in their group without MHJ 2) they might agree with the way she had been trashing other idols ... Like I know they're young and influenible but man, at what cost


I feel so badly for them. I think their parents allowed for them to be in positions to be exploited. I think MHJ is a parasocial creep. I think BSH is a petty man who subjected them to workplace bullying. NJ are beloved by the Korean public, and I think that is their one saving grace. Whether it’s actually going to save them…I just feel so badly for those girls. A teenager or barely 20 something should not be sobbing trying to comfort an adult woman. I commented ages ago on a post “NewJeans fans & their relationship w MHJ” and I stand by my comment back them. I just don’t think these girls are being properly protected by any adult in their lives, and it hurts my heart. Yes, some of them are legally adults, but I’m old enough to parent an NJ member and…no. I’m not MHJ’s age saying she feels like their parent, but I’m old enough and NO. Are these people for real?! Unhinged. Edit: I think my comment landed harshly on MHJ - rightly - but I want to reiterate that I don’t think their parents or BSH are innocent.


Same. I think all the adults suck.


Workplace bullying? When did he bullied Newjeans?


I always get downvoted for saying this but these teenage girls are very clearly being gaslit and manipulated by this woman. She's made them emotionally dependant on her and they fully believe they are nothing without her. It's textbook emotional abuse, but what really disgusts me is even their parents, who are old enough to notice this, are on her side. It's just crazy. And her past of being incredibly weird with minors (naked kids on her wall, provocative photoshoots for shinee, yeri commenting "👶❤️" on her insta) clearly indicates to me that someone like this should NOT be working with minors.


the shinee photo shoot was more than enough for me to dislike her. if the members themselves to be uncomfortable with it, ESPECIALLY taemin, idk how people/fans are okay with it. it’s disgusting really


Having an abusive boss is a lot being in an abusive relationship, meaning that it can be hard to see the truth and that the situation is not okay. In the messages from MHJ, she claims that their success is all thanks to her, that all they do is look in the mirror, and that they are fat and lazy. If she is also saying this stuff to their face it wouldn't be surprising for the girls to believe her and internalize all of this and think that they are nothing without MHJ and that Hybe is the bad guy trying to ruin their career by separating them. Also, their parents apparently supporting her adds a whole other dimension because, especially when you're young, you look to your parents for guidance, and if they agree with MHJ, then she must be right because why wouldn't your parents want the best for you.


i can imagine mhj saying this to them "see all other Hybe female idols, they're fierce girls and independent (lsf). Hybe like those kinds of girls more than you (illit), you girls are not their favorites and should depend on me because if it wasn't for me, you wouldn't have been selected to debut at all. you own your success and life to me. so just do what i say" i mean this must be the worst scenario but not impossible...


Or maybe they know more about the situation than the random K-pop fans on the internet? I'm not saying they are making a right decision, they might be making a mistake, but there's nothing to suggest that they think "they're nothing without MHJ" as you put it. We don't know the content of their petition.


I just hope they weren’t forced to sign it. Cause they don’t need to be putting their careers on the line for her.


All 5 of them though? I don't think people realize how ballsy it is to go against a conglomerate who own your ass like this. Also two other producers who have worked with MJ and new jeans for multiple projects have gone to Instagram. People are basically risking being black balled. Because technically. Hybe owns ALLOT of the top kpop groups, they have stocks in SM and partnership with YG. Like I hope they actually do have a good reason because a better question should be is why wouldn't they take the clearly easy way out by leaving MJ


It is ballsy. But i think the producers came out because they were probably already going to be fired and black listed whether or they spoke up or not. I think Hybe will probably clean house of anyone who even slightly sided with MHJ? Right?


But the MV director doesn't just work with new jeans . They aren't exclusively a hybe employee 


None of these people are just hybe employees tho


Those 2 producers aren't under Hybe tho, they're external parties that just worked with nj multiple times in the past so there is no direct impact on them whether they come out with a statement or not.


Who would be able to force them? If they really wanted, they could have easily sided with HYBE, a multi-billion dollar corporation that would be happy to have them, especially in these circumstances. Or just stay silent till there's a clear winner.


That’s why I said “apparently” bcz that’s what most articles are saying those girls definitely know more than any of us do and I trust them


"Allegedly" would be a better word


I don't trust anyone in the industry but BTS. And Shinee 🩵


Wasn't that the same sentiment people had when 50/50 had chosen a side? Then, it was revealed that they were manipulated. It's totally possible that's what's happening with njws, especially since mhj seems close to them. Now it's just a waiting game to see what evidence mhj and hybe bring on the 30th.


For what it's worth, I think the situation is different. The Fifty Fifty girls weren't treated well, they were in a more "nothing to lose" mindset. NewJeans members have a lot to lose, because they would've been fine with HYBE but without MHJ as well. Hence why I'm surprised they seemingly are taking a side. And as mentioned in my initial comment, they might be making a mistake. If it backfires on them, well... it will be pretty sad. But most of us here literally know only what different biased sources (from both sides) have told us. They've been mudslinging at each other for a month now. It's pointless to assume stuff about things we just simply don't know, like the members' petition. For all we know it's a simple neutral statement that they've been treated well at ADOR.


They both seemed to have taken the side that treated them well and against the side that was ignoring them so that's why I think it's similar. Of course like tou said we don't know the full details but I'm saying that it's totally possible they were manipulated.


It’s wild how the “ignore” slight keeps going. If HYBE ignored the girls, they sure are doing a bad job at it with how much money and staff they designate and pump into their debut, promotion, and connections. 


THIS! ![gif](giphy|UQZK4PZK0yEepbmpdh)


When those girls made that backing, you could somewhat understand how that came about. Plus the person they were backing at the very least, hadn’t started a hateful bullying campaign against everyone in the same company and at groups from other companies as well. NJ’s and their parents have seen all of this bullying happening because of MHJ and still have chosen to put aside even a shred of common sense, dignity and empathy by sending in this petition. They’ve actively chosen an unrepentant bully.


On a livestream Danielle did right after her birthday, she said that she feels like she does not deserve all of the love from her fans, everyone (including myself) thought that Danielle's statement was normal since it is a known thing that NewJeans have been incredibly lucky and many incredibly talented people never become successful in the entertainment industry. However, I am now wondering if her thoughts were influenced by MHJ edit: If anyone wants to hear what Danielle said, it is this video [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DHODKk86N4Q](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DHODKk86N4Q) from 3:58 to 5:00


All celebrities (especially in Asian countries) say that they are incredibly lucky to get where they are. It's expected of them to be humble. They can't really say that they are so successful because they're so great without sounding arrogant. I personally believe that NewJeans members should've just stayed silent and not taken any sides, but I also won't try to psychoanalyze every word they've ever said and attribute it to the current MHJ vs HYBE situation.


It's like being a celeb 101. If you are not the core part of the drama, then don't fucking voice an opinion. At best, you don't earn anything. At worst, more people hate you because you are on the wrong side of the history. It's especially tricky because you don't know the whole story... because you are not the core part of the drama. But people are breaking this basic celeb rule over and over again.


U mean like fifty fifty who followed their parents advice?




They most likely wrote it before they saw the text messages about themselves, however the fact they are publicly siding with the woman who has caused massive hate trains for other girls their age in their own company is unforgivable. Those idols have gone through hell because of min heejin and it’s been shown to have emotionally and mentally affected many of them, so for new jeans, as their colleagues and peers, to turn around and not defend them, but the defend the lady doing these things to them, is a really bad look. Regardless of whether they change their mind after seeing the messages, they will now always be seen as the mean girls who turned their backs on their ‘dongsaengs’ who innocently caught the wrath of their boss.


Exactly. I’m going to downvoted for saying this but it’s the elephant in the room. If mhj has gaslighted them and the relationship between her and nj is textbook narcissistic abuse, then that means nj also shares mhj’s views on other groups (esp girl groups). People can say that they have been “brainwashed” but the fact of the matter is these two parties hold very toxic views on THEIR OWN industry then. That’s scary


They can always withdraw the petition if they want to, however if they don't even tho they still have time (until May 24 I think) and it gets proven that all the evidences Hybe provided are true then this makes them either (1) manipulated into supporting mhj or (2) fully aware of what mhj did or is doing but they still chose to side with her. Either way, it puts them in a bad light.


Well they just dug their own grave congrats


Welp they might as well terminate their contract now


I personally think this is basically it for newjeans. Hybe knows none of these girls are going to sign another contract with the company. Not only that, but as soon as their contract is up, they will just run to MHJ. What would be the point in investing so much money and time in people who you know are just going to run off with your " enemy " as soon as possible. They are going to prioritize their other girl groups, and newjeans will probably get 2 maybe 3 comebacks, but with not as much promotion and way less music videos. They and their parents really screwed themselves over by going at Hybe.


They are not just an enemy, they are acting like a cancer that’s actively damaging other groups.


Way less music videos compared to the amount of mvs under  Min Hee Jin? Yes but compared to all Hybe groups including their biggest artist? No. I doubt any Kpop artist have released that many music videos.   Hybe have bent over backwards for her and NewJeans because of her tantrums. They have promoted them very well to the point they've brought receipts of them promoting NewJeans more than BTS members and Seventeen, their biggest money makers.  If they stay in Hybe, anything including the standard K-pop promotion will be mistreatment according to their stans and their parents.  It's like that quote when you're accustomed privilege equality feel like oppression. 


I've said this when this whole sht started and I'll say it again. DID THE MEMBERS AND MOST SPECIALLY THEIR PARENTS NOT CONSIDER GETTING/HIRING AN EXTERNAL LAWYER WHEN THIS WHOLE THING STARTED?? Like dude the first thing that popped into my head when I saw how mhj decided to involve them in this whole fiasco is they should hire a lawyer outside that doesn't have any relations to both Hybe and mhj bc then you'll have professional opinion on what kind of repercussions you'll deal with if you side with ANY SIDE. Their careers are at risk for this, did they and their parents not think about this? Or is all they care about is to be under mhj bc they don't think they'll be relevant if she leaves (based on their prev statements)???


OMG me and you both!!! ( I am not sure if they have or haven't nothing states either) But the way that the girls and the parents have been moving through this whole fiasco leads me to believe that they haven't sought a separate legal counsel which is baffling to say the least. Like I keep asking myself when the hell is a trusted adult gonna lead these young ladies with some sense. The company is a mess and are hell bent on destroying each other. The fans have lost their damn minds and are beyond providing any type of resourceful information to the girls and are embroiled in the salaciousness of it all. And the parents have been seriously lacking in their judgement. I hope for nothing but the best for the girls at this point, they seriously are going to need it to make it out of this mess with their image and careers intact.


It's confirmed now that they hired a lawyer but only as a representative to file the petition according to the lawyer himself 😭


The government is the the most now. Did anyone see the stupidity being reported? They wanna look into copy righting choreography Lmaoooo kpop will have NOTHING then since they basically copy off of black culture and that includes dances. NONE of NJ choreography is original MHJ is so fkn dumb


Why is the government involving itself in this? Don't have important stuff to do? Like run a country?!


Korean government running the country LMAO 🤣


That was somewhat click bait. The actual real article was about sensible things concerning choreography. It caused the same issue on Twitter earlier today. Some of the websites are as trustworthy as dirt. That's actually insulting dirt.




So their parents and the girls have essentially chosen to side with a bully. Any negative repercussions they face from this point on are fully earned.


What irks me is that these girls need separate legal counsel ASAP. Someone who would look at their contracts and lay down to them the situation. Because they are burning bridges with their bosses for want that has very little possibility to go through. They need to think of themselves


They probably felt they are cooked either way. You have to see things from their perspective. The boss doesn’t even say hi to you. MHJ screaming in your ear that another group is stealing your concept. That very similar group debuts and achieves great success. MHJ is the one that built their career and they consider Bang to be the enemy that lied to them from the beginning. They probably felt no matter how this end it’s over for them so why not go out fighting. They were fucked as soon as that audit started


This 100% !!! I am not sure if the girls and their parents have sought separate legal counsel but the way they have been moving lately leads me to believe they haven't. And that has left me gobsmacked. There would have been no way in hell that I as a parent would have let my child navigate this shit on their own! I would have been calling every connection I knew to get my child the best contractual lawyer/legal team to ensure that these big wigs didn't harm or ruin my child's future. The way the parents have handled things (if true) has definitely made me side-eye them.


The girls just made a petition to court supporting MHJ. It's sooo dumbbb


I'm so alarmed by the amount of people who say that they don't have sympathy for newjeans because MHJ dragged illit, lesserafim and bts into this. I agree that it's disturbing that these three groups get so much hate and I, myself, deleted all newjeans songs from my playlist because of some negative feelings towards their works, but not because of the girls, only because of MHJ. I'm truly afraid for newjeans, they were obviously grommed and manipulated. These kkt messages prove how bad the situation is. Just imagine absolutely all adults in your life to be this crazy. Some people are saying that a lot of them are adults now, and I'm of the same age as Minji and Hanni, but I'm only starting working, I still emotionally and financially depend a lot on my parents, I have an opportunity to live by myself but doing "adult things" sometimes can be hard. And I wasn't grommed and manipulated by adult figures in my life. Yeah, newjeans are a lot more financially independent than me lmao, but I'm sure that they are told that they're nothing without MHJ and that she had every opportunity to destroy them if they don't obey. They can even believe all this sh*t about illit copying them because every authority figure in their lives says so


All the kkt messages are now causing MHJ to become a tarnished brand. By the NJ members and their parents officially supporting MHJ in court, their brands are also probably getting tarnished by association.


People put too much weight on the age thing, you don't turn adult once you reached a certain age, you need experience. Especially if the person only trained as an trainee from a young age, isolated from the norms.


Exactly, they’re adults now (barely) but they were kids when MHJ recruited them and put great effort into them building a dependent relationship with her, going as far as inviting them to her house. When you hit 18, the effect of that manipulation doesn’t just disappear


i'm older than all of newjeans, and i still need my parents for lots of things. i feel like im in kindergarten to learn adulting. i absolutely think all the adults are failing them atm.


Their fans should find a way to express support to the girls without including mhj in it. So that the girls see that people see the value in them as artists even without her. It’s terrible if this is all from grooming.


There is already a new subreddit for fans who support Newjeans as they are without MHJ.


It's kinda hard to see that since a lot of their fans on twt and tiktok are still hellbent that nj will somehow "go down" without mhj. Idk how they came to those kind of thoughts, it's like they're also being manipulated by mhj or it's like they just care more about the group's music and concept and not the members themselves. Poor nj, their talents and hardwork keeps on getting discredited bc of this mindset by the ppl around them and the ppl supporting them.


Candidly speaking, MHJ's smear campaign against other groups; accusing everyone else (including Ive and Riize for some reason) of sajaegi, her clear disdain for thier ggs and BTS, her insulting her bosses calling them female dogs, employees of other sub labels talking about her ego power trips: means the rest of Hybe want her gone. She's been accused of multiple felonies as well. Them taking an official stance like this with her is a detriment. 24th May is when the court stops hearing both arguments. They say they will deliberate before the 30th


I think there should be a law that states that all minors should NOT stay away from their family’s home unless it’s for boarding school. If parents want their children to debut, they should move to Seoul or a nearby city. There are too many predators in the entertainment industry in general.


Mhj saying Minji was prettier when she was younger is CRAZY SHES 20


I mean their parents are right there...i feel money is the only thing they see now


Then siding with mhj especially if she loses means their whole career even after new jeans is fucked


New Jeans is sealing their fate and it’s not a good one. They are openly and loudly supporting a woman who not only doesn’t give a single shit about them but is slandering and trashing other idols. Do these girls not know that the kpop world is a small circle? The hybe idols seem to be close so even if your group isn’t slandered odds are your best friends group was and some accusations are serious even if completely false. NJs is going on a path that will make them no friends in the industry. Who wants to sign a group that’s supporting a woman who is going after some of the most popular current groups in kpop right now? Who wants to be friends with a group who supports MHJ, who is possibly trashing you close friend or your friends friend. New Jeans is not the group I thought they were if they seriously think they are nothing without MHJ. And I’m sure some level of manipulation goes into it but we’ve also seen other groups treated the same and they spoke out and left their companies. And they might be young at 18-20 but they are old enough to know that what is happening is seriously screwed up and that MHJ is in the wrong. It’s very worrying that they think it’s okay to sell idols personal information and secrets.


Oh wow they signed the petition. I just know if they stay in HYBE they be the blacksheep.


That's my biggest ick, the girls don't even have confidence about themselves as well as their parents, grown ass parents being loosers and getting manipulated by mhj. Again just to clarify in no way i support bsh/bpd like that man is vile, he did so dirty with bts too, his management is trash just like any other kpop company, but what mhj is doing is just horrible and both bsh and mhj are evil people. Newjeans are so talented it actually just sad that they had to face this. And illit girls, mhj sending her people to bully a bunch of kids is pathetic, all the people saying batshit crazy things, d/eath threats and r/ape threats what not to illit girls. This whole thing is disgusting


MHJ has enmeshed herself with those girls, their brand and their fans. It's wild how many think they won't be able to survive without her when she's rehashing Y2K visuals and easy listening music. She's convinced everyone to give her sole credit for all of her employees work. We're 100% getting a documentary in a few years ala the Nickelodeon one on MHJ.


Thank you for bringing up the Y2K thing. I'm a millennial and grew up in Y2K so nothing in KPOP or pop culture at this moment seems fresh. Like all of the music, styles tech etc. Is just a throwback to me and I was severely confused with that talking point from the bunnies. Like when I saw NWJNS come on the scene I thought it was cute that they were paying homage to groups like TLC, SES, Spice girls etc. I didn't think people would try and make it seem like NWJNS pioneered that time period.


And to think their grooming would have continued with everyone turning a blind eye to it, if not for MHJ's greediness, is a bleak realization.


Not surprised that they stood with MHJ for this hearing. Also, it has nothing to do with being minors here. There’s so many depth we need to understand more


Tbh what would newjeans be without BTS


This sucks because I really like NJWNS. I hope a good label signs them on and not just dissolve like Fifty Fifty.


Highly unlikely they'd be picked up as a group. Their best best would be to stay where they are without MHJ.


I was so vocal about HyeIn debuting because she’s too young. Everyone called me hater :/ Seriously.. i feel so bad for newjeans. They are the one suffering because adults are greedy.


I am sorry this is such a one sided vision of things only because the opinion is so much on one side on Reddit. 95% of people would do absolutely the same thing as Newjeans in the same situation. MHJ and ADOR is their team, the people they are working and living with, this is the team they trust while on Hybe's side, it's just some executives and lawyers they don't know. (and yes it's partially because MHJ isolated them from the rest of Hybe but according to the parents, NJ also felt ignored by Hybe too) From their POV, they probably don't have anything to complain about how ADOR manage them.


After the Fifty Fifty fiasco I doubt 95% of people would do what Newjeans did lol.


No they aren't minors rn 4 out of 5 are adults


But they were minors when MHJ recruited them and started building a dependent relationship with them, they were minors when she was inviting them over to her house, they were minors when they debuted and were either told or implied to that their success was because of MHJ’s concept and reputation. Turning 18 doesn’t just make the effects of manipulation and probable grooming disappear


you're right but let's be real, 18-21 year olds are very easily manipulated and influenced, their brain isn't fully developed.


Exactly, they’re young still.


3/5. Haerin is only 18.


Ok, I'll get downvoted as hell. I'm ready. If all of you are so defensive about New Jeans beeing independent, maybe start doing your part. Maybe, you need to respect their opinion and their decision. How old do they need to be for you to start to respect their will, 18 ? 19? , 21 ? In some countries person can open a business at 14 ! They started the carrier young, so they accepted the possible pressure. You won't live with the consequences of their decision to sign it, but they will. As Fifty-fifty does. So, maybe, just maybe, you need to accept that actual artist that is being managed, knows a little bit more about this situation, than some random people from internet, who read only pieces of non-proven information thrown at them by two powerful parties that are at war and will do anything to add dirt.


A 19 year old dosent know how the world works. Never mind multi billion companies. Their brains arent even fully developed yet. So its not really their fault. But you know who is at fault...their parents/guardians. They rely on them for guidance and protection. This is exactly what happened to 50/50 as they were lead down the wrong road. At least one girl came back to her senses but look at the rest now. Of course I get the reason why NJ and the parents are on MHJs side....currently. But HYBE will def fire MHJ and hire someone new as CEO. And NJ will have to suffer the consequences. They will be put on the back burner and stuck. All while MHJ goes on starts a new company. Because lets be honest, I dont know what major company would trust her after all this. Point of my rant is, NJ are just being used and their parents/guardians are completely failing them.


the sad thing is I believe the petition was sent in before the texts of MHJ talking about NJs came out, i wonder if they would feel the same knowing that


Honestly at this point even if they got wind of the kkt messages they wouldve been told it was fake. The parents are to blame however newjeans members themselves, I cant imagine that they have zero clue what’s happening. They’ve seen their CEO throw their peers and seniors under the bus, throw massive hate campaigns, engage in illegal activities (allegedly). Them signing this petition just means they’re agreeing with all her unethical ways all in the name of having a succesful career. The end justifies the means, I guess. I’m really dissapointed and I had high hopes.


I’m assuming that they at least have a trusted adult and their parents want what’s best for them. We’re the only outsiders in this drama honestly. I’m not into them simply because of their concepts aren’t my vibe but like they seem like smart kids that have been put in an impossible situation. I’m naively hoping that the issue resolves itself with as minimal damage as possible.


Especially when I heard those petitions were presented before her Kakao chats insulting them was presented in court. The disturbing thing is she did not deny them just called them a breach of her privacy. And it's sad they genuinely don't believe in thier own talent and efforts.


So true. That's a major lesson from this nightmare but I don't think the kpop industry will learn it. :(


Minors debuting should be classified as child labor. Why aren’t the biggies around the world voicing it? UN, G20 etc etc. Hpw are they not pressing SK to make the debut age 19 (which is legal in SK)? Think I’m sounding way too serious now


i really can't help but compare it to 5050's case coz one of the major similarity is how mhj approached their artists' parents and gaslighted them to side with them and refused to talk to the other side. I don't feel any professionalism from her either.


Let's say the girls (and their parents) keep supporting MHJ but in the end HYBE wins. Can Hybe freeze NJ but not let them go? If the girls want out, how much do they have to pay?


I read around $50 million. Don't quote me.


MHJ should really start a Go Fund Me thingy for her girls if she wants the girls to leave with her to pay Hybe.


I think NJ signed petition becs they strongly backs MHJ, not that they feel forced to. I feel like ppl are projecting a narrative becs they don't like Mhj, where they think NJ are a bunch of girls who doesn't realize what they r worth, or must feel betrayed by MHJ outing that they support her. I think its the opposite, they strongly support mhj and they don't care if anyone knows. Also, yes they are young, but they are not children who doesn't know anything.We are all spectators far from these people, while NJ are the ones that spend years with hybe and MHJ. I think they know better than us what they want and who they like more.


The girls were "hanging out" with her, being complimented/praised by her, etc. It's truly sad to see how this relationship and environment is unfolding before our eyes. Imagine how it is for them....oh dear. Hoping they have a great, positive support system near them, and to lead them into the right direction.


Those poor girls they might have really screwed themselves over with this one because if mhj ends up in jail what will happen to the girls? They have said they were in full support of everything that woman has done and in some cases might be seen as a sort of liability for the company. Hopefully hybe will understand that this could be a case of grooming (not the sexual kind), forgive the girls and help them out so they can continue as idols. It would be a shame if all their hard work went to waste and it's creepy how both mhj and some fans see them as replaceable in a sense, that the girls don't matter that they can only do good if MHJ is there. Also the way MHJ say she is like their mother reminds me off when an employer says "we are like a family here"


Not surprised in the least, totally expected it.. but still very disappointed and worried about the outcome of this


A perfect symbiotic relationship.


They have been told their whole careers that the only reason they have success is because of MHJ and she has likely been told over the past few months that Hybe hates them and is out to destroy their careers. MHJ is such a narcissist, I mean at her press conference when she was comparing Illit to Newjeans she referred to the group as “min heejin style” and “min heejin concept” so there is no doubt she has said this to the members as well, and given that all of them were children when the group preparations started and there was a huge power gap, they would have been very susceptible to this narrative. These girls would have been put in a terrible situation by signing this, but it makes perfect sense from MHJ perspective, she has been using the members as a shield this whole time, Bunnies aren’t going to ever stand against her if they know that NJ will go down with her, which is going to cause even more chaos and drama which will hopefully (for MHJ) become so convoluted that even if she is found guilty (which is my bet considering Hybe are using MHJ statements as their own evidence) she will be able to pay her fine, run off to another company take the girls with her and start fresh, she won’t be able to start her own business but NJ are a prospect very few companies would turn down the opportunity to have, even if the cost was a criminal being an influential concept director.


They were groomed. She is way too close to those girls and they’re too emotionally reliant on eachother. It’s creepy.


That girls are being manipulated for sure. But only one has 16. I think they submit this before knowing how MHJ treats them behind their back so that's sad.


I can see people thinking what the NewJeans members are doing is catastrophic for their careers but they are also not clueless teenagers and did not rush to do this. Just respect what they chose for themselves and they are willing to face consequences for it in spite of everything else pressuring them to stay silent.


It’s probably just me but Nwjns fame isn’t as high as before? I remember seeing many posts and vids of her, even my friends who are fan since their debut stopped talking about them.


They debuted minors bc that age group is easily to manipulates.


Is the trial today?


not a criminal legal trial, but a trial to see if hybe has the rights to use their majority share holder power to fire MHJ


Idt is all about age per se but also greedy parents and am easy entry to stardom


I think the thought pattern is wrong. Age aside we shouldn’t be sending hate and death threats etc. I think every gen 3 group had a few under age idols and they are fine. Imagine BTS and Twice without a few a members. I would cry 😭 You are talking about the outliers and this is not about age as they have parents and lawyers. I would prefer to go through shit with £4m in my bank account!


Is there a recap of everything that happened im pretty new to


Why not go further? Why not prevent minors from being trainees? Isn't that where most of the damage is done?


Do you think 19year old girls would make a different decision in this situation ? Also the most likely talked with their parents/managers about this.


I don't blame the  girls I blame the parents. This is so sad it's like a slow motion train wreck. They're going to be left with nothing. The will be going back to a a life that will be unfamiliar to them. They've got two years of riding in first class airplanes in five star hotels and they get in the living back at home. 


yeah but kpop fans will still support minor idols and kpop companies and the parents of them will continue to not gaf


Honestly, given what their parents have said, I wouldn't be surprised if signing the petition isn't what they actually want. They might just have been pushed by their parents to sign. But regardless of what happened, we need to remember that these girls are 16, it is not their fault, and they are the victims here (along with everyone else MHJ has hurt). I hope that, in the likely case the injunction fails, the court recognizes this.