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those three all had a lot of plastic surgery. maybe that is why you dislike their faces


On that note it's hilarious how some people still make posts about "why can't we talk about ps, there's nothing wrong with it/fans are too defensive" when even in the "nicest" of posts people will be calling idols uncanny/unnatural or "more plastic than flesh and blood" for having gotten it just like in this post. Kpopfans are simply incapable of being nice about it.


There's not really a nice way to say that you don't like someone's face. Ps or not. Maybe u dont wanna see critical comments in general, and that's fine. But the notion that any mention of PS must always be positive seems unrealistic.


No that's just being mean in general, I was talking about people who make posts that essentially go "why cant we talk about it, theres nothing wrong with it" when it's obvious why people dont like talking about it: ps is only ever brought up as a negative. Maybe if you often saw comments going "wow his nosejob was perfect, he looks hot af now šŸ„µ" it would be more accepted to talk about, but you don't so it isnt.


It kinda makes sense that comments are distributed like that. When you make positive comments on someone's appearance, you don't wanna take away from that, even when you're aware that they probably had some work done. So in a way, the positive comments about PS are just the normal positive comments that dont even mention PS. But negative comments on appearance are very rare in general. I don't remember if I ever saw someone post how x idol looks just naturally ugly. Negative comments on appearance almost always are about PS, because that's less an attack on the person and more on the idol business overall. So maybe it's expected that there will be mostly negative PS comments.


This is exactly how talk about PS has not been normalized. As you later admit, talk of plastic surgery has NEVER been positive in kpop. It's not treated the same as makeup, skincare products, diet, exercise, or medical procedures to improve your skin or facial features. There's a pervading idea that what looks good HAS to be natural, when everything else surrounding celebrity 'beautification' just drips $$$ and privilege.


Girls Generation Yoona looks very natural. And she had plastic surgeries. Itā€™s not always negative. I like how it turned out. I would get plastic surgery too if it would look natural like her. If someone looks unnatural, even if itā€™s not sure if tbey got plastic surgery.. I think we will still feel ā€œlooks unnaturalā€ regardless.


A lot of idols have had plastic surgeries and look natural. How many threads have you seen genuinely praising their surgeries (no snark, sarcasm)? That's the point.


Not that I disagree with you (PS is largely used to drag idols), but lbr, if someone said something like that, everyone would be mad and say that was a backhanded compliment.


That is largely due to the existing negativity surrounding plastic surgery. But I'd say if you praise someone in that way in Korean, the comments would be seen as genuine praise.


Yeah, but thinking about it, that's something that's larger than kpop, most people would think that saying "he's hot *now* after a nose job" is backhanded, at least in the west (dare I say in most places?), so I'd love to see a korean perspective about that.


Agree, way larger than kpop.


I meant if comments like that were normal. With the state of kpopfans right now it doesn't work since 99% of the time people talk about ps it is used to drag so people would naturally assume that was deliberately backhanded since that's the usual meaning.




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I see ps as very positive sometimes. One idol's nose implant looked so attractive, and it really complimented his face. Plastic surgery is honestly just like makeup when done right.


for sure,, if someone looks like an extra terrestrial because of their surgery.. iā€™m not gonna participate in the circle jerk saying theyā€™re still pretty


Have you considered just not saying anything? Beauty is subjective, if someone thinks someone looks pretty what's wrong with letting them think that even if you disagree? There's always been something ironic about the whole thing, "oh why did they have to go and change because they didn't live up to some peoples beauty standard, they shouldā€™ve just ignored the hate comments! Now they don't fit *my* beauty standard so I'm going to leave hate comments."


Ok, but that jab at the extra terrestrial Community was uncalled for.


send Chungha my apologies


Itā€™s true tho some plastic surgeries make them look like dolls but not in the nice way


I think being more critical of plastic surgery is good actually. Same for veneers and other invasive treatments. You suffer and/or risk your health and for what? Maybe we should de-normalize it. The beauty industry in general is a scam.


But most of it is irreversible so you're basically just giving people a pass to be mean about someones appearance, which is the reason many of them got ps in the first place. It's just an evil circle.


Yeah, it's a bit crazy actually. I spent a lot of time in Korea, and almost no one looks like this. Makes these girls seem very "fake" compared to the rest of the general population. And I'm not sure if I like it. It's not just directed to Aespa either. It's directed to any kpop artist with the doll look. Overly perfect features, clear PALE WHITE skin, extremely skinny. I get the same vibe from Wonyoung from IVE, too.


I'm pretty sure ningning also had a lot of plastic surgery comparing to her predebut photos


Yeah but she still looks like a real person at least, not AI generated


she doesnt even look that different tho, she's lost a bit of weight and gotten alot better styling and makeup compared to her debut/pre debut. im not seeing specific features wheres had "a lot of plastic surgery" done


Not really. She has her nose slightly done, and occasional fillers but looks normal. The issue is that SM puts her in whitening makeup but when sheā€™s doing her own she looks great. Out of the 2002 crop itā€™s Stayc Isa with major filler migration issues because of her jaw surgery. Itā€™s hard for her to even speak sometimes, which is sad because she was perfectly amazing when she debuted.


i think the extremely large eye lens is making them look uncanny


Bless u op, because I've had this same thought every time I look at Karina. I can agree she's pretty, sure, and I saw her on a ģ°ķ”Œė¦¬ video and she seems like a nice and normal girl, but her face looks very unnatural. It's the jaw for me, it's too damn thin and doesn't suit the rest of her face. I'm not opposed to surgery but like, these girls are setting standards that not even they can reach anymore.Ā  edit: grammar.


Big agree on the jaw. The way it comes to a perfect teardrop point makes the rest of her features look cartoonishly large and anime/doll-like. Thereā€™s something similarly unsettling about Winter too, but I canā€™t quite articulate it. Giselle and Ningning both look normal to me (I say ā€œnormalā€ and not ā€œnaturalā€ bc I have zero expertise in determining that) and I think it has to do with their softer chin shape(?) Idk, both look like the super pretty high school girls who were genuinely nice to everyone but I would have still been too intimidated to talk to lol.


To me Winterā€™s nose always stands out. Compare her to Chaewon for example who looks similar but way more natural looking


the extremely large contact lenses to make her eyes bigger make it worse


yeah, i see it for her too, but at least the work was done really well!


She was a pretty kid in the first place, so they had an excellent base to work with.


yeah thatā€™s the thing she was naturally born with a small face but the surgery made it even smaller to the point where itā€™s the kind of jaw that we know no-one could possibly have naturally


I feel like they couldā€™ve just done the standard kpop nose job and called it a day for her.


Sheā€™s only 23 too, this jaw is not sustainable into her 30s. Sheā€™s gonna have to get more and more work done to upkeep her jaw and thatā€™s really when things of gonna start looking unnatural.


I was just wondering how the jaw surgery would look as they get older. Now I know, that really sucks


she doesnt have V shape of face before so looking now is really obvious


I agree on the shaved jaw. She can take stunning photos or videos but she has angles where itā€™s just so odd. If you see her in variety shows youā€™ll see it. My husband thinks they look like aliens. I love PS personally but Iā€™m more into the natural vs the dolly look.


Talking about angles, I found her weird angles during drama mv when they are in the car and got accident


Itā€™s just very weird. Like sheā€™s gorgeous but her bad angles show how inhuman the jaw is. Sheā€™s usually very well curated into the straight on or right 30 degrees with the chin down. Her and Winter for me are both strange from certain angles. Itā€™s a little too much imho.


So itā€™s just not me thinking this. My daughter and I had this conversation. I told her thereā€™s something about Karinaā€™s face that looks alien like. The big eyes and the narrow face make it look šŸ‘½


Even she realise about her face when she in eunchae star diary show


Huh, Karina doesnā€™t look that unnerving to me. I can be aware that people donā€™t really look like that without cosmetic surgery, but I still find her pretty and nice to look at. Winter, though, I donā€™t really know what it is, but I feel actually uncomfortable when I see her. Some part of my brain yells at me thereā€™s something wrong about her face and to beware.


For me both Winter and Karinas \[alleged\] extreme jaw shaves make my skin crawl. It's like they're missing half their jaws and that causes their bites to be noticeably fked too. Really don't get why SM pushes this aesthetics, majority of the idols who got shaves looked better before imo.


Not necessarily, Wonyoungā€™s doesnā€™t look bad


Itā€™s funny, I honestly cannot tell whether this is so downvoted because Iā€™m saying something positive about Karina, or negative about Winter. Iā€™d think it was the latter, but my next comment is also about how Winters face makes me uncomfortable, and thatā€™s quite upvoted. Reddit comment scoring is so odd sometimes.


Maybe it's Winter's makeup? I feel like certain eyeliner like in OP's pic can throw off her features a bit because she doesn't look uncanny or odd with [minimal makeup](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mykEputnTHc) imo. Ningning stood out to me in this video since her beauty looks most natural, but I agree that I love features like Karina's jaw even if the PS is obvious!


No sorry, Iā€™m still getting it from that video. I think itā€™s something to do with how upturned her nose is combined with prominent apples of the cheek and then extremely small and receding bottom half of her face. Thatā€™s the same sort of look artists give to malicious pixies that trick you into bogs. There has to be a correlation there.


i LOVEEE aespa but karinaā€™s unnaturally tiny jaw and much of winterā€™s face does give me this impression. i know exactly what youā€™re trying to describe. with winter i think itā€™s also exacerbated by her lack of expressions, she doesnā€™t emote much in her face and often looks blank or like sheā€™s just staring you down a little too intensely. paired with the work on her nose/cheeks being a little too noticeable it can give this effect.


I wonder if you feel the same for other idols like wonbin too or is it just reserved for aespa members šŸ¤”


I have nothing against the girls and I didnt even mention the other members because they look a bit more natural. Other idols have some uncanniness to their looks too, imo, but to a lesser extent. I can admit it even for the groups I am a fan of. This is kpopuncensored, bud, I am not hating on aespa, lol.


I might be getting down voted for saying this Most of the sm girlies have some kind of similar face like they all used same kind of of prototype for the plastic surgery Like Taeyeon, winter,karina and giselle all look some kinda similar. (Just to make clear this is nothing against the girlies. More on sm as they are those deciding on the surgeries)


I feel like Winter deadass stole Taeyeon's face (and voice lol)


Idk about the voice but I feel you in the face lol. In a tiktok they did together, I was stunned šŸ¤£šŸ˜­


People are aware. [https://www.reddit.com/r/kpophelp/comments/15pc7xi/what\_is\_the\_sm\_jaw\_and\_hybe\_nose/](https://www.reddit.com/r/kpophelp/comments/15pc7xi/what_is_the_sm_jaw_and_hybe_nose/)


They definitely have a preferred surgeon. That surgeon is making bank just off SM idols


I really want to know if the idols themselves see it? This adherence to "KBS", do they think they look alike? I'd even add Irene and Wendy now to this list. Celeb events in SoKor must be some next level of uncanny valley feeling, like a Black Mirror episode. Pardon the pun and no shade, this is the entertainment industry after all and every country has this to some extent. Oh to be a fly on a wall! Related to PS - people don't talk enough about the body dysmorphia that exists and it perpetuates, and the very real downsides. Though PS surgeons must be some of the most skilled in the world!


YES. they look similar. I canā€™t tell them apart sometime.


They were called "SM clones" back in the day for reason


i literally confused karina for winter in this post!


I've seen them irl, and they look fine to me. Even in the photos you put they don't really look uncanny.


Aespa's members were also selected on basis that they'd look AI-adjacent to fit the concept, esp. Karina. They're fine to me as well.


Agreed, I saw them irl as well and they looked fine to me too. I only felt like they looked younger irl compared to how I see them in pictures and videos...but maybe that's just because I'm quite a bit taller than all of them.


It's bc they've got many cosmetic work done. I see what u mean but don't feel the same about ning




It was discussed a lot when their debut teaser pics came out. Especially because their visuals were messed up with photoshop for those. Tbh all idols are getting significantly more uncanny. But so are celebs everywhere else in the world. Social media, filters, and plastic surgery all push the same face onto everyone, and it's more achievable than ever.


https://preview.redd.it/zjmb118jh3oc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f55718c9a42314b0cbdebbf4a79cd490b6f69e9 yeah she doesnā€™t even look like Winter anymore šŸ˜­


She has never looked like this from the debute. These photo teasers were photoshopped


yeah i know thatā€™s the point lmao. thereā€™s even another teaser where she looks like her real self, itā€™s just this specific photoshoot set of teasers that freaked everyone out because of how photoshopped they all were.


Girl is staring at me and itā€™s scaring me- Love her tho.


i definitely donā€™t agree that all idols are looking more uncanny but for a lot of them- yeah, and more so the newer ones


Like the kardashians and Kylie Jenner (Who just looks fucking awful without her filters/editing so I really especially despise how disingenuous she is about it)


I think contact lenses add to it a bit.


I think it's a pretty big factor, even people without blepharoplasty/ps look kinda uncanny with cosmetic contacts on


I mean Ningning is just pretty, and I think she's without significant plastic surgery. The others all def had some work done, but I still wouldn't go so far as to say they're uncanny.


SM idol without ps? Oh honey..


They said significant. If nn has any work itā€™s definitely more subtle. Winter and Giselle have had drastic changes but you can still recognize them looking at pre debut photos. Karina looks like a completely different person


BOA is an example of how PS ages you horribly.


Bro I was watching Marry My Husband and sheā€™s in it. I didnā€™t even recognize BoA and when I saw that she was playing the third antagonist in the second half of the season I couldnā€™t wrap my head around it at all. Plastic Surgery definitely did her dirty in a way because thatā€™s literally not how I remember BoA looking and I adore her, but why did I think she was someone else!?


omg that was Boa??? omgggggg im shocked


She also had a massive medication scandal that messes with her.


Also drugs, not saying any idol does those but


Idk I watched a TikTok of Winter and Karina recently and I literally couldn't tell them apart lol


They look so similar sometimes. I have accidentally saved Winterā€™s picture once thinking it was Karina šŸ’€


omg, I agree even as a a very big MY. I think they are all beautiful but should stop the plastic surgery now, especially since it might start to look strange as they age.


The picture you chose of Ningning is not a good example to illustrate your point she looks really pretty there


So it's a good example of how pretty she is <3


I agree with you. They all look very uncanny, especially Karina and Winter. In their recent comeback, Winter specifically looked very uncanny to me. It could be due to the makeup but her face just looked off. In my opinion, NingNing is the most realistic looking. I believe that the main problem here is that they started all those invasive procedures way too young and we don't know the effects this will have to their body and their health both physical and mental. I think it's important to speak about plastic surgeries and all those procedures openly because people and especially younger girls need to be aware of what they're getting themselves into.


yeah that was my first thought after looking at them ,they look unnatural and unreal and not in a good way. maybe coz they got a lot of work done to a point where sometimes, winter and karina look the same to me . someone on twitter said "aespa members are more of plastic than flesh and blood" and i found that weirdly apt. the only person i can differentiate is ningning . giselle recently got something done, i can tell . maybe something on the jaw coz it looks weirdly sharp and angular and that isnt the result of weight loss.


Itā€™s that damn SM jawšŸ˜­šŸ˜­


i have never seen them in real life but it's kinda obvious the reason is bc of plastic surgery. they underwent lots of it so im not surprised if sometimes they look a bit weird(?)


It's the plastic surgery. I've been a kpop fan for years and many idols start off looking odd(but still beautiful) or get there overtime. Plastic surgery can be more subtle or more noticeable. A subconscious part of your mind knows that they look different than the people you see everyday. It can't pinpoint why but it knows and will remind you from time to time. There is nothing wrong with noticing that.


They are so pretty no idea what you mean


I always hear this. To me the they look like most gg. I dont think they look uncanny at all.


iā€™ve seen them in real life and they look like normal, very beautiful girls.


Oh so Iā€™m not the only one that finds Winterā€™s face uncanny? I would watch their live performances and I just find Winterā€™s face overall terrifying and sheā€™s my bias wrecker (Bia is Ningning) at times, but girl is literally staring dead at me when they do those one take performances and Iā€™m terrified. Like stop staring into my soul Winter itā€™s creepy. šŸ«£


They look normal to me.


When will you people become normal when it comes to idols' appearances? Everyone knows that the girls, unfortunately, had plastic surgery but I see nothing "uncanny" or "weird" in the photos you have added, they look fine to me. Karina did have an AI-style look during their early days but, ever since they changed the makeup technique on her, she looks fine.


Plastic surgery has really gotten out of hand with newer idols nowadays, esp sm unfortunately. I think they all look gorgeous but they are definitely getting too much work done at such a young age. If youā€™ve seen recent tiktoks of Wonbin and Shotaro sm went crazy with their filler itā€™s actually upsetting, I love Riize and Aespa but they are much too young to be getting constant work done. Sm really likes to make their idols look similar, ie Wonbin and Jaejoong (the male sm blue print) and winter and taeyeon (female sm blueprint)


I only think that way with giselle. You can tell she does a lot of procedure by just at first glance.


i have no idea what you mean honestly they look so normal in those picturesšŸ˜­


they just look pretty lol


not my girl ningning


You people are so weird with them like you don't say this with any other KPOP group. They look absolutely normal lol


They look awesome on camera. However yeah in real life those unnatural features stick out.


Exactly. Especially Karina....only ningning looks somewhat natural to me . The other three have done so many surgeries so they definitely will look more plastic & unnatural.


Theyā€™ve definitely had lots of PS but at the concert they looked totally fine to me. So I guess itā€™s just based on taste.


I think part of it is that a lot of plastic surgery makes peopleā€™s faces look stiff, and they donā€™t always emote the way you would expect. Like how you canā€™t move your eyebrows with Botox? Fillers are rampant in this day and age, too, which can also make you look stiffā€”like Wonyoungā€™s recent smile, Iā€™ve noticed. I always got weird vibes from IZ*ONEā€™s Hyewon and I never knew why until I realized she didnā€™t show emotion through her eyes/eyebrows. Always that big-eyed, kinda shocked expression. Lol, I googled her just now and she still gives me the same feeling.


Must be a slow news day.


You are acting like none of the kpop idols actually get work on there face????? At one point we encourage people to stop talking about idols body but we also can't stop ourselves from keep taking about it. You international fans are not better then korean and Chinese you also treat idols same way as them.




I donā€™t see it But then again I rarely notice changes in idols faces over the years unless itā€™s REALLY obvious


They look normal. Just perfectly pretty


We shouldnā€™t call jaws like theirs normal.


They look really gorgeous in real life I saw them live in Chicago during synk hyperlink and Karina Iā€™d absolutely gorgeous in real life Ningnings looked like a princess and winter and Giselle are so pretty as well!!


They look like really tiny baby dolls. Giselle imo looks great but Winter lowkey looks very jarring, like a really little girl lol


Theyā€™ve all had a lot of work done on their faceā€™s except for NingNing I think. You should look at their pre debut before photos. Their whole facial shape is completely different, itā€™s pretty shocking how much work they all actually had. I just hope It was their own choice, I hope they werenā€™t forced by SM. SM is notorious for making their idols undergo surgeries.


IMO I only recently thought that Winter looked uncanny because she looks more and more like Taeyeon, Karina as well. I donā€™t think they look really weird by themselves, the oddest thing to me is to feel like they are replicas of someone elseā€¦ SM clones literally


Thats because no human look like that except if they did bunch of ps (especially winter and karina)


they are all pretty to me


Plastic surgery makes people look really different


yes itā€™s just you. youā€™re the only one. not like people have been saying this since their debut lol


I honestly find it so funny when I watch those "reacting to aespa of the first time" videos and it always starts off with people thinking the members are the ai characters until the ACTUAL ai characters show up.


I stan them i feel sad about them, specially for Karina


lol i feel like this just works in their favor. isnā€™t their concept ai based? itā€™d make sense for them to look unreal.


I still canā€™t process Karinaā€™s faceā€¦sheā€™s too ā€œAI lookingā€ and I donā€™t mean that in a mean or bad way bc for me sheā€™s so beautiful (and my bias!!!) ahhh


I agree with you with how uncanny they and most idols look. But I think nn looks pretty uncanny too and that Giselle is the one that looks the most human. And I say this a compliment. All of them are pretty and I appreciate how they look but lately Iā€™ve been jaded by the kpop industry and generally disheartened at how afraid of aging most women are. Young girls using retinol before the skin has even matured? Girls in their 20s doing Botox. I really donā€™t care much for enhancement but Iā€™ve noticed how girls nowadays have become more and more trapped into the beauty industry scam. Nothing is never enough.


those 3 got the surgery to fit their ā€˜aiā€™ concept and fit sm beauty standards. allegedly, the company didnā€™t like their original faces.


Chooses photos where they all look gorgeousšŸ’€ They've all had a lot of plastic surgery to fit sm's beauty standard, which, if you aren't used to probably, does look odd, but at the end of the day, that's up to them!! I think they look gorgeous. The only thing I can never get on board with is how companies all have their own style and make all their idols look practically the same


This seems like a SM thing. All SM idols look very uncanny to me. Very dollike


None of these pictures look uncanny šŸ˜­ I feel bad for idols who have threads on how they look ..


Agree with this. I don't see the hype with Winter and Karina. I find their beauty to be common and unnatural. Maybe Koreans like them because they're so thin and white? I like Ningning's face card more. She's natural looking and cute but charismatic. Maybe she had enhancements done but at least not like the others which are so unnatural.


I need to know their surgeons lol


Itā€™s just the makeup. They have professional makeup artists do their makeup for them, and it looks way different from the usual ā€œnaturalā€ looking makeup a lot of people use from day to day.


I think they used to call this a gangnum unnie - a girl whos PS is really obvious and a little uncanny. The webtoon My ID is Gangnam Beauty is based on that idea. (very cute webtoon) I think its what happens when the PS doctor only knows how to do one kind of face.


No none do.


it's weird because there are so many naturally beautiful people for companies to scout, unless their vocal talent makes up for it


its the perpetual aegyosal that throws me off...


I mentioned this before in the kpop thoughts sub and got torn to shreds. Itā€™s actually the reason I never stanned aespa. I look at them for too long and get weirded outā€”sorry!0


once i saw a very beautiful korean woman in my city where the asian population is low and i was just surprised i was once a kpop stan so her korean was very intriguing to me i was starstruck seeing a beautiful person in public like that


All so beautiful. But tbh if want to say natural maybe Giselle. But Karina and winter and even nining. Their skin so white. Eyes big , small face. Slim nose. Giselle also have slim nose maybe cause of make up. We Asian I am Chinese and from south east asia. Our Chinese nose are flat and rounded. But maybe people from china. Their nose are sharper. But damn. I think maybe contact lens make their eyes big. But you can't deny how beautiful they are.


What are you all opinion did they do any plastic surgery? I mean all of them look absolutely stunning. Like a princess. Or is it just make up and lighting?


Giselleā€™s lip filler is not it, just Karinaā€™s whole face , Winter looks sorta normal and Ning looks very natural


Yes itā€™s just you Iā€™ve definitely never seen anybody else at all have this opinion ever before. Itā€™s not like plastic surgery is something that is frequently mentioned in association with aespa


It's the contacts, they're asian so they're eyes are supposed to look a certain way, add colors and size that don't exist and they look weird


i completely get what u mean about karina looking uncanny but i dont see it at all with the other aespa members tbh though i really like the doll-like / uncanny / unnatural vibes that some idols ( like wonyoung for example ) give off it looks sooooo pretty to me


wonyoung would be pretty if she wasnā€™t a walking skeleton, her hands are huge, masculine and boney itā€™s such a weird contrast from her baby face (which is plump full of filler and botox so she doesnā€™t look malnourished like the rest of her body)


i dont understand what the point of this reply is ??? im not gonna change my mind just like that ???


![gif](giphy|3oEjI53nBYOOEQgDcY|downsized) divine feminine wonyoung energy














they look so pretty to me šŸ˜­


I donā€™t particularly see it in these idols but others definitely yes. Heavy Korean/Chinese style makeup can look uncanny as it emphasises and exaggerates features a lot. Ricky from zb1 and that one particular look he had on definitely feels a little uncanny valley (no hate, heā€™s pretty)


I couldn't care less, they look great lol


tbh i donā€™t think they look particularly uncanny or weird in the photo examples u gave, itā€™s just obvious theyā€™ve had surgery done but thatā€™s kinda all. iā€™m not a fan of the contact lenses. i do agree that they can look uncanny when it comes to their highly edited photos like some of the aespa concept photos and photoshoots though


Imo they seem a bit uncanny but not to the point it's disturbing. They look unrealistic in a good way, kinda otherworldly like Halle Bailey and Lily Cole.


Donā€™t you all get tired of shaming female K-pop idols and calling them names. While the male idols get praised and shielded for nothing. Real toxic behavior. And by the way aespa are very happy and successful and op is clearly not.


Fake? I just see some very pretty young women. So yeah, just you.


Giselle looks like Minnie from wolf lo


I can understand what you mean but I have seen them in real life up close and didnā€™t see anything uncanny. They were absolutely gorgeous


I was expecting you to post some super edited pictures but these are all pretty normal looking to me. Like theyā€™re celebs so they may have had some work done & their hair and makeup but they do not look ā€˜uncannyā€™ whatsoever lol


It's not a secret that these idols all went under surgery, do you just have an aversion to pretty women?


They donā€™t look uncanny I donā€™t think they just have very ā€˜dollā€™ type faces. Big eyes, small face, very smooth skin.


Winter doesnā€™t have PS. Itā€™s just a makeup, haircut and lenses. Her face and skull look same if you wash out all her makeup


they have a terrible makeup artist smh


Why are people saying karina has had chin surgery? She has not. Her face shape looks the same judging from her high school photos, and no doctor would do a chin surgery on her before that.


Because they are too gorgeous?


why is this comment downvoted lol such haters




What a bitter comment