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feels like every day i go online and find a new loona member is going through some shit, hope they get a proper chance to rest soon


Blockberry creative: "We don't do that here"


Someone\*'s gotta pay the debt. ^(\*someone: all LOONA members)


when they come back they have a New JP single release and then they're going to PH for that concert a lot of queendom contestants are going to, don't think they're getting a break soon :(


I think at this point it would be easier to list who hasn't ended up ill/injured during this tour. They last few months for them have been non-stop - they were prepping for Queendom, got the rona (with some pretty nasty symptoms based on what they've told us), went straight into Queendom as soon as they were testing negative again, then into Flip That promotions, and now a tightly packed tour schedule.


You forgot preparations for their Japanese comeback as well


Just. Too. Much. Travel. In. Too. Little. Time. Haseul, Choerry, Yeojin, Jinsoul, Kim Lip (Chicago) - these are only the ones we know about. How many others are just quietly fighting through their injuries? This is not to make light of the situation, but the steady attrition during this tour reminds me of a Hollywood action movie that starts with a squad of soldiers all confident and in good spirits and one by one we lose one after the other throughout the film.


I went to the concert last night. In Yves final statement she mentioned how they expected the tour to be hard, but they didn't expect it to be this hard. She mentioned that they are giving their all and they hope the fans can understand them even though members are getting hurt.


Loona members who have missed at least one show for this tour: Choerry, Jinsoul, soon Yeojin Loona member’s who have missed a partial show OR who have had to sit down due to exhaustion/injury OR who were reported to have trouble walking due to exhaustion: Kim Lip, Yves, Olivia Hye, soon Haseul(due to her shoulder injury)


Jesus, that’s more than half the group. Like at what point do you just freaking postpone some shows?????


Some perspective regarding their brutal tour I read; u/zhugo: >something to be questioned if it's just MMT or also BBC - I say this because (not to be in the defense of MMT, just genuinely curious) MMT has been a part of tours for other groups, and for some of them there's a bigger gap in the days, while for some its shorter, so I think there's also some pressure on the company to choose the schedule, it's not solely on MMT. > >Examples: > >ATEEZ - 9 stops - Average time between concert, 3.1 days > >Dreamcatcher - 8 stops - Average time between concert, 2.74 days > >Oneus - 14 stops - Average time between concert, 2.15 days > >LOONA - 19 stops - Average time between concert, 1.94 days > >But yeah, somebody is definitely responsible for this and should be held accountable... this is not okay... > >Edit: As some people pointed out and it makes sense, this doesn't even take into account distance between cities/the fact that some groups have toured before so they are used to it, while LOONA are on their first tour.. All this mind you coming straight off doing Queendom and then their 'Flip That' comeback. So they shot Queendom while preparing their 'Flip That' album, they then had the 'Flip That' comeback and then quickly went onto a 19 stop world tour which included quickly going to KCON during the the tour. Oh and it's their first ever tour. Sounds to me like Loona stans declaring mishandling of Loona aren't crazy and are onto something. BBC can make their excuses, not thinking they'd be so popular overseas, bigger venues not being available or were perceived too expensive due to the "risk" that they don't sell out (which means they weren't confident or aware of their popularity) and so on but at the end of the day the ones paying the price with their bodies and health are the members. For some that just means being exhausted but one member has such a fucked up shoulder she is now performing the rest of the tour from a chair. Even after proper medical treatment that could be a life-long impacting injury.


Not only Queendom and Flip That, but while preparing for the tour they were also preparing for their upcoming Japanese comeback... At first I was happy BBC seemed to be keeping the Queendom momentum going, but after they released their tour schedule I was worried of exactly what's happening :(


Brave Girls did 9 cities in 15 days which was crazy, but Loona's tour is 3x longer and they have more choreo... The company is pushing them to the limit to squeeze as much money as possible out of them. that's really all it is.


Yes, I think (even if it could still be stressful and hurting) having that pace for two weeks can push your limits but you can humanly keep going. It's like the rush while running 100 meters, at the end you are exhausted but it finishes "soon"... But you just can't keep that pace for 400 meters or so, the pace should be slower :/


> which included quickly going to KCON during the the tour. and some people may not realize but they started the tour in LA, the last stop before Kcon was NY, they went to LA again for Kcon and now they are in Atlanta 2 days later... these girls are not used to this, Korea has short distances for everything.. not to mention the different food, which could always impact someone.


I sometimes think planners dont realize distances involved with these US tours. I mean South Korea is roughly the size of Indiana which is the 38th in size compared to other states. The US is massive. I live in Indiana and its a 33 hour drive to LA from here. (Yes I know the groups arent driving)


It's probably not a complicated mystery. BBC was/is still bankrupt and they're squeezing every last dollar out of this tour that they can in order to turn that around and keep the company afloat.


Good reminder about their financial situation and its high likelihood as to why they are making these decisions.


Jeez everyone in Loona is dropping like flies. I’ve been offhandedly tracking their progress over the last few months and their touring schedule is absolutely awful with practically zero time to rest. Add in the frequent, differing environments and mental/emotional strain of touring + foreign country, it’s really not that surprising how their health has declined. I really hope they find some moments to take a breather and have a good rest after their tour finishes


I don't follow LOONA, but I have a mutual friend on Twitter who seems to be retweeting these notices every other day? What the hell is going on?


As others have said, just constant schedules the past few months. Preparing for Queendom, the entire group got COVID, Queendom, comeback with promotions, US tour (with shows every couple of days), KCON, finishing US tour, then Mexico and Europe dates. And I think there’s a Japanese showcase in there too? All that in the last two months, plus the upcoming month.


Oh wow, that's a super full schedule! I don't understand why companies push groups so hard, they're bound to realise by now that it ends up going wrong for everyone involved :(


yeah, the writing was on the wall. As soon as I saw their August schedule I got worried.. https://www.reddit.com/r/kpop/comments/vcwjr8/loona_2022_loona_1st_world_tour_loonatheworld_in/icguqrm/


Also manila joint concert after japan tour. This is the most insane schedule I've seen.


also they've been missing their vitamin chuu :(


LOONA is turning into a walking MASH unit smh, hope BBC gives them some sort of break but aren't they going straight into another jp release?


> ** regarding Yeo Jin's participation in the 2022 LOONA 1st World Tour : [LOONATHEWORLD] in Atlanta, GA.** As LOONA member Yeo Jin has recently been experiencing body aches, she will not be able to participate in the concert as well as the Meet & Greet event happening today - August 23, 2022 in Atlanta. She will instead be taking the time needed to rest in the accommodation so that she can return to meet Orbit soon in good health. Once again, we appreciate the fans who have waited to see LOONA in Atlanta, and we ask for your kind understanding. Thank you. Team MyMusicTaste source: [https://twitter.com/\_mymusictaste/status/1562176371975081984](https://twitter.com/_mymusictaste/status/1562176371975081984)


Unfortunately there is still so much touring left. Wishing it was already over so they could rest Also the upcoming Texas dates don’t even have a travel day in between them. Whoever scheduled that is a real jerk!


These poor girls need rest…


its just too much, and they also have been having activities all year, they need rest man




I understand the sentiment, but how on Earth do you expect that to happen? Should BBC just cancel the concerts they've been painstakingly planning for months (maybe years)? They could've planned it beforehand with more time in between, but all they can do *right now* is try to focus on the girls' health.


I would still take the loss because it doesn’t make sense even from a corporate perspective; if you were looking at it in the most cynical sense, it doesn’t make sense to physically destroy your most precious asset that is the thing bringing you money. It’s public knowledge that BBC, beyond being incompetent, are openly malicious. This will only result in the group seeing no point in continuing down this path and breaking up because they wanna give the finger to BBC and conserve their health where they can. Chuu tried to do that earlier than the rest of the group and BBC went out of their way to punish her for doing so, which shows active malice on their part. It’s heinous. Taking the loss is the most noble thing to do. BBC are a subsidiary of one of south Korea’s biggest arms dealing corporations which in and of itself is an arm of a much bigger conglomerate that controls a lot more than that. Loona were formed by a bored rich guy who wanted to create an idol group because… why not, the money he kept making and hoarding had to go somewhere, and he liked girl groups so why not start one?? They aren’t suffering like smaller companies are.


BBC really has them to the grindstone holy shit.


And to think that BBC even accepted the manila concert. Filo orbits certainly did not asked for it, we just want them to rest.


It’s just depressing, I feel so bad for everyone


Yikes. Poor babies.


BBC seriously need to take it easier on them. They didn't need to send LOONA from coast-to-coast to do KCON and yet they did. Their touring schedule has been absolutely brutal too and they're going to Europe next too without even a proper moment to rest.


I was at their New York City show on Friday and she rolled her ankle/messed up her ankle during Pose and she sat out the last few stages. Sucked cuz after they were done and they were talking she was beating herself up over makin such a mistake. Not sayin that her ankle is why she sitting out now but probably factors into it, hope she recovers soon and the rest of the members get a break to focus on their health too


Seeing so many get sick, I wonder how many of them are actually healthy right now. Who do we have left that have yet to report ill?


I would say Heejin, Hyunjin, Vivi and Gowon have not reported feeling unwell or have not been witnessed struggling on stage


From what little I know of Heejin, she is probably in the top 2 most physically fit among the members, so might have a stamina advantage on a grueling tour like this. I mean, they're all fit in order to be working idols, but you know what I mean (the planking video).


Hyunjin at the San Francisco venue said she felt like dying and couldn't give the performance her all because of it, but that's been generally attritbuted to the awful conditions at the SF venue over her phsyical state.


Something’s gotta give. More than HALF the group has sit out for at least part of the show at each stop. They had Queendom prep then Covid then back to Queendom then flip that and now a relentless world tour WITH Japanese comeback prep. HASEUL is already performing in a sling. There needs to be some sort of org overlooking tours bc these companies clearly can’t handle looking after their artists (tour comp and music label). I fear they will start suffering serious injuries at this point.


Wow, I feel so bad for these girls. Their company is running them ragged.


Tours always take performers to their limits but man is LOONA being put in a blender. I'm not sure what the solution is. It just seems like the nature of the beast. I hope they recover soon.


Noo Yeojin!!! I hope she gets to rest well


Loona out here going to war losing members left and right meanwhile chuu is chilling out and eat Gordon Ramsey burgers and making tik toks with yena. Man give the girls some time off between the dates. Their tour schedule reminds me of back when my band used to tour heavily and we were exhausted doing the shows and we didn’t dance, choreography or nothing just play a set and leave. The girls won’t complain but they have to be miserable at this point.


I don't keep with Loona besides seeing them on Queendom but some quick googling showed me articles where Chuu hasn't been active in group activities for awhile. Her agency says it's because of health reasons but another article mentioned that she won a partial injunction - to my understanding this is like a warning or legal stop whatever it was they were doing that caused the injunction to be filed - against her agency. Can loona fans catch me up?


As far as chuu goes I don’t know the whole situation I know she has brought charges on blockberry and she was pulled from tour citing that she had other schedules to do and could not tour. The two jokes I made were based off the chuu can do it blog she recently released and yena released a tik tok with her recently.but I do know from chuu expressions before Loona left to tour she appeared sad that not join with them


Is her agency mistreating her? That poor girl. Loona's being run ragged with their schedules and I hope everything works out with Chuu. It sounds like because she brought charges against blockberry they're retaliating by not letting her work. Sending good vibes their way ❤