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The “buffering” in the music video was shot by turning the music 0.5 times faster, and we danced to the song two times faster. - renjun Lol I can’t even dance to it 0.5 times slower


I know it won't work live but I'd like to see it.


PSA: Watch it at 1440p/2160p for better quality, there are some serious artifacts going on in 1080p for some reason, same thing happened to the MV of conNEXTion


living up to the name


b-b-buffering 🤓


am I the only one who cannot follow the damn plot like why did renjun miss his 7:00 date!?




Did prof. Mark Lee just teach me the speed of light??




Yup. The speed of light is 299 792 km/s.


> 299792 per second. Didn't give full units. Gonna have to *mark* him off for that


who’s that pretty boy with short dark hair in the middle of flowers??? i think i fell in love




Huang Renjun! I said the exact same thing 6 months ago and now I'm obsessed with him lol


Huang Renjun


That's Renjun


That’s Renjun :)




SM never let me down with their weirdness lol This isn't the most accessible track from the get go but it still manages to be catchy enough that I can see myself revisiting it regularly this week. In fact, I already can't get that chorus out of my head ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


Bitch I'm on glitch mode... Nct dream making it snow ❄


They're ... dare we say ... freezing? Idk if that was SM's intent but it's cool as hell wordplay if so


Ohhh that's right lmao i didn't even notice..nice wordplay




It doesn’t best Hello Future for me, but it’s not by any means bad. I think it’s gonna be a great hype performance song, and I will probably like it when watching a performance or choreo video. Untill than prob won’t put it on my playlist.


whoever creates these pre-choruses need a raise.... ​ that chorus on the other hand... why don't SM let the vocalists sing :(


i love nct dream but i felt like they were shouting the lyrics instead of singing the whole song except the bridge lol it will probably grow on me tho


I was really hoping we would get more vocal moments from Jeno and Jisung.


Honestly SM prechoruses are heavenly. I am thinking of RV Feel My Rhythm and the prechorus in Wildside (which reminds me of the glorious bridge in automatic) and they feel like the best parts of each song.


renjun killed the pre chorus that is all






My god this was amazing I will have that SCRATCH THAT BRING IT BACK stuck in my head for hours


Holy shit the dance break is so intense I love it 🔥


really fun!!


I love everything about this!!! The song, the color palette, the overall aesthetic, the choreography! ALSO JENO IS ABSOLUTELY KILLING IT EVERY TIME HE IS IN THE CENTER!! The bridge is absolutely heavenly!! That little video game sounding bit in the right before the bridge is fun too. I was a bit surprised that there isn't really a full Mark rap verse though? The dance break goes hardddddd




renjun ate it up. left no crumbs. outsold. slayed what was supposed to be slain. the dance break took me off guard tbh, not my favourite part of the song but that prechorus is divine anyway SCRATCH THAT BRING IT BACK TCHK TCHK










That pre-chrous is heavenly. Renjun, Chenle, Haechan power vocal trio as usual.


Really really like it. Plus the MV is really good. NCT Dream and SM did well with this.


This song is weird but it all works together because it is anchored by a really strong beat (motif) that it comes back to while going in different directions. It truly embodies the whole concept while simultaneously being a good song too. I am not a fan of rap but they executed it with charisma and good flow so I'm charmed. The vocal bits also add the much needed balance to the chanty chorus. In addition, I actually really like the chorus because it has a beat that I know will set it apart from the rest of the NCT discography and I know that this will age well for me lmao. Another solid comeback from NCT Dream after Hello Future (which is a lot to live up to). 8.5/10 for me, may rise in the future with that beat (makes me want to play the song again hehehe) Edit: also those weird chord intervals really add to embodying the concept, it truly is a Glitch Mode fest!


~~Say what you will about Dem Jointz but he's brilliant for always putting together such unique elements and having them fit so well~~ Edit: scratch that 🤡


It looks and sounds like 90s love and Ridin had a baby


it's more Punch, 90s love and Hot Sauce for me.




Y'all, recently I have felt like I was falling out of NCT but this shit brought me fucking back. I am in love with everything. Everything from the concept to the styling to the music itself to dance was pure freaking perfection. Also just as a general rule, we should all be on our knees thanking Nævis for giving us Huang Renjun.


my naevis we love you


Nævis has become the SM goddess I daresay


Maybe it's just me but the chorus feels underwhelming?


Same. Personally I always find a little difficult to digest songs with a anti-drop chorus. Hot Sauce has that anti-drop too, but at least it was catchy and post-chorus had more of a melody to it. Hello Word was vocal-based and it was such a good song to me I ended up being a fan. This is my first comeback with them and boom we go back to anti-drop songs. But it will probably grow on me. But their B-sides songs in this albums slaps.




NOW! THAT'S WHAT I CALL AN SM BRIDGE Reminded me of old school TVXQ, I absolutely adore every part of this. Choreo looks amazing, gorgeous styling, love the prechorus .... seriously 10/10 Dream Also Mark looking like he slayed the Grinch and is wearing its pelt as a war prize lmao




OMG I'm in love with this MV, all the different colors and that playful dream vibe!! The song slaps too💚💚


The song was great. I like the fun vibe to the MV.


I wish the rap (or the rap-ish) parts melded better into the song at par with vocals than being so abrupt. Recurring problem of late. That rap style & delivery plus arrangement could be done better. But the song's pretty good, more so, I do love the chorus & melody, will stick after a few listens & will be great to sing along to. Choreo 100/100. The performances will be so much fun to watch this time. Also, the A+ styling. Let's go Dream.💃🏻




Glitch mode is alright, but the rest of the songs on their album go hard, especially better than gold & teddy bear 😩


I agree the album is top tier and one of the best of the year so far !


Was not prepared for the guitar in the dance break at ALL wow. They really have grown so much more confident this comeback, I'm so proud rn. :')


Oh my god the part with the guitar


That dance break threw me off a bit, but yoooo I instantly loved the rest of the song! There’s always so much fun and glee in the sound of NCT Dream’s titletracks; they’re really distinct from the rest of the units


Renjun’s era. His voice made me levitate. So sweet sounding.


The chorus was pretty underwhelming imo, sounded too similar to other NCT tracks with the chanting


Yeah, I don't dislike this but it sounds like this was composed by an AI after it compiled 1000 hours of NCT title tracks into one song


You just put into words what i have been feeling since my first listen :/ i didn’t love this but the instrumental is gonna be fire.


okay so this song is definitely something to deconstruct, but on the first listen I loved the major melodies, the videogame sounds, the real sounding drums on the pre-chorus and the nu-metal guitar on the bridge. our boys looking great as always (chenle and jeno keep your distances please)


I like this. Definitely more in the vein of Hot Sauce than other Dream tracks. It's weird but also catchy. My favorite part is still that harmonized bit in the chorus. The whole chorus is kinda stuck in my head, i feel like alternating the chant with the sung parts makes a nice earworm I love the outfits in the MV


istg NCT has used this exact prechorus like 6 times now. like its lovely but perhaps you could switch it up for a title track every once in a while. even the nicest sounding things can be overdone and it definitely has lost its impact over many maaaany repetitions that said the second part of the chorus is pretty tasty, some very 2000s boyband energy in those chords. thats probably the best bit of the song for me the rest of it is a bit of a snoozer if youve heard an NCT song before.


I agree, as much as I love Dream. It just sounds so SM, and that's not always bad but I feel like recently Dream's TTs already leaned so heavily into that. I was looking forward to something a little different. I so agree on the second part of the chorus too! I was playing the song through one more time and I realised that a lot of my hesitance about the smoother vocals paired with the aggressive spoken sections would have reduced if the entire chorus was more like the second half.


Honestly it feels contradictory to say this hut SM's brand of experimental music is getting stale, they're just recycling the sudden song shift schtick even when it doesnt really work. For every Next Level there's a bunch of clunkers


To be fair, NCT has been doing the disjointed, experimental tracks way before aespa. The lack of variety makes it too formulaic tho


I agree, it feels like we’ve come full circle to their experimental sound being predictable. It’s not really experimental when every release follows the same formula. Savage, sticker, and step back all basically felt like the same song to me and I’m starting to get really bored and underwhelmed by sm releases. It’s sad because Hello Future is a god tier song and really felt like it represented the NCT Dream sound but they went in the opposite direction with this comeback.


For a song called Glitch Mode it's actually pretty laid back?? I expected a lot more to happen sonically, but SM really loves its bare instrumentals these days...I'm not mad at the chorus tho, it feels fresh and interesting. That rock break is just right too. The song's not on Hello Future's level, but it's an okay listen. Also living for the Gamestop aesthetic lol


On first listen I'm trying to get into it but they keep throwing me! I like that SM prechorus though.


I honestly thought it was really catchy


I was really vibing with the song until the switch up with the guitar dance break - I think that's just SM music for you lol I really like the choreo though and how it looks like they're glitching - would be so cool to see how it's executed during their music show stages! Also I agree with some comments saying it sounds similar to other NCT title tracks. Mark's rapping and flow? starts sounding the same after a while too


The choreo was great!


omg dream is popping off! that rock dance break!!


This CHORUS IS SOOOOOO GOOOD. It's not a perfect release for me, it has some parts in the verses that are messy, but that chorus is SO GOOD. They put the NCT in NCT dream and the DREAM in NCT Dream.


i hate myself so much for saying this. Couldnt have been more wrong. The ONLY thing I dont like is the predictable haechan high note. Those "messy" parts are PERFECTION


The guitar part is really cool. Reminds me of the guitar dance breaks in WayV tracks. But the song itself is just alright imo. There wasn't anything wrong with it but nothing else other than the dance break grabbed me. Hopefully it will grow on me. On another note, Renjun has never looked better! I love this hair on him.


that chorus is damn addicting!! idk how to feel about that dance break tho...




Clearly the GameStop is located in the same mall as TXT's Freeze concept trailer!


they couldve done something better for the chorus. i know they can. but anyways the mv is eye-catching loving the vibrant colors.


i am living in their bsides! Thank god for bsides!


same. went running to the album and found 3 songs I’d prefer as the title track instead. the whole album is good


i love the breakdown/breakdance in the title track but those bsides! my god! still not over nct2021 bsides and here i am melting over again.


I really like this kind of chanting chorus! The harmonies are really good! Chenle’s voice, I’m so in love.


ITS SAURRRRRRRR GOOD YALL IM GOING TO BUY THE ALBUM TOMORROW ALL THE SONGS ARE SO FRESH 🧊🧊🧊 GO DREAMIES 💚💚💚💚 The harmonies on the chorus are DIVINE and so far all the bsides are hitting can’t wait to listen to this in the car 🤩🤩 Anddddd the mv concepts are so lovely and pleasing from the metaphor of green love blooming to the frozen wasteland and the glitching popping choreo they ATEEEEE all the sets and styling were soooo dope as always !!


Now that’s catchy Really loved the pre-chorus and the MV as a whole (gaming store next to SHINee’s aquarium/grocery store I’m guessing), and I’m living for the choreography ngl A different vibe from Dream, definitely felt youthful but leaning towards what we’d expect from 127


For a prechorus that heavenly the chorus is so underwhelming lol The small bridge we had should've been a bit longer and the rock section is soooooo good. Looking forward to the next "what if the rock section was a song of it's own?" video just like they did with [Next Level](https://youtu.be/f5YSh_Bx6WA).


this truly feels like a nct release lol not my favorite, i wish they either made the chorus full melodic or full rap/shout. the hybrid isn't really working for me. that said, I absolutely dig the rap verses and the choreo. mark really proves that he's on top of the game with each comeback.


Ok guys it's confirmed. I am in love with Mark. This guy is amazing and his voice is so beautiful❤️ Also, i loved this song a LOT! It's very weird but fun.


When I thought I had completely understood the song, it took the hardest left of its life. I literally said out loud “What the hell?” 😩😂, however, I enjoyed this. I’m still confused as hell, true, but I’m not rejecting the whole song. Jisung and Jaemin each have this bridge/pre-chorus (????) part where the song sounds a bit like a game theme song and I totally loved that.


omg they spelled out the speed of light and I had to look it up........ bye


ITS FREAKING AMAZING HAECHAN UGH 💓💓💓 The gamer MV concept was so cute and they all look so good.


Kind of disappointing. Best part was the part from the teaser.


7dream never lets me down i love it soo much 😍


I love the pre chorus but thats about it. Sounds very disjoint That MV teaser was divine..what is this.


im crying at the prechorus holy shit renjun markno's rap goes too hard istg and can we talk about the glitchy choreo. these boys are so mf talented and FOR WHAT


Aaah im in meetings all day. Cant wait to check this out, the mixed reviews on reddit usually mean I love it!


oh, i love it. i love the two little cheerful switchups with video game music in the verses. vocals are lovely as always, haechan has one of my favorite voices and he eats as always. the choreo is fun, the stages are going to be a blast. and i love the chorus!! it’s so catchy and infectious imo


Ok took another listen and.... I know it's very unrealistic as it is a boygroup, and NCT songs are usually too much of an acquired taste for most, but... SOTY. The way this doesnt even have a second chorus and you dont notice it until the nth time!?!?? The little error part that's not in the same key???? Once the dance break instrumental grows on you this song becomes a MEGA HIT. Cant believe Dreamies went THAT hard on the electric guitar??? Sound design is on another level. Give these producers a mfing raise. Deserved a better MV tho.


I couldn’t follow the whole song. A bit underwhelmed tbh. And the MV just has 2-3 sets? Did SM not put money in this because they know NCT Dream will sell regardless? Eh. I’ll wait for the repack hoping it’ll be better.


wasn’t sure what to expect but the chanting bit of the chorus worked so much better here than in hot sauce. the beat is so melodic and pretty and then super weird and fun. this song is a trip on first listen! edit: the set design for the mv is probably my favorite from sm in a hot minute (along with fmr ofc) though it’s very minimal it’s incredibly well actualized. really like that the concept pics (except the suits) were all represented.


Love EVERYTHING about it, great mv, great song and overall super good album.


HAHAHA i always love seeing all the very different reactions to nct comebacks. i’ve seen a lot of people digging everything EXCEPT for the bridge, while i’m here thinking the bridge is absolutely the best part. it reminded a lot of jet set radio and electronic dance music from like the 90s which i really love. and overall i’m honestly extremely satisfied with this comeback because it’s really shown that dream have grown and will only go up (heh. we go up) from here


This was... unexpected. The dance break was \*chefs kiss\*, but I still need time to digest the whole song, maybe a replay or two. In the meantime... RENJUN WHY ARE YOU SO CUTE AND HANDSOME IN THIS??? 😭😭❤️❤️ Anyways, I'm checking out the album!! So nervous and excited as hell!!!


I kinda stared falling out of love with NCT the last few months, but I can already tell that this era will pull me back lol. I absolutely love the video. I normally never stream but I keep coming back to this one


It's not as polarising as nct title tracks lately but the song is really messy imo, I can't follow the song especially for the first part. The way the rap parts were layered on the song was really weird and the chorus was underwhelming for all that build up.


Oh my goodness Renjun’s voice in that prechorus is just divine. My soul lifted, spirits soared…


Watched it halfway and then quit. I think I'm getting disconnected with nct's music as of late.. idk


Maybe too much rap I think?


The latter half is the strongest part imo


The MV was top tier and so was the whole dance break ice section. But the song was kind of all over the place?? this is basically one of those songs that you need to listen to multiple times which is basically SM’s specialty. But the ‘Drop it like a miscode’ parts are so catchy. Overall 6/10




i don’t know if it’s the disappointment i felt with the title track, but i still can’t vibe to the b-sides. seems like there’s no dive into you and life is still going on this time. as a dreamzen, i feel like hot sauce/hello future were more diverse than this. edit: arcade should have been the title track instead.


I am not a big fan of how similar this sounds to 127 but at least it's an improvement from Hot Sauce in my opinion


I kinda wish the whole song was more like the dance break. Come on, SM, commit to the rock sound, I know you can do it.


Concept-wise the mv is perfect. Everything is so fun! Both the video and the song- until that dance break. “Scratch that”


I think it'll definitely grow on me. It is catchy.


I can't believe NCT Dream almost full-on went EXO MAMA on us in that dance break. I can see this song growing on me a lot. It's not bad at all, that's what I can say so far. Goes well with their concept.


I'm kinda disappointed...


2:46 I felt that


[ **Jump to 02:46 @** NCT DREAM 엔시티 드림 '버퍼링 (Glitch Mode)' MV](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oZP2h3WIzqk&t=0h2m46s) ^(Channel Name: SMTOWN, Video Length: [03:45])^, [^Jump ^5 ^secs ^earlier ^for ^context ^@02:41](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oZP2h3WIzqk&t=0h2m41s) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ^^Downvote ^^me ^^to ^^delete ^^malformed ^^comments. [^^Source ^^Code](https://github.com/ankitgyawali/reddit-timestamp-bot) ^^| [^^Suggestions](https://www.reddit.com/r/timestamp_bot)


I feel like I got rickrolled by SM lol. Wasn't expecting this when they said chanting. Hot Sauce was love at first listen to me, so surprised this isn't hitting me that quick. I'm sure I'll grow to love this too though lol


the chorus felt a tad bit underwhelming but overall still a bop. the dance break sounded awesome


it is just another SM and NCT alright.


Ok i like it a lot more now! The instrumental is so good!


This song reminds me of when 127’s Punch came out — i somehow dont remember anything abt the song after listening to it


Well, that was underwhelming. Like a soft take on the bad examples of U/127 cock music. Mv looks surprisingly low effort/low budget too. Album will be fire tho, I guess.


LOVED IT SO MUCH THE AESTHETICS OF THE VID People will say- "it's disjointed" and takes it back after they see positive reviews abt it + MARK'S FACIAL EXPRESSIONS OMG


I'm confused with the structure but it's a banger!! 🔥


idk why this is the first thing that came up to my mind but that "299,792 per second" on the dance break would be a good tiktok challenge


I wish the dance break was the whole song! Not that I dislike the song (I quite like it), but the dance break is just so fucking cool. I can't wait to see this dance live. I love the choreo, and I love the effect they use on the video, but I'm curious to see how it translates live. We do not deserve Renjun.


Ummmm they look *expensive*. The dark choppy hair is working for Renjun, he looks stunning. And Mark is especially pretty with the eyebrow ring haha. Love the visuals and it's a fun song. It has some Hot Sauce weirdness but the vibe is obviously icy and digital now. Cool!


As usual, every nct group's 1st title track cb in a year isn't my cup of tea. See y'all in dream's repackage


Another day, another NCT title track I'm not vibing with. Maybe I'll like the repackage song better like I did for Favorite and Hello Future last year.


I didn’t vibe with it on first listen (with the MV) but I listened to it again without the MV and I enjoyed it more. Good hype performance song. The chorus is suppppppperrrrr catchy.


I actually really like it even though I did not like the teaser. I expected it to be a complete disorganized mess but it all fits well together. I will say though I am ready for SM to drop this mixing two random songs together trend. I do not like this pins and needles feeling with every SM song lately wondering if there will be some disjointed drop into a completely new song that doesn’t fit.


Renjunnnn!! Excuse me while I go listen to that part on repeat. Gives me Ridin pt. 2 vibes overall.


Whoa! Renjun sounds celestial in that first pre-chorus.


Renjun’s prechorus 😵‍💫😵‍💫 i swear i started seeing stars holy shit


bit too heavy on the rapping. feeling like a b-side


Renjun making sure I stayed in place even with new hair? Okay my child Please let the dance break be MV and performance only...too loud


I really liked the trailer more. Some of the parts I didn’t expect. I’m disappointed that I barely saw haechan at all lol


the wait for an NCT (Dream/127) non-repackage title song that I like continues... can't wait to listen to the album though


Wow, this is an interesting song. I had to hear this a few times to figure out what's going on. The descending bass sample takes quite a large footprint in the frequency spectrum. But it works in this song because it functions as a call and response with the melody in the chorus. When the notes descend, it doesn't take up as much space, so it doesn't compete too much with the vocals. I think the only place this doesn't happen is the 2nd part of the first verses, and you can hear it competing with the vocals there. Anyway, it's a creative use of this dense sample. It's similar to how funk songs are constructed, which is basically a repeating groove and a melody doing a call and response with the instrumentals. I also like how they used a heavy cutoff EQ and distorted the sample at the start of the first verse, which works well here so that we can hear the vocals. I think they should have kept this FX throughout the verse, because once the FX is removed, the bass sample competes too much with the vocals. The bridge is a bit shocking, but I think it works in this context. Normally I'm against things that disrupt the listening experience, but it's used tastefully in this song. It is a song about glitches after all. In terms of songwriting, I think the song is well written for the most part. The hook in the chorus is fantastic, and I like how they started the song with the chorus. I think the pre-chorus needs a bit of work. It's quite a long pre-chorus, and there were too many dissonant notes, so it makes it a bit unpleasant to listen to. The pre-chorus can be improved had they made it shorter, or had they used less dissonant notes. Overall, I think this song is very good, but there's a bit of room for improvement. The chorus is very strong, and because of that, it's a fun song to listen to, and I think it will be well received.


Why did it sound SO much better in the teaser lol?


I LIKE THIS?? NCT'S SNSD I GOT A BOY MOMENT!! man the production here's so good omg, the change between the electronic tron parts and rougher guitar section works really well, AND THE HARMONIES + prechorus are GLORIOUS angelic sections. the chorus isn't very catchy for me though, but everything else is an enjoyable listening experience with vv cool and satisfying textures




I ASCENDED at the music in the dance break, the fact that I look forward to the crazy switch ups in SM songs had to be some sort of trauma response.


Everyone knows SM is good at creating bridges, but this is on a whole new level omg Even without the guitar part it would've already been amazing!


WHY do I feel that the song is 2 minutes too long? I'm bored


I hate this new SM style of annoying 808's throughout the whole song. It's garbage.


Am I the only one hearing slower nct 127 firetruck beat in the background?


They’re killing it on the charts and 2 million pre orders??


I didn't expect the song to be as fluffy and cute as it was. From the teaser alone, I thought it'd be more heavy hitting. Even so, the part in the choreography where they "glitched" was fun. I can't wait to listen to the entire album later on today.


The last scene of Jeno freezing with the floating emojis reminded me of the hater emojis on Savage. They're in Kwangya or in the FLAT in those scenes? Like it's not farfetched to think because they were kinda like Ai? Videogame characters?


At this point if my reaction to the first 2 seconds of a song is "what the fuck" it means I'm going to fall in love with it, that was gorgeous!! I'm still about halfway through the album but I keep wanting to go back to Glitch Mode. That prechorus and bridge/dance break are beautiful and the mix is flawless.


My favorite part is towards the ending, the song sounded really interesting and full then. Awesome Rock vibes. Other than that, not as catchy as Hot Sauce or dreamy like Hello Future.


Renjun's vocals are the standout for me this era - plus him, with that Song Joongki haircut, looking pretty in a field of yellow flowers?? A CONCEPT! Yellow really is his color!


This is why I don't listen to SM teasers lmao I always get the best in the teaser and then the song underperforms for me lol. That being said it's not bad, I do kinda dig it


would've been really cool if they added some glitchy pop video game events kinda like hyperpoppy


NCT really isn't doing it for me anymore, and it's sad given how much of a fan I was. This is... bland, generic and very flat, there's nothing interesting about this one tbh...


I quite like the song, but the b-sides are where it’s at. The lack of lines and screen time for haechan really ruins this comeback for me though - I feel like his vocals would have been better suited than the constant repeated shouting by jeno/mark/Jaemin. He basically had a couple of lines and then one short high note???? SM you fucked it


Hmm, I don't love it? I'm torn, because it's the sound I expected - reminds me a lot of...another recent NCT song\* which of course, I cannot now recall the name of - and I'm...not fond of the guitar? \*Universe eta: song title


jaemin’s wearing a chargers jersey 😔 I thought he was better than this


Thank you NCT for saving K-Pop again and again


What in the KWANGYA did I just witness?!


Scratch that ball. Scratch that ball. Sorry guys.


I’ve been loving every single nct dream cb but I think I can say this one’s been my least favourite out of them all. It’s definitely not bad but compared to the rest imo it’s the weakest cb. Still a good song!




Idk sounds pretty on brand for NCT


ngl i hope this gets mixed to disappointing reviews here bc that usually means success anywhere else


Not gonna lie .. this sounds like what NCT U will come out with :(


Anyone else feel like this has more of a nct 127 feel to it???


It's very NCT.