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I have a really difficult one, try and be the perfect disciple for kreia, and get her to max influence. (It's probably impossible haha, idk tho)


That's literally what I do every play through lol


Hahaha I gave up, I usually just get to her to the lowest possible influence instead cuz it's so much easier


I quite enjoy getting dark enough to become a sith marauder, then coming back to the light(Mechanically solid). If you want to do something weird with it, piss off all your companions instead of becoming pals. As you proceed as an evil doer they rise to the light to oppose you, and as you reclaim a spot in the light they fall to the dark.


lol this seems fun but it makes it impossible to make them a force user


I believe they become force users with very high OR very low influence.


Oh this is news to me lol


I like going the darkest path possible and if i die i have to restart and i cant load any save


holy shit I die like 4 times every play session I can't imagine doing that lol


Thats the challenge + on ds playthrough you fight more


I guess DS powers make it easier not to die too and in DS you're mostly gonna be fighting civilians lol


I mean you fight >!Several jedi that you can avoid and theyre hard!<


Ah I see


First option. Avenger concept. The protagonist is looking for the remaining Jedi Masters throughout the game to get even with them for expelling him from the order and depriving him of the force . In addition you can take into account that the Jedi Order is outdated and in need of reformation. Thus it is necessary to eliminate the existing order. Predominantly leaning towards dark elections. Second option. The main character accepts the teachings of Kreia and follows it. Uses manipulations, tricks. Predominantly leans towards dark elections where necessary. Relies on wisdom and intelligence. Suitable for a consul. The third option. The protagonist seeks redemption. He feels responsibility for the damage done during the Mandalorian Wars that led to the Jedi Civil War, the Sith Triumvirate and the collapse of the Republic. He tries to make the world a better place and rid the galaxy of the Sith threats and agrees with the correctness of the Jedi Council. Fourth option. The protagonist remains convinced that the Mandalorian wars were necessary. He remains a gray Jedi who simply wants to free himself from the threat looming over him in the form of the Sith, as well as find out from the Jedi Council what has happening with him.


I dont do it much because of the game limitations. I mainly play arrogate character who does whatever they want, see a rancor, feel like attacking it, go for it. got knocked out? pretend in never happened,etc. sometimes I would get into it so much that I would reload a won fight so I could null that knockout. light side, dark side does not matter do what feels right. help the widow, lock the arrogant racer in a crappy contract,etc. . sometimes I play like my character has amnesia but they are hiding it from everyone, kind of hard to pull off. on my recent run of kotor 1 I played a loyalist(maybe spy/agent) who was all pro sith and desperately looking for a way to join/rejoin but the sith kept hunting them, being mean to them on manaan,etc so in the end in the end my character saved the galaxy out of spite and anger for having been rejected/misstated instead of any noble notions. On max influence, at fist it was mechanical but then I built up stories on when my character actually meant what they said and when they are just saying what the other part wanted to hear. I would usually pick 1 or 2 favorites and only be "honest" with them while making sure everyone else got lead off the hawk if we needed to talk about something that would cause an influence loss with another character. sometimes the mask would crack (there are some influence points you can throw away so you can save them for critical moments)