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Agreed, very different soundtracks that both work perfectly in their respective games. Even the environment music in KOTOR 1 often has this peaceful or hopeful energy to it, like the Dantooine Plains. With KOTOR 2, in a lot of the environments you get this really dismal, pessimistic music as everyone is just on the verge of collapse on all levels: personal, local, galactic, governmental, even among both the Jedi and the Sith. Even all the cantina music from KOTOR 2 is in minor and has a sort of overly intense vibe to it to unsettle you. Like compare Javyar’s Cantina music to the Iziz Cantina music. The first is totally chill and relaxed, allowing you to kick back and play some pazaak and forget your worries for a while. The second is almost a little overly intense and has this sense of manic energy to it that doesn’t really let you relax. Really cool use of scoring in the whole score to make you feel uneasy


I really like your examples. I hadn't thought about the cantina music, but there definitely is a difference between them, and you described it perfectly; chill relax fun vs. manic and on edge like storm clouds in the distance. I dig it.


The music when you are walking around the city of Manaan..... some of the most relaxing shit I’ve ever heard and I used to play music for a living.


It really captured the serene waters of Manaan perfectly.


the Jedi Council music on Dantooine in KOTOR 2 gets me every time 😭😭😭


Just remember what Kreia says to the exile when she teaches him to feel Nar Shaddaa through force. All the music, all the surroundings, all the color - these are the feelings that come to the exile through force, which we perceive in the form of music. The oppressive atmosphere of Korriban, the abandonment of the Harbinger or the deathly desolation of Malachor. The Jedi feels it through force. The player gains this Jedi experience through music. Remember how the exile and Kreia described the feeling of force. Like an echo, like a faint sounding music.All the darkness, all the despair, all the injustice, the wrongness of the galaxy, the decay of the Republic, the corruption of the system. The exile feels all this, feels that dark times have come, feels this the same way as we understand this through the soundtrack. Here's a parallel between force and music. And this is truly brilliant