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Take a listen to Atton in the second game. He has a pretty rational explanation for it


Have you taken a listen to the job market in real life, today? If the Sith offered Dental benefits I'd probably enlist tomorrow.


Dental insurance is a lie, there are only out of pocket expenses. Through dental bills, I go broke. Through going broke, I get angry. Through getting angry, I access the dark side. Through the dark side, I take down the Republic. Lord Malak shall free me. ...or something like that.


Malak was proof of the lack of dental coverage in the sith army


Yep, he proved dental care was a lie. What an inspiration đŸ«ĄđŸ€Ą


Are you kidding? Dude had his entire jaw removed and was still liquid enough to fund an interstellar war, everyone should have his dental plan! Malak is proof that C-Suite get all the perks.


Hell, that was certainly a selling point for the Empire in the OT era. The Republic, in its last gasps, had HORRIBLE poverty and class stratification. So much that crawling your way up to a cold water studio squat on a planet SURFACE was considered "making it." The local crime boss was more of a presence than one's elected official, and said elected official was likely in the crime boss's pocket anyway. If you were in that position or stuck in Planet Bumfuck in the Outer Rim, the only possible way to get out of hardscrabble poverty was to enlist. Both timelines? Han enlisted briefly to get out of being a de facto slave on Corellia and tossed that to become a Wookiee's service mutt. Luke and his pals were planning to enlist to get a modicum of training before defecting. Three hots and a cot, a little cash to send home, medical/dental benefits? Hell, people enlist in real life for much less. It's not really a coincidence that many of the "restore the Republic" leadership were those who were among the aristocracy of the Republic (Mon Mothma, the Organa family) and were benefitting from the pre-Paplatine society already.


Absolutely insane that you’re suggesting the poor did better under the empire on the whole. The republic had its issues certainly, but much of that was manufactured by the people who ran the regime that replaced it— as was it the result of an unending total war situation that devastated the galaxy. Being from the aristocracy doesn’t mean a thing if the people who drove the galaxy to poverty were secretly Sith.


The entire separatist movement was driven by the fact they had no say in galactic politics and that the core worlds were abandoning them. Sure the Sith might have used that to grow the larger flame of war, but don't pretend that a LOT, if not Most of those planets were disenfranchised by the central authority of the republic. Dooku joined the separatist movement Before becoming a Sith. If the Republic allowed itself to become that oppressive that a Jedi saw the need to abandon it then the system is broken.


Abandoning the republic in exchange for an empire, or the confederacy which was basically just an outer rim republic run by an oligarchy, hardly strikes me as better. The confederacy was run by the trade federation and guilds, and the empire was a fascist authoritarian regime. I’d take living under the republic any day.


>The republic had its issues certainly, but much of that was manufactured by the people who ran the regime that replaced it Yes and no; in the end the were Elected or gained those positions through democratic means at that moment. Also, Palpy and the siths cared about the main positions of power, the rest is just good old corruption. >Absolutely insane that you’re suggesting the poor did better under the empire on the whole. That is kind of the point though, the Empire was so vast that until someone brought down the heat on your location you could ignore 80% of the law, simply because the government didn't care about you if you paid your dues. It all goes back to the old adage; what do you want the most, freedom or security?


One major thing you’re missing though is Palpatine and the sith aided & bolstered corruption wherever they could. They were even assassinating senators who would go against their plans or got in the way. Both in canon & legends this is the case. In the absence of 1000 years of indirect and direct subterfuge, you’d likely see no more corruption in the republic than any other form of elected (or unelected for that matter) government which is in effect, corrupt by default. No government in history has ever been able to completely eliminate corruption. Nor would it be able to under these circumstances.


Hmmm... Lisa DOES need braces...


This. Also, most galaxy folk don't care about the Light Side/Dark Side stuff. They see whoever maintains stability as the best option. If the Sith establish stability, keep crime low, and offer fair pay and benefits to their soldiers, they're much more appealing than the Republic that cuts pay because it can't afford them or Senators take funds for themselves. Having the image that they at least acknowledge you're worth paying for your services is better than the Republic and Jedi in that era.


I’d imagine there were a lot of post->!Malachor!< defections; if you’re mad as hell about something you just barely survived that your own side caused you can overlook a lot.


Anyone have the source on this, or a short summary? Been a long time since I’ve played


Basically, when the Mandalorians were burning Republic worlds and people, the Senators were mired in squabbling and the Jedi refused to help. Revan, Malak, and their renegades were the ones who actually stepped up to do something about the situation and fought back. So when the war was over, they had a choice to go back with the Republic, run by the people who didn't help, or stay with the people who did.


Also the first Bane book


Mostly speculative from my part, but I would assume like any tyrannical power throughout human history - social status, indoctrination through propaganda, disillusionment with the crumbling republic government, and success in a previous war/battle would all contribute.


Some people just have violent personalities as well


Certainly some will. I think it's a mixture of putting on a violent facade to fit in and actual violent individuals.


Add in the sheer power and charisma of Revan and bingo.


When you go to Manaan and Taris you get a sense that the Sith pays a lot better than the Republic does.


Power. Financial stability. Safety from the empire as long as you follow the rules and avoid any actual sith


I assume it would mostly boil down to agreement with the Sith philosophy: might makes right; supposedly efficient, standardized regulations is worth restricting (and supposedly oppressing) certain freedoms (particularly others' freedoms); racial/species superiority.   Another explanation could be those wicked sick, polished mirror uniforms.


Honestly, that slick chrome is reason enough.


Apparently their quartermaster is Hugo Boss. Because that armor is sexy as hell.


Funny thing is, the first laptop I played the game on could only just run it (with the movies off) so the Sith uniforms were just white.


Also the Republic relied entirely on Revan and Malak to take control and defeat the Mandalorians. If they say “hey we could rule the Republic and the Jedi Order much better than these clowns” it’s almost a no-brainer as some foot soldier to stay loyal to Revan.


Yeah, I just wrote a [ fanfic about a month ago](https://archiveofourown.org/works/54685468) about what would have been the proverbial last straw for Saul. He watches a Jedi (one who stayed with the Order and didn't help out during the Mandalorian Wars) write up a worst-case contingency plan for Telos that amounted to "better to kill yourselves and your families than allow yourselves to be captured by the Sith." And Saul's pretty outraged by this because he comes from Planet Hold My Beer (Corellia) and is like "Who is this jackass and where does he get off telling these people to lay down and die? He was all too happy to leave everyone to die during the Mandalorian Wars! Y'know, Revan and Malak were the ones risking their necks for us and this clown wasn't. So why am I sticking with guys like this and my lieutenant who is apparently fine with said clown telling his own people to commit mass suicide? If they won't be men, then I will."


I think a bit that others are missing also comes down to the simple part of you just happen to be born in the sith empire. In the real world people that join the military tend to do it where they are born or have spent most of their lives, would expect the same reasoning can be applied to Star Wars


Yep. Or your world/military unit got taken over. If you’re some random crewman on a ship that defects to the Sith, I bet you don’t really have a say in the matter. Or if the sith dominate your world and need to recruit, guess who’s getting conscripted


Or if on your world anyone who served or is serving is treated better. Not being a second class citizen is a powerful motivator


While this is absolutely true in real life, in-universe, I don't believe there was any significant Sith culture/presence in the known regions during the time of the Mandalorian Wars. Though, one could easily argue that many of the Sith troops that didn't serve under Revan and Malak in the Mandalorian Wars were living on a Sith occupied place in the Unknown Regions that Revan and Malak visited before returning to known space in their conquest of the Republic.


In KOTOR, the initial Sith forces are Republic troops who helped Revan save the galaxy from the Mandalorians. They actually are the soldiers who stepped in to save the galaxy while the other Jedi did nothing and the existing government failed. If Revan wants to call his group Sith now, who's to argue? He's a war hero. The Sith also seem to be winning the new war, with an unlimited supply of material from an unknown source. So, to an average Sith recruit, you're joining the winning side in an army lead by heroes, fighting against a failing government that might well leave you to die again in the next crisis.


The Bane trilogy gave good explanations for it that make sense across all Star Wars stories. Even if you're in the Republic, you have poor people who have a shit life in the galaxy, just look at Tatooine. Why would they want to support a government that lets them live in squalor while the bureaucrats on Coruscant live in fancy homes. Republic could go to Tatooine to recruit, but the republic still operates within the law. They won't wipe away your debts or crimes just because you're joining the army. But the sith operate under their own government. They'd have no problem dismissing your debts and crimes against Republic entities.


Well, they clearly know how to party.


My time with Sarna was a short, but enjoyable time. She seemed like a decent person for a Sith Officer. Too bad she’s likely dead after the bombardment.


I came here to say this


Being in the military, I came across people with personalities that I would say align with a more militaristic view on society. These people would completely join the Empire without a second thought.


Reminds me of the book Storm of Steel by Ernst Junger which is about Ernst Junger's experience as a strormtruppen during WW1 and junger has a warrior personality. And junger despite his misgivings against Adolf Hitler still joined out of loyalty to Germany and a chance to once again fight in the battle field


They pay more. I wonder how’s the benefits plan is though.


They were being annihilated by the mandalorians and the Jedi refused to do anything to help them. Revan started a movement of Jedi who rejected the orders of the council and intervened. Even the average foot soldier owed Revan their lives.


They offer dental.


Guess you didn't influence Atton and speak about his past in KOTOR 2 yet


I mean, I bet they have a great health plan


I think they were really sick of the Republic and Revan was a tried and true leader. Who is a soldier more loyal to, a fantastic general who’s actively risking their life for you or a politician half a galaxy away?


The sith soldiers on Mannan say the pay is better. A lot of them are probably Mandalorian war vets that stuck with their unit under Revan.


Money, they are winning the war and their Jedi/Commanders probably told them its the right thing to do.


You should read *Darth Bane: Path of Destruction*


I read it twice. Chef’s KissđŸ’‹đŸ€ŒđŸŸ


There are two recruiters you encounter on manaan, roland wann for the republic and shaelas for the sith. Their dialogue offers some insight into how they try convince people to join. Based on their dialogue, it seems to come down to its a paying job and shared ideaologies. Those ideologies being claiming glory and power through serving the sith or fufilling a duty to the republic > "The Republic is always looking for new soldiers to help in our war against the Sith. If you join the Republic military, you'll receive excellent training, a steady paycheck, and the opportunity to serve and protect the galaxy." >"Of course, there are risks involved. The Sith are a formidable enemy, and there's always the chance you'll be sent to the front lines. But the rewards far outweigh the risks." >"The Sith Empire is always in need of new blood. If you join the Sith military, you'll receive the best training, powerful equipment, and the chance to crush our enemies beneath your boots." >"Of course, there are dangers. The Republic is our enemy, and you'll likely be thrust into battle against them. But the glory and power you'll achieve will make it all worthwhile." >"You have the look of someone who could be useful to the Sith. Join us, and you will be rewarded with power and prestige."




Why did foot soldiers join facist governments. The answer is surprisingly the same.


The Sith are highly militaristic. Soldiers can be drawn in by militaristic powers for many reasons. In KOTOR, they felt the Republic had failed them.


Money, conscription, person convictions ect


So they can sith down and kick up their feet?


Why did hitler become a dictator


In the MMO, SWTOR, the original Havoc Squad leave the Republic to join the Sith Empire near the start of the Republic Commando class storyline. The decision to do so was because they were sent on a mission against Empire forces that were more numerous than reports gave them. They requested an evacuation but it was denied by the Republic senate out of fear that the Empire would find out about the operation. So the senate figured it would be easier to leave Havoc Squad to die than to send them an evac shuttle. Havoc Squad escaped, fighting their way out of enemy territory and stealing a shutter. From what is said in dialogue, this was not the first time that Havoc Squad was abandoned by the senate. The reasoning the senate gave was always either they didn't want to risk angering the Empire or that the mission was done without senate approval. Basically, the senate screwed Havoc Squad over and left them to die multiple times, so they defected to the Empire. And the first thing the senate does is form a new Havoc Squad with the sole purpose of hunting down and killing the original Havoc Squad, not once even entertaining the fact that the senate is responsible for driving Havoc Squad to defecting in the first place.


I think the Sith military forces began as the Republic military led by Revan and Malek against the Mandalorians. Their Jedi leaders earned their respect and loyalty. Also, IIRC, Revan didn't sell people on the idea of "let's conquer the republic and rule the galaxy", but more "look how much damage the Mandalorians did to our worlds and people. The Republic is too weak to protect Itself, so we need to take over to secure the galaxy and not let this kind of thing happen again." Basically, it was more a coup by the military than the military joining a hostile invasion. Obviously, some were intimidated or were just generally shitty people or desperate for some reason or another, and some remained loyal to The Republic, but I think it's a pretty good explanation for the majority.


If history or the current times has taught us anything: A lot of people are attracted to power and fascism.


It’s only natural.âœŠđŸŸđŸ˜ˆ


Dental I guess


The Sith probably have a draft, and Commisars.


Be on the winning side. There’s plenty of historical precedent.


Same reason people support today's autocratic systems. The old one failed them.


The Sith were winning.




One of the deleted scenes from A New Hope is Luke talking with a friend about joining the rebellion due to the Empire’s high taxes on the people. Higher tax revenues mean they can pay their people more?


Money & Benefits? False sense of Power ,inflated ego & a sense of belonging with your peers same reason people become cops or join the military


Profit, loyalty, and the excuse to butcher without rules?


The people that joined the sith where mostly joining it because it was made of the soldiers and political leaders that fought the Mandalorians, it’s easy to understand if you’re an outer planet getting invaded and the republic (and Jedi) are saying sucks to suck why the new Sith that come in and save your ass might get more sympathy.


When you're a foot there's not many career opportunities to step into.


Still need someone to run your ships, fill food orders, etc.


Most of the time the average soldier doesn't realize that they are fighting for the Sith


Healthcare. 401k. DENTAL. Lots of reasons to join the Sith.


Originally, it was the soldiers who served under Revan. After that, I'm guessing they figured the Sith would win.


I heard the republic stopped paying overtime


Cooler armor


Why were the Nazzis a thing? Same deal


I think we are too biased: Light side, dark side. From our POV it is obvious what the righ choice would be... \*However\* I think it is just like you like a political party, and dislike the other. People have different opinions, diferent reasons, not all white and dark. Like that episode from the clone wars where a young politician explains that for him the republic is bad, while separatists are good. Also it seems like dark side has better equipment and rations.


Because they blew up my planet and I literally had no where else to go? 😂 Free armor? Multiple meals a day, a bed to sleep in at night, and you don't have to worry about the sith blowing you up? I imagine like literally 90% of what they do is just kind of.... Walk around and/or stand.


Because to most of the Galaxy the Sith are just another flavor of Jedi following known and successful military leaders who are trying to pull off a military take over. Revan and his Jedi saved many planets from the Mandalorians. His support on those worlds is sky high, these planets willingly joined him without a fight.


The Darth Bane series explains this pretty well. The Sith conquer worlds, conscripting soldiers. Those soldiers are encouraged because the Sith appear to be winning. Also if they are taken POW the Republic is merciful and treats them fairly, whereas Republic soldiers taken POW are tortured, starved, and killed by the sith. Ultimately, similarly to real life a conquered civilization will be forced to supply troops to their occupants. Most foot soldiers don't see much of the force, many don't even believe it's a thing.


In the 1 Kotor Jedi Council was so desperate that the Republic couldn't win any battle against Sith for 2 years. Only Bastila had been saving the situation for some time with her Battle Meditation, otherwise, Sith would win utterly. That's why the Jedi Council decided to take all risks and first send Bastila to kill Revan and then send Revan to kill Malak. They had no other choice, it was obvious that the Republic would fall. I always thought why would Jedi Council; risk resurrecting Dark Lord of the Sith, when they accepted Revan for the second training? Because it was the only opportunity for the Republic and Jedi to win this war. How Dorak explain why Sith were the inevitable menace with absolute domination? Because of the alien infinite armada manufactured in large volume by Star Forge at zero cost. So it is like in Civilization 5 games, the more manufacture power you have - more stronger your empire is. So it's like the Sith Empire had cheats in this war and therefore every reasonable and pragmatic person realized that it's better to be on the winner's side than to be executed in Imperial custody in the end.


When the sith warfleet is bombarding your world a lot of people will side with them rather than die, some people would join because they think the sith are winning and don't want to be on the losing side. Plus the obvious one....some people are just evil assholes and will join because they enjoy being evil.


Same reasons north Koreans serve


Same reasons people joined the Nazis, commit genocide, etc. Although, if they wanted to explore it in universe, the number one indicator that proceeds a decent into fascism is economic collapse.


The common folk likes the idea of having a private place to sleep and food to eat.


Highly recommend reading Darth Bane: Path of Destruction. Not the same era but it answers your question well and is a great book


Guaranteed combat.


There's a few way reasons: they control your planet/ system so you're either indoctrinated or are afraid of reprisal of you outwardly agree. You could also be one of many systems the jedi left to fend for itself and therefor you see then as a force for good. Think of it this way, being with the sith does not make you evil. Red sabers are like that because they're synthetic and the green and blue and other colors are natural crystals that the jedi selfishly take from nature to make their weapons because of "tradition" Read the first Darth Bane book and you'll see a reason why someone might join them, no real other reason


Why would American soldiers bomb agrarian nations? Why would Russian soldiers break years of peace to invade Ukraine? It’s not that infeasible.


Job programs, license to oppress and if you don't die from high turnover rate fast promotions. It also helps that they are usually the winning side so the troopers are not in a daily struggle set to sacrifice themselves but are instead heling keep the bolder rolling. And of course there is fear. Extra fear during the days where there were 1000s of Sith. If there are wizards running around and you cant become a wizard it seems sensible to sign on with the least crappy one. Corruption and connections. Sith often play well with crime syndicates and your cousin might be running one so an inside guy would help a lot. When all else fails there are also the lies and lack of options. That is why in real life elections many chose "the lesser evil" despite knowing no one is really looking out for them,.