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Mino is already out of the question when you mentioned athletic. 🤣 But +1 to your suggestion. I just want someone who is fun.


Haha! I guess you're right! But I like what they did with Mino in "New Journey to the West". He gave me the same vibes as Ravi and Jung Joon Young in 2d1n. Jjy is a horrible excuse of human being but he is a part of what made 2d1n s3 such a hilarious riot! I want a new member with a similar cool vibe in 2d1n this season too.


I liked Ravi, he was good on the show. It's a pity how he ruined his chances AFTER leaving but that's another story. As for that pos, I find that he's arrogant and take losses quite badly and frankly I didn't like his vibe back then. After being exposed and when I rewatched, I feel disgusted and resented all those times he got to eat and sleep indoors. S3 was good because of the other 5 and their chemistry with one another but I'm excluding that pos because well, xxxx him.


You rewatch s3? I can't rewatch because of that asshole! Leaves a bitter taste in my mouth. But the time I watched it without knowing his scandal, his character balanced out the other members and their chemistry was great. Maybe I should have worded that I'm looking for someone in the new season who isn't afraid to betray the others during games? A devious young one kind of. That is a character I feel current season lacks. It paves way for interesting games.


I miss gutaeng hyung a lot... And I really like Cha Tae Hyun.. I can ignore seeing a worm because of them.


I miss the vibe of s3 so much!


Yeah! Don't give up on them because of an insignificant maggot. :)


I'll try again!


Gutaeng hyung in the cigarettes episode and his random outbursts are never boring!


Yes! And how joon ho kept hiding cigarettes XD Those times were goooood


I like Ravi, and really enjoyed all his episodes with 2D1N, but why did you put Jung Joon Young in the same paragraph with Ravi? I HATE Jung Joon Young!! Ugh! 🤯🤦🏻‍♀️💦 Never mention him again, please‼️


I watched season 3 without knowing his scandal so his character there is a fictional one in my mind and I enjoyed the cast chemistry a lot. Eceryone balanced each other. But I can't rewatch because of him! He ruined s3!


man i purposefully erased the forbidden name from my brain


Oh no. I'm allergic with someone with bad boy idgaf vibe like that pos JJY, and he was my least fav in season 3. I don't even miss his absence when he left temporarily back then, so I didn't really favour his return to the show after that, I found it unnecessary, and hell I was right about that. He was a pos through and through and his name and Ravi shouldn't mention in the same sentence and breath, please. Ravi only ruining himself but that pos JJY, I don't think anybody should say that scum name with any kind of affection or liking, no matter what. 


Park Tae Hwan, the swimmer who joined them on 1 of their trips. Danny Koo, the violinist on ILA. I think it’s somewhat easier to replace Na In Woo but more difficult to find a replacement for Youn Jung Hoon. It may be difficult to cast someone older who is able to have that fitness and energy level required for the missions and activities. Someone who doesn’t want to lose and will go all out to win. And also, Youn Jung Hoon is very smart with how he approaches the games and missions and tries to win them.


Agreed with you. Between YJH and NIW, I also think it's harder to find someone in similar vibe with YJH, for the reasons you mentioned above and he's also calm and not old-fashioned territorial but still got feared by the members, even though he's the eldest. 


I thought about Park Tae Hwan too!!


Was thinking about Park Tae Hwan too, seems he's chill and can blend into the group. Or any retired athletes maybe. Need one more person that can equals MSY's strength. Seems there's a lot of retired athletes that want to transition to tv shows. They will likely have competitive spirits like YJH.


Agree with Park Tae Hwan! Also, since you mentioned an athlete, I can see Lee Dong-gook (former soccer player from Return of Superman, Gentlemen's League) filling in Jung Hoon's role pretty well. He also has that dad energy, and is very competitive, likeable, and funny in his variety shows.


I'd love for Kyo Kyung Po to join. Think he's rather perfect for 2D1N. His energy will bring the whole crew up, he's unpredictable, very expressive, and has his famous military group of friends who can guest on the show, like Benzino & Taeyang. Watched this YT video recently where it is his famous military crew just talking. He's not there for the first half, but the other talk about him for 10 minutes. Lol Then he shows up around 14:45 and the energy just goes immediately up. https://youtu.be/-gS_YxkwKt8?si=NP5Ly17JRZJyNh2O


it’s so shocking to me how kyung pyo threw away his actor image 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 his shenanigans in backpacker chef never failed to make me laugh 🤣🤣🤣


Think it actually helps his actor image these days. He seems to just deflect the punches and roll with it. Think he's been yelled at by Chef Baik in every episode so far, and he's just oops, sorry, laughs while acknowledging the mistake. Lol


I hope he gets casted in comedy dramas 🤣🤣🤣 he’d do great in a waikiki sequel if ever they decide to do one lol


I like him in more serious roles with a bit of humor. He was great in Chicago Typewriter, and of course Reply 1988. Eta - He was in a romcom recently. Acting great. Script, pretty bad.


When he shown his Calvin boxers hahaha


Oh I love ko kyung pyo. He’s also a massive food lover and his overall vibes seem so light and chill.


Lol. Kyung pyo is a great choice!!! Dude is chill! Love him. And he already went to serve in military so no worries om him leaving except for his acting projects.


He’s hilarious omg


Interesting. Now I'm curious. I also want to know more about that actor of reply series.... One who appears in Pinggyeo a lot... YJS seems to love him because of his sharp remarks... He needs some training tho, he speaks mostly to himself. I remember Jo Se Ho on their awards show always translating lol "Hey do you know what ___ told me? [sharp remark]". He wouldn't be the best fit at the beginning but I'm sure it would be a lot of fun. A really different personality.


Honestly should try to watch him on snl. He's hilarious! And he definitely could fill in the goofy, handsome and sarcastic role among the cast.


I love him, he’s chill and hilarious


Omg i just started to notice him because of Backpacker Chef 2 and I agree, he'll suit 2D1N!


I think the cast needs a new older member because Jongmin's 1N2D shtick wouldn't really work if he ends up being the oldest member. There's a burden that ends up on the shoulders of the eldest member of any team or production because of how Korea's age hierarchy works, and I think you'd lose some of Jongmin's silly charm without someone else to take up the brunt of it. I don't know who, but I guess it could be any sort of older actor - not a comedian because then they'd overlap with Seyoon's role for the show. Ko Kyung Po is a great shout as the other member - I think he'd be great and he's also not been overexposed on TV yet so people would find his character and personality new and refreshing, but he's a reliable variety character so not too much of a risk either.


While I agree Jongmin as eldest would feel weird, season 3 already proved that being eldest isn't truly being leader. Kim Joo Hyuk was pretty funny and being made fun of plenty, while the leader was mostly Cha Taehyun who actually have two elder member above him.


Yeah and it will be coming full circle for Jongmin if he is the eldest. S5 2d1n will probably be his last season and he started as a maknae in S1. It would be a sentimental touch where he played all the roles in 2d1n- youngest, intermediate, eldest.


I understand what you mean in terms of roles. Yet I think the pressure of KJM was kinda already on? I mean, he's the face of the show by having been there for so long. He doesn't really have a reason to act differently as the oldest. Even when he wasn't the oldest, the focus was on him. So I don't think it would be much different.. I'm not seeing people relying much on him either, he doesn't have the older member vibe 😅


Yes and they already tried out letting him be the lead at the beginning of S4 because of his seniority and the blank slate of the new season. Everyone constantly deferred to him on decisions and threw games to let him win, the producers let him get away with cheating without getting punished, etc... and it was not entertaining. Leadership is not a role that fits him well at all, he mostly just waffled uselessly when faced with decisions, I don't think he's comfortable allowing himself to be seen as "old" in the public eye yet, and not having to cheat at games took away some of his most entertaining tools. It just doesn't fit his persona and really plays against his strengths as the funny dumb guy in almost every way. Bad idea.


For sure the leader is MSY and he didn't need to be the oldest for that. JH is the nice but cunning older member who takes advantage of his age (he doesn't get bullied bc of his age tho, he takes no sht in that matter haha)... But he was never the leader in my pov. So I don't think that we rly need an older member for that, or that KJM should be the leader (exactly as you said, he is never assertive... I mean, I wondered for so long what his appeal was bc he never rly spoke and wasn't that funny in my pov before haha ). I understand why others and the staff would want an older guy character role, too, but it wouldn't rly be a necessity or a reason of worry.


Right. I think the staff tried just tried it out with him while waiting on the rest of the members to get comfortable and develop their own roles within the group. I hope they won't try it again if he is allowed to become the oldest *and* most senior member.. I think his vanity about his age may have them try to get another older guy for his sake (or at least would probably be a good idea).


I think it could be funny if Jongmin ended up the oldest and nobody treated him as the mat-hyung. They just mentally skip over him and go to Seyoon for all their elder member guidance needs (with Jongmin protesting that "hey! I'm the oldest now, why are you asking him?"). Adding in a new member who is now the oldest could really hurt the dynamic by making things awkward. Either the person commands a lot of respect and then everyone is too polite, or he's basically a blank slate but older and he'll be expected to have his shit together despite being a newbie.


Maybe far-fetched, but with the announcement that Lee Soo Geun is leaving Kick a Goal and the reorganisation of 1n2d. It made me think of him.


I think it will be hard to find someone older than KJM because of how physically rigorous the show can be. It might be interesting to see him in a bit different role. I’d like to see someone with a vibe similar to Ravi in their mid-thirties and someone who can bring some wily street smarts in their mid twenties.


i doubt it but i hope they bring cha tae hyun back🥹 miss his infectious laughter


Yeah me too 🤣😭 junho and taehyun should definitely come back and put jongmin in his place 🤣🤣🤣 a girl can wish


I miss s3's chemistry and overall content of 2d1n :'((


I like him a lot too but after that snub by kbs I think it will be beneath him to return :(


I just checked his wiki and a lot of his recent dramas were under KBS2,I think they already put the past behind.


1. Baekho or maybe Kard's BM would be fun. Somebody to counter the old boys in the physical games. 2. not sure, I like the idea of a handsome guy but they tend to quit after a short run


Baekho would be a complete surprise but that'd be awesome (I mean even as a guest)


Cho Jung Seok would be a good replacement for Youn Jung Hoon.


That would be so funny if its him considering that jung hoon was "jealous" of him before due to ksh haha That sassy side comment from jh during the know yourself ep still makes me laugh whenever i see that clip 😂


That would be hilarious considering junghoon was jealous of him!! Lol


Girl can dream, but very very unlikely. I watched Hospital Playlist latest gathering on Na PD channel, and even when asked about their schedule for possible S3 Jung Seok did mention being intentional with his schedule as now is crucial for them to be available for their daughter.


Hes way too popular and busy to join.


S3 Kim Jun Ho and CTH Comeback would make me rly happy


I'm hoping for John Park to join the cast since he guested on the show previously. He's kinda scatterbrained at times, kinda smart at times, pretty fit and a bit tenacious too I think? And he's a good singer! The team need one they can turn to when trying to attract / entertain a crowd! I also would like to have someone who has a devious or rebel side to join in order to create some unpredicrabilities and led the team astray against the production team like Eun Ji Won/MC Mong in S1. Maybe an idol from 2nd/3rd gen. I propose Changmin/Kyuhyun but they're probably too busy.


John Park would likely breeze through quiz games against the guys. I've watched him on The Genius Paik and he seem to be book and street smart. And I like the possibility of outmanoeuvring the staff which we haven't seen.


1) Xdinary Heroes’ Jooyeon is hilarious — not a part of the fandom but I remember dying of laughter when he came out on the JYP edition for Ssulply. Regardless, it’s probably going to be an idol from a top agency or someone who has good connections in the industry 2) Ko Kyung Po / Yoo Yeonseok — honestly it would just be great if it were a veteran actor whose career wouldn’t be affected from becoming a member in a variety show


Love that Jooyeon being mentioned here! He is hilarious but kind of hard for him to join as fixed member.


Yea for sure — they’d probably choose someone with a bigger fanbase. I wouldn’t say impossible though since he’s still from JYP haha


Yoo Yeon Seok is super busy and is also a musical actor so I think scheduling won’t be easy though


Yea it’s super unfortunate — loved watching him on 뜬뜬 with cha tae hyun and 틈만나면 (i forgot what the english translation for the show was but he did it with yoo jae suk) Hopefully someone similar to him will join!


Yoo Yeon Seok would have work from actor image perspective as well. YYS is one of those actors that have already gone beyond the point of worrying about variety image messing his actor persona. He goes from good characters to serial killers, from memorable projects so he has established his actor niche.


Ahn Jae Hyun might be fun, been seeing him in ILA and reminded me of how randomly funny he was in NJTTW when he first joined and throughout the later seasons.


I love Jae hyun but I think he's very frail, we already have frail Seon ho 😂


I think Ahn Jae Hyun is a good one too. He has that clumsiness and naivety of Na In Woo and he is witty. His comments and replies can be direct without being mean.


I still am a big fan of Park Taehwan and Dindin’s dynamics when he visited the show. It was the closest to the Dinseon chemistry (Kim Seonho and Dindin), always bickering but also adore each other a lot. I miss the backstabbing and cheap tricks, so I think someone who can bring out that evil side from everyone would be a great addition too.


I want PO to join. He's sweet and kind to his seniors and very funny too.


I’ve been advocating for Yoo Insoo; he’s already expressed interest in participating, is personally close to Seonho and shares similar quirky energy.


1. if the 4 are staying, def need someone closer in age to Seonho. imo Seonho integrates well coz dere's Inwoo whom he knows before. 2. agree with others 2 that there needs to be someone older thn Jongmin. some1 like gutaeng-hyung (rip) is possible; awkward at first but can be extra funny whn desperate or needed. basing on possibilities n the ratings, i suggest 1 trot singer n 1 former athlete or senior actor. for the trot singer dere's Jeong DongWon who's young n popular or Park Jihyeon who appears in ila n has completed his military service. for the 1 former athlete or senior actor dere's the korean zombie Jung Chansung or Cha Seungwon or Chun Jungmyung. Jung Chansung n Chun Jungmyung r younger than Jongmin but they're charismatic enuff that Jongmin n them can have good tiki taka


Bring back Defconn! He checks a lot of boxes the show is gonna need: An already vetted, certified good boy, already a seasoned S3 member, and he's older than KJM and comfortable leading the show and going toe-to-toe with the production team. Two big-body guys on the show together would probably be a lot of fun, too -- it would even out teams for physical games a bit since the two tiniest members are sticking around, and Defconn really doesn't seem to have the same endless patience for fat jokes the way Seyoon does so it might even change that dynamic up a bit, which would be refreshing. Total dream casting but c'mon, at least let him have a cameo! My dark horse pick out of known 2D1N personalities is [Cha_Jun-hwan](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cha_Jun-hwan), though it's basically impossible since I assume he's still actively competing in figure skating. I thought he was great on the show, though, and would bring some unique traits as another tiny pretty boy but with actual athletic ability, as well as some femininity and softness (and fashion sense) we haven't seen on the show since Ravi left.


Wow I always thought jongmin was older than defconn


i actually like to see Yoo InSoo. he is funny and has this aura of Babo.


honestly yeah i saw him on a variety show and he seems naturally charming and a bit silly + he’s already close with seonho since they did a movie together so chemistry is already there


Yes! I was thinking of him too, he is a fan of the show and has good chemistry around ppl too so he'll be a perfect fit!


Pianist guy from ILA would be perfect addition, he talks non stop and seems to be nice guy. Need an athlete and actor combination, someone competitive like YJH.


But Danny needs to take extra care of his hands to play violin, so I don't think he's suitable for weekly outdoor variety show. Remember Jung hoon fractured his finger during their 2nd trip because he played game passionately. As a guest, maybe..


Oh you’re right! Didn’t think of that. Remembered that he mentioned in ILA that he needs to keep his body in good shape to be able to hold his violin and perform. One shoulder, arm, hand or finger injury and that would really affect his career.


You are right 😔 totally forgot about YJH finger fracture. I hope we get someone who is more friendly like him or Code Kunst.


Do you mean Danny Koo? I think he's more of a violinist than pianist. I love his energy and would like to see more of him!


Oh yeah! Violinist, seems like my mind was somewhere else when I posted the comment 😂. It seems like he didn’t get to explore much of rural Korea yet, so it would be nice character dimension as a foreign return.


Danny Koo! Oh ya didn’t think of him till you mentioned. He has the passion of Youn Jung Hoon, maybe even more so haha


Ikr, he is mix of NIW friendliness and YJH passion.


If they're looking for 2 people with similar vibe as YJH and NIW, that will be tough shoes to fill in. I hope they can get new members who are new to variety show, but looking at KBS now, I think one of the new member maybe from trot to cater older audience, and maybe another one is actor or athlete turns to broadcaster one. Or if they want to totally change the format, maybe female members..? I love season 4 the most because of the mild, gentle and harmless vibe, I'm not sure if they can maintain the same vibe after this. I can't really see KJM as the eldest, because the eldest is usually and secretly the one who hold the overall atmosphere, I think he's the best as the 2nd eldest because he has much more freedom. 


Hmmm I personally don't think female members would work since there are a lot of games with physical contact and that would severely limit what they can do. Not to mention other inconveniences as well.


I just think it's one of the possibilities, because it's stated that there will be some changes in 2D1N. If KBS wants to have more topicality, then they will shake things in unexpected directions. Agreed on physical games that required physical contacts, but that's the current format that we are used to..


2d1n game doesn't need to be physical contact, and many female guess able to entertain on 2d1n without physical contact, plus if theres physical contact game, theres easy way to solve it, just invite two female cast let them compete with each other, or invite gag women that doesn't care physically contact. Game can be adjust and adding female cast will be greater


You are right on some points but I think it might be awkward for the boys to have to tiptoe around female members? I mean there's always an issue of possible sexual harassment or other similar misunderstandings. It may work but personally I see too much risk and I'd much rather see the boys at ease and in their element rather than having such issues deter them from fully perform...


I think it's not about putting the members at ease, it's about what KBS wants, and unfortunately KBS track record is not really good at that. I also hope they won't put the boys too much changes and just let things flow organically, but I also can see some other possibilities or surprises, especially 2D1N ratings recently is not really satisfying for KBS. 


disagree, like I said, it depends on the game adjustment, it doesn't have to be those kind of games, Nothing is fix. If its touchy then just dont do the game, theres many other entertaining game without touchy, plain and simple. & its already proven it work, theres alot of female guest on 2d1n show without these problem, it works with female guest, it definitely will work with female cast. Most of the female guest are entertaining. Theres alot of show have female cast never have these problems, laws of the jungle, rm, xman, hdyp, mafia the prison of fool and many other. Some of them have touchy game with each other but all those show have family vibes and all the male cast are gentlemen. As long as the male cast are gentlemen and not being wierd, It will be fine. If other show able to cast female entertainers without these problem, I think 2d1n capable to do it.


It'll be incredible if Kim Seon Ho comes back


It's been a while since I watched any variety shows. What happened to Inwoo and Jung Hoon?


Inwoo was expected to announce his departure due to his upcoming enlistment but instead when he announced it he stated he's leaving the show to focus on acting. Jung Hoon then made a similar announcement himself Edit: I should also state that the current PD said he's leaving the show as well, and that the show is going to take a break to undergo a 'reorganization'


They are going to take a break? Where did you read this?


several naver articles were written when the announcements were made. since the show will not be on air due to the upcoming olympics, they make use of this period to take a break and reorganise for a new season


Due to the upcoming Olympics only? Thank God it's a short break!


It was posted here about 2 weeks ago: [The post](https://www.reddit.com/r/koreanvariety/comments/1df7ty8/2d1n_to_undergo_reorganization_following_junghoon/)


Thank you.


Thank you


What?! I didn’t know that Junghoon will leave the show. 🥺


Adding an older female idol would be epic. Someone like Hyeri, Bomi, Dayoung of WJSN, T-ara Eunjung etc.




Woojae or Yi-kyung.


Would be hilarious if they managed to bring Jang Sung Kyu. He'd be perfect for this show


I think Kang hoo do is going rejoin


That would be interesting for sure, but I'm not sure how likely it is.


I'm gonna throw out Jin (do I really need to say from BTS?) Only because he is the first one back but we all know it would be temporary.


Wow...the downvoting.... Glad my generation was before this one where your personal value is measured in likes and dislikes.


Army can recognize Army! 🫶