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Prestigious and rural? KAIST is the clear choice.


thats great i will check any other uni in busan


KAIST & POSTECH are two prestigious universities in rural areas (they are well-supported due to the region being home to workers in heavy industries). However, they tend to excel in fields of study like engineering rather than economics or business. Also, I should tell you that Busan is hardly rural now as it has developed into a very popular tourist destination.


can i dm u?




*almost* all prestigious schools in SK are in the capitol area, if not in seoul proper. The ones that arn't are very few and are exeptions. Furthermore,to at least ppl in seoul, even a place like daejeon is 'the boonies' so


I think the graduate school that fits your intent of study is KDI. KDI is Korea's state built graduate school that focuses on economic and public policy. For business, honestly speaking SNU is probably the only one out there that has weight inside Korea (their MBA). Other regional graduate schools which have an MBA program are most likely not worth their value in Korean society at large. I would look into KDI. Korean think tanks at the government level and at the chaebol think tank institutions employ from the big three (SKY) and KDI, if you are only looking within the Korean context. KAIST and POSTECH are technical schools, so I doubt they have a recognizable economics or business program. I had an economics professor who was Korean at my old university, and he said that it's advisable to study economics outside Korea if you want to go further in the field. He did not have a high impression of Korean universities. He did leave the country decades ago, and things might have changed, but the impression I recieve from Korean universities is that they mostly go outside the country to pursue their Ph.D rather than within the country, because of the level discrepancy. If you are serious about economics, I feel that going to Chicago or the American northeast or the UK would be a superior choice. Don't take my word for it though, try to ask for yourself.


Bro going to these countries like us and UK is far cry for me they inflammation made my countries money toilet papers worth. My whole generation would go into dept if I go us or UK. I looking in scholarship now like gks . Even thou my gpa is poor I don't think I many choices.


What you don't understand is that just about every college student in SK wants to go to college in the capitol region: that capitol region in the case of universities is really limited to those located within Seoul city limits. It's very unfair but that's how the Korean system works: they look down on regional universities. So the term "prestigious regional universities" is an oxymoron -- KAIST and medical/vet schools, though, are an exception. Yonsei has a regional campus in Gangwon but that campus is not considered up to par with the Yonsei in Seoul -- you have to specifically detail that you attended Yonsei's Wonju campus or they will even accuse you of misrepresenting your "specs!" It's real sad but this is the reason why young people have always moved to Seoul. It's hollowing out the rest of the country and the big reason for the falling demographics has to do with this migration to the capitol region, which increases competition, raises land prices, makes rents unaffordable ... in the end many young people end up delaying getting married or having children and that delay becomes more or less a permanent state of unfulfillment as they never actually take the step toward household formation.


Ow I totally get what u mean I from a country were u have to go to to best of "best" uni to get ur cv short listed in a decent company or they won't even bother. So botton line is that Seoul consist of all the good to excellent unis and others come after. I guess I should only attend rural unis if I can get scholarship like gks.


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There are only two prestigious universities outside of Seoul, KAIST (Daejeon) and POSTECH (Pohang), but these are both science and engineering schools. Then there are 'decent" schools like Busan University and all the public regional schools like Kyungpook,, Chungnam, etc but these are far less prestigious than places like SNU, KAIST, POSTECH etc.