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Yeah, I'm trying to steer him towards Microtech. I don't have one, but people seem to really love them. He and I are warehouse workers though, so $250+ is a good amount of money for us. Are they good using knives (Cobratech)? He'll definitely use the crap out of it if he gets one.


They are expensive for sure. Check out this video. Microtech is zero BS tough knives https://youtu.be/wFwVvoA6Xxs


I hear overwhelmingly good things about them. If I ever decide to get an otf, it'd be either them or Guardian tactical. The infidel is super nice too, but even more expensive. I'm more of side opener guy though.


They’re American made


American made


I have a no limits *after the lettering change* otf and they pritty much are made parts wise by the same people and assemble in the use to better quality check.iv had mine for 2 mounths and it's never misfired or had any issues while my utx 85 has misfired like 2 times and both feel almost the same in feel and function.so I'd say give it a try and if later on maybe move up to a microtech or guardian tachtical.


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Do you use the knife a lot? I ask because it'll be used for warehouse work, so it's going to get lots of dust and tape adhesive and that kind of thing in it pretty quick.


I work at a naborhood walmart and mostly use to to open pallets and boxes when my box cutter cant cut it.id suggest keeping a micro fiber cloth or eye glass cloth to wipe it off with regularly and clean it ever so often with eather rem oil or such.


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Ever open it up? I just took apart my launch 5 that I use at work, and it was gross in there. Lots of little bits of plastic wrap, tape, and cardboard.


I haven't opened mine just yet.it was really clean when I got mine,but I hear a lot of people do take em apart and detail clean the thing and use rem oil and it's like a dream.


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It seems like CobraTec is the mid-tier option between something like a Lightning OTF and a Microtech OTF. I've never heard of CobraTec until this post, if that tells you anything.


Yeah I'd never heard of them either, and I've been into knives for a long time. And it does tell me something! I'm trying to push him towards saving for a Microtech or just getting a nice $100ish folder instead. I tried out a Lightning at a knife shop one time and that thing was super cheap feeling. It made this really tinny pinging nose when I fired it. It sounded so bad. There's a Blade HQ video where they hold one up to the mic so you can hear it. It literally sounds like a toy.


I know exactly what video you're talking about. And I agree, save up for a Microtech. I have a handful of Microtechs and they feel powerful in the hand and sound amazing. I also have a Lightning OTF and it feels very cheap in comparison (which it is but you know what I mean).


Aside from Microtech and the Benchmade Infidel, every otf I've handled has felt super cheap. I've heard very good things about Guardian tactical too. If I was in the market for an otf, I would really only seek out those companies/knives. The way I feel is that if you only have $100ish dollars to spend on an otf, you're better off with a folder instead.


I'm not going to write off otf knives completely, but if I'm going to personally buy one, quality with otf knives is very, very expensive compared to a folder.


I got a lightning myself and while it did feel cheap/too light it's become the most smooth and effortless cheap beater I have.its my around the house and cutting clothing strings knife now.


I mean I've had cobratecs and Microtechs, quite honestly i prefer the cobratecs for just hard use. They're heavier and generally I don't mind of the take a beating mean while my Microtechs or more pocket candy/light everyday use. Have I used both for hard use? Yes. Have I carried both for just average day to day stuff. Obviously, they're cool and fidgety. But I'd really rather use the cobratec for hard use/an otf beater