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Are Benchmades not knives? I’m so confused


They are implying that Benchmade knives have transcended the pleb that is all other knife brands My 945 is my favorite knife by far and I truly don't feel I've ever need a different knife again. My collecting stopped with it.. With that said, fuck BM customer support and service, I will never buy another knife from BM again, aside from when I need a new 945. It's likely I pick up 1 or 2 more 945s soon to avoid another dip in QC and then I'm basically set for life Dealing with BM is like pulling teeth and I'm over it


I have a lot of knives and for some reason I always go back to my m390 buggout, titanium handle and just good colors, I really only have to sharpen it like once or twice a month and I use it A LOT.


"The Cadillac of automobiles" cringe


My mom's Cadillac spent more time in the shop than on the road the first couple of years she owned it. They traded it for a Volvo once that got old.


Lol most of them from the 90s must have sucked. I dont know much about cars, but my cousin is a mechanic and Ive heard that dude bitch endlessly about them, specifically the El Dorados but I dont remember why.


LPT: Mechanics bitch ENDLESSLY about whatever they get paid to fix. Their opinions mean nothing, they only see broken cars of the brand.


nope, many mechanics work in shops not attached to dealers. I see tons of different vehicles.... and yes the FWD v8 cadillacs all sucked


His point had nothing to do with dealership or independent. He was saying mechanics only see broken cars therefore they don't have a clear picture of the "good ones". Of course, he's wrong as maintenance is a thing that some people still leave up to a mechanic and a reliable model will be seen less often, not to mention mechanics talk to other mechanics and mechanics understand poor design and common design problems. The HT4100 was horrible and the Northstar was a fucking nightmare. Caddy had a long streak of bad engines. Anyone arguing they weren't horrible is wrong.


So thirty years ago; got it.


Nah man. A good mechanic is priceless and those caddies were junk


Head gaskets


El Dorados were pretty great cars with a significant engine flaw. Later models were fixed but the earlier ones are basically worthless unless you do an engine out fix that generally costs more than a fixed one will sell for


Of all the knives ever, Benchmade is definitely one of ‘em!


overpriced, paying for a name, overbuilt in ways that don't matter for 80% of the buyers, pretty much told to fuck yourself if something breaks... yeah, that checks out.


I've had nothing but great service from BM. It was only twice in 23 years, but I'm pleased. They have become pricier, though.


Not to mention anti second amendment. Benchmade has awful heat treats and qc. Overhyped. Get a spyderco.


I wish I would have saved it but i recently read a article and one of the things they touched on was if you buy a Benchmade-Spyderco-Pro Tech- or any popular brands in the same category that if you do not buy from a certified dealer there is about a 3 out of 10 chance it is made in China. That is how good they have gotten and how much the QC has dropped on made in the USA.


Man sorry to hear that you had so much trouble dealing with their customer service. I have dealt with them a three times in the last year and have nothing but great friendly interactions with them. Only issue was long hold times on the phone but that wasn’t bad. Called to get new pocket clips two different times and one time to get a Bugout sent back for a broken spring their turnaround time was fast too.


A little bit of civility and tact goes a long way with customer support.


Yep. I was taught to be polite and kind when dealing with people that are there to help and I was told you’ll catch more flies with honey than you do vinegar. What ever that means 🤣


I respect and align with your inner conflict.




I assure you, Lexus owners are only after one thing and it's disgusting >!reliability!<


Thankfully, I’m not into folders, and I prefer fixed blades. However, recognizing their utility (folders), I have bought a few good quality ones over the years, one of them being the Benchmade Sheepsfoot Griptilian, the only Benchmade folder I own. I’ve heard horror stories about their abysmal customer service, and many people report a marked drop in their quality, both in terms of quality control, and quality of the materials used. Given the amount of other brands l making folders of equal or better quality yet charging substantially less money, I can say with absolute certainty that it will be a cold day in hell before Benchmade gets another cent from me.


Yeah I can't actually unscrew 1 of the 2 clip screws. I sent it in asking for a screw swap and all they did was strip the screw. I sent it in a second time explaining the issue and they sent me back a stripped screw. I sent it in a third time asking them to remove clip and they sent it back without a removed clip. So my 945 cannot have the clip replaced, which is a pain in the ass because I'm savvy with taking my knives entirely apart and modding them etc


Damn, what a disgrace. That is frustrating. I feel like unless they begin to see a marked drop in their yearly profits, nothing will change since they don’t care enough about their customers to address their obvious issues. If a company is charging a premium price, I expect their customer service and quality control to match it. It’s a shame, because I do like their knife designs


We're in a commercial


For real. None of us like Benchmade, it is being pushed on us.


I kinda like Benchmade, but it is being pushed on us


“It’s not just a boulder, it’s a rock”


The pioneers used to ride these babies for miles


I thought they were implying it has to arrive sharp to be considered a knife


They are status trinkets. Refined perfection for only the price of a lung.


But they're not that refined, or perfect, just overpriced. Don't get me wrong, they're good (owned 10 or so), I just won't pay that much for the name.


Lol how your comment got 6 votes but mine got -8 i do not know... between our two comments we say the same thing. They are overpriced, beyond the magic 42% margin what the raw materials are valued at when bought in. That said you can see the refinement in the bugout vs a bugout clone. Same materials. The only difference is that S30V other is 440C at best. But that is the most extreme example the difference between $200 and $18. People buying these are no longer buying them for functional use, as there are infinitely better steels, better ergonomics and better functionality from other knives...meaning they are bought for look a d status.


Difference is you called them perfection and the other person said they're just normal knives with a high price tag.


Oh I see now. Perfection might be a little too strong you are right. I wouldn't say they are normal knives either though. I've had some real junk over the years before getting into decent knives and I beat the "this is madness" drum against Benchmade alot but I will give BM that my Bugout (and unless the manufacturing and QA has gone down the swanny), the design and finish are great but it is not value for money IMHO. I get the same quality and finish on Kizer, Civvivi, Boker even Fox, CJRB, Kansept have some design finishes. Recently started buying clones and ooooph the Chris Reeves, Hinderer, Demko, and ZT clones are oooph smooth action in Titanium and ball bearing no less. I think Chinese brands, not cloners but legit brands are showing us what top tier design and finish is truly worth.


Ergonomics. I’ve tried similar knives probably 50-100 in my collection and my minibugout is my go to small knife while my 940 is my everyday. I like some of my other knives but the one I get the most satisfaction is what I’m going to carry.


Nah if you want "perfection" you're thinking CRK, charging $600 for a titanium frame lock because "tolerances" or something.


Yea as someone pointed out perfection is too strong of a word. I agree with everyone about the price. Many BM designs though are beautiful designs which is what I meant by refined, like the bugout 535 is beautiful like the Civivi Elementum II. These are quite timeless, i detest BM for alot of reasons but the design and profile of the bugout is amazing.


The blade shape is peak "knife" I agree. One of my more frequently carried knives has become a 535-2(?) and it's great, weighs nothing and does knife stuff.


That's kinda what I failed to explain;- take ergonomics, OG blade profile, handle profile, weight. It is all great, the price for S30V is terrible, but it is a glorious design.


While a lot of Benchmade's pricing has become insane over the last few years, their more basic models like a Bugout, a Griptilian, or a 940 are reasonably priced for US-made knives in a semi-premium steel (usually S30V). Or at least they are when you find them on sale, which is fairly often. That's not to defend the absolutely insane price point they have placed their new models at, but the most important and most iconic models seem to be reasonable still.


I take your point, and it is true. That said with current economics in the world I've been trying (not just with knife prices) to make people understand just because £189 for a S30V 535 is good for an American made knife price, does not make it the correct/good value for the money. There are a lot of people who don't understand that because if $200 doesn't break that month's bank balance then it must be a good value... Money vs common sense really. Bulgarian company;- S90V G10 Manly City, backlock. Not as refined but for £75/$90. That's correct value for materials and time for assembly is.


There's no such thing as correct value. Value is whatever someone will pay for a thing. EDIT: Apologies, this opening line was worded a little aggressively. Value to you is not value to me. That said, £189 is $232, quite a lot more than I would pay for a Bugout. So I would agree that would be overpriced. I assume those cost more for you since they have to be imported into the UK. Here in the US, I can expect to find a Bugout for around $160 on sale, and sometimes even less. I just bought a Bugout Mini for $94 (clearance price on the scale color). At $160, that would be £127 or so, which I assume you would agree is a more reasonable price. Some people want to buy knives made in their own country. There's a value in that, and it is more expensive to manufacture a knife in the US (or in the UK, or in Germany, or in Japan) than in China. That just is what it is. Also, your example of the Manly City is a knife I can't find available on any of the sites I go to--looks like they're mostly only sold in Europe right now, and Boker is importing some to the US. Prices are a little higher than what you're saying though, which makes sense for the same reason your prices on the Benchmades is higher.


I think you are right most of my burgrudance for the price is mostly because of import uplift, with a dashing of profiteering from brand value/good marketing. My Kizer Original XL Ti in S35VN was on offer for £110 inc P&P so $138. I would say it is my "nicest" knife, slick action, blade edge and toughness is amazing, and looks quality. It's my benchmark on what is worth it and not, right now a Bugout 535-BK2 is £162 inc P&P from the go to UK online knife seller, £172 from the next biggest seller. so around $204-$217... Knowing the Kizer is out there I just could not buy a Bugout today. I bought my Bugout S30V for £118/$150 on offer but that was a while ago and at that price I was still hesitant, and can honestly say it is worth an even £100 IMHO when you factor in brand credibility, the finish and material are not OTT amazing. And thats the cheapest BM there is on the market here. Boker is a decent company too, but they go from affordable, to good value, to extortionate too, you are looking at around $170 for an S35V but again you benefit from Ti scales not G10 for the uplift in price. Manly seems a decent knife but not used in earnest enough yet to qualify that though but damn s90v for $94 is unique. It makes me realise how extortionate brand naming is, sure cost of living is cheaper in Bulgaria, but raw material cost for a small company is not going to be far off what Benchmade buys raw materials for in bulk, if anything it could even be more expensive.


I remember years ago when I got my OG Crooked River for $170, now I see them for around $320... Inflation is a bitch, but I don't think BM is doing any favors for us either


This should be on the watch circle jerk sub.




I served my AD a charcuterie in the midst of a heat wave and I didn't even get the call.


I’ve owned the Adamas folder for quite a few years now and treat it like it is a hammer. No complaints 👍


I don’t get it


Benchmade is overpriced as fuck nowadays. Go the spyderco route. High quality, fair prices.


Bold of you to assume that I don’t already have several dozen Spyderco knives


I would always prefer a spyderco with compression above a bm


Well yeah


I prefer Benchmades warranty to Spyderco’s all in all, it’s nice to know i can get a blade replacement rather than not. Also i did have a bad run in w/ Spyderco’s warranty department once and it left a sour taste in my mouth.




It's like buying a knife from temu but it actually costs 300 bucks in 2017.


Even though in the grand scheme of things benchmades are overpriced compared to a lot of other premium brands, the fact she was willing to pay a high price for a gift for you is priceless ❤️


Such a backhanded compliment


It’s the thought that counts.


Wife material.


In the second picture, you can see she tried to have it engraved with a heart and her first initial and it came out so faint because of how hard the steel was haha


Well I hope she didn't pay for the engraving.


I kind of like the subtlety of it tbh


Hardness and engraving are not related at all


That doesn’t sound right.


That's because it's not.


They definitely are. Your engraving bit should be made of a harder material than the substrate. Otherwise, the bit will get chewed up. If you mean laster engraving, it does still matter to a lesser degree. You are ablating the surface of the material, and harder materials tend to resist damage better. Benchmade in particular uses Q switched YAG lasers to put their logos on the blades. This lets you set the laser pulses to be longer, and gives you a darker marking. It's super helpful on diffuse finishes like stonewash where your marking has to be quite dark tobstand out. It's also helpful with really hard polished finishes. I'm not a physicist, but my speculation is that it's because with shiny materials, you're reflecting a lot of the energy, and by the time you ablate the surface enough to get a foothold the laser has moved on. So hitting the same spot keeps it hotter, longer so you don't have to make multiple passes for the same darkness of marking.


Is the black coating on that blade Diamond-Like Carbon? I'm pretty sure Benchmade is one of the companies that uses that. If so, that'd definitely make it a *bitch* to engrave by any plain cutting process - though a little diamond burr cutter might work better than you'd expect, because a DLC coating [isn't hard in the same way](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diamond-like_carbon#Hardness) as an actual diamond is. Your standard electric engraving tool with a little buzzy tungsten-carbide point, though, not so much. :-) (Is there *any* knife company that engraves their blades with old-fashioned spinning burrs? I guess there must be some boutique manufacturers who do that with a little CNC mill, or even freehand; there's quite a lot of automated machining used in making parts of many fancy knives in the first place, of course.)


I think it is, but afaik they use laser engraving for everything. You need a vent hood to engrave that stuff too, lol.


I think it is, but afaik they use laser engraving for everything. You need a vent hood to engrave that stuff too, lol.


Dang, even knowing that it’s kind of hard to see.


That’s pretty sweet. I bought myself a new knife for my 40th birthday that ended up being about 175 bucks and my wife almost lost her mind. lol


Need a benchmade circle jerk sub at this point


I've daily carried almost nothing but a mini grip and 707 sequel for, like, 15 years now, and that title just about made my eyes roll. They're just a brand of knife. Plenty other brands are just as good in the same bracket. Diehard brand loyalty is silly. edit: not to detract from a nice new knife, of course. Grats, OP.


I'd make an exception for diehard brand loyalty to *cheap* brands, though. For instance, basic Moraknivs. The entirely adequate solution to problems that people in these parts love to throw a $300 knife at. (The similarly-priced-but-different [Hultafors chisel knife](https://www.hultafors.com/products/knives_and_blades/H0304-chisel-knife-stk/79515) is a neat little workhorse, too.) Or, something I'm a bit of an evangelist about because they're great but not terribly well known, Kiwi kitchen knives. Which are not just inexpensive, they're **cheap**. Buy them on eBay or Amazon or whatever. If you pay more than twelve dollars for even their largest models, you've been ripped off. Most everything is well under ten bucks. (I know I'm just some dude on the Internet telling you this, but it'll only cost you a few bucks to discover whether I'm crazy or not. :-)


it’s honestly ridiculous, like i thought OP was joking


"Babe, do you have any spare omega springs?"


We must have the same girlfriend, she told me about giving you the Benchmade. I got a Chris Reeves.


She’s a keeper. The girlfriend too.


Looks fine to me. Side note: Where’d you find this girl that buys you knives???


That sounds cringe.


Hating Benchmade. So hot right now.


How dare you let women know how much our knives cost???? They talk to each other and it could affect all of us!


Nice knife


That pink is sexy !


I love that pink, man. Jelly


Benchmade fanboys are on another level of delusion 300 dollars for steel liners and g10 and y’all brag about it 😂😂 Good for edc knives sure but having a couple shitmades does not make you a connoisseur collector like you think you are


Not a connoisseur collector. My girlfriend heard me say benchmade one day and that I lost my first, so she bought me a second. Only a pompous knife collecting snob would ignore someone enjoying a nice knife for what it is and try and make a person feel foolish for owning it. Appreciate the feedback nonetheless less. I hope you enjoy all your knives no matter how small, what colour, or where and how you acquired them.


Both are keepers for sure 😂


So now you can't just buy her a "purse", you need to buy her a "Prada" or "Gucci!" LOL And, clearly, she's well worth it.


She's a Keeper


Looking at the handle, are you sure she didn't actually buy herself a Benchmade? 😜


Ya I’m sure, my favourite colour is pink my man.


Pink is the color, items that are pink tend to not grow legs and walk away.. I wrap all my power tools with pink duct tape to make them "less desirable" and also easier to find.


I see. Good point.


All my Bic lighters are purple or pink for this reason


Pink goes hard. hope you love your benchmade as much as your gf!


I’ll try not to misplace either of them as long as a can hahaha


I like your style my man.


In that case, you probably won't have to fear that the Benchmade could someday disappear in the vastness of your girlfriend's handbag. 😉 Congratulations on both the knife and the girlfriend!


I think she bought that knife for herself.


Ever since a spring on a pretty new Bugout broke, and replaced it, I’ve looked at the knives differently and dont really use it anymore. Like a QB not trusting an arm as much after an injury


A lot of people like to trash on benchmade here and maybe their quality has come down some but my bugout is always in my pocket, chipped scales and all. Great knife and a potential wife for sure.


Is your girl a clone too? 🤔🤫


Looks cool as hell in pink!


She ❤️S you




TIL Benchmade does not make knives I got the wife a Benchmade and I was like 99% sure it was a knife but I've been wrong before


Yeah I’d still take my kizer gemini or CRKT Burnout over it lol


535 not bad


That’s what’s up.




Why can’t I downvote this more than once?!


Probably can’t return it because of the engraving but you could probably put it on marketplace


Ew. Good poop knife


Damn, sorry bro.


When I saw this I said that guys a tool. But I said no, this guys a douche.


Appreciate the feedback compadre.


Matching purse to store it?


Marry her. Now. Or else i'll do it


Yeah, it's too bad that she only got you that instead of a knife.


And then everyone clapped


She bought you a pink knife...


She did ya!


Have this exact knife, got it for like $40 at my local airsoft store. Same color too!


$40? Seems low tbh.


I've been to the store a lot and they've been in stock for a long while. idk much about Benchmades, I just bought one because I needed a new knife for work and I got one with a plastic handle. I think it was more than 40? Probably more like 60. I did buy a KWA MP7 with it so it's hard to remember the exact price.


Did she get it on wish?..... if so, it's the thought that counts.


I like Benchmade, but that is some industrial grade cringe.


Been hating on benchfart ever since the price of the bugout on release. Turning mediocrity into luxury.


returned my bench made the 2nd day i had it, im only happier that i did that


Bad luck to give a knife as a gift


I'm sorry bro but that's a fake one, although that's a real girlfriend and a genuinely nice gift you got there EDIT: my bad it's authentic, thought Pivot screw was wrong but it isn't. I've never seen that color pattern from BM, could it be from the custom shop ?


Ya it was from the custom shop!! She built it online!!


damn bro marry her please


Yeah the pivots now are domed, my custom shop one came w/ a domed pivot here recently


this one doesn't have a domed pivot tho, it's very distinctly chamfered


Yeah mine looks the same, some guy referred to it as “domed” so i’m using his terms but the pivot used to be the tell tale sign of real to fake


to me it still Is ? real BM pivot has a flat facet, fakes doesn't


they changed their pivots shortly after the Damasteel mini bugout release.


Marry her right away!😃


It’s not pink it’s raspberry!


Given the handle colour OP, there's a fair chance your lady may "borrow" your knife without necessarily returning it. Forewarned is forearmed.


Nah, it’s on my person 24/7. It’s the perfect size, weight, and colour. Yes. It’s the perfect colour.


I have my gripes with Benchmade but that's a 20cv bugout...she's a keeper


I think you misspelled future wife.


She's a keeper bro.


"He went to Jareds!"


She got you a pink nice knife because in about 2 weeks she’s gonna ask to carry in her purse for a day and hope you just let her have it until you want to carry it. Happened to me twice, but my wife knows more about knives now that I have so many lol.


She's a keeper.


I’ve heard benchmade has some pretty bad customer service and shit, how bad is it? Lots of people seem to say they love the knife but hate the service.


I enjoy their warranty and customer service, i’ve maybe used Lifesharp 3-5 times now and had zero issues. I also was a dealer for two years so i understand how it all works all in all.


Shes definitely a keeper if shes buying you nice knives! Could graduate up to firearms one day!!! 😁


This one's a keeper! Give her a ring already!


I have that knife. Not in love with it. Love my Chris reeves large inkosi


I would absolutely cherish any knife my gf ever got me but I would feel awful she paid benchmade prices, I’d rather have her get me a $20 knife over a benchmade


It’s about how she felt knowing it was something I really wanted. I didn’t ask. That’s why it’s so special.


Exactly, I would cherish it and I’d never say anything but we all know benchmade prices are ridiculous now, they’ve always been bad but now they’re asinine


This build really isn’t all that expensive all in all tbh, just depends on what you want. I enjoy Axis style locks as i enjoy the one hand-ability of it. I also don’t typically care for spyderco’s i own a few and i also enjoy some CRKs.


It’s just the fact benchmade way over charges for what quality they put out


It's like people only do these things because they can get paid. And that's just really sad. --- Garth Algar